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Where Do We Go When We Die?

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posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Anti-Tyrant

Luckily that box has a massive window called "science", which includes the glass of "observations". This analogy is getting tired
Basically, science has already come to terms with the reality box, and has provided us with many different ways of measuring our world, including brain activity, and what makes us tick.

We die. We turn off. We don't turn back on. Then the microbes in your body start to break you down into people soup, and back you go into the environment.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by Anti-Tyrant

Luckily that box has a massive window called "science", which includes the glass of "observations". This analogy is getting tired
Basically, science has already come to terms with the reality box, and has provided us with many different ways of measuring our world, including brain activity, and what makes us tick.

We die. We turn off. We don't turn back on. Then the microbes in your body start to break you down into people soup, and back you go into the environment.

That's what i meant.

The physical body returns to the biosphere.

p.s; Science is merely the means with which we can percieve the limitations of the reality box, one would think...


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 10:19 AM
This is kind of an interesting topic for me.. I've always been fascinated by where we go when we die..

But I must say. As fas as I'm concerned for me the world started in 1977, Why? Because I didn't exist before 1977. When I die I will no longer exist. The electrical impulses that make me move.. and blink and what not will no longer fire.. my heart will no longer beat and my brain will no longer be active. My body will go into a box which will go into the ground. But I will just.. no longer be here.

Now I have to say, I'm not a religious person, I don't believe I will go to either heaven or hell. This is just my speculation. My opinion.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 10:54 AM
Those saying that everything ends when we die don't have any better evidence than those that say that we go on to somewhere or something else. The bottom line is, the answer to this question cannot be answered by the simple human mind. Everything - skeptics or otherwise, is nothing more than an assumption or an opinion. We all will just have to wait to find out.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by Anti-Tyrant

Then calling reality a box is not a fair analogy. A more accurate analogy would be ignorance is the box, reality is everywhere outside of it. Science opens the box and lets us look out.

Science knows enough about the body to know when we die, we die. That which was us ceases to be, as it only ever was a fleeting moment, constantly kept in motion by our body's respiration, metabolism, and brain activity.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 12:40 PM
I've read enough books on the study of reincarnation to make me sort-of believe that reincarnation is real. IMO if more of science was devoted to the subject of reincarnation we may have a definitive answer one way or another, but nothing truly concrete yet.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 01:23 PM

Science knows enough about the body to know when we die, we die.

um, no it doesn't. Maybe many scientists feel that way, but again, the bottom line is that there is zero proof one way or the other. Science can only assume .

Is There Life After Death?--Science And The Survival Hypothesis
Dr. Willis Harman--Stanford Professor Emeritus, the late President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and author of The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science.

"Most scientists would claim that there is no satisfactory scientific evidence to support the hypothesis of the continuation of personhood through the transition called death...It is essential to recognize that science in its present form is not in a position to deny the possibility. "

--Dr. Willis Harman

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 03:45 PM
If this topic is directed at a location of death, then how did science intrude?

Science can not even assume where? We can name a location(anything) with any label and/or symbol.

What if I died after posting this?

The poster is no longer able to read the post, but the post is still. Possible to imagine that no writing is in this reply.

Ask Where? to any location name.

The solar system doesn't last for ever?

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by dave420

Science opens the box and lets us look out.

Please explain your musings on this, i would love to hear the specifics of how you came to this conclusion.

If only for the purpose of friendly debate, of course.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:01 PM
If you want my thinkings on the matter, the pursuit of being 'open-minded' is only a flawed venture until you begin to realise you're going around in circles with yourself.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 05:04 PM
I'm an atheist and for me the answer is simple. When you die, you return to that place from whence you came. I have no bad memories about that place, do you? Call it 'oblivion' or whatever you want to.

And remember, just because you can ask a question doesn't necessarily mean there's an answer. Sorry if this doesn't help you.

posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Static Sky
I'm an atheist and for me the answer is simple. When you die, you return to that place from whence you came.
Sorry if this doesn't help you.

Typed that from a keyboard?

death of body, inevitable?


Determining the time now, could be based on whats in the icon tray, but does time have relevance with the earth and sun?

This post is currently future"Preview Post" then becomes present and past?

Nor a season can determine time.


posted on Jun, 3 2008 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

Thanks for that, you gave us much information on the topic and seem so confident about it, but where does all this knowledge you put forth come from? What is a spellcast?? Sounds kind of scary... I have read many great books and truly get alot of comfort in believing that we are all connected to SPIRIT. Latest one, "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle (my bible now!) DMK

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 06:22 PM
Where do we go after we die?
My belief is that we reincarnate after we died. The soul it self, will come back to earth in many different physical form. I believe that we live our life over and over to experience the "Experience" : Experiences that will sculpture and shape the soul. Any negative character traits that you have, means that in your past previously life, you have not overcome these negative characteristic. So here you are again, back on earth, given many chances to be aware of your self and changing it for the good. Till the day the soul carries nothing negative, but only love, wisdom and harmony, Those will accent to heaven.

Thats what I think. I honestly think that earth is a place where everything happens, and its there for us to experience to understand.. I mean, how do you know what selfish is if you grew up in a world of just love and peace where no negative stuff exist. You may have read in books or watched a movie explaining what selfish is but "You" yourself have not experience this. Therefor, we have earth to experience all, so that way, when you have overcome all the negative characteristic, you have finally successfully become a "REAL" "LEGIT" soul with just pure goodness. So then you can go to heaven where no evil exist.

"If god made all the souls to just know love, wouldn't we be just fake? We didn't accomplish anything to get to that point. Life itself is to witness, to experience and to understand and transform" In heaven, he would be able to say " yes, these soul are all good,they achieve their way here. instead of saying, i made them all happy and loving ( fake achievements ).

Tony Smokeyb

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 07:13 PM
What afterlife is ONLY what you believe it to be? Therefore, if you believe that death is simply the shut down of your electrical impulses and your return to people soup, then that's what you get. If you believe that after death, you will ascend to heaven to a reunion with your soul group, then that's what you have to look forward to....just how annoyed will you guys be, eh?


posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by dave420

What you stated is also another opinion/option.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 05:53 AM

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by eric52081

Okay, well I'm not quite sure. Please do not judge me when I answer this question.

I do not believe there is a "heaven" or "hell". I do not believe this for various reasons.

~How would heaven and hell be big enough to hold every person who has died since the beginning of time?
~Who created heaven and hell. God is not an answer because who created him?
~Time goes on forever correct? How can we stay in Heaven or hell forever? Boring, right?
~Where do ghosts come from?
~Where is heaven and hell, seeing as space/time go on forever?

I also do not believe EVERYONE gets turned into ghosts, because:

~The earth is in no way big enough to hold the ghost of every person who died.

However, I do believe there are ghosts. I believe ghosts are just souls on earth trying to remember something or they are looking for an answer, that is where mediators/mediums come in. They help them to solve whatever problem is bothering them so they can get on with there dead/or half dead life.

I think re-incarnation is the best theory. Has this ever happened to you? You are doing something (reading an old book for example) and it is vaguely familiar to you even though you have never read it before or seen movies about it or even having knowledge about it. Like you remember reading it before, almost. If people are re-incarnated they may come back as humans, animals, even plants if you will, but all memories of the past life are erased. How does this happen? I don't know.

I have a friend who is a... well vampire, and he said he has seen Death him self. Whether this is true or not maybe it is. He said that when he dies he wants to be death himself. Maybe when we die we have a choice of if we want a job like that or we get to be a ghost, guardian angel, arch angel, or something. I really have no idea.

Death is death for a reason. I believe we shouldn't know what happens when we die, because let's say there is a "heaven", then everyone would be saint's and acting good. Therefor, we wouldn't be enjoying life muchless being true to ourselves. We create our own destiny. Take Albert Einstein, I'm sure if he knew what happens when we die he probably wouldn't have done half the things he did do.

My advice, don't worry about petty things like death. You will know what happens when you die. As for now live every day to the fullest, you only get one life (as far as I know), live it the way you want. Most likely it's the only chance you will get.

Hope I was some help to you.


posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:28 PM
Got to post here again. My son and myself had a convo about what happens after death, subject came up at school between the friends. I gave him my opinion as i did here on page 1 so he told me his, quite interesting.

We watch documentaries such as The Secret (not really a secret) aka Law Of Attraction, i try to get down to the nitty gritty on such subjects where he shows interest, and him being a believer of The Supreme God i have taught him if he believes and it is good it will be, he needs to be positive and all in good faith. He reckons since and if we attract positive energy it is via our souls and not by flesh/birthday suit, true IMO, so whatever we believed by/before the time of our death we will be where we believed we would go when we pass on.

So in short, if i fully trust and believed with all faith i will live an eternity in an "Utopia" so it will be, or if i believed i will just turn to dust and be nothing so it shall be.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by eric52081

This is just my view from what I can perceive. There will never be another you as you are now. Just like characteristics or traits are passed down from parents through dna you are the "two becoming one flesh", so you literally are your parents and their parents and their parents, and so on. I believe that life is in the blood, so in other words, if you are to stop the line of progress, you in affect stop the life. NO CHILDREN=NO SALVATION in a body or whatever term you would like. I know their are spirits outside of the body and from what I can gather they are not to happy because they are dissimbodied. So all in all I believe that from Generation to Generation is the saving of you, and I believe that someday we will actually recall the pasts of our ancestors, thus resurrecting the dead, not that you can't know them now, but it takes belief in a future and faith that that will happen. Peace

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