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SETI something just doesn't add up!

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posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 06:27 PM
SETI has in fact picked up signals but their protocol is designed to make it impossible to verify any signal as alien in nature. I've written an extensive article on my blog on why this is true so I'm not going to elaborate here, but signals have been detected, and dismissed.

One of the things SETI requires is that the signal repeat on subsequent days. The chances of an alien transmission happening on the same frequency at the same time and with their transmitting antenna and our receiving antennas pointing at each other, both of which are on moving frames of reference, is essentially nil, making the protocol such that no signal will ever be recognized as real.

There are other issues but that one alone is sufficient. I doubt a civilization capable of getting here faster than light will use radio (at light speed) for communications.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by mattguy404
SETI@Home in particular searches for frequencies along what is know as the 'hydrogen line' - a part of the spectrum where an intelligence wishing to make its presence known would transmit.

Others have posted similar sentiments about technological differences, but it really breaks down as easy as this:

To determine what 'intelligence wishing to make its presence known' would do, you need a sample group a little bit bigger than '1'. Just because we're intelligent, and we know what we would do, doesn't mean we know what 'an intelligence' would do. You need to sample at least two sub-groups within any group before you can even begin to determine what that group would or wouldn't do.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 07:57 PM

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by TheStev

Agree, and well said. However, until that sample population > 1, you work with what you have, all the while experimenting with alternative technologies.


I personally don't believe SETI is part of the presumed disinformation of the NWO, but then again, I also think that if the NWO exists, it's middle management absolutely sux. They've done a bang-up job of #ing everything up, and I can't see that as a sound business decision. Meanwhile, I'll take responsibility for my own decisions.

Another thing, is that if SETI ever DOES detect a pattern that is consistent with an intelligent civilization, by the time we respond, they'll likely have moved onto different systems of communication. I used to flash prime numbers at the skies with a flashlight as a kid. I now think that if anything had received that, it would've translated into: "Hi, I'm a lowly bug with a marginal awareness of anything that matters. Squash me."

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:05 PM

Agree, and well said. However, until that sample population > 1, you work with what you have, all the while experimenting with alternative technologies.

Of course I agree too. Although mainstream science as a whole tends to do a lot of the former and not too much of the latter. I'd also find it encouraging if they were to at least acknowledge that such an assumption (assuming the communication method of an alien race) is a very small step above a guess. But it's probably wishful thinking for science to admit a guess, even if it is an educated one.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 10:10 PM
Maybe SETI is like listening for drums in a jungle clearing when everyone' s got tennis shoes on now, and tv's and bicycles.
Not alot of communicating going on -on those 'frequencies'.
OP may be on to something when he suggests that SETI may be completely unrelated ti it;s stated purpose...

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:01 PM

1. For all you folks out there that are sure there are aliens with ships and superiour communication methods you sure seem sure of yourself when you dont have the least little shred of absolute proof.

2. Does anyone even have a graviton communication detector or a quark detector here on earth? So what the $%^ else is SETI supposed to use, since it is all we have?

3. So maybe this is what SETI is expecting. Maybe they figure we will test with what we know... the electromagnetic spectrum. Figuring that someone followed the same path to get to their superior technology. As the human race learns more they will try other methods, but they will keep looking for radio waves as well, because we dont know at the level of the alien technology. Maybe when we are using quarks some other alens will just be figuring out radio waves. Statiscally it is highly unlikely we are the dumbest or smartest creatures in the universe. So if the aliens are curious like us maybe they are using quarks but they are still looking for us with every other method of communication they learned along the way. Just a guess.

[edit on 2-7-2008 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:04 PM
Yea, I have talked about this before on ATS. It really hasn't caught much momentum. A friend of mine presented a paper to them about UFO's couple years ago. He told me they never even read his report till they reviewed it with him in person. He worded things very carefully not to come across showing his personal beliefs. Upon reading the report they rejected it entirely.

That really is the short and sweet of it all. What I realized is that we are on our own. Anything connected to some deep pockets probably is not looking out for our own interests. Big sham if you ask me!

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree

Originally posted by RuneSpider
Now, for one thing, we don't know what frequency or wavvelength the alien craft are tranmitting and recieving on.

We don't but the powers that be do I would bet my life on that!

Come on though in reality we are talking advanced intelligent beings that can come and go as they please their technology supercedes us by thousands of years we are the meer pawn in the game of life, if SETI was legit and not a cover then they would have changed the Radars to some form of visual tracking like satelite cameras or something don't you think?

Radio is old technology we should be thinking something new!
SETI is a government program.When they find life and won't disclose it to the public ,like nasa won't disclose large life,humanoids like us on Mars,then you lose faith in Gov't progarms. You may believe UFO's exist,and even see them.Authoritarian gov't agencies want that Alien technology to back-engineer,very jealously. They move in to a downed alien craft site,seal it off from the public,extract the technology they can salvage,hush up the locals. Disinfo,like the UFO's don't exist is what we are fed. Other governments must similarly gather UFO's for their technologies,weapons research,anti-gravity,etc. The misguided Seti-feeders are enablers. We should be learning Mars languages and communicating with them peacefully.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:13 PM
That dead body looks an awful lot like a long rock with a round rock at the end of it. But that couldnt possibly happen on a planet full of rocks. It has to be a government conspiracy. That is way more likely. They are just too stupid to edit out the dead alien body. Or, maybe they are just tired from editing out all the cities and homes where these martians live.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 12:30 AM
SETI, fo me, is obsolete. Communications are possible, but it is always on a individual basis. There is a race of aliens out there, that have a job to do, and that is to make sure we dont destroy our planet. They cannot interfere with human evolution. The only way they could take action is if we start pushing buttons... Planet Earth is part of a bigger picture and most people dont know about this. The destruction of our planet would create a great unbalance in our local universe, and they wont allow it.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by teklordz

And how do you happen to know this Teklordz? Do you know some aliens or something? Just curious.

[edit on 3-7-2008 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 12:39 AM
[edit on 3-7-2008 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 12:53 AM
Maybe on Mars the people there just dont have any radios, is all.

NASA and SETI both keep saying everything is empty but now NASA says Mars can grow plants and has water. Well, I've seen some photos this week that are reprocessed NASA photos, but no source file shown. And wow.

Maybe they re a hoax, I dunno. Guess we ll find out.


posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by teklordz

And how do you happen to know this Teklordz? Do you know some aliens or something? Just curious.

[edit on 3-7-2008 by justsomeboreddude]

I just know. If i was to answer, the answer would be very occult. Lets just say that i have learned a great deal thru my life experiences.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree

UFOs, hypothetically speaking, would not make any communication that would let them be 'picked up' here on Earth.

I find this very hard to believe, especially after hearing from reputable personel that have stood before congress and said that USAF have been in communication with E.Ts for many years.

With all the technology we have nowadays and not forgetting all the radars that SETI have and still no signal come on you must see that something is going on. I am can't be the only one can I?

SETI will only pick up signals if the aliens are transmitting them. Since EM signals travel at the speed of light they are pretty useless for communication between craft that clearly must be travelling faster than light. So alien craft must be communicating using a medium we have not yet discovered.

Secondly, wrt radar, those alien craft must be travelling "outside" normal space in order to travel the distances they do. That being the case they will not show up on radar, back to the EM issue again.

As far as EM based signals on an alien planet (ie alien TV/Radio) are concerned it is a huge assumption that they use that medium the way we do. If aliens get headaches from radio waves they are not going to use them! Instead they would wire up their world and use an internet instead.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 03:22 AM
If you believe Steven Greer:

"We have confirmation - and I'm not going to give the name yet because we are trying to coax this guy out of the closet - but one of the senior people in the SETI project, which is the Carl Sagan Search for Extraterrestrial project, has confirmed to the Disclosure Project that they have received multiple extraterrestrial signals," Greer said.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude


1. For all you folks out there that are sure there are aliens with ships and superiour communication methods you sure seem sure of yourself when you dont have the least little shred of absolute proof.

Neither do you. Nor will you admit any evidence unless you want to. You don't care, you just want a spaceship in your backyard. Nothing will convince you.

2. Does anyone even have a graviton communication detector or a quark detector here on earth? So what the $%^ else is SETI supposed to use, since it is all we have?

Scientists are currently developing this type of technology, and really they should scan anything besides one spectrum of radio waves! SETI might as well look for gas stations in outer space, because they will never find what they are saying they are looking for. Mentioning the graviton detection is how we could possibly FIND something, which SETI will never do.

3. So maybe this is what SETI is expecting. Maybe they figure we will test with what we know... the electromagnetic spectrum. Figuring that someone followed the same path to get to their superior technology. As the human race learns more they will try other methods, but they will keep looking for radio waves as well, because we dont know at the level of the alien technology. Maybe when we are using quarks some other alens will just be figuring out radio waves. Statiscally it is highly unlikely we are the dumbest or smartest creatures in the universe. So if the aliens are curious like us maybe they are using quarks but they are still looking for us with every other method of communication they learned along the way. Just a guess.

Not the dumbest, just the most egotistical, ignorant, and very, very blind.
If a species can possibly communicate long distances with telepathy, and move between dimensions freely, radio is not going to show up later. You are guessing. Please, if you just want everyone to not believe, then why come here? Do as you wish.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by GideonHM



OH, I thought it was a site to discuss ideas and try to find the truth. I didnt know it was a site just to pull ideas out of our butts and present them as fact
1. For all you folks out there that are sure there are aliens with ships and superiour communication methods you sure seem sure of yourself when you dont have the least little shred of absolute proof.

Neither do you. Nor will you admit any evidence unless you want to. You don't care, you just want a spaceship in your backyard. Nothing will convince you.

Dude, I would just like some evidence. I definitely think there is a likelihood that there are aliens in the universe. But to just say they can travel across the universe, communicate telepathically, are here to save us from ourselves. Those are all just dreams, unless someone has something to back it up with.

2. Does anyone even have a graviton communication detector or a quark detector here on earth? So what the $%^ else is SETI supposed to use, since it is all we have?

Scientists are currently developing this type of technology, and really they should scan anything besides one spectrum of radio waves! SETI might as well look for gas stations in outer space, because they will never find what they are saying they are looking for. Mentioning the graviton detection is how we could possibly FIND something, which SETI will never do.

In your own words "Scientists are currently developing this type of technology". There is most the answer right there. I agree with you that it would be better to scan a greater spectrum, but I dont know SETI's financial, technology and time limititations so I will leave it to them.

3. So maybe this is what SETI is expecting. Maybe they figure we will test with what we know... the electromagnetic spectrum. Figuring that someone followed the same path to get to their superior technology. As the human race learns more they will try other methods, but they will keep looking for radio waves as well, because we dont know at the level of the alien technology. Maybe when we are using quarks some other alens will just be figuring out radio waves. Statiscally it is highly unlikely we are the dumbest or smartest creatures in the universe. So if the aliens are curious like us maybe they are using quarks but they are still looking for us with every other method of communication they learned along the way. Just a guess.

Not the dumbest, just the most egotistical, ignorant, and very, very blind.
If a species can possibly communicate long distances with telepathy, and move between dimensions freely, radio is not going to show up later. You are guessing. Please, if you just want everyone to not believe, then why come here? Do as you wish.

LOL, once again it is probably statistically imposible that we would be the most egotistical, arrogant, and/or blind species in the universe. But if you compare us to your Utopian imaginary aliens then I guess we arent so great. For all we know there are way more egotistical aliens than us mere earth dwellers.

But believe what you want. You are not hurting anybody by believing in this stuff. So its all good.

Let me just end with this profound proverb:
If my Aunt had a penis she would be my Uncle.

[edit on 3-7-2008 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 11:19 AM
To me SETI@Home seems like a pill of crap.
Aliens have no interest in setting up a friendly web-cam chat on our computers.
If they ever did make any real contact with SETI, the government would just cover it up.
I think SETI is just there to make some people feel better.
Theres UFO's flying all over the damn planet, I see them every night.
If Aliens wanted to make contact in that way they would have done so already.
They don't care about our primitive computer and radio systems

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