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Israel 'has 150 nuclear weapons'

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posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:57 PM
Wow, I sure can make a lot of people hate me! Just because I see something differently than them. But like I said Why would Carter come out and say these things? What is his main agenda?

If the whole world knows that Israel has nukes already like everyone says, then why would he say these things unless it was to start the ball rolling on something again?!

With friends like Carter Israel doesn’t need any enemy’s.

[edit on 27-5-2008 by Shar]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by manson_322
reply to post by lonewolf37

no doubt israeli government is war criminal
Amnesty slams Israel's war crimes

Amnesty slams Israel 'war crimes'
Palestinian man carries boy injured in Israeli missile strike in Gaza
Most Palestinian casualties are unjustifiable, Amnesty says
Amnesty International has accused Israel of committing war crimes in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Yes, no doubt if Amnesty International says someone is a war criminal or has committed a horrible act then it is the opinion of the entire world without question.

Amnesty raps French police abuses
Inappropriate and excessive use of tasers
USA: Torture and secret detention: Testimony of the 'disappeared' in the 'war on terror'

By the way, I'm being sarcastic. Amnesty International has slammed every country on the face of the earth for some form of war crime or human abuse. Like this is some kind of evidence of wrong doing.

Like I said before, when you've lived in a terrorist battle field as your home for decades then I would accept your contradictions of Israel. When you have to literally wonder 'Is this thing going to blow up?' as you walk up the steps of the city bus, then you can condemn the actions of a country that has been set directly in the midst of it's sworn enemies.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:22 PM
Someone needs to tell Jimmy to shut up and stop creating more trouble in that part of the world that certainly don't need anymore.
If Israel did not have nukes Russia would have at least tried to invade them. Israel probably has 200-400 hundred very good warheads, Enough to deter Russia and its wacko Arab neighbors.
Israel probably has some hidden in some very strange places by now. I would not doubt it if some Israeli special ops guys just truck one or more into Iran and hide one or two in a good spot for a special occasion. Like on a mountain side facing Tehran.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Someone needs to tell Jimmy to shut up and stop creating more trouble in that part of the world that certainly don't need anymore.
If Israel did not have nukes Russia would have at least tried to invade them. Israel probably has 200-400 hundred very good warheads, Enough to deter Russia and its wacko Arab neighbors.
Israel probably has some hidden in some very strange places by now. I would not doubt it if some Israeli special ops guys just truck one or more into Iran and hide one or two in a good spot for a special occasion. Like on a mountain side facing Tehran.

I don't quite know about that. I think after the Soviets lost in Afghanistan they lost the will to invade ANY ME country again. Instead they may have more interest in supplying and advising countries in the region. Israel from what I gather has a very vicious strategy in mind when it comes to attack upon itself. With the Mossad I wouldn't rule ANYTHING out.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by US Monitor

Carter was a lame duck president.. but he has done more for humanitarian causes then any president in history... you should be ashamed of yourself for disrespecting such a man which I am sure has accomplished much more then 10000000 of you every will... and don't forget that Carters name will also go down in history as a good person a good humanitarian that cared about peoples plight all over the world... Your name no one will know probably 70 years from now... I am going to ask you a question do you really think Israel cares about us? Do you recall that on the 911 attacks a few Israel defense agents were jumping up and down with joy on the attacks? do you really think this is behavior of a people that care about America and its people? Have you been seeing the news recently on all the spies that are being caught? and going to prison? if you think that Israel is our friend just because we have the same short sighted security goals think again buddy! Oh and I suggest you look up the USS liberty incident... I personally know one of the vets on the ship.. Israel fighter jets shot at our ship knowing full well it was an American ship... And continued after frantic radio calls to stop the attacks! Why were they doing this our so called "friends" well they wanted to drag the U.S into the war with Egypt! they wanted to sink the ship and everyone on there so that they could blame it on the Egyptians! Thanks to a good artillerymen on board they eventually thwarted of the attack... but it was too late... they lost a total of 34 crew members... This is the state that you are protecting? A state that is illegal to begin with(never ratified by U.N) and has American blood on its hands? a state that jumps up with joy at the murder of over 3,000 Americans? If you continue to back up Israel then I suggest you move over there. This has nothing to do with religion(I am jewish) it has to do with what is right and what is wrong.... wake up.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Shar

...It is widely known and accepted by the intelligence community that Israel has had Nukes.. and the prime minister of Israel has even "boasted about it"
A decades-long silence about Israel's possession of nuclear weapons has been broken in an apparent slip of the tongue by the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, during a visit to Europe.

Ehud Olmert
Mr Olmert broke a decades-long silence

However, his admissions has sparked controversy at home, where one of his ministers urged a return to silence about the country's nuclear capabilities.

"I would suggest that all those who want to talk about the issue, for God's sake and for the sake of Israel's security, stop it," said the Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben Eliezer.

Currently visiting Germany, Mr Olmert appeared to admit in an interview on Monday with a German television station that Israel was among the states that possess an atomic bomb.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by djvexd

skywatcher, you do realize that what you speak of is very arrogant and ignorant of you? You propose using Nuclear weapons against another country... So easily.. may god forgive your words of Ignorance.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:58 PM
150 missles or 150 warheads. If missles, remember, that each missle can carry a number of warheads.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Good point.. But isn't having one enough? I mean especially in the hands of a trigger happy "nation" like Israel that kills thousand s of Lebanese Civilians because 1 Israel soldier gets abducted...They actually had a systematic strategy of bombing civilian targets in the hopes that they would attack Hezbollah... Very very sick strategy lots of families died..

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:23 PM
these people trying to defend israel is pathetic. Israel is a racist zionist regime, and we cant compare the trade of fire between the two (jews and arabs) because for one thing, the kill ratio is like 5 to 1 (arabs to jews) and i have noticed in my studies of history that you can almost always tell who is the aggressor and who is the aggrieved (in contemporary war) by the lopsided death rates, with the defenders generally having DRASTICALLY more deaths than the aggressors. You can see this in vietnam, in cambodia, in iraq, in afghanistan, in WWII. Secondly, the arabs are fighting to keep what little land they have, and also for basic human needs like clean water, power, access to medicine. The jews are fighting for vengeance, for control, and to claim more land. These are pretty different motives, and largely the arabs need to fight is a direct result of jewish actions and aggressions.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:26 PM
Even though I might not like Carter I am happy he is bringing a much needed spotlight onto the horrible Israel.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:29 PM
When Israel took the land it was controlled by Syria. The Palestinians are an extension thereof. If the arab nations hadn't decided unilaterally that Israel needed to be removed in '65 then this would never have happened. instead they continue to plot and scheme to wipe Israel of the map instead of coming to the table like normal beings. As agressive as Israel's security services are, it is in line with the place the world community has placed on them. A target for muslim countries around the world.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Israel has nuclear weapons? I bet they look exactly like AMERICAN nukes..all of the indications are Israel will steal what ever expertise it can to shorten developmental times. Could be a lot worse..Egypt or Iran could have 250 nuclear weapons, be glad they don't REST ASSURED if the time comes ISRAEL will share her nuclear weapons with ALL OF THE COUNTRIES on a very short list. (by share I mean Launch Drop or otherwise initiate a chain reaction)

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by djvexd

Israel was never ratified by the U.N therefore it is not supposed to be on a map..... it is an illegal colony.. that is the aggressor in almost every conflict... They even try to provoke the U.S into waging there wars by attacking us... Just take a look at the USS Liberty incident.. Stop accepting everything you hear from the MSM networks the truth is totally the opposite..

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

thank you...However Israel IS a country on maps and has been for some time whether or nor the U.N. recognizes it..(hence my post earlier, read further back my friend) So because the U.N , in all of its supposed wisdom
, is supposed to decree a country as legit or not, we are supposed to bow to it?? Gimme a break, they can't even decide on whether or nor GENOCIDE is happening in Darfur....LMMFAO

[edit on 28-5-2008 by djvexd]

[edit on 28-5-2008 by djvexd]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:17 AM
yeah, we gave another peoples land to israel, thats legal. If my government came to me and said "you can now have your neighbors land...all you need to do is kill him or kick him out" i know what my response would be. At any rate, when israel went down there, the forced the palestinians off their land and massacred whole towns of them BEFORE the six days war. So what justifies them continually taking more of the palestinians land , cutting them off from hospitals, keeping husbands from living with wives, and not allowing them food or power? Cause if someone was doing this to me...i know what my response would be.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:27 AM
we WHO? was a concerted effort by the world community. Don't try and put this on the U.S. alone.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:34 AM
haha, the US WAS the world policy back then. At any rate it was western powers who got together and said "oh, we feel bad about what happened....lets give you someone elses land that doesnt even belong to us!!" If the west felt so bad they should have given them some of their own land.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by djvexd

go talk all the BS you like , war crimes are war crimes and Israel is responsible for war crimes against humanity ...go read Geneva Convention and Nuremberg trials for war crimkes against humanity , and it becomes clear what the definition of war crimes is ...

lonewolf37 posted:

By the way, I'm being sarcastic. Amnesty International has slammed every country on the face of the earth for some form of war crime or human abuse. Like this is some kind of evidence of wrong doing.

lol, more BS from an pro-israeli who can't deal with facts and tries to cover up for israeli war crimes

Like I said before, when you've lived in a terrorist battle field as your home for decades then I would accept your contradictions of Israel. When you have to literally wonder 'Is this thing going to blow up?' as you walk up the steps of the city bus, then you can condemn the actions of a country that has been set directly in the midst of it's sworn enemies.

lol, the first terrorists in the middle East were jewish like Irgun and Hannah jewish terrorist gangs who attacked and murdered British and arabs

When you have to literally wonder 'Is this thing going to blow up?' as you walk up the steps of the city bus, then you can condemn the actions of a country that has been set directly in the midst of it's sworn enemies.

and I consider the Palestinian suicide bombings justified as they are fighting against the genocidal and murderous israeli apartheid regime who is responsible for ethnic cleansing,racist policies and deliberate genocide against palestinain civilians
on israeli apartheid:

ewish self-righteousness is taken for granted among ourselves to such an extent that we fail to see what's right in front of our eyes. It's simply inconceivable that the ultimate victims, the Jews, can carry out evil deeds. Nevertheless, the state of Israel practises its own, quite violent, form of Apartheid with the native Palestinian population.

If that were not enough, the generals commanding the region frequently issue further orders, regulations, instructions and rules (let us not forget: they are the lords of the land). By now they have requisitioned further lands for the purpose of constructing "Jewish only" roads. Wonderful roads, wide roads, well-paved roads, brightly lit at night--all that on stolen land. When a Palestinian drives on such a road, his vehicle is confiscated and he is sent on his way.

On one occasion I witnessed such an encounter between a driver and a soldier who was taking down the details before confiscating the vehicle and sending its owner away. "Why?" I asked the soldier. "It's an order--this is a Jews-only road", he replied. I inquired as to where was the sign indicating this fact and instructing [other] drivers not to use it. His answer was nothing short of amazing. "It is his responsibility to know it, and besides, what do you want us to do, put up a sign here and let some antisemitic reporter or journalist take a photo so he that can show the world that Apartheid exists here?"

Indeed Apartheid does exist here.
And our army is not "the most moral army in the world" as we are told by its commanders.

for more on israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing:
[edit on 28-5-2008 by manson_322]

[edit on 28-5-2008 by manson_322]

[edit on 28-5-2008 by manson_322]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:58 AM
isnt it funny that a man on foot with a bomb is a terrorist when a man in a plane with a bomb is a legitimate member of an air force?

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