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Man Made Stargate being built in Duchesne Utah?

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posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 12:38 PM
I know I am going to run into a lot of barriers in explaining the intricacies and information which has been gathered and discussed by a local think-tank on this thread. But let me begin by saying I have found out a lot more about this situation since I returned from the Skinwalker ranch this past Memorial Day.
After getting back from my last trip, I made a life-changing decision to buy property up there and consider relocation. By "up there" I mean the general area in and around the Uintah Basin. When I discussed my move with friends of mine in the paranormal community here locally, I received more information than I could handle. People began asking me if I was aware that there was a Manmade Stargate being constructed in Duchesne county, just west of the Skinwalker Ranch. I of course said no, since I had only heard rumors. As it seems, a local scientist has found a main band deposit of material that is extremely magnetic that flows along a designated corridor of the Uintah Basin. It begins in Ouray and follows a corridor east past the town of Duchesne towards fruitland. Of course, along it's path it runs directly under the Skinwalker ranch. I can mention the scientists name, but I think it is better to protect his identity at this point considering the people involved and the power they hold.
This may all be speculation up to this point, but this is where things become interesting. This generalized area has had a long and pronounced history of UFO sightings which have been documented by Law Enforcement and private individuals such as Junior Hicks. I have to go but will be back....

[edit on 26-6-2008 by theutahbigfoothunter]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 01:46 PM
The fact that so many UFO sightings have traditionally been reported in this area has caused a multitude of remote viewers to investigate. Now let me clarify that I do not necessarily believe in remote viewing. However, when different remote viewers see the same thing, it at least deserves my attention.
Locals have been ranting about the fact that a billionaire lives in Duchesne which is a town of about 700 people. Why he lives there is a valid discussion point. He is of course involved in the real estate business, however it is difficult to believe there aren't more lucrative places a billionaire could live. Interestingly enough, local remote viewers have disclosed they believe he is (with the help of others) building a man made Stargate.
I have no idea what a Stargate entails, or what the heck you would do with one if you had one. However, this particular individual has reportedly been visited at least a few times a year by heads of state. This particular individual has a fairly clear reputation of being someone not to mess with. He has been involved with documented death threats in the law, and altough he has never been convicted of anything, seems to have no problems telling people what he will do to them if they cross him. If anyone where going to be able to pull this off anywhere, this would be the person, and this would be the place. I can't say I 100% believe everything I have heard, but the fact that I am moving up there, makes me wonder.

Has anyone else heard about this?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:56 PM
I am no expert, but dont you need two stargates for them to work properly??
If that is so, where and how would he set up a second gate??

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:13 PM
can you tell more about the magnetic material..

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:07 PM
Do you know the name of this billionaire? Also is there a nuclear power plant or high output power facility in the area? Because theoretically it would require a large amount of power.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:22 PM
How in the world would anyone know what a Stargate would require?

Who here has experience in building a stargate?

Come on now! lol

[edit on 30-6-2008 by Alien_Question]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Great Questions!

The Billionaire in question runs a real estate business which makes less money than the interest of his money alone. One usually doesn't become a billionaire with these kinds of business practices. If you know anything about Duchesne, there is only one billionaire that lives there, so that should narrow your search. It is assumed his business serves only as a front for him to be there. The people best suited for building a stargate would be those with the most experience. Namely, the government. With years of research on projects such as the Philadelphia experiment, I believe these are the most likely individuals to call upon. I personally don't believe in stargates. However, the fact that Dick Cheney has been seen in the area with the billionaire on numerous occasions makes one wonder. I rather not say his name to avoid any legal problems that could come my way. I really don't need any slanderous litigation right now. He has a reputation of not being very understanding of other's and their views.
As for the person who mentioned there must be another stargate, you are absolutely correct. In fact, if you believe in all this mess of portals, stargates, and other rips in the fabric of time and space, you would know there are "natural" portals which have been mentioned by the world's best remote viewers. One such portal is just 30 minutes east in Fort Duchesne. It has been documented that many believe there is not just a portal, but also an underground facility of some sort in the area. Whether it is coincidence or not, this area is where the Skinwalker Ranch is located, and just happens to also be along the same underground vein of magnetic material. The material itself is nothing in particular, it's not magic, but a mix or material that when melted down is so magnetic, that two small pieces the size of walnuts can not be held apart arms length from one another. A weightlifting friend of mine tried and failed. The bottom line is there is a scientist from the Ogden area that believes this mix of material is the very reason so many UFO sightings have been reported in the Uintah basin for so many years. He is doing work on it currently.

[edit on 1-7-2008 by theutahbigfoothunter]

[edit on 1-7-2008 by theutahbigfoothunter]

[edit on 1-7-2008 by theutahbigfoothunter]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:52 AM
Would the Governor's father have anything to do with this?
The Huntsman Corp. has huge deep pockets.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:55 AM
you are not talking about Mr. Robert T. Bigelow are you????

he would be the right person....


posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by theutahbigfoothunter

hi there,

been following this thread,

can you tell us any more on the scientist please ??



posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:05 AM
It's not Huntsman or Bigelow. This individual however has been likened to Bigelow, because he definitely has "different" motives than your average real estate investor. Also, he has been interested in buying up just about all the property that is available in the area.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 01:45 PM
Editing post to remove stuff.

Nothing to see here!

(the mystery deepens, muahahah)

[edit on 7/1/08 by emsed1]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 05:51 PM
OP can you prove links to the info you are talking about, also addtional information on the people involed would be nice.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by theutahbigfoothunter

I have heard something along the lines of the magnetic oddity vein of mineral whatever, some years back (I'm local Salt Lake). I think that is well-attested that there is a magnetic anomalous bit.
I haven't heard about the billionaire, or the stargate. (I'm going to go through the phone book and sniff out the billionaire). Hell, I just now today found out that The Process church wound up in Kanab.
Utah so rocks, although it also does seem accursed....

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:59 PM
The Scientist is Truott. He is a very well respected scientist here in the area, I just hope this getting out doesn't hurt his reputation. He is waiting to try and get more hard information together to support various theories.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:54 PM
Let me know if you run into any Egyptian like Aliens so I can call Kurt Russell and we can all go kick some ass.

Seriously though, sounds kinda cool. I remember you telling me about your trip up to the ranch. Sounds like there is some creepy bad ju-ju going on up there.

Watch yer cornhole bud.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:59 PM
how can you build a stargate.. ??? when there is no such thing as a stargate??? were still working on a mode of travel.. that doesnt use gas??? get back to reality... stargate is a t.v. show.. fantasy.. sci-fi.. going back and forth to work.. is reality.. beam me up scotty..

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:18 PM
For those who don't believe stargates can exist. Here is some interesting reading. I highly recommend at least keeping your mind open to the idea. I in no way advocate that I am sure they are real, (except for the skinwalker ranch) but I do imply there is a good possibility. I should mention the following link is written for NIDS who was researching a possible stargate 30 miles or so from Duchesne, the stargate they were researching is generally considered as being"natural". The one many claim is being "built" in Duchesne is of course not. Take this all with a grain of salt, but please at least consider it is possible. After visiting the area 30 miles from Duchesne, I KNOW that there is something there and can attest to it. Please read my other post for more in depth info on our "experiences".

The stargate link:
(from external source)

My other post:

[edit on 11-8-2008 by theutahbigfoothunter]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:30 AM
Guys cant you see the Big picture , right now there is a huge Black market for this type of metal I think iron nicle alloy not sure , but This kinda thing can be used for many new advanced Technolgy that will be soon leaked out . This sort of Element with this sort of magnetic ablity if harnessed in the correct way can be used as a part of a super conducter or propulsion system. And dick knows this.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by theutahbigfoothunter
I know I am going to run into a lot of barriers in explaining the intricacies and information which has been gathered

Gathered by Whom?

and discussed by a local think-tank

Which think-tank? What is thier name? In which meetings did they discuss this? Does this think-tank record the minutes of its meetings or keep transcripts? If so where are copies?

on this thread.

Which thread?

But let me begin by saying I have found out a lot more about this situation since I returned from the Skinwalker ranch this past Memorial Day.

How did yu find out? Was information given to you verbally? In writing? Elctronically? Do you have any records? What is the nature of the evidence?

When I discussed my move with friends of mine in the paranormal community here locally, I received more information than I could handle.

Which friends? What type of information? With what cooberation?

People began asking me if I was aware that there was a Manmade Stargate being constructed in Duchesne county, just west of the Skinwalker Ranch. I of course said no, since I had only heard rumors.

How did they "know"? What is their evidence? Have you verified its credibillity?

As it seems, a local scientist

What is his/her name, accredation and associated institution?

has found a main band deposit of material that is extremely magnetic that flows along a designated corridor of the Uintah Basin.

In what way has this scientist documented hi/her finding? Is publication pending? In what publications?

It begins in Ouray and follows a corridor east past the town of Duchesne towards fruitland. Of course, along it's path it runs directly under the Skinwalker ranch. I can mention the scientists name, but I think it is better to protect his identity at this point considering the people involved and the power they hold.

If this scientist holds out any hopes of his/her discoveries being validated he/she will have to publish under his/her name. One can not publish studies anonymously so far as I know.

This generalized area has had a long and pronounced history of UFO sightings which have been documented by Law Enforcement and private individuals such as Junior Hicks. I have to go but will be back....

Can you cite sources?

Please answer attached questions so that I can move on to your second post.

[edit on 8/12/2008 by Shazam The Unbowed]

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