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The True Story of the Bilderberg Group : Daniel Estulin

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posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

Ruppert and his Peak Oil-cult are still promoting their views, with much success, especially on the Left. The End of Suburbia documentary is a Peak Oil vehicle, and Ruppert appears in it as well.

I'm still on the fence with "peak oil" theory verses A. oil theory. Still, won't can't deny that Mr. Rupert did his homework on the secret drug trade by the CIA etc...he must have been onto something as to the price he paid for exposure.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
Hope you didn't think I was insulting you, because I wasn't, you've actually added a lot to this thread, and I appreciate it.

Not a problem. No offense taken.

That Scribd site is very good for exchanging all types of documents. Search the site and I'm sure you'll find all kinds of goodies to your taste.

I'm curious as to where you located this document however. Please elaborate if you can.

Black market. Seriously. I have more here on PC as well. Official Bilderberg reports from their meetings in the 50s and 60s, etc. Official membership lists from those years as well - same goes for the CFR and Trilats; Skull and Bones, Delphic Club, Ivy Club, Porcellian Club, Scroll and Key; Alfalfa Club, Bohemian Grove, Burning Tree Club, Century Association, Cosmoc Club, Gridiron Club, Jekyl Island Club, Jupiter Island Club, Knickerbocker Club, Metropolitan Club, Pacific Union Club, Pilgrims Society, River Club of NY, Saturday Club of Boston, Tavern Club of Boson, Union Club of Boston, Union League Club of NY, White's Club ....Real rare stuff.

The mastermind behind the accumulation of said material is a little known researcher from the UK that had a few sites a few years ago. At one point he teamed up with Kris Millegan (publisher for Trine Day) and made a site out of all the booty. It was a pay-site only. All the material was put into databases, cross-referenced and searchable - the ULTIMATE Elite research site - and if you wanted to, you could download the documents to your PC under strict conditions (the PDFs were protected: no OCR and no copy-and-paste, etc.) The latter conditions were too restricting, and that's why the venture failed in my opinion. Anyway, after it went under, the mastermind sent me an email and offered to send me his entire cache in zip files. I said, sure, send it along (I had helped him out from beginning and linked to his stuff from my site).

[edit on 22-6-2008 by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:40 AM

"The members of the Bilderberg Group are the most powerful financiers, industrialists, statesmen and intellectuals, who get together each year for a private conference on world affairs. The meetings provide an informal, off-the-record opportunity for international leaders to mingle, and are notorious for the cloak of secrecy they are held under.....The goal of the Bilderberg Group is a one-world totalitarian socialist government and economic system....."

Bill Cooper (RIP 1943-2001) Behold a Pale Horse (1991) page 94/95.

Thanks for the thread SpartanKingLeonidas.
I quite often call them the Bilderbankers

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

That's an interesting website there. Why would it be a pay site though originally, or rather the old site? I can understand the costs of opening and running a website, but you would think that the attempt would be made to find sponsors like Amazon where people could purchase book on various similar topics in order to get you a commission to pay for it would be easier than charging people directly who want to know and understand idiots groups like the Bilderberg Group.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
sponsors like Amazon where people could purchase book on various similar topics in order to get you a commission to pay for it would be easier than charging people directly

You're right. It was a totally stupid model. I detest pay-sites on the internet with a passion. And the only reason I can see why that model would be necessary, is because the site had either illegal or racist material; since the Elite research site in question had neither, there wasn't a reason for it being a paysite. In was a bit more nuanced than this though: the information they were offering was one of a kind - no one else on the planet had this or could even offer this. Period. No one. That is the very definition of "premium," I guess. And premium info is traditionally payed for.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:12 AM
Scribd search: "Bilderberg"

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by skyshow
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

can't deny that Mr. Rupert did his homework on the secret drug trade by the CIA etc...

All kinds of research (seemingly good stuff) at the old Ruppert site, I admit. But there's something about the guy that seemed fake. Must be the fact that he was an ex-cop. His personality certainly screams overbearing arrogance and hubris. As much as I didn't like the tactics of WingTV; they had nailed the guy pretty good imo.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:42 AM

I found this interesting link while reading a book.

Those sneaky bastards, who would have thought they would hide something about a not so secret secret group in a book about themselves. I can sleep better knowing you are on guard.

My friends think I am paranoid what do you think?
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

I found this interesting link while reading a book.

Those sneaky bastards, who would have thought they would hide something about a not so secret secret group in a book about themselves. I can sleep better knowing you are on guard.

My friends think I am paranoid what do you think?

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mothershipcalling]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by mothershipcalling
reply to post by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men

I found this interesting link while reading a book.

Those sneaky bastards, who would have thought they would hide something about a not so secret secret group in a book about themselves. I can sleep better knowing you are on guard.

My friends think I am paranoid what do you think?

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mothershipcalling]

Okay, what did you find in the book? The sneaky comment?


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Fire_In_The_Minds_of_Men
The Act is in place ... people should put up a humongous stick and enforce it (instead of making fools of themselves by shouting in blow horns really loudly).

Now why would they want to do that, it is so much easier to sit on their butts blame someone else and wait for their particular form of the messiah to come and save them.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:03 PM
Things have gone much further than most educated or at least interested people think; Bilderburg and everything publicly known are just smokescreens ( although some incidental usefulness may occur ).
I saw that Alex Jones or some other group outside the ' meeting ' were excited when the wretched Madelaine Albright showed up- only to leave after a few moments. Do you suppose that she didn' t like the place mats or seating location, maybe her favorite food wasn't on the menu ?
There's nothing to do there but show up, say things like: ' nice to see you again, how's the wife?'... and garbage like that.
Bilderburg and other known events are ( I think ) masking something else though I confess I don't know what.
Earlier on this thread, there was an exchange on the subject of Masons. I think this group, like NWO is merely a distraction; an ego-sroking for mid level agents and beurocrats.
Give these less than geniouses the notion that they know more than others, that they are part of something big- and they seem to fall right in line.
You can bet that plenty of masonic carerer's and rental agents and travel agents and local city officials made Bilderberg happen.
But, do they know anything? Apparently not. You have to go way 'up' in the lodge to even get to the point where you learn that everything you heard before was misinformation designed to confuse observers, and you.
Albert Pike was another guy with an obsession and too much time on his hands, like his contemporaries Bulwer-Lyton and Hugo, for example.
Scrw this Bilderberg crap, where were the attendee's bosses when this was going on. Probably all 7 were on the same sailboat off Malta...

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Skelkie3

Sounds like you're referring to the Seven World Bankers, the real bosses of the Bilderberg Group. I see them as scum, just a worst version of scum.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Your ATS handle reminds me of how brazen TPTB really are in promoting such a film as '300'- a group of religious fanatics who can't even defend themselves from invasion this month because of a religious holiday ( the Spartans) are pitted against a great economic and military empire ( Persia).
The interesting part is how a westerner, esp., an American could somehow relate to the Spartans ( Jihadists) at the expense of the Persian Empire ( England/US).
Anyway it's off-topic but somehow perception is everything.
Let's not turn these functioaries and agents (Bilderbergers) into something they are not : the people who run the world.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Skelkie3
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Your ATS handle reminds me of how brazen TPTB really are in promoting such a film as '300'- a group of religious fanatics who can't even defend themselves from invasion this month because of a religious holiday ( the Spartans) are pitted against a great economic and military empire ( Persia).
The interesting part is how a westerner, esp., an American could somehow relate to the Spartans ( Jihadists) at the expense of the Persian Empire ( England/US).
Anyway it's off-topic but somehow perception is everything.
Let's not turn these functioaries and agents (Bilderbergers) into something they are not : the people who run the world.

You never clarified about your reference to the Seven World Bankers. Personally, I thought the movie "300" sucked entirely, please do not mistake that I am some schmuck who believes lightly in all things Hollywood, as I am not. I relate to the Spartan's in that I was raised from the age of six to understand all things war, from politics, to strategy, to world domination, and how to see through all the hype and crap that World government does. In essence, to see through all things propaganda, as well as lies, and subversion.

I am not stating here that I know everything, as I am sure there are certains things I intentionally went out of the way to avoid, or missed because focus was centered somewhere else at times, but I know how the Bilderberger Group thinks, as well as their goals of total world domination through subversive activities in manipulation of the mass populace into a false sense of security.

I do not only understand and know the Spartan mentality, but that of the Asian mindeset as well as I have studied the Art of War as well as the above mentioned things, as well as history of the Orient, tactics of the Samurai as well as the Ninja, and many other things I'm not going to waste the effort to type out here.

When others tell people their teacher's were Mrs Smith in fourth grade, or Mr Schmidt in seventh, I do not.

My teachers were Alexander the Great, Ghengis Khan, Julius Caesar, Copernicus, Gallileo, Patton, George Washington, Hannibal, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Howard Hughes, as well as the parents who taught that I should know what World Politics was as well as what Peace and Love mean, and I can include many other World Leaders as well as conquerers in there, but I believe you get the drift of what I am stating here.

I picked the Spartan's as representative of who I feel know the most about war, and all things that it takes to go to war, but also in knowing war, a true warrior-minded indivudal knows how to make peace as well, which I do very well. I am a conflict de-escalation expert in that I practice peace through having turned the Art of War into the Art of Peace for that which I want in the life I have chosen to lead.

A Peaceful one.

The Bilderberg Group, their masters being the Seven World Bankers, however, have chosen to given the world a constant state of strife and misleading beliefs in that they choose to make war a way to make a living while murdering innocent soldiers and combatants through ignorance of the idiocy of blind patriotism to a belief that Government gives a damn about the average citizen, when they do not.

The only thing the World Government cares about, is their bottom line, as well as how much money they can line their pockets with and these men and women should be ashamed of their pre-planned as well as pre-staged mass murder of people through subjecting people to their will, instead of free-will.

It's genocide by population control mixed with emotional blackmail in that "if you don't do your part" the world will collapse, when that is utter madness and total crap in that if it were not for groups like the Bilderberg Group as well as the Seven World Banker's, and any other group of idiots like the Trilateral Commission or Council on Foreign Relations, the civilian population might actually make a difference in the world for themselves.

Know this as well about who I am, a religious holiday will never hold sway over defense, as I will defend that which I love and cherish, any time, any place, and any way I see necessary, to accomplish the goals I have set.

My goals are simple, survival against all odds, and shredding the World Government, through any means necessary.

I am not a jihadist, and if you are attempting to raise My ire, you are only going to succeed in securing your doom.

I will quite literally use you as the weapon to defeat you. If no offense was meant, then none was taken.

Any warrior knows using your enemies weapon against them is the first and most intelligent move.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 03:44 PM

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Any warrior also knows about the element of surprise and rarely gets up on a soapbox to shout out his intentions.

As for the thread, interesting topic, and some very interesting responses. Since I'm portuguese I have followed a few people from here that have attended and one of them is now the european comissioner. So I can conclude from this and other facts there is indeed some sort of centralistic agenda within bilderburg. My guess is it's an elitist controlled recruitment center. But I doubt the real discussions are had there, at least with all the participants. There are probably levels, and like most human organisations, you only start to have a clue when you reach the very top. So my advice would be: talk to Kissinger, he knows. And since he's a senile old coot who let himself be caught up in the 911 conspiracy and have his ass handed to him by some of the victim's widows, we can start to see the tail of the hiding cat here. My guess is it goes up to globalist old money families, mostly european, that are making a grab for world power, using a vast network of influence, of which bilderberg is part. As are other organisations, possibly even the vatican.

The key here is you don't have to control an entire organisation, only it's leaders, which is why the posting mason, assuming he's a real mason, this is the web after all, may only get a clue of what's going on if he breaks into 33º, and maybe not even then. But at the top it's probably a rather uninspiring group of old money snobs, as it's been for centuries now. This is my conclusion after much reading on the subject.

Who they are isn't even the biggest question, that is: How far do they want to go?

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 08:46 PM
You know, honestly, there's not much I can add to this, as I am really just starting to learn about these elitists-which is kind of sad: I worked my way backwards-I focused originally on the end-players, the gov...Then I realized their strings were being pulled by the Corps and M.I.C....Then I realized there were even HIGHER UPS, which leads to the central bankers and this group. Now I have so much more learning to do. All of this is just so surreal. It's like trying to solve a giant puzzle of who is keeping us all in slavery and servitude mode. You crack one area, and figure out who the key conspirators are, then another 'sub-linked' avenue opens up, to a whole other group of pupeteers...

Some great material to work with here SKL, as usual.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Just HOW MANY of these Bilderberger folks are tied into The Big six media? Do all of the major MSM outlets have one of these Elitists at their helm? Or, perhaps more appropriately worded-Their CORPORATE controllers who decide what does and does not get broadcast to their sheeple audience?

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Well, I've been fairly lucky with the material I've found interesting as I think it's been a fairly direct path for me, from UFO's to Icke.

If you want to understand whats going on imo all you have to do is to read david icke, but not giving too much thought to the paranormal and alien agendas he comes up with. He has the core concept of elitist bloodlines right imo, and it really fits into how our societies, if nothing else because of biological imperatives, have always worked. And it's the same if you have 10 000$ or 100 000 000 000 000$, you'll always want best for family. At the very top the best for family is obtained by economical predation of everyone else, along with a fair bit of psychological warfare.

Even for those that don't buy into the esoteric stuff, which tbh I am not sure how much I buy into too, there is a fairly coherent sociological analysis hidden in the work of david icke. Of all the conspiratorialists he is the one that best has the big picture imo.

Edit: to answer your question, most media today depends on two central agencies, AP and Reuters, both of which are reported to be owned by elitist families. From there down you have smaller players at the head of media networks (which were bought, I guess, through bank loans conjured into thin air and which put them at debt to the big banking families, who control AP and Reuters). It's sort of a tribute systems that mirrors the reality of medievel europe, with royalty and noblemen, you see, nothing much really changes.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by Zepherian]

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