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Is the Vatican Tracking Planet X Nibiru?

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posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 03:24 PM

Is the Vatican Tracking Planet X Nibiru?

Is the Vatican tracking an inbound object?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 05:17 PM

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 05:53 PM
Malachi Martin implied that they were. If not that, then certainly SOMETHING to do with astronomy that was going to have earth-shattering consequences.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 05:57 PM
Unless Planet X is home to a population of young choir boys, then most likely, no.

No one is tracking it because it simply isn't there. If something that large was going to be here by 2012 we'd already be feeling the effects of it, and there'd be a massive bright ball in the sky.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 06:08 PM
I don't personally think that the Vatican would waste his time to track down Nibiru. I don't even know it would exist. It's passage they say, it was supposed to come in 2003. Now the date has been changed to come pass sometime by 2010-2012. I kind of wish that they can find it first before assuming that it is there. It was said that it had other planets orbiting around Nibiru.

Even has some mystical creatures living on the surface of Nibiru that will come and invade on the surface of Earth. We'll be the creatures' slaves, to dig up gold and, Yaddia yaddia.

I dunno, I find it hard to believe in that.

What I'm looking into, is of why doomsday seed vaults are being not only built, but are being mentioned of. The govermant is certainly more aware of what's coming in the near future than we are. That's for sure. But for what? I think it's for something else and not Nibiru.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by mattguy404

We are already feeling the effects of planet X. It entered our solar system in 2003 and since then we have had tsunami's earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes erupting and strange weather patterns.
It is visible from the south pole. This is why the US government (NASA) have set up an infrared monitoring station there.
We will all be able to see it next year.
Galactic alignment is occurring in 2012 too, check that one out.
Do the research, the truth is out there.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 08:02 AM
The Vatican is said to have one of the most sophisticated telescopes in the world- They're also said to have manypeople in Arizona.

Is it just a past time? I dont think so. I think they are tracking something and i just dont know if they will share the information with us...maybe just a day or so if they see a threat to Earth.

I guess every other civilization has been wiped out at one point or another so i guess our turn maybe coming up.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I think they are tracking something and i just dont know if they will share the information with us...maybe just a day or so if they see a threat to Earth.

Maybe they're looking for god

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by alienmanipulation

In this New Era of Awareness …. it’s needed to be known .… that because of a massive failure in a specific Celestial Mainstream of Technology’ ... many unidentified Drones, Facilities, and UFOs in the sky will become visible ….

I’t time for ’All People’ to know there are many Regional Celestials of many different sect associated with this planet… many of which travel in their own Designs of celestial FLOATS (meaning Flyers Levitating Of Advanced Technology)…. And because of the many Foreign-Celestials which travel from abroad through distance dark space who are unrelated to the many sect already associated with this planet …. The UK should now be forth-coming ... the UK should now be called if nothing more , the New UECK ... United Earth and Celestial Kingdoms ...

If you were to ask any Regional Celestial or a Foreign Celestial who were keeping secret their association with any particular upper-sect …. ‘if there were Aliens?’ …. they would indeed say no … and would be well within the range of truth, because they do not consider themselves ‘Aliens’ … nor do they consider their Crafts of flight, ‘Unidentified’ ….

It is now becoming common knowledge that Regional Celestials have been secretly apart of this planet’s activities since early surface evolution … Ancient Celestials were as nurturing and mothering care-takers hidden behind Earth's original frequency Veil ... and now because of failing unorthodox power Facilities of another specific Foreign Civilization who once traveled from distance space …. And who through trickery and deceit, gained control over US Government eons ago …. A great number of things hidden and kept secret from earthen population will at first gradually come into view as many Regional Celestials struggle uselessly to reestablish cloaking abilities …

Many power facilities once elevated in secrecy as to further establish linkage of colonized relay stations stretching up through dark space reaching the highest point of this particular group of Foreign Celestial who invaded Earth Moon long ago, Will indeed fall from place ….

The effects of this spill-over as elevated worlds fall from their once held high position, has been referred to as the opening of Seven Seals.

And those many original celestial facilities which were already associated with this planet, who adapted their power facilities to draw from the Foreign Invader’s ‘Unorthodox Satellite Transmitter’ as to sustain or acquire greater power abilities to their own individual power sources, these Will gradually become visible both in upper an inner skies of this planet …

But there are also the countless Extra-Celestials who hold residence up and outside this the Seventh Universal Plane of endless darkness ….

I’m just an Old Soul passing through, given something important to say as the new UFO era now approaches …Nothing to sell … Nothing to Buy … just answers to the many ’WHYs?’.[email protected]

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 12:17 AM
That new south pole high powered telescope is funded by the Vatacan. If you didn't know.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:17 AM
The Vatican isn't tracking any large planet that is due to pass through the inner Solar System in 2012. If they were, then half the planet would be tracking it. As for the SPT being the only telescope capable of tracking it, that's just nonsense. If it was located directly above the south celestial pole at this moment in time (in other words, a declination of -90 degrees), it would be visible to a large percentage of observers in the southern hemisphere. In fact, if it was the size of Neptune (for example), it would be visible to the naked eye.

How exactly would NASA (and all of those other shady agencies that lie to us all the time
) be able to keep it a secret ?

[edit on 22-7-2008 by Mogget]

[edit on 22-7-2008 by Mogget]

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Quickfix

wheres the link or proof to support your claim.....

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by mattguy404

We are already feeling the effects of planet X. It entered our solar system in 2003 and since then we have had tsunami's earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes erupting and strange weather patterns.
It is visible from the south pole. This is why the US government (NASA) have set up an infrared monitoring station there.
We will all be able to see it next year.
Galactic alignment is occurring in 2012 too, check that one out.
Do the research, the truth is out there.

Ahhh before we had not earthquakes nor hurricanes nor tsunamies ....
Yess, this is a clear sign that Nibiru is approaching us...
It entered our solar system in 2003?
isnt it a little LAZY to be be called part of our solar system? and
what then, will it go out from our solar system on 2009?
What are you trying to say? hmmm?? That we all are blind and that there is actually some planet "x" going to impact with the earth? THIS is what you are trying to say? YOU? ANONYMOUS ATSer?

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 06:59 AM
It's a lot easier to spout crap when you're anonymous

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:47 AM
It is just me or are all Nibiru threads a major yawn?

Firstly lets separate Planet X from Nibiru. Scientist have already stated that there is probably more than one Planet X beyond Pluto - buts that's where they 'orbit' and that's where they will stay. In short Nibiru & Planet X should not be confused as the same thing.

Now lets clear something else up. As far as the Roman Catholic Church is concerned the name they give this particular celestial body in the fairy tales your referring to (if indeed it does exist) is Wormwood, not Nibiru! Nibiru is an ancient Sumerian term/fable.

In case the OP didn't know, Nibiru is said to have an orbit of 3,600 years. As any astro physicist or scientist etc will tell you, it's impossible to maintain a stable orbit of 3,600 years. Something with such a large orbit would have a variance of hundreds if not thousands of years. An orbit CANNOT be stable at such distances as there are so many variables tugging and pushing it. The thing about scientific fact is that it must be observable & repeatable.

We see this erratic orbit with other celestial bodies such as Haley's Comet & Hale-Bopp. Each time they enter the solar system, the unique positioning of the planets and their associated gravities changes the comets orbits (which is different each time). Hence their orbits are altered. This is observable and repeatable which means it's solid science. It kind of puts a wet towel over the Nibiru theory.

So Planet X is NOT Nibiru - and Nibiru is an impossible object.

Op, you would be far better off to forget about Planet X and get on with living your life as it ain't gonna happen. Save yourself the stress mate!


posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Mogget
The Vatican isn't tracking any large planet that is due to pass through the inner Solar System in 2012. If they were, then half the planet would be tracking it. As for the SPT being the only telescope capable of tracking it, that's just nonsense. If it was located directly above the south celestial pole at this moment in time (in other words, a declination of -90 degrees), it would be visible to a large percentage of observers in the southern hemisphere. In fact, if it was the size of Neptune (for example), it would be visible to the naked eye.

How exactly would NASA (and all of those other shady agencies that lie to us all the time
) be able to keep it a secret ?

[edit on 22-7-2008 by Mogget]

[edit on 22-7-2008 by Mogget]

Yeah, the Vatacan wouldn't let people know its coming cause then there would be mass chaos and you can't have stupid people running amuck cause then it messes up the control of the vatacan that has worked so hard for.

Just watch Zeitgeist (not Nibiru /planet x/ wormwood related).

Its actually very simple to think about.All the governments control the media everyone should know that especially on this forum. If people knew things that the government didn't want them to know it would cause trouble. Very simple, so governments just control the information coming in and going out. Just think why there even is a big infarred telescope in the south pole, why are the seed vaults and why are there big underground bases all aroudn the world.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 07:21 PM
the asteroid belt is planet x.
Whats left of it anyway.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 07:35 PM
Wow! They did discover Planet X a few times:
Charon (a double planet with Pluto)

I wish the next plutoid will be named Nibiru so the Planet X/Sitchin crowd will be happy.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
It is just me or are all Nibiru threads a major yawn?

Firstly lets separate Planet X from Nibiru. Scientist have already stated that there is probably more than one Planet X beyond Pluto - buts that's where they 'orbit' and that's where they will stay. In short Nibiru & Planet X should not be confused as the same thing.

Now lets clear something else up. As far as the Roman Catholic Church is concerned the name they give this particular celestial body in the fairy tales your referring to (if indeed it does exist) is Wormwood, not Nibiru! Nibiru is an ancient Sumerian term/fable.

In case the OP didn't know, Nibiru is said to have an orbit of 3,600 years. As any astro physicist or scientist etc will tell you, it's impossible to maintain a stable orbit of 3,600 years. Something with such a large orbit would have a variance of hundreds if not thousands of years. An orbit CANNOT be stable at such distances as there are so many variables tugging and pushing it. The thing about scientific fact is that it must be observable & repeatable.

We see this erratic orbit with other celestial bodies such as Haley's Comet & Hale-Bopp. Each time they enter the solar system, the unique positioning of the planets and their associated gravities changes the comets orbits (which is different each time). Hence their orbits are altered. This is observable and repeatable which means it's solid science. It kind of puts a wet towel over the Nibiru theory.

So Planet X is NOT Nibiru - and Nibiru is an impossible object.

Op, you would be far better off to forget about Planet X and get on with living your life as it ain't gonna happen. Save yourself the stress mate!


God dammit! Screw our scientists!!! I am soo tired to hear that "our" scientist say something is impossible. How long we have been hear on earth?? Not long! So some dudes how studied the stars for some years wanna tell us they know everything and can tell us what is possible and what not?! We are a bunch of apes compared to the whole universe.
There could be everything out there. Black holes, white holes, green holes, even a.. Holes

Sorry for the next one -> but we know #!

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

As any astro physicist or scientist etc will tell you, it's impossible to maintain a stable orbit of 3,600 years.

How would they know?
Are they GODs?
You actually believe them?

Not that I'm saying there is a planet Nibiru on it's way but it's amazing how quickly people stand behind what physicists or scientists have to say.
I mean if they said it's not possible then there is just no way... It's impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible. End of story FACT FACT FACT FACT.

These same scientists will also tell you there is no life after death.
There is no GOD, there are no such things as alien beings because they could never make it to earth from other planets, it's just to far and impossible. They even can prove it as FACT. Yes the world is flat indeed, earth is a grain of sand upon endless worlds yet our physicists and scientists are all knowing and the most intelligent beings in the universe.

They are Gods, I wouldn't doubt it if they created the universe themselves. They seem to know so so much about it, we should worship them, is that what Scientology is all about?.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Malevolent_Aliens]

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