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Stephen King killed John Lennon

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posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:16 PM

"Contrary to all reports about a lone drifter named Mark David Chapman who allegedly shot John Lennon in the back December 8, 1980 you'll find ample evidence in the back issues of Time, Newsweek, and US News and World Report magazines to suggest otherwise. Namely, that John Lennon was, not only politically assassinated, but that Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and, you'd better sit down, horror novelist Stephen King are the three people who can be proven guilty of the crime. King being the real murderer and Chapman but a look-alike, paid actor misleading you with an absolute hoax, the media in tow."

I have no idea if this was ever discussed here, but i do have to say Chapman and King resemble each other very much.

What do you think aboutthis theory? Crazy?

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:05 PM
This evidence seems very confusing and I can't make any sense of it at all. If you understand it could you please try to make some sense of it? Accusing Stephen King of being an assassin or helping assassinate someone is going to take some serious concrete evidence to get anyone to even consider the idea.
Why the hell would he want to kill Lennon anyways?

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:05 PM
Hiyah dgtempe!

Funny you should post this today

There's a thread called something like "Are you crazy? 7 top craziest conspiracies"

And Stephen King killing John Lennon is one of em

[edit on 27-5-2008 by LateApexer313]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

his lips in both pics are way different

I dont think this is something you can dig to deep into without laughing about it

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

Did you read the book? I was interested in the link, but it's an advertisment to purchase.

I think it sounds like a hoax just by the description, but I guess I would have to read the whole book to decide if this theory is even possible.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:11 PM
I can see Stephen King drooling at the prospect of another book, this time with himself central to the plot. The plot:

A lone writer falsely accused and then hunted by the loonies on the internet. Will he escape the crazies from cyberspace?

Just send him $19.95 and you can read the ending for yourself

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
I can see Stephen King drooling at the prospect of another book, this time with himself central to the plot. The plot:

A lone writer falsely accused and then hunted by the loonies on the internet. Will he escape the crazies from cyberspace?

LOL.........yeah well, I can see a movie being made out of this one, too!

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if he got some of his ideas by floating around this place!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:23 PM
ROOOfl DG! You've got me dieing over here! SK's lenses could light a woodfire though. Interesting duality though. Remember the 'twinners'?
Bad, bad SK twinner.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:27 PM
NOTE: This is an attempt to get away from the Bush threads and the Satanic ones also.

*For entertainment purposes only.

Now, i dont know anything about this, i cant even speculate, i just thought you people had heard of this before.

We all know about Paul McArtney, being dead for so long and all, (I dont beleive it, btw) but this is the first time i ever read about this one!!!

I love Stephen King, and i cant tie it together- nor the cover up or the government involvement either. I will say this Chapman guy does look like a dead ringer for King.

I will start doing an investigation- if anyone ever heard of this at all, please add your info here.

I posted it, but i am going to have to say its some hoax, of course, this would have been around before the Internet, so it makes sense that we didnt hear much about it, being a conspiracy and all, MSM isnt going to jump into that bandwagon!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

You always make me laugh. I know i come up with some doozies dont i?

[edit on 27-5-2008 by dgtempe]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:49 PM
WoW! This is the first time I've heard about this! (I know I should have picked that fat book up on "the complete list of conspiracies " (a title something like that a real fat big soft back, I saw and almost got at Barns and Noble Saturday. I ended up getting "The Lure" by Bill Napier-No country for old men by McCarthy-Phantom Prey by John Sanford, but I digress.

I wonder how they like their eggs?? (King and Chapman that is...)

[edit on 27-5-2008 by RUFFREADY]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Well, i did google the subject matter and there are numerous pages

with the same information. Some call it a hoax, some say its true.

Some are very funny, and evidently this is not "news" to mr. King who has been dealing with this accusation for quite a while from what i can tell.

It certainly is new to me, which is why i posted it.


posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

You know what? This thread just got me thinking of ""Paul is dead" is an urban legend alleging that Paul McCartney of the British rock band The Beatles died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike and sound-alike."

some folks think Paul "is" dead still read this here >> Paul is dead

There's this guy that comes on "Coast 2 Coast radio show often and talks about this..pretty weird. Same with your info about King (C2C should have a show about that too!)

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:32 PM
Here's some wierd stuff about Stephen King. Rememver when he got hit by a car, well a minivan actually, while he was walking along a rural road up in Maine?

Now I can't find a link to it anywhere, but I remember that King had said something along lines of a curse on the man who had hit him. That the man would suffer, or die, or something like that. This despite the fact that King may have been walking on the wrong side of the road, and that the man was not speeding or driving recklessly. Apparrently however, the driver had become distracted by his dog.

King wound up buying the van, beat it with hammers and bats before having it crushed. The driver, who police had initially said they would not charge, later pled guilty to the lesser charge of two handed down by a grand jury. His six-month jail sentence was suspended.

Fifteen months after the accident, King got a birthday wish it seems. On the same day as the author's fifty-third birthday, the driver, Bryan Smith was found dead in his trailer. Now Wikipedia claims that the death was an accidental overdose on painkillers, but I have heard the story told that the autopsy mysterioulsy could not explain the man's death.

Then, King publicly stated about the death of this man that he supposedly hated, "I was very sorry to hear of the passing of Bryan Smith. The death of a 43-year-old man can only be termed untimely."

Uh huh. Certainly weird by my standards.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:39 PM
Ha! I went to school with a guy that looked exactly like Stephen King!

If we're just going by looks, maybe he was the actual killer of John Lennon!??

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:40 PM
My ex landlord looked nearly identical to Stephen King, except for hair just a bit lighter in color.

I also worked in a building where King's son lived when he went to college.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:43 PM
I think the official story is Chapman wanted his eggs in bed with a side of Jode Foster. SK trips me out. He named myself and my boss Carney McClandless in a single chapter of his novel where the wife eventually kills her husband in a well after messing with their daughter. What are the odds. Trippy trippy dude. Guy has kept me up many nights riveted to his books. The stand was tops. MOON that spells masterpiece.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

I think the official story is Chapman wanted his eggs in bed with a side of Jode Foster.


Now we just need to find out how King likes his eggs.

Speaking of Authors that KILL I was reading about one this morning that killed his wife (though there's a new twist to the story here>>>

Oh, and I've read all of Kings books also (into the wee hours of the morning) what a gift he has!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

I have the same feelings about King and his work. At one point in my life I wanted to grow up to be Carrie. I doubt however he killed Lennon.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 09:11 PM
With the only exception of 'Cell'. I think my hatred of cell phones probably rivals Kings. But it was the same ol' same ol'. Supreme bad guy reaks havok among community until he is hunted down and killed. He's been there one too many times. Like with his twin brain child and the sparrows.
Cell dissapointed me. The ending was incredibly weak.

[edit on 5/27/2008 by jpm1602]

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