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Brain Implantation..Information is the Modern Day version of Warfare.

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posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:21 AM
How can Medical Professionals interact with 'ethics' when the chasm of understanding between the public and scientific is so vast?

“A milestone was reached when the prosthetic system finally operated wirelessly and remotely controlled,” explains Dr. Ingo Krisch. “A great deal of detailed work was necessary before the implant could be activated without any external cable connections.”

Linked, in my my opinion, for relevance...

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 03:04 PM

6. Friends/Relatives behaving strangely, superiour as-if-having-secret.

Question: What "circles" or "social groups" did these friends belong to?

Relatives...Mormon. Yeah..I group up in that cult and was in many arguements during the teen years to cease my attendance. The arguement where I said I didn't believe in god didn't go over well. Friends during high school was well...not many. One really good friend and several peripheral pals. That changed when I went to junior college...I was introduced to a Renaissance Faire Guild in Harbor City (one of the members was living there) and kind of got sucked up into that circle, though the primary individual was the now hypnotherapist. They were not really religious. The only overt connection was Ren Faire.

Question: Can you remember how/where/when you first met one of these friends?

A group of them in Harbor City, I was brought over there by one of the high school 'peripheral pals' head chick. And there were like five or six of the humans I would interact with off and on for the next three years, one of whom I still see on a fairly consistent basis.

Question: Did you have any friends/girlfriends that treated you as a sane, mature individual?

Plenty of people who treated me sane, even if at arms length. Fairly mature. My last girlfriend was an interesting situation. One comment she made has stuck with me since she said it...we were returning from a party and one of the persons we were traveling with broke a glass (we as a group had rented a stretch limo, lamest thing ever..
) and she was sitting next to him. She got really upset and started making really snappy comments at him. When we finally reached our location, she got out of the vehicle and stormed away. When I caught up with her, she snapped at me, so I snapped back. She then aoplogized and said she wasn't angry with me. I replied that I understood and that it was okay. She replied with, "It's never okay to get angry at you."...

And everytime I think about it...I realize that there were only two or three times that she ever really expressed anger at me...and she would apologize immediately after each one.

Question: Did most of your friends know each other or did some of them dissaprove of you seeing new friends or going to other places than they were?

I never really had a social circle beyond the 'current' circle. My best friend from high school vocally disapproved of my new group and there was never really any oppurtunity to meet anyone that wasn't affiliated with whomever I was with at the time. New people always came into the group.

One of the things that upset me was the behaviour of my most recent ex. We would go out to her clubs and she would run into people she knew. Very rarely would she introduce me to them of her own accord and several times it was if she was ignoring me on purpose. But she would always tell me that she had no friends but myself and she seemed to be so dependant on me that we did everything together. We broke up when she started hanging out with another guy and any question I asked was met with.."But I am just hanging out with my friends".

I don't want to turn this thread into my spilling out 'social problems' (though the very real intrusion directly effects a healthy social life which begets a healthy individual) but there are some inconsistencies with how people have behaved. And it seems that more often than not, when I question what's up, I am the one who is having the behavioural inconsistency.

Sorry...there is a bit of bitterness there.

Comment: "Handlers" apparently like doing this in order to Dissociate someone from the cozy and safe harbour of a HOME. In de-identifiying a subject with anything and everything the subject becomes easier to implant.

I have done a little bit of research into the cult mentality....this is consistent with that.

12. Two friends climbing into window while girlfriend says "go back to sleep"

Comment: Bingo. If that happened to me I´d know Im being toyed with.

Try bringing it up and being given the "quizzical eye"...I believe rule number one in their/that world is, "Deny till death."

16. Waking up in different environments

Question: Really?

Ummm...I think that you may be confusing this one. What I meant to say with the buzzsaw examples is that one of them happened in completely different environments after a year or so had passed.

Question: Who the hell are these weirdos? You´ve been hanging with a strange crowd there

All from former engineers for TRW(I think) to a massage therapist to a now hypnotherapist...strange group indeed.

32. Subject possibly recognizes other MK victims

Comment: This was the purpose of the Britney Spears question.

I was wondering the relevance of that...

Question: Any strange occurences since starting this thread?

Nope, nothing out of my ordinary. I sit in front of a desk/computer 8-10 hours a day and then go home. Hang out with the roomate and watch TV/surf the net.

Life is boring.

Comment: You dont have to tell them why. Or you google up a conspiracy-paranoid-doctor to help you.

20. Has not talked to other MK victims.

Comment: Might be helpful.

I will try this out.

Now for what I am kind of trepidatious about sharing...I 'hear voices' 24/7. It hasn't stopped for about a decade.

That is my biggest reason for suspecting an implant. It's also a weird thing to attempt to fit into this mess. Hearing voices implies that they are real time and transmitted by real humans. But I have also theorized a computer generated loop.

The most often thing said is my RW name, the word "No" and the that I have to stop smoking (which I have pretty much done, save for a couple after I am intoxicated).

I have been offered medication once for the 'ceasing' of the 'voices'...Resperdal...which made me feel horrible. I haven't really considered taking any other prescribed medication, especially after what I have read and extrapolated regarding pharmaceutical companies...besides, alcohol (as much as my liver and kidnies suffer from it) is an adequate (if not the best) remedy.

I would like to get your response to this before continuing further....again, if you look at my profile under the heading of what I don't'll see that I don't like listening to voices.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 03:50 PM
Well, its obvious that we have a real case of something here. Odd that hardly anybody is participating here.

Originally posted by MemoryShock

Relatives...Mormon. Yeah..I group up in that cult and was in many arguements during the teen years to cease my attendance. The argument where I said I didn't believe in god didn't go over well. Friends during high school was well...not many. One really good friend and several peripheral pals. That changed when I went to junior college...I was introduced to a Renaissance Faire Guild in Harbor City (one of the members was living there) and kind of got sucked up into that circle, though the primary individual was the now hypnotherapist. They were not really religious. The only overt connection was Ren Faire.

Renaissance Faire Guild in Harbor City - so we can assume that some of the experi-mentors are from within there. I will be typing these words into google and playing around with them. Have you already done so?

A group of them in Harbor City, I was brought over there by one of the high school 'peripheral pals' head chick. And there were like five or six of the humans I would interact with off and on for the next three years, one of whom I still see on a fairly consistent basis.

I see a consistent lineage of someone-who-knows-someone introducing you to the next batch of people.

She then aoplogized and said she wasn't angry with me. I replied that I understood and that it was okay. She replied with, "It's never okay to get angry at you."...

And everytime I think about it...I realize that there were only two or three times that she ever really expressed anger at me...and she would apologize immediately after each one.

You mean as if instructed by someone not to get angry at you?

there are some inconsistencies with how people have behaved. And it seems that more often than not, when I question what's up, I am the one who is having the behavioural inconsistency.

Talk among your group of acquaintances that "oh thats ________ (RW Name), he´s a bit nuts but other than that he´s a nice guy"?

I 'hear voices' 24/7. It hasn't stopped for about a decade.

You have friends lying to you, people climbing through your window at night while your girlfriend says "go back to sleep!" and hear voices. You are in my opinion most certainly being abused!!! (Or, there´s the remote possibility that you are insane, but I doubt that).

That is my biggest reason for suspecting an implant. It's also a weird thing to attempt to fit into this mess. Hearing voices implies that they are real time and transmitted by real humans. But I have also theorized a computer generated loop.

ATS-member "General Eyes" has described something similar happening to her.

The most often thing said is my RW name, the word "No" and the that I have to stop smoking (which I have pretty much done, save for a couple after I am intoxicated).

Does it say "No" when you are about to do something that it doesnt want you to do? In order to determine if this is a computer-loop or more: Does the voice respond to current happenings and surroundings or are the voices random, with no relation to whats happening?

How often is this voice there?

Is it bothersome?

Does it give commands?

What happens when you ignore it? (If anything)?

Is it always the same voice?

When did it start?

[edit on 30-5-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
I will be typing these words into google and playing around with them. Have you already done so?

I haven't and won't. The common ground, in my opinion, is the Renaissance Faire. The woman who I lived in Harbor City no longer lives there.

You mean as if instructed by someone not to get angry at you?

That is the impression I got...yes.

Talk among your group of acquaintances that "oh thats ________ (RW Name), he´s a bit nuts but other than that he´s a nice guy"?

Perhaps. I suspect that there is something of that nature, but something like that can just as easily be attributed to normal social gossip found in any social circle.

ATS-member "General Eyes" has described something similar happening to her.

I would be very interested to read her account...still have yet to send that u2u...which I will do after this post.

Does it say "No" when you are about to do something that it doesnt want you to do?

Seems arbitrary to me....I have attempted to attenuate to context and for the most part I have interpreted an a basic consistency and interchangability of inflection, an:

"appealing to my senses and better judgement"

"Very firm yet no nonsense emphatic (as if displeased)"

"Condescending (as if "Ooohhh my God")

"Neutral emphasis"

and "A female voice has started in the past year"

There are times when the 'voices' seem to heighten in their intensisty, such as when I start talking about this stuff with people in my real world situation and then there is the rest of the time.

In order to determine if this is a computer-loop or more: Does the voice respond to current happenings and surroundings or are the voices random, with no relation to whats happening?

As I have just said, I have attempted to attenuate to context and I am of the opinion that it is likely both.

I have woken up in the middle of the night and have sarted my process to recall dreams (I have an erratic success rate) to find the voices to be a bit more verbose, i.e. they say other words.

Aside from the negative nature of the situation, I do not suspect any overt ill will to me and I am for the most part able to live a fairly functional life....albeit at a sort of disadvantage. The voices can interrupt my thought process and at times distract me from real world interaction.

I don't agree with that and don't want that to happen.

How often is this voice there?

All the time and it's multiple voices. That's why I suspect both human and computer.

Is it bothersome?


Does it give commands?

Not really....though I would suspect that there would be some forms of verbal manipulation. That part confuses me...

What happens when you ignore it? (If anything)?

My day continues. But I can't ignore them all the time.

Is it always the same voice?

See answer above and yes....the tonality of the voices seem consistent.

When did it start?

About a decade ago...though I have a few memories of waking up in the morning when I was young(elementary school age) and I would think that I had heard someone yell my name from outside...

Which just reminded me....I used to stutter. I stopped stuttering after talking to a neighbor through the fence (rear neighbor/chainlink fence). I don't recall ever talking to him before or after.....

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Im currently lurking around Ren Faire on the internet. Seeing these masks and costumes Im very much reminded of the movie "eyes wide shut" which was essentially a movie on Rituals & Mind Control (imo).

Thats just as a side-note while I check around.

[edit on 30-5-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 04:32 PM
To explain: Many MK-doctors seem to have a love towards role-playing and "persona creation" type things.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

There are times when the 'voices' seem to heighten in their intensisty, such as when I start talking about this stuff with people in my real world situation and then there is the rest of the time.

But not when you WRITE about it apparently because the Implant cant hear your writing.

What do you think would happen if you say: "Im on to you guys and Im gonna uncover your remote-psychotronic-crap"

Might that be a dangerous thing to do?

About a decade ago...though I have a few memories of waking up in the morning when I was young(elementary school age) and I would think that I had heard someone yell my name from outside...

You´ve pretty much established that this is electronic/sonic not demonic, right?

Which just reminded me....I used to stutter. I stopped stuttering after talking to a neighbor through the fence (rear neighbor/chainlink fence). I don't recall ever talking to him before or after.....

That could be a psychological phenomenon linked to the fact of seperation while talking to someone, feeling more comfortable to talk when there´s a fence, hence the "learning" of your brain to talk without stutter.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
But not when you WRITE about it apparently because the Implant cant hear your writing.

Well, that's actuall why I stumbled on the SubVocalisation deal....If they can 'hear' me when I speak out loud, they can hear me when I type/write because I have to be really attentive to not...

What do you think would happen if you say: "Im on to you guys and Im gonna uncover your remote-psychotronic-crap"

I'm not sure it would be taken seriously. I am fairly certain it can't be a 'dangerous' thing to do. When this all started happening I was aware of the fact that this could very well be a threatening situation and it kind of freaked me out. But it has continued for almost a decade.

I'm more tired of it than I am intimidated by it.

Besides, I am not the kind of person I would be worried about. Unless I had surefire proof and a surefire connection, I am not sure I can make good on such a claim. Even against people I think are 'in on it' who, incidentally I feel wouldn't be able to provide proof save for a lie detector/hypnotic regression performed by someone I was positive wasn't 'in on it' and even then I would be hard pressed to come up with a physical means by which validate an imposition like that (not that I am unaware of the imposition made upon me...*sigh*)

So, I am not that worried about it. I have already more than voiced that I just want to be left alone...and my interests are discovering the truth and knowing the truth followed by a mastering of myself (so that it can't happen again). Perhaps a bit wishy-washy, but retribution isn't tops on my list.

You´ve pretty much established that this is electronic/sonic not demonic, right?

Definitely. I'm an athiest...remember..

That could be a psychological phenomenon linked to the fact of seperation while talking to someone, feeling more comfortable to talk when there´s a fence, hence the "learning" of your brain to talk without stutter.


posted on May, 30 2008 @ 06:24 PM
Memory Shock,

I just wanted to tell you that I think you are very brave and honest to share these things publicly. I have seen several others in the last couple days with similar concerns. In retrospect I see this subject frequently, I feel it isn't as rare as we would think but the stigma attached to it keeps people from speaking out.

If people are afraid and ashamed these things are kept hidden in the dark and that thwarts the possibility of making connections with others who experience the same things. This lack of communication enables those that would promote such an agenda from being found out because people are afraid of being labeled with mental illness.

I remember a thread on here talking about the "voice to skull technology" as just one that has spoken of technology that can do these things. Harrassement101 also speaks of things like this in his thread about gang stalking.

I also got a hunch about the Ren Fair aspect of your story. I think that there are certain groups that mask themselves in that lifestyle and it has come up with a recent friend as to the "old school" set of members are not so open to "bringing in the dawn of light" that the fairs like to suggest and have some unusual ties to "important" people.

Again, thank you for openly exploring this here, for yourself as well as others who may need to hear of your experiences for thier own sense of sanity and knowing they aren't alone. As well as for future victims of this awful psyop type of manipulation.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 06:24 PM
Freaky double post. Only hit button once!

Edit to delete duplication.

[edit on 30-5-2008 by interestedalways]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

Thank You. It is kind of you to say and very good for me to hear. I have been wondering on whether or not I should have used a sock puppet for this because people know MemoryShock. And then I realized that I have been gearing up for this the entire time...the name MemoryShock is me.

And I want people to know. And talk about it.

Because the general applications for our societies are where it's at.

Advertising is proof that someone somewhere was paid to figure out how to manipulate someone from afar. And the research has got to come from somewhere....

If we are here to learn more about the world then the best place to start is within questioning why we react...and why we behave....and why we maintain some behaviours when they are not condusive to progressing ourselves or they are a stagnation of what we would like to become.

Mass media would have us believe that everything is about the urgent here and now. It's not. Nothing is ever urgent. Most everything can wait for clearer minds or a rested body.

Which is why I am glad that I chose to use MemoryShock. I have been here for over three years and the site is why I kept coming back...

Edit to fix italics coding

[edit on 30-5-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:39 PM
I would like to say that falling 2 stories with a clean cut on your hand only is extremely hard to imagine the reality of how it is possible. I believe your suspicions or paranoia are well founded and a long time ago so hasnt dominated your life or unhealthy or dangerous. I too had an accident cant remember right before or after but I spent a lot of time retracing plausible explanations of how and why. Out of too much time wasted at times spent thinking about my past and life not really moving forward I learned how to profile people (& memories) their behaviors & speech and searching for truth decrypting/decoding any information available possibly relating to it.

When I first went to this thread I assumed that "they" were reseaching the brain for a very long time and were using implants and maybe misinformation manipulating and controlling people or top secret warfare through science or control through implants. Found out that for 50+ years there has been studies I and most people probably dont know about. I thought that there wasnt much information about the brain organ. I assumed maybe (one day) that an implant could be implanted into the concoiusness decypher electrical impulses over time or encrypt the brain/mind/soul and communicate with that person from inside their own body. If they would want to remote view inside someone else's head or if this artificial implant had a satellite or radio connection and possible feedback or radiation from an electrical beacon. To use more efficiently in wartime instructions, commands advice or to completely destroy someones life entirely if they were expendable or abort mission or on other side of war with technology or knew too much or whatever reason.

Its kinda scary to percieve where this information could go in 21st century war in the wrong hands. They have already been using implants and studying whatever they got back and with what "they" let us now about technological advances or military tech or info they dont want their rivals/enemies knowing. I would imagine classified or a whole system setup of insiders guarding this information and making sure if it gets leaked only drips and pieces not whole picture. It could be possible if and with some information that they have, sounds like I should remember this for a "lets break into Area 51" thread that show up occasionally.

Just if this is possible they would have to have a lot of conspirators and people in on it, choosing their propaganda wisely. If you go to doctors will you trust them, after your friends and past. I got a CAT scan and MRI done recently and got to keep personal copies on cd/dvd for my own records. Chronic bad migraines that some times feel like lower level of awake or disturbance/distortion. I can say was surprised to see nothing no implant, no tumor, no cancer, no deterioration looks healthy still undiagnosed.

If there wasnt a part of your head shaved for surgery when you woke up or scars around head maybe it wasnt an intercranial implant. The links you provided stated a Rambo chip used in Vietnam I think, if they put something in your bloodstream or a chemical youre allergic to that was dangerous or poisonous to your mind. When I got CAT scan done they injected me with at least 5cc's that made xrays of my brain's boneless organ possible. Glowed or was sensitive to machines or something. If something got in your system ended up in your brain or didnt penetrate your skull and possibly hidden underneath skin or something else. Sorry I dont know how this sounds and you know more about it then anyone posting, just that accident really doesnt make much sense to me. And you tested this from a lower location and needed cructhes after.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:15 PM
For one...slow down. Please.

Originally posted by P. O. W.
I would like to say that falling 2 stories with a clean cut on your hand only is extremely hard to imagine the reality of how it is possible. I believe your suspicions or paranoia are well founded and a long time ago so hasnt dominated your life or unhealthy or dangerous.

Unhealthy...I would argue. Dangerous...I would also argue. Life threatening...probably not. And I of course wouldn't say that it hasn;t dominated my life.

Its kinda scary to percieve where this information could go in 21st century war in the wrong hands.

Don't think, if I may suggest, a reactive mindset. Sure it';s not comfortable (even 'scary')...but personal concerns only help to demean yourself. Reality is a collaboration. At least that is my conclusion.

*Snip* sounds like I should remember this for a "lets break into Area 51" thread that show up occasionally.

No. This is not a thread designed on 'how to storm the front'. Period. This is a thread designed to ponder certain realities that aren't accepted as realities. My word is my word; it is my reality. But it is not necessarily yours. It is possible. That doesn't mean that it is for everyone. Important to understand.

Just if this is possible they would have to have a lot of conspirators and people in on it,

I have been implying that...certainly.

If there wasnt a part of your head shaved for surgery when you woke up or scars around head maybe it wasnt an intercranial implant.

I shaved my head recently...the beginning of the year. There is an interesting anomalous spot...*sigh*..picture will be posted soon. Not definitive...but I have been meaning to find out more about hair growth in 'indented' points in the skull (or skin for that matter)

The links you provided stated a Rambo chip used in Vietnam I think

Please understand that I provide these sources for background. I do not assume everything that I read and research.

Sorry I dont know how this sounds and you know more about it then anyone posting, just that accident really doesnt make much sense to me. And you tested this from a lower location and needed cructhes after.

Please don't feel sorry. I only ask that you slow down and determine the questions you want answered. And keep in mind that I didn't 'test' it just happened and upon retrospect was a relevant point of reference.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 01:26 AM
MemoryShock, thanks for posting this. I've recently joined ATS, and one of the reasons I joined was reading the excellent 'Member Debates' -- including your impressive posts. I would never have guessed that you would post such an epistemology-shaking personal story as this. I'm glad I've read many of your debate posts; they've given me a level of trust in your rationality and reason. So I'm going to ignore the 'yeah right' instinct and spend some time on a response, which I probably would have done anyway since I'm fascinated by neurology.

So I'm thinking about brain implants. How would they work? Well, the brain is composed of interconnecting neurons, each neuron getting electrical input from the outputs of one or more neurons or nerve cells, and when the neuron decides to fire, it passes the output along to many other neurons. The firing is an on/off sort of thing, more binary than analog (varying strong or weak electrical output).

There's an observed correspondence between spatial locality and functionality in the brain. For example, the neurons that process optical input are mostly grouped in the visual cortex. There's even a diagram in my neurology textbook of a region of the brain, that if 'unwrapped', sort of looks like a map of the nerve inputs from the surface of the skin over the body.

So, if a passive implant could be 'inserted' between the input/output neural gaps in a particular region of the brain, not interfering with the synaptic transmission, it could build a dynamic 'bitmap' (big array of 0/1's) of the input/output state of those neurons.
Because of functional locality, an implant designed for a particular specific function might only need to cover a few million neurons, not the entire brain!

That dynamic state vector would in someway correspond to the otherwise-subjective functionality of that region. If that state vector could be modified properly, and the implant either inhibit or excite the selected neurons, the otherwise-subjective functionality could be changed -- eg, hearing voices, causing sensation, etc.

But each brain is different. No one has the same neural layout, and in fact individual neural significance can change over time. So how would such a device be intelligibly 'read' (if it were recording sensory input from the neural state vector it intercepts), or 'controlled' (if it were dynamically modifying neural activity)? I would guess that some type of calibration phase would be required to build the "neural state vector functional description" mapping.

If the 'functional description' that the implant is affecting/effecting is a particular direct sense like sound, sight, or tactile response, the mapping could be created by feeding pre-determined sensory input into the individual, and comparing that to the recorded results, to see exactly what input fires off what neurons. But if the 'functional description' is something that is more internal, such as unvocalized speech (which is always mentally distinguishable from externally-heard speech), it's more complex. That kind of mapping could perhaps be created by some kind of directed training feedback, rather like the feedback loop engaged in when tuning a radio dial from white-noise static to a clear station.

Can you describe any experience like that? Perhaps where you heard internal sounds and were somehow compelled to parrot them externally? Or perhaps unintelligible internal became clearer over time as its effectiveness was externally measured?

The reason I'm asking is because the only way I can think of to move your claims beyond circumstantial and subjective is for there to be an objectively-measurable framework for the descriptions of the subjective experiences of those who claim to have been 'implanted'.

Thanks, and, oh, by the way -- kudos on the excellent demonstration of personal courage.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Ian McLean
Can you describe any experience like that? Perhaps where you heard internal sounds and were somehow compelled to parrot them externally? Or perhaps unintelligible internal became clearer over time as its effectiveness was externally measured?

There is a lot in your post that I want to reflect on and research (technical interpretation; I am a fleeting interacter of industry specific terms) but if I understand correctly, I can offer this...

There are times, which are never consistent, that I tend to react in an apologetic manner. That is...given the context of my 'current' thought process and the 'inflection' of the 'voices' I hear at the time....I am immediately inclined to 'apologize'. I don't always 'subvocalize'...indeed, there are times where I apologize out loud. It usually depends on the amount of people around (or lack thereof; because I am loathe to explain this in real time....

So if one could say that 'externally measured' was my inclined reaction to a repeated 'unintelligible internal' then I could say that I parrot a reaction....because the 'apology' is meant; however balanced by my (un)fortunate opposition to the presentation...which introduces a dichotomy of sorts.

Especially since the context of the presentation occurred without any desire for my conscious input in the first my experience and interpretation.

I would like to respond to other aspects of your post...but definitely tomorrow...

Thanks, and, oh, by the way -- kudos on the excellent demonstration of personal courage.

Thank You...

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
technical interpretation

Yes sorry about that I tend to get a little jargony sometimes. Oh and I mean to type "unintelligible internal sounds" instead of the rather cryptic "unintelligible internal".


Quite, me too... it's beer o'clock and a new episode of BSG to watch now, then sleep sweet sleep..

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 02:40 AM
The State creates a structure of reality that becomes the consciousness
of the masses. You don't need implants-just control the information then
keep repeating it. As you can see from even reading ATS very few people
truly think for themselves and research information deeply.

There should be a criteria on ATS that this forum is only for those who
go beyond repeating pedestrian mediocrity and who at least have the curiosity to dig deeper into issues.

How many even have the mental capacity to realize when they are merely
expounding received, implanted information.

When you get to the level of truly thinking for yourself usually the person becomes creative as a bonus.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 04:15 AM
Just to add two links someone reading this thread sent me:

Mind Control Forums

Beyond the Illusion

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 09:19 AM
I just meant a little paranoia is healthy or just uncertainty. That event didnt seem normal from how it happened to you. It doesnt seem like you put people in harms way or act recklessly.
About the 21st century thing I meant first 8 of 100 years and exactly what is available today and where it is going. And the authoratative control that might come along with it.
Just saying if and what parts are true of what we know about in present day, that this might not be all that far fetched of cover-ups and conspiracies and holding on to this secret dearly. Classified, system setup, military advances, implant technology, techno telepathy (possibly) and everything else deeply hidden for whatever reason. Just thought sounded like I should save line/idea for an Area 51 breakin post. That stuff and more is why so many people want to believe or know what they got so far that has been decided we do not need to know.
Sorry I can jumble words and thoughts together at times and not make sense of it to other people. Didnt want to write too length of a post and thought of a lot of different points to make. Sorry sometimes I will write and go over on a pad sometimes just online naturally, I know it can be incoherent or sound unclear.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Im always open to the possibility that you are stark raving mad and only pretending to be sensible and calm about all this.

But after reading this official "Mental Health" article on Hearing Voices I can understand why normal medicine and psychiatry is of no help at all.

In fact, it makes me angry that they dont even consider the remotest possibility of implants and psychotronics, as this excerpt shows:

Are voices a symptom of illness or a variety of human experience?

Dont you hate it when its either "illness" or "nature" but the possibility of conspiracy is not even mentioned?

Neither do they consider a fourth explanation, the metaphysical one which has to do with your consciousness being mis-tuned in frequency (something I havent brought up yet but which may be a possibility).

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