posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:08 AM
Though i dont normally respond to these types of threads, I felt the need to do so in this case for some reason.
For about a year now i have been in this constant Limbo state. Where i am not sure what to think anymore. It was at this time i realized, the whole
world is nothing but a bunch of lies. occasionally you find those few people, who make all the lies bearable. I don't understand why the world is
like this, esp for a person who wants nothing more then to just "live" and get what i needed from this experience. It seems everything in the world
when you look at it from an abstract perspective, seems to be falling apart. For good reason too i might add. However i just wish that it would
hurry up and get it over with, this whole experience being stuck in 'linear time' is such a drag. it is my feeling that the things intended to be
enjoyed an sought after in life, are being completely mis-represented. "Look at my new Ipod, Look at my new car, Look at my new house, look at all
this money i have sitting in the bank" The world is so cut-throat anymore it saddens me. Meanwhile there are so many good people in this world he
keep getting beat down, then kicked and stomped on, after they are all bloodied. While horrible evil men, sit on top of there pent house laughing at
our misfortune. The world just doesn't seem right in my eyes. the conclusion my experience in life has shown me, is that our mentality is being
upgraded, somehow, for some reason. I'm just waiting for, whatever it is, to come, however i am well aware the universe does not work on 'our
time'. If i have learned one thing in life, its that the universe, the hand of god, gods, aliens, higher powers, Devinne presence; Work slowly and
All you can do in the mean time is keep your chin up, and take it all in.
EDIT: Fixed spelling
[edit on 27-5-2008 by Hakii]