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End of world? Critics Fear Collider Could Doom Earth

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posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:06 PM
What does everyone think? People are talking about this atom smasher doing things from creating a blackhole to creating new dimensions in the universe... or Even EXCEED the wildest notions of physicists....

Or it could create dark matter and rewrite science books... Maybe create energy needed for extreme space travel , who knows. Either way its all crazy exciting.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:17 PM
Numerous topics existing on ATS from long ago. Not gonna link to any cuz you can do a search to find them for yourself. Anywhoo, heres my opinion. Even if the experiment went wrong and a blackhole did escape, we`d have a few thousand years to live our lives before it poses any threat. Yea yea yea, our grea great great great great etc grandchildren will be screwed, but come on, do you even see humans surving another 500 years?

The rewards FAR outweigh the risks.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:17 PM
Yea I also felt that they could be harming the universe, but our death would be extremely quick if it created a black hole.

I think the benefits outweigh the negatives. who knows though they are going to go ahead with it regardless.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by ben420

if they exist, i havent seen them lately, and this happens in august so fair to bring it up now i suppose.

this can be a good thread to find out any updates, goods and bads with this crazy science experiment.

by crazy i mean very interesting.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by caballero
Yea I also felt that they could be harming the universe, but our death would be extremely quick if it created a black hole.

No, it wouldn`t, because the black hole would most likely collapse under its own weight. Even if it didnt, it would be about the size of an atom, and would take a long, long, long time before it grew big enough to pose a threat.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by ben420

Originally posted by caballero
Yea I also felt that they could be harming the universe, but our death would be extremely quick if it created a black hole.

No, it wouldn`t, because the black hole would most likely collapse under its own weight. Even if it didnt, it would be about the size of an atom, and would take a long, long, long time before it grew big enough to pose a threat.

An atom sized black hole ..... and thats a good thing ? I am torn... on one hand I think...could humanity really destroy itself with a black hole through utter ignorance ? could we really be that stupid ??

The other hand says 'why try it at all if its going to make a black hole ' ??

Humans, the dumbest smart folks in the universe.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by ben420

I havent read up on it but that doesnt sound like a big threat after all.

you learn something new everday.

The prospect of space travel being easier would be great.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
What does everyone think? People are talking about this atom smasher doing things from creating a blackhole to creating new dimensions in the universe... or Even EXCEED the wildest notions of physicists....

Or it could create dark matter and rewrite science books... Maybe create energy needed for extreme space travel , who knows. Either way its all crazy exciting.

I think there was already a thread, or two even, dedicated to this topic, but since it has refreshed and reappeared, I thought I would mention a little titbit, for those who are interested ...

Back in the mid-late 80s, there was a 'channelled' entity known as Mafu. I got hold of lots of his tapes of talks and workshops, and was surprised at the level of detail about various controversial and far out topics. For example, he/it gave the dates and names of US military personnel who were sent on various expeditions into the 'inner earth' realms. Maybe the details were just a ploy to sound credible, as I found it impossible to either verify or deny said details at the time (pre-internet didn't help).

Some of his predictions did vaguely occur, ie Gulf War I, and II - economic chaos, increasing earthquakes etc - but obviously everyone has been predicting more wars and earth changes for decades, if not centuries - so nothing new there.

But ... one of his specific predictions/answers to questions about the future - was in relation to a question in a workshop from a person who asked how/if we (humanity) were going to evolve/transit/ascend into 'fourth' density.

In his answer, he said that a few years after the turn of the century, there would be an experiment conducted by scientists, that would attempt to collide some really tiny particles or stuff - and that this experiment would result in the opening of some kind of 'black hole' into which would go the lab, the country, the planet, the solar system, the galaxy, and the rest of the third density universe. Yep, he basically said the whole thing would be caused by an experiment here on lil ole Earth.

It was at that point that I gave up listening to any more, as nothing really could be substantiated. I had only really gone that far into the stuff, because I was fascinated by the descriptions about how we create our experience of reality via our beliefs and expectations - which was my favourite ideological exploration subject at the time.

But I do find it sort of weird that an experiment matching the one he described is soon to be conducted.


posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:36 PM
Has anyone noticed that the most of the critics have no or little science background or are just plain scaremongers?

There is no where near enough energy being produced for a black hole to be created, its all blown out of proportion

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:48 PM
Couple of thoughts....

I used to work on ion implanters and so I find this machine fascinating as it is simply 2 gargantuan ion implanters crossing the streams. the two uses of ion implantation that i know of are doping (creating the logic gates) in semiconductors (specificaly microprocessors and or memory) and killing cancer tumors.

This is exactly the premise that John Titors time machine works on, creating a small black hole to facilitate the time travel.

The album Dimension Hatross by Voivod is a concept album dedicated to what exactly will happen when they fire up this machine.

There is a 'hole' in our universe that si about a billion light years across which contains no matter whatsoever (heard about it right here on ATS). Cant help but think that they (some alien race) made one of these and it failed (catastophicly).

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

The main critic/opponent is a physicist and lawyer, I cant say anything about the rest of the naysayers.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
reply to post by OzWeatherman

The main critic/opponent is a physicist and lawyer, I cant say anything about the rest of the naysayers.

Maybe they are attention seekers. I know physics is based a lot on theory, but if it was such a serious issue, wouldnt there be hordes of physicists jumping in on this? Just a thought

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:26 PM
Seriously, someone said it in another thread as well... this reminds me of the first nuclear bomb test... some scientists were concerned that there would be a runaway reaction and our world would be destroyed.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 11:59 PM
anyone have an idea on the possibilities of better space travel as a result? I havent read much of that being an outcome. Is it even a possibility/ reason to do this.

If not what is the REASON for the experiment.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:04 AM
Spend ten billion dollars on a giant underground hoola hoop and it's "Hey - there - I saw it! - That's a new type of neutrino! Quick! Write a report!" Experiment over. "Yep, that was well worth the 1000s of manhours construction and cuts to the health budgets of 15 countries to fund," says the Head Physicist as he hitches up his pants.

Benefits? Truck that. You could feed Africa, India and half of Asia with the money it cost to make and run the bloody thing. "Benefits" to humanity can scarcely enter into discussions about multibillion dollar high tech physics projects run by rich, powerful, banking, war sponsoring, earth raping industrialised countries. Ridiculous.

Nevertheless, it would be humoursly pathetic to see black holes, antimatter, dark matter and alternate universes bubble out of this thing, tearing shreads through our pristinely designed existence.

What do I think? Decadence.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by sollie

wow. how.... cynical.. lol

hope the world doesnt end up like that

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:42 AM
The bottom line as they have already said
'expect the unexpected'

Just for the record this thing will produce extreme amounts of engergy when the particles collide for a fraction of a second 7 times greater than anything we have seen before.

'To re-create condition's a split second after the 'alleged' big bang'
is the purpose of this machine.

Don't want to speculate on what may or may not happen as I doubt we would even know about it if it did all go belly up,but in relation to the current state of play up on the face of planet earth can it get any worse..
Yes maybe for you who have but for the have nots...they can only gain.

I do agree with the poster further up we could have fed many countries with this money....but the same could be said about pointless wars
but then again do we really need 'cash' to feed these people it's only a man made concept anyway.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
anyone have an idea on the possibilities of better space travel as a result? I havent read much of that being an outcome. Is it even a possibility/ reason to do this.

If not what is the REASON for the experiment.

There are multiple reasons and experiments, most we wouldn't understand. The main reason is they want to see what the universe was like a split second after the big bang.

reply to post by sollie

They spent 10 billion on this experiment, which could solve lots of life mysteries and give invaluable information on how the universe was created and how it works. America spends 10-12 billion monthly on the war, go beg them for money

Edited for clarity

[edit on 30-6-2008 by ben420]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 01:19 PM
To feed people does not cost money, it requires resources. The people who have the resources demand money in return for the produce. Thats the way people run things. The knowledge we gain from this experiment will likely lead to an increase in quality of life, therefore is worth the 'money' invested.

As i stated in my previous post, the premise this machine runs on already:
1. produces computer chips. we wouldnt have this forum without it.
2. cures and or treats cancer.

I guess this is a conspiracy site and I should comment on the conspiracy of it all; I really dont think anything catastophic will come of it. It is much more likely that good will come.

As far as the main opponent being a physicist/lawyer, I was merely illustrating that it wasnt just some run of the mill naysayer.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

I want to know why it isnt getting any crazy media hype. In my opinion this could be bigger than any of the recent space launchings.... ANY of the recent primaries. And on top of it all, it could end the world?!?!?!? And not even little tidbits one month before its turned on? Crazy man.... just crazy.

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