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Why should anyone feel sorry for Ted Kennedy?

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posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:02 PM
This man has continually supported policies that are detrimental to freedom, and to the future of this nation.

Why should anyone have compassion for this moron? We should all be rejoicing that his brain tumor will permanently put an end to this scumbag.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:08 PM
I don't..It seems like poetic justice to me. I agree his actions in the senate are more socialist than democratic, not to mention the Mary Jo Copecne matter! The whole Kennedy family seems to have been indoctrinated in this manner of voting and acting. The folks in Mass will surely vote another in to take his place. The dynasty will continue.


posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:22 PM
I would feel sorry for anyone suffering from a brain tumor.Sorry a medical condiction dont make the mans downfall.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:25 PM
I would never wish a brain tumor on anyone. Not even Ted Kennedy, but you have to think, could be good ole' Karma coming to call....if you believe in Karma.

Frankly I am surprised with his heavy drinking and unhealthy lifestyle, that he is still alive.

That whole family has seen more of their fair share of tragedy.

[edit on 7-6-2008 by LateApexer313]

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Feel sorry? No, just indifference.
I wonder what old age would have had in store for Mary Jo?

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Ted kennedy has done a lot of good over the years, but his past, his Karma, has caught up with him for his roll in Chapaquidic.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:07 AM
Because that would make me a compassionate Conservative? Considering that it could happen to anyone.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by LAUGHING-CAT

Ouchie and good one there LAUGHING-CAT, I wanted to say that, but didn't have the eggs...

Thanks for having the eggs or cajones!!! Your rock, a star for you!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by slackerwire
Why should anyone have compassion for this moron?

Because he's a human being, that's why. Have some heart -- please! Really, I actually find this thread title offensive, and that's saying a lot cause it usually takes quite a bit to offend me.

Originally posted by LAUGHING-CAT
Feel sorry? No, just indifference.

That's horrible. Please allow me to rant a little (and not necessarily at you specifically). Many people see the world as divided into love/hate, or good/evil, and that may be a useful viewpoint for them, but I consider both love and hate, potentially, to be forms of passion. Things that motivate people. Get them involved. And the opposite of passion? Indifference. If you want to label 'evil', indifference could be considered the enable of evil. Look at the problems in the world, the things that people here rant about -- they're often inspired either by love they're missing, or hate they're feeling. And they both rail against the indifference of the world, try to change things. I can usually respect that -- people motivating. But indifference is the antithesis of that: willful, uninvolved blindness. Pah.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:28 AM

Those of you wishing people "ill"...those hopes and wishes will come back to you like a boomerang and it just may be YOUR head that will blow up and explode.

I just cant beleive the evil thats out there behind some computers!

Shame on you.

As much as i dislike BUSH, i wouldnt want his death to some brain tumor that eats away like a fungus.

Shame shame shame on you.

For those of you who think Ted should be punished, well you're gettng your wish.

Too bad we are all supposed to be brothers and sisters because i'd want no part of YOU (generally speaking)
You're the evil in this world. Pure evil.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by slackerwire
This man has continually supported policies that are detrimental to freedom, and to the future of this nation.

Why should anyone have compassion for this moron? We should all be rejoicing that his brain tumor will permanently put an end to this scumbag.

I hope that, god forbid, on the day you are stricken with a illness such as this the humans around you show you more compassion than you have shown in this thread.

I will tell you why you should have compassion for him, he is a human being suffering.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Animal

Originally posted by slackerwire
This man has continually supported policies that are detrimental to freedom, and to the future of this nation.

Why should anyone have compassion for this moron? We should all be rejoicing that his brain tumor will permanently put an end to this scumbag.

I hope that, god forbid, on the day you are stricken with a illness such as this the humans around you show you more compassion than you have shown in this thread.

I will tell you why you should have compassion for him, he is a human being suffering.

Sadly, some humans deserve the suffering for they brought upon themselves. I am a firm believer in karma and this could not be any more true to its nature. Now, I am not saying I hope he dies.. I am just saying I hope he takes the time to take a look back at all the wrong he has done now that he sees how quickly life can make a turn for the worst. Hopefully he changes his ways for the better if he happens to survive this.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:05 AM
Such hatred-

Tell me, if you wish this man punished, i wonder what Karma payback is in store for our uppermost leaders, who have managed to start false wars and kill MILLIONS?

Well, i know the answer, but i am human and wouldnt say it because to say it is to "wish" it.

Ted has done much good in this nation and he's more than made up for an "unfortunate" accident.

This reminds me of a paper i read in which Mike Savage, that Luciferian talk show host,hopes and prays that Ted dies!!!!

You dont see that story here-
You dont hear Sean Hannity blab about it, or the other talking evil heads..
That's just really going to far and we dont want to touch that!!!!!

I sincerely think evil is just rampant in this world and ATS.

God love ya!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by deadline527

And who are YOU to be able to be the judge of this. I am done with this thread, you people truly DISGUST me.

*For the record this is not about weather or not I agree with the actions of Kennedy, this is about the pure, sick, hate you have displayed.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Animal

Originally posted by slackerwire
This man has continually supported policies that are detrimental to freedom, and to the future of this nation.

Why should anyone have compassion for this moron? We should all be rejoicing that his brain tumor will permanently put an end to this scumbag.

I hope that, god forbid, on the day you are stricken with a illness such as this the humans around you show you more compassion than you have shown in this thread.

I will tell you why you should have compassion for him, he is a human being suffering.

I'm sure Hitler suffered too, should people have felt compassion for him?

Kennedy is a criminal who wished to take away freedoms from others.

Scum like that deserves no compassion at all.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Animal
reply to post by deadline527

And who are YOU to be able to be the judge of this. I am done with this thread, you people truly DISGUST me.

*For the record this is not about weather or not I agree with the actions of Kennedy, this is about the pure, sick, hate you have displayed.

Pure, sick, hate because I hope he ends up turning his life around? Actually doing good for once? Yea... I can... not see that. I specifically said I hope he doesnt die, just sometimes it takes a little life threatening condition for people to wake up from their power trips. And does beliving that this is karmic justice make me a bad person either? No, it doesnt. I was merely stating what I thought was natures way of telling someone to get off their high horse and start acting with a little compassion.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 06:00 AM
When the IRA was bombing London, Ted Kennedy declared Gerry Adams (head of the IRA) as the "Irish Nelson Mandela" and demanded that British troops should leave Northern Ireland, then create a United Ireland. Against the wishes of a large pro-Union majority.

Uniting Ireland then would have led to another Irish Civil War. But Mr Kennedy was too busy supporting terrorists than listening to the people. I do not recall seeing evidence showing Ted Kennedy rejecting the violence of the IRA. Only supporting it

Ted Kennedy is undemocratic and a terrorist supporter. No tears shall fall on my cheeks.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 08:55 AM
I'm outta here.

Its not worth it - i dont deal very well with evil.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Animal

I don't know. I think the people on this site have been FAR more humane at least in their silence on this matter. I mean, the Libs in this country can say anything they want about Bush, Cheney, even Tony Snow. The list goes on and on and on of Republicans the left has wished painful death towards on sites as vile as the daily kos and huffington post.

I absolutley detest Ted Kennedy. The people of Mass are the problem though. And the people of California and New York and Michigan for that matter.

Unfortunatley Mary Jo Copecne is unavailable for comment...

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I'm outta here.

Its not worth it - i dont deal very well with evil.

Evil is just as prevalent if not more so then good in this world it seems. To ignore it is just ignorance, but to learn about it and why people do, say, or act the way they may is what you should inquire about. Evil is a part of life, and in my opinion I would much rather know as much as I can about one of the driving forces in this world instead of turning my back to it.

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