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Gaddafi: Obama is a Muslim..his muslim brother

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:52 PM
Basically Gaddafi saying how Muslims all over the world..want there brother obama
But more importantly at least other people in the world understand that up to some major trick's

here is the link.

either way guy's this is kinda bad..are american's so blind..they can't see?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by beforetime
So suddenly Gaddafi is a reliable source.

When did this happen?

PS: Anyone notice how much he looks like Michael Jackson?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by gekko
So suddenly Gaddafi is a reliable source.

Gaddafi may just be repeating what his good buddies - Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrkhan said to him. They visited Gaddafi in Libya back in 1984 and allegedly have been keeping in touch ever since. (I'm not sure of the number of trips Wright and/or Farrakhan have made to Libya) Gaddafi offered Farrakhan one billion dollars and a cache of arms. Farrakhan declined the arms and the US state department intervened to block him from bringing Libyan money back to the United States

He may be repeating what they said .. or he could be expressing his own opinion. Who knows ..

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:35 PM
When I was born, I was baptized twice... once by my Lutheran paternal Grandparents, and Catholic by my maternal Grandparents. I was raised Catholic, but my paternal Grandparents always reminded me I was really a Luthran... lol

So I can kinda see where Obama's paternal side of his family is coming from claiming he is Muslim, even though he was raised as a Christian. In his adult life he has been able to make his own religious choice, and he has chosen to follow his Christian upbringing, and also to raise his children as Christian.

So there ya go... by his actions, words, and deeds... he is a Christian.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by yankeerose
So I can kinda see where Obama's paternal side of his family is coming from claiming he is Muslim,

But they aren't. That rumor was busted.

"Barack is Christian" - Malik Obama

Their paternal grandfather, Onyango Hussein Obama, was one of the first Muslim converts in Nyangoma-Kogelo, Malik said. However, not all of his descendants are Muslim, Malik added. Barack is Christian.

Oh, and if Gaddafi said it, it must be the TRUTH!

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:06 PM
I honestly think in my personal opinion.....

where there's smoke there's fire..

If you look around the web even this forum...other countries back obama..mostly Muslim nations.

thus the case with his BROTHER Gaddafi lol

the man is backed by muslim's 190% all around the world..
Almost as if he was planted or groomed to run for president.

in certain u.s state's black voter's voted 90% for obama...that's called giving it back to uncle cracker lol..thats there right to do so and vote that way.

my point is he started the talk about race and religion as a issue in the candidacy .
yeah people swear fox new's blah blah...
It help's him win.....see my point more people see and here he is a Muslim..more Muslims go OK i am voting for him.

even thought he is half white.....he play's the black card to a tee.... for the black and Hispanic voters....

GD America white people started aids lol..helped fuel his campaign....the black community..was eating out of his hand going heelz yes he is black ..if he goes to that church for 10+ years

So why would anyone think he didn't start all these SO CALLED rumor's to start with??????

When other counties start backing a candidate.....that mien's watch out
as American's we are allowing them to Slide how we with obama

Not to mention...Gaddafi is a nations leader....he say's obama is his brother...Bet me buddy that man is his brother lol

People listen to leader's even if it's Gaddafi.

BTW Gaddafi has people research stuff for him i am sure no leader want's to be called a lair...because he told false information..especially not Gaddafi

So maybe as American's We should dig deeper into the life of obama.
because we are missing some major info..or the leader of that country Gaddafi has false info.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by beforetime]

[edit on 30-6-2008 by beforetime]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:45 AM
serious question:

I wonder why, once something has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt, threads like this are still allowed to exist?

If someone says

"obamas brother said this"

and obama's brother says "no i didnt"

then obviously the thread is a lie.
if a lie is "ignorance"
should it not be denied?

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
serious question:

I wonder why, once something has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt, threads like this are still allowed to exist?

If someone says

"obamas brother said this"

and obama's brother says "no i didnt"

then obviously the thread is a lie.
if a lie is "ignorance"
should it not be denied?

so your saying.....a few broke people surfing the web for answer's about barrack obama......have it correct?

vs the Gaddafi..which has more money than you our your entire family tree put together probably more money than every member on ats .

so what your saying is he is to dumb?
he can't afford the best investigator's in the world?
cause to me that's how it sound's .

ignorance ????
ignorance is not being able to know the truth.
Definitions of ignorance on the Web:

* the lack of knowledge or education
myself think you good sir are arrogant.

if a man with enough money he dictate's his own country say's obama is his muslim brother.... he researched PAID people..otherwise he wouldn't have said it.

think about it let it sink in......then reply to my statement..with out word such as ignorance and other slanderous word's.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:42 PM
Obama is Muslim and every Muslim organization supports him headed by Nation of Islam. Not a single one does not support him.

Do you think they know something about Obama they like that we do not?

Things that make you go ...Hmmmmm....

[edit on 1-7-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by beforetime
Basically Gaddafi saying how Muslims all over the world..want there brother obama
But more importantly at least other people in the world understand that up to some major trick's

here is the link.

either way guy's this is kinda bad..are american's so blind..they can't see?

It is obvious that most of the posters in this thread are completely ignorant about Gaddafi. He is not the ignorant madman painted by what passes as your 'news'.

I have studied the guy, visited Libya three times, and met him. He is a pretty smart, western educated guy - who has made some very pertinent observations about political structures. He puts money from oil sales back into the country by building hospitals, schools, and infrastructure. In Libya, women can hold any position they want, they don't have to wear the veil and in general, they are more liberated than even in America.

Gaddafi was painted out as a madman because he warned of a looming new world order (back in the early 80s). Read my lips - Gaddafi was one of the ONLY world leaders to oppose the new world order, one world government.

He fell out of favour with the west because he refused to 'party'. Even worse, he proposed the formation of a type of Federal Reserve banking system for countries that wanted to get off the western financial nipple, with all its attendant conditions and restrictions.

Libya was NOT responsible for nearly all the 'terrorist' acts attributed to it - as any decent researcher knows.

For anyone with an attention span to have read this much, I suggest you read "The Green Book" - his suggestion and implemented alternative to the right-wing - left-wing political system foisted upon the world.

And for the record, heaps of groups and people courted Libya during the 80s, but support was usually NOT forthcoming - ie Farrakhan, Stokely Carmichael, IRA, Michael Mansell etc.

Gaddafi is a much better source of accurate information that most of the people posting on this thread, that much is certain!


posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:55 PM
What does Gaddafi have to gain by lieing? He obviously supports Obama? right?

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by jetxnet
What does Gaddafi have to gain by lieing? He obviously supports Obama? right?

Assuming the quoted news source is accurate - Gaddafi is not known for telling lies.

And I really doubt that there is extensive support from Libya towards Obama, given that he has sucked up to the Zionists in such a public way.


posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:16 PM
Its hilarious

lets assume, for arguments sake:

Barack Obama is a muslim.

Explain to me what significance that has on anything?
If he's muslim, then you have to drop the "rev wright" thing, because Rev Wright is a Christian, and runs a Christian church, so obviously, Obama attending it is just a facade

if its just a facade, he can't possibly subscribe to the (as jetx puts it) black panther'esque ideology that they preach there. (one comment spawns all of jetx's bigotry, its hilarious)

So if he's muslim, you hate him
if he's christian, you hate him

he could be atheist and you'd renounce him for godlessness

Sounds to me like someone has a hidden agenda

a vendeta of sorts?

So the only thing i can deduce is

either you dislike him for his skin color


you so blindly follow Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh that you dont have any brain cells left for yourself.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

Thanks for what sounds like an informed opinion.
I like to spout off about things I have opinions on but they are usually just that.
I value knowledge from people who actually know something, from first hand experience.
There was a psychological warfare against the American People, to turn them away from Qaddafi, and it probably was for the reasons you stated.
The powers that be want to keep their power, at all costs, even if it means causing chaos.
Well functioning society is the enemy of the NWO.
Division is their best tool.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

to answer what i think to your question's lol

it's the point he is bald faced lying to everyone.

to the rev wright and his church issue.

he said i never heard rev wright speak like that in 10+ years of that church.

gave the GREAT race speech and said..yes i heard rev wright say those things many time's but>> I DID NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF IT.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:29 AM
First off: If your best answer is "lol" then i think you are doing a great disservice to your "side" of the argument. But so far, you're batting .500 for my team, keep it up

about your assertions?

No, you are now distorting his words


I have already condemned, in unequivocal terms, the statements of Reverend Wright that have caused such controversy. For some, nagging questions remain. Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely - just as I'm sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.

Lets extract a key phrase from this paragraph.

Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.

Ok - so controversial. To say "God doesnt exist" is a controversial comment.


But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren't simply controversial. They weren't simply a religious leader's effort to speak out against perceived injustice. Instead, they expressed a profoundly distorted view of this country - a view that sees white racism as endemic, and that elevates what is wrong with America above all that we know is right with America; a view that sees the conflicts in the Middle East as rooted primarily in the actions of stalwart allies like Israel, instead of emanating from the perverse and hateful ideologies of radical Islam.

But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren't simply controversial.


Its striking to me, how you are able to logon your computer and surf the internet, but are unable to read the mans words before you open your mouth.

I guess thats why Rush Limbaugh makes 36 million dollars a year?

[edit on -05:00America/Chicago1313380738133113 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 10:45 AM
If Gaddafi is in support of Obama then I guess he is in support of the Bilderburg group and this group is in support of or actually is the N.W.O. Like another poster had mentioned that Gaddafi was against NWO but why would he support one of their puppet candidates. hmmmmmm

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 05:36 AM
e-mail I received this morning:

Dear _________:

Thank you for inquiring about various rumors circulating about my childhood education, religion, and patriotism. I appreciate the opportunity to set the record straight, directly with you.

First, let me address the rumors regarding my childhood education. In early 2007, a right-wing publication reported that I was educated in a madrassa when I was a child living with my mother in Indonesia. That report is false. In fact, CNN sent a reporter to Indonesia to look into these claims. The result of its investigation aired on January 22, 2007 in a report entitled, “CNN Debunks False Report About Obama.” The report concluded that:

Allegations that Sen. Barack Obama was educated in a radical Muslim school known as a "madrassa" are not accurate. . . .Reporting by CNN in Jakarta, Indonesia and Washington, D.C., shows the allegations that Obama attended a madrassa to be false.

In further debunking this charge, Washington Post staff writer Howard Kurtz observed that, "This, unfortunately, is how the media food chain works. A bogus charge appears in some magazine or on some website and works its way up to bigger news outlets, all based on little or no evidence."

You may also be interested to know that a number of prominent religious leaders and heads of major denominations, including the head of the National Council of Churches, the National Baptist Convention, and Reform and Orthodox Jewish rabbis, signed an open letter to the religious community that stated, in part, that:

Many of you have seen hateful emails, blog postings and reports circulating on the Internet and in the media about Senator Barack Obama and his religious upbringing. These outrageous charges began as reports of his potential candidacy for President emerged. . .and have now been picked up as fact by Fox News and some partisan commentators.

We are writing to deplore this despicable tactic and set the record straight. We have had enough of the slash and burn politics calculated to divide us as children of God.

Senator Obama never attended a radical Madrassa nor was he ever educated in a wahabi school.

Senator Obama was not raised in a religious household – neither his mother nor [Indonesian] stepfather practiced any religion.

Senator Obama became a Christian long before he entered politics. . . .and [he is] active in Trinity United Church of Christ.

I thought you might like to see this letter, a copy which is enclosed for you review.

Second, let me address the rumors regarding my religion. I am a practicing Christian. And I have been for over twenty years. I have never been a Muslim.

Lastly, I would like to address the erroneous rumors impugning my patriotism. I have been pledging allegiance to the flag since I was a child and always place my hand over my heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. However, my grandfather taught me a different tradition for the Star Spangled Banner. He always told me to put my hand over my heart during the pledge, but during the Star Spangled Banner he told me to sing.

I appreciate your taking the time to contact me with your questions regarding these baseless rumors. I hope you will not hesitate to contact me in the future if you have any future questions.


Barack Obama
United States Senator

“Who gossips with you will gossip of you” Irish saying.

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by beforetime
I honestly think in my personal opinion.....

where there's smoke there's fire..

Unless people are putting up smoke screens to devert attention, which is exaclty what your post is.

You honestly think Obama is a muslim, yet this has been debunked every 2135434 times it's been posted here by the resident Baracknaphobes on this board.

Nothing but smear tactics and character assasination, 2 things American politics seem to revolve around.

For the 568787th time (and hopefully the last ) Barack Obama is NOT a MUSLIM.

Now to make a point here's someone the muslims really like:
I'll apply the same logic (or lack thereoff) as you did:
check this picture.

You'll see the current president kissing the leader of the country of which the majority of 9/11 highjackers came from(Saoudi arabia).

In the picture he's kissing the leader, an arabic/muslim form of etiquette (males kiss each other when greeting ) therefore:
if Bush takes part in Arabic/muslim customs, he must be one of them....
see how warped that logic is ?

Exactly what you did with you OP. So much for Denying ignorance...yeah

Edit: I spel gud

[edit on 9-7-2008 by XyZeR]

posted on Jul, 9 2008 @ 11:58 AM
i said where there's smoke there's fire dang you obama cultist's are hardheaded.

i basically meant....obama has every country that is Muslim based..ready to vote for him and there not even American.

look on this forum a good 50% are from countries that are not even America.
are ready to die for the man's idea's based on most DO think he is Muslim.

and Gaddafi might be alot of thing's but a fool he isn't....
if he say's there's truth to the Muslim stuff ..there is.

why because Gaddafi could find out anything he want's to know about anyone
He has that much money and power...power has it's privileges.

he is the CIA FBI pentagon..all rolled into one basically lol

if he said Guy's tell me everything i want to know about XyZeR on ats..
He would know everything in a day or 2 .

that's the truth.

so to me it look's like you XyZeR..are welcoming ignorance...instead of using that lump between your ears for more than a hat rack..

everything is not 1 sided if so...the world we be perfect in your little obama Utopian mind now wouldn't be.

ps i don't care if he is Muslim...if he is.
it's the fact why is every other country so dead set he is....
and every American dead set he isn't'...
maybe American's are just to blind to see perhaps is all im saying.
to much propaganda bs get's on tv. ect...

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