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HAARP! I'm Scared!!

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posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:13 AM
A friend of mine (knowing I'm into this stuff) asked me what I knew about HAARP. I told him not much other than it was used some type of waves (radio?) to study and play around with the ionosphere. He asked me why. I told him I really did not know and guessed for, communications , defense or just scientific curiosity.

My friend then showed me a video. I nor my bud can find this video now. Its caliber was that of a cheesy low budget You Tube variety. (something to be taken lightly). It was posted on some blog...It basically claimed we strong armed China into trade deals by threatening them with HAARP. They declined and we caused the earth quake with HAARP. China then signed the deal.

Ridiculous, I know. Out of ",I've reached the end of the Internet", boredom I began researching this just for entertainment.

Hmm!!!!!!!The scientific theory seems to hold water. The facility seems to have the power and very technology to carry out the theory. A side effect like the aurora borealis was filmed in China just before the quake. Per the Washington Post China did just sign trade deals with us. Various groups have requested information on HAARP from the government to no avail.

Someone PLEEEASE set me straight here.

1. Is the science behind the "HAARP causing an earthquake" as possible as it seems to me a Lehman?. Can HAARP do this?

2. Did that monkey in our White House Threaten China with a new toy Directly after upsetting the world by the war?

3. Were all the China photos from different sources Fakes?

4. Why will the government not release information about HAARP to those that have inquired?

5. Did I knowingly stumble into Internet crap?????

"SIGH", I'm gonna be embarrassed by this post, I just know it


[edit on 2-7-2008 by HypnoAsp]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:30 AM
I have read on this. I really do not know one way or the other, but I wonder,
if we have this capability, why have we not used it on nations that we are at war with , or North Korea?


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:43 AM
its totally possible. What you perceive as reality is simply radiation. Electromagnetic radiation to be exact. You have ultra high frequencies to ultra low frequencies
wiki on emf

so yes, it is very possible. Its also quite fear instilling for those who are just beginning to understand how energy really works. I just remember that nothing lasts forever and go about my own mental mastery of electromagnetic energy.

Im sure bush isn't at the top and isn't really in control of this country. Im sure there is a ''haarp'' war going on and you can be sure that countries with large amounts of money already have their hands on similar weapons...

The government won't give a straight answer because they are the government. If they did I think we would be so shocked that we would let em do it anyway.

Electromagnetic energy is not crap homey. Its what your brain knows as reality. Any color you see is an electromagnetic vibration. Everything is composed of energy. Vibration...
Its a deep subject that touches weather wars/anti gravity/free energy/the ancients/mind control and much more....
The ancient people had a vast knowledge of electromagnetic energy and how it worked.

Ever wonder about those coils that many pharaohs held in their hands in different statues and paintings?

good luck in your search for truth man..and in general positive energy your way!

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by HypnoAsp

How do you think the tsunami happened? In that video, if it is the correct one, he was talking about the political timing of the tsunami over opening up a strait in the Indian ocean to fight the "war on terror", to which the Indian gov't opposed. Couple days later, full co-operation, after the tsunami and over 300,000 dead.
I'll see if I can find a link. Peace

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:53 AM
please PLEASE research what HAARP really does - not what woo woo fantasits claim it does

reply to post by HypnoAsp

ok - if i ran the zoo

US " threatens me with HAARP "

hmm thanks for identifying the exact threat

withing 48 hours - HAARP would be a smoking ruin

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:59 AM
"How do you think the tsunami happened? In that video, if it is the correct one, he was talking about the political timing of the tsunami over opening up a strait in the Indian ocean to fight the "war on terror", to which the Indian gov't opposed. Couple days later, full co-operation, after the tsunami and over 300,000 dead.
I'll see if I can find a link. Peace"

I havent heard this one, my video was about the quake. Thanx I'll check into this..


[edit on 2-7-2008 by HypnoAsp]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:04 AM
"Electromagnetic energy is not crap homey. Its what your brain knows as reality. Any color you see is an electromagnetic vibration. Everything is composed of energy. Vibration...
Its a deep subject that touches weather wars/anti gravity/free energy/the ancients/mind control and much more....
The ancient people had a vast knowledge of electromagnetic energy and how it worked. "

Yes, much of my research (even nonrelated to this subject) seems to hint this..


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
please PLEASE research what HAARP really does - not what woo woo fantasits claim it does

reply to post by HypnoAsp

ok - if i ran the zoo

US " threatens me with HAARP "

hmm thanks for identifying the exact threat

withing 48 hours - HAARP would be a smoking ruin

LOL, funny
I have. I'm not an idiot. Which is exactly why I've asked my question. Have you?


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:28 PM
It might not have to do with HAARP. Sometimes, during an earthquake or just before one, there will be lights in the sky that can be mistaken for aurora borealis.

The phenomenon is called something like earth-lights or sky-lights, and is said to occur when there is stress between two plates in the earth's crust. Instead of heat being released from the friction between the two, there is also lights.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:43 PM
It is likely possible the technology for HAARP to create Earthquakes is available however using to threaten China isn't something I believe considering how much of a powerhouse they are these days in terms of military arsenal & size of it!

Probably was a natural quake and the lights were a phenomenon usually equated with quakes

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Discotech
It is likely possible the technology for HAARP to create Earthquakes is available however using to threaten China isn't something I believe considering how much of a powerhouse they are these days in terms of military arsenal & size of it!

No doubt about that, the army size is big, however China is one bigger place, with too many man ready to fight, and god knows how many nukes.

Originally posted by Discotech
Probably was a natural quake and the lights were a phenomenon usually equated with quakes

Here you have the latest earthquakes from the past 7 days. Now go see if you can find just ONE image of a strange light relating to any of those quakes.


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:45 PM
I have to side with ignorant ape with this one. If the Chinese had been threatened by the HAARP project, then suffered damage from it, the entire facility would be a smoking hole today.

And you don't need to know a single thing about what, how, or where HAARP does its stuff. This is about reason, contemplation, and common sense. You don't threaten someone with a weapon that happens to be immobile and remote. You also don't threaten someone holding a great deal of your national debt and someone who has the upper hand in the trade deficit.

Boneheaded theory.

[edit on 2-7-2008 by MrPenny]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 04:00 PM
I fail to see why US would not attack using Haarp technology.

The idea of having haarp facilities bombed -if they were ever use(d)- lacks the fact that to BOMB you need to fly by, or send a missile from ship or land, which would be a perfectly visible and undeniable attack, contrary to haarp which leaves no trail, it is silent and invisible;

and with a perfectly visible and undeniable attack also you have the perfectly and undeniable "excuse" to go to open war.

So, IMHO, haarp may be very well used as a "special" weapon which cannot -at this point- even be acknowledge as a weapon.


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Sator

Maybe you're just assuming the Chinese are stupid. 'Cause that's what is suggested by the theory that the US could use HAARP as a weapon without the Chinese retaliating in some big way. Of course, it also suggests the exact opposite.....that the US's military minds are stunningly stupid and directed the weapon at a strategically worthless opposed to taking out....oh, I don't know....a major military installation? Huh?

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 06:27 PM

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by MrPenny

If you want to correct your dog's ways, are you going to give it a warning slap on the side or cripple it in any way?


posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:33 PM
from what i have read this technology goes back to tesla. his experiments with resonance was said to have been able to crack the planet in half. there are documented experiments that the police and fire departments responded to in new york. and the invention he used on the lab he was in and the building that was uncer construction fit in his pocket.
just google tesla,earthquake machine. he was also the first one to send an electric wave thru the earth and have it bounce off the crust on the other side and return.
but i'm sure that when the fbi confiscated all his work and documents when he died, this was just overlooked.

[edit on 2-7-2008 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Sator

Where's my sarcasm tags? they are...

[sarcasm]....1.3 billion's fastest growing economy.....and what is the result? We no more than flicked a piece of lint from the Chinese wardrobe.......[/sarcasm]

Your words suggest that we would make the Chinese aware of our responsibility for this action. What do you suppose would happen to the US dollar if China were to suddenly sell off its American debt portfolio at say, 10 cents on the dollar? Or worse...I like this quote;

The only new angle to the situation this time is that China and several other countries that hold no regard for free democratic society are now holding the mortgage to the farm. How long will it be before Congress no longer has the clout to stop them from calling that note due and payable? Will China then be buying our manufacturing base out from under us, financed by our own debt? My simple advice to you is this: Don't ever think it can't happen. Source

Now I don't hold the ethics, morals, or reasoning ability of the highest levels of our government to be of the best quality.....but if I, MrPenny, can reason this out.....someone else can too.

The risk/benefit ratio is far too skewed to the "bad" side.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 10:04 AM
The current issue of popular mechanics (or was it POP science?) has a big article on HAARP. Debunks conspiracy theory. A similar Array is Here

Nice photos are Here

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 10:18 AM
Sorry I can´t answer your questions, but I wish to add another:

Could HAARP be used to track RFID chips?
(I have read that they can detect oilfirlds and such like with accuracy, surely then locating RFID chips would be possible?)

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