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Military official: Iran digging 320,000 graves for invaders

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:06 AM

Military official: Iran digging 320,000 graves for invaders

TEHRAN, June 29 (Xinhua) -- A senior Iranian military official said on Sunday the Islamic republic is digging some 320,000 graves in its border provinces for future slain invaders, Iran's English-language satellite channel Press TV reported

Iran's Armed Forces headquarters has approved the plan to dig graves for enemy forces in case of any attack on its territory, said Brigadier General Mir-Faisal Baqerzadeh, head of the Foundation for the Remembrance of the Holy Defense.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:06 AM
This is all for oil Folks.

Invade, Invade, Greed, murder, more Money, Lies.

Western oil Companey want Iran oil, they get what they want!

Thank you G-BUSH, Thank You Chaney, just how deep our your pockets.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by cashlink
I'm constantly asking myself, "how much money and power do people want and WHY"? I'm not well off (actually just getting by like many other people), but even if I was wealthy I don't ever see myself wanting more, more and more! For what? One can only spend so much, buy so much, need so much! How much money and power is enough? Can someone explain this to me?

This is all for oil Folks.

Invade, Invade, Greed, murder, more Money, Lies.

Western oil Companey want Iran oil, they get what they want!

Thank you G-BUSH, Thank You Chaney, just how deep our your pockets.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:16 AM
Its all about world domination.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:18 AM
This story already exists here at ATS and can be found here:

Please post your thoughts and comments in the existing thread.


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