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photosho stupid question

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 02:28 PM
Help please

Ive been playing around with PS for a day or so now and before i could click on any layer in my pallet and move it about as i liked.

Then click on another layer and do the same etc etc....

Now when i click on a layer im stuck to it i cant click another layer in the pallet.
The only way ive found to correct this is one: click a layer in the side bar or two: hold down Ctrl and then i click on layers as before.

BUT i want it to how it was before, how do i get it back so i can just click any layer in the pallet and move it around without holding down Ctrl?

Cheers and Thanks

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:00 AM
Sorry but what is Photosho? Indeed.

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