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Matthew 24 verse 29

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posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:17 PM
I was going to say that all have sin. We all have sin. And to call a sinner a sinner. Does not mean your any better. You have sin too. And if you brake the law in any way your a brakeing the law. Which means you are a sinner. Your not better than any one else. To be saved is one who trys to live by the laws and follow God and christ. But that does'nt mean you wont sin again. Not where in the bible does it say that after your are saved you wont sin again.

As for the topic. Jesus does come after tribulation. As for the whole rapture part. It does say that we will meet Jesus in the air. but I believe thats after the scrolls where open and there for after tribulation.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 01:20 PM
I do not follow or believe in the Laws of the Government or Religions or use the word sin as breaking there laws. They are not the way.

I follow Gods Law and he can be the only one to Judge me.

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