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Is The War Against The NWO Already Lost?

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posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 09:09 PM
Hello I would like to open for discussion this scenario

1. Let’s say the people of the USA wake up and realize they are/were sheep (not all but most) and are ready to fight the NWO and the second American Revolution starts

2. Let’s say more than half of the military sides with the new rebels. (Just enough to cause the FEDS. to get scared)

3. Possible out come? Marshal Law is declared the constitution is suspended ...ect...we all can understand that ....Then NATO troops are sent to the USA to squash the rebellion and all is lost

I’m not trying to sound pessimistic (I PERSONALY WOULD FIGHT TILL I DIED) but to me that sound like check mate....

So am I way off base.... I would like to know

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Dulcimer]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 09:32 PM
i am not going to say the war isn't already lost, but the fact is, if ya lose hope in any capacity, then ya lose as a human being altogether.

i will always hold out hope that good will win and evil will be demolished whether i am around to see it or not. i surround myself the best i can w/ ppl who are like minded.

if i did not have this hope, or any other hope for that matter, then i might as well get a gun and call it quits.

i am not one to call it quits!!

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 09:49 PM
Please dont get me wrong... I havent lost hope ...I am just falling back on four years of infantry trainning to ponder this scenario.. my own personal day dream war games if you will... I just see it abit diffrent than most

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:21 PM
And who`s to say it has to be fought with guns. Maybe we should fight it with what we were given down deep inside from the very start. It`s a war(so to speak), that can be fought over night, with no blood shed from either side.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:25 PM
I don't think that it's lost at all. If anything, at least alot of what is really going on in the world has been brought to light over the past decade or two thanks to the internet. One of our greatest informational what happens when they attempt to sanitize it, that is another question. Whatever happens, just live FREE and have no regrets!!

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by FiatLux
And who`s to say it has to be fought with guns. Maybe we should fight it with what we were given down deep inside from the very start. It`s a war(so to speak), that can be fought over night, with no blood shed from either side.

i THINK i may see where you coming from w/ this, but would love an elaboration to be more clear.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:47 PM
A human life is worth a lot , but the dollar is worth a lot more.

In moral we say somthing els to please the crouds but in real life we dont care.

You americans lost this war the 21 of desember in 1913. When you let the private banks run the creation of federal reserve.

Read about JP Morgan , Rockefellers and the Rothchields and you will find out who runs youre life. Or see this movie and try and findout if there is anny truth in it.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by spy66

You americans lost this war the 21 of desember in 1913. When you let the private banks run the creation of federal reserve.

yo dude!! i would be careful when you say "you americans" bc i am american by birth (not choice; although i would never question the greater ones on where i was placed as they must have had a reason) and my birth certificate says 1977, not 1913, let alone before that.

even if it happened in this day and age, i am not one of the ones controlling such things. i do what i can to make my voice heard, but when ppl don't want to listen, there isn't much i, or any other american w/ good intentions, can do to be heard.

edited to say: i am really getting "tired" of this mentality that it is the general americans' fault when this world belongs to ALL humans, thus making it all OUR problem and ALL our fault!!! (yes! three exclamation points)

[edit on 19-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 10:58 PM
As long as a thing called Money exists, humanity will be enslaved. I just depends upon the severity of enslavement.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by justamomma

justamomma, I can tell just from the two threads you added to this topic, that you really do understand what I`m talking about. Go ahead, give it a shot, and you tell me. I`ll tell you one way or the other if your right. If you don`t get it right, I will explain.

[edit on 19-6-2008 by FiatLux]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by FiatLux

sure, why not?!! honestly, i have nothing to lose at this point by stating out my opinion in the clearest form possible whether others agree or not.

i am sick of this mindset of "blaming". i MEAN blaming other cultures, other religions, and others in GENERAL!!!

we are ONLY responsible for ourself!!! we were not, IMO, put here to tend to other's business. all of you and every one else that crosses my path certainly serves it purpose, but the purpose is not to create dissension, but rather points of view that would be incorporated into our own points of view, AS SEEN FIT!!!

when ppl STOP trying to dictate to one another how their lives should be led, but rather appreciated for the diversity, then MAYBE we STAND a chance at peace!! until then, we can bank on the fact that war will be fought w/ guns and god forbid, weapons of mass distruction (which, i, as an american will agree that our country has not only displayed more of than any other country, but misused more of than any other country......... although, other than my voice, there is not much i can do about thtat).

i am tired.......... i am tired of fighting over religion when my children have no father with whom they can relate and fashion their life after in a good manner. i am tired of children starving across this globe when i have more than i could hope for in that manner but can only contribute to those starving children through corporations that would manipulate that money into serving their own selfish purpose.........

and i am SICK of hearing how this is the AMERICAN'S FAULT when this world belongs to EVERYONE and if some corruptness is coming from a certain section, it makes it ALL of our fault.

i am sorry to vent all this here...... and maybe no one will take notice, but i am a VERY upset person who is only one and can only hold out hope in myself and cant' hold it out for EVERYONE ELSE!!!

i only have myself to blame if i don't speak up. pick up for you all by killing w/ guns?..... i think not!! taking the blame for what "america" is doing? HELL NO!! i believe that thoughts can do more than weapons can and if mine aren't working to create a more peaceful world, the blame falls on all those who aren't thinking peacefully........ not me or my kids, or any other person who is trying to get the peaceful message across!!

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Well said!!, but I don't need to say that, cause when you speak truth..."YOU"...know it...Peace

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:54 PM
Well i am not an american thats why i say you americans. If you dont know. A lot of what happends in the US effects others as well. So what ever youre american poletitions do affects me as well. Even if i live in Norway.

Yeah!!!! and it has a lot to do with the US dollars and the money market. The whole world is run by it.

Do the math girl.

What you think and what youre poletitions think is to different worlds. The US is a huge benefitter to the world. Sure you anderstand that. US poletics are not just for you!! they consern us all. But only you can make the changes not us. You decide on who runs things over there. But we get to taste the bitter spoiles after. Of corse you will hear what we think about youre choises. THEY SUCK.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:55 PM

Well said. Keep thinking that way and your kids will grow up to be independent, responsible adults. Speaking as a single dad of 2 boys, I appreciate your frustrations regarding how immature people are. I equate most of the "blame all others" crowd to the idiot in the F450 doing 60 in a 35 and bearing down fast on me and my two boys as I look nervously in the mirror; they are dangerous because they don't THINK through their actions AND, if the guy crashed into me (as it has happened), somehow it is my fault because I drive a corolla and I like to drive at the speed limit. Poorly worded, but I've felt your pain and agree. Keep your head up, and love those kids to bits.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:58 PM
Very very well put justamomma. There was something you said that has a very spiritual meaning to it. It`s the one thing that can stop everything in it`s tracks. You stated "I believe that thoughts can do more". You don`t know how close to the truth you really are. Thoughts are things, to put it simply. Thoughts have more power then anything that has ever been created. Thoughts are energy created by all of us each and everyday. It is thought that creates what is around us. When you trully understand how to use thoughts, then you can change the world around you. Do you understand what I am talking about? If not, I can go on.

Oh, and by the way, for those that are saying "You Americans", understand this. It doesn`t matter where you live in this world, the country means nothing, race creed or color means nothing. It is what we carry inside of ourselves that counts. That spark of light that was given to all of us in the beginning is what counts. It`s what we learn from life, and how we use it in our everyday life that counts. So remember, when you put us down, you are doing the same to yourselves. We are ALL in this together.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by FiatLux]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by FiatLux

i am gonna skip "spy66" and discuss this w/ ppl that seem to be more reasonable about it.

yeah, please explain more. i am sorry, and although i HATE (out of the damned thing we call pride) to admit that I don't get the whole "Thought" thing.

i get the "sense" of it for sure and can't see any other way around it if i want peace for my life, but seriously, i am still getting bombarded EVERY day by ppl that pressure me that if i don't do "this" or "that", it is my fault.

take it in general terms such as spy66 is referring to or take it the bare personal terms that i am dealiing w/ on a daily basis.

obviously i have been caught on a really crappy day lol

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:29 AM
Yeah i see the picture. Its not nice to say "you americans". But what should i call you then ? X-Europeans

You should see the movie that i posted above justamomma. I dont blame you for annything just the politics that run the market.

Before it was the religion that ran thing, But thats not the case anny more. youre constetution is based on religion. But not any more now its based on the politics of the money market.

Youre life is run by money . You cant do mutch with out it. I have to aply to the same game. No money no freedom to buy things i need.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by spy66
Yeah i see the picture. Its not nice to say "you americans". But what should i call you then ? X-Europeans

You should see the movie that i posted above justamomma. I dont blame you for annything just the politics that run the market.

i did... i can't disagree that things have gone crazy in this world and that the american politics have MUCH to do w/ it. no doubt we are a corrupt country in general and it pains me to know that there may be nothing i can do to make up for that (as i feel a great responsibility.....being american and all). it started long before the early 1900's though. let's go all the way back to "HONEST ABE" LINCOLN. but i wasn't born then and i have no knowledge of any choice to BE an american (which i only phrase that way due to some on here that may believe we have a choice of where and when we are born, and i would never knock that belief).

the only thing i can do is acknowledge where I am now and what impact i have on the world and i don't see that impact having any real effect unless i recognize that change BY ME only begins w/ in myself and not w/in a gov't or culture or religion.

~ peace............. and i sooooo mean that!!!!

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:43 AM
Oh don`t feel bad, we ALL have days like that. You see, what you were just saying about the "If I don`t do "this" or "that' it`s my fault", THAT is true brainwashing. We as humans are bombarded with this kind of thinking to the point that we stop fighting it, and start believeing it. This was in the original teachings to man. We have to stop thinking "No I can`t" and start thinking "Yes I can". You see, we create with our thoughts. It is the picture we make within our minds that becomes reallity. Like the person that comes up with a new invention. Where did that invention start? In the mind. We can create things in our minds. The goal is to manifest the thought into reallity, and yes, WE CAN DO THIS. Do you want more?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by spy66
Yeah i see the picture. Its not nice to say "you americans". But what should i call you then ? X-Europeans

You should see the movie that i posted above justamomma. I dont blame you for annything just the politics that run the market.

Before it was the religion that ran thing, But thats not the case anny more. youre constetution is based on religion. But not any more now its based on the politics of the money market.

Youre life is run by money . You cant do mutch with out it. I have to aply to the same game. No money no freedom to buy things i need.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by spy66]

Understand what I said, it`s not the world, country we live in, the race or color, it`s the soul inside that MAKES US ONE, created by the ONE. If you want to call us anything, call us brother, sister, not you, or they. And if you can`t understand that, then there is no hope for you until you open your eyes.

Also, it is those low thinking souls that have put the world and everyone in it into the mess we are in, those who think they came dominate everyone else. Sorry to say, their not going to get away with it.

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