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The Constitution - Are They Testing You?

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posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 11:48 AM
After seeing this thread, I was inspired to consider the following question:

Are they testing your knowledge of and passion for The United States Constitution?

I'm not American and to be quite honest I know little about your Constitution and everything it entails, but it does seem to be widely regarded that the current adminstration (or for some, the NWO) are slowly stripping away parts of it - leaving people angry, frightened and sickened. The immediate suggested reason for this is that the administration/NWO are evil, greedy, power-hungry leeches with no respect for the liberty of others. What if - just if - they care about the Constitution so much that they need to see just how much it still means to the common people of America and how aware they are of it? What if the only way to do this is to force the people to fight for it?

The reason I offer up this crazy idea (which by the way, I am not invested in) is that it seems that there are still some situations where the people and State authorities - with enough knowledge and care for the Constitution - can use it to stand up to the administration. The "Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty" thread linked above possibly proving to be an example of such a situation.

I guess we'll have to watch that situation unfold and see just how the central administration react to it.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 11:51 AM
Sadly knowledge of the Constitution isn't all that common anymore except in those of us who actually enjoy freedom and don't rely on government to take care of us.

it's gotten to the point where if you reference the Constitution, most of the time you are viewed as some sort of "extremist".

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by slackerwire
Sadly knowledge of the Constitution isn't all that common anymore except in those of us who actually enjoy freedom and don't rely on government to take care of us.

it's gotten to the point where if you reference the Constitution, most of the time you are viewed as some sort of "extremist".

Which is precisely why the people need testing in the context of this scenario. What if over the centuries since the Constitution was adopted, people have heeded, quoted and thought about it less and less? Mightn't the legacy of the Founding Fathers find this increasingly worrying and outright disrespectful? The solution: "if they want to forget it, we will let it forget them. If they can prove their love for it, they can have it back".

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Cythraul

I honestly don't believe Americans have the will, or the fortitude to actually fight for it anymore. Far too many people have become reliant upon big government to take care of them.

Aside from that, actually fighting for freedom would take away time from watching American Idol, and too many Americans simply can't be bothered by something like that.

I actually hope something catastrophic happens here and we become a police state. Complacent Americans deserve exactly what they have coming.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 12:30 PM
The Constitution is flawed because it's argueable.

If we have a better Constitution it would be clear cut with nothing to argue between.

Wait for SWO, then all argueable crap and the ppl who are for it being argueable shall be put in their one place.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Mabus

The Founding Fathers made it that way so there would be room to add amendments to the Constitution. They made it that way so we could interpret it, the Contitution itself is an ever-evolving subject. But there are some who would like to kill it off.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:24 AM
I just had a thought relevant to this thread.

There's this huge debate about the legitimacy of Obama's birth certificate and eligibility for Presidency. Some people are really doing a Sherlock Holmes on his background, going to quite extreme lengths to ascertain whether he's allowed to be President according to the Constitution. Now, many of those same people also realise the truth - that Obama is just a puppet, and perhaps was selected for Presidency based on the colour of his skin (a different kind of control through appealing to a different demographic).

So... why would the puppet-master elites select someone who wasn't more clearly legitimate? I'm sure there are plenty of puppets they could have chosen from, many of them black. So why choose someone whose background is questionable (by the way, I'm not trying to claim that Obama isn't legitimate, just that many people seem to believe he may not be).

The only conclusion I can draw is that this is another way to test how much attention is being paid to the Constitution.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Mabus
The Constitution is flawed because it's argueable.

If we have a better Constitution it would be clear cut with nothing to argue between.

Wait for SWO, then all argueable crap and the ppl who are for it being argueable shall be put in their one place.

It is not argueable. It is a system with a specific design. The problem is most people do not understand it, they think as long as they have their limited rights it's ok. And so nobody is made to follow it.

It's been changed from a document of limited government, to a document of limited rights.

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