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Pyramids of Giza- coverup

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posted on May, 24 2008 @ 07:54 PM
Pyramids of Giza- something's not right, we're not being told something

Video about just how exact and precise the Great Pyramid is

Video about ancient technology

Really cool Discovery Channel documentary about the Pyramids and Sphinx

Interesting info on the Great Pyramids of Giza and why the Egyptological explanation of how they were built is impossible

Info on the supposed evidence for the "dating" of the Pyramid

Why is the photograph of the cartouche in Figure 4 NOT an accurate representation of the SAME CARTOUCHE as depicted in Figure 3?

Based on Col. Howard Vyse's authentic historical record (dated May 27, 1837) I believe the original cartouche discovered in Campbell's Chamber looked exactly like that drawn in Figure 3 (the glob of paint looks like excess paint to me.)

But why does the modern-day photograph look so different from the original drawing of the same cartouche?

I believe that days or years or centuries or millennia later, someone (Vyse? or a modern-day Egyptian restoration project?) realized the circle needed THREE crosshatches inside it in order to correctly spell the letters "Kh" (as in Khufu) and painted three (3) crosshatches in the circle, the middle crosshatch covering the ORIGINAL DOT in the center, which is depicted in Fig.3. But, while the forger(s?) painted the new crosshatches, they inadvertently made another dreadful mistake -— They didn't quite cover up the entire DOT in the center that was originally drawn! (see Fig.3)

Examine Fig.4 again, this time VERY CLOSELY. The middle crosshatch has a very obvious and suspicious bulge in its center. I believe this bulge WAS originally A DOT at one time, particularly on May 27, 1837 when the historic discovery was first made and recorded (drawn.)

If any of you are wondering about the red, ochre paint used (by Vyse) to paint the inscriptions, interestingly enough, the same red, ochre paint the ancient Egyptians used was still in use in 1837.

Here's a very intereting article about corruption in Egypt

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 07:57 PM
News about fraud and corruption in Egypt-

Since the beginning of 2002, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and a European team of investigators and explorers have been recording the construction of a massive system of walls being placed around the historic pyramidal sites and the larger unexcavated area of Giza, Egypt — in total, an area covering approximately eight square kilometers. Why build these massive walls at this time? Certainly Giza is one of the finest archaeological zones of the world. Are there new treasures of ancient Egypt yet to be uncovered that require sophisticated technology and surveillance platforms, to protect the ongoing research along the Giza plateau? Has, perhaps, an area been discovered that shows tracings of rare earths and unique minerals? Or is it simply, as some officials are claiming, a move to protect the plateau from terrorists and control the masses of tourists visiting the area?

The standard argument for the creation of such a wall is “crowd control”, but the details of this new construction suggest an initiative that is both multi-purpose and grand scale: the wall near Nazlat al Salman will be, at a minimum, 7 meters (22 feet) high.


Info on the Sphinx's underground tunnels-


Dr. Joseph Schor of The Schor Foundation. Schor had obtained an annually renewable five-year license to conduct acoustic and radar surveys on the Giza plateau under the direction of Florida State University. Said had entered into a joint-venture with Schor to film the work for a new documentary.

The sight he saw was very different to the one shown to the world on the FOX TV Special. A pile of muddy debris extended from the eastern side of the room and tapered off at the sides into the water. Towards the centre the partially buried enclosure also full of water broke through the debris. Said’s crew scraped away at the dirt on the chamber’s eastern side to clear a flat area for the camera tripod. It quickly became apparent that a smooth hard surface was becoming exposed. As more was revealed, a dark sarcophagus lid came into view.

vs. archaeology-

I have found a shaft, going 29 meters [95 feet approximately] vertically down into the ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren Pyramid [the middle pyramid] and the Sphinx. At the bottom, which was filled with water, we have found a burial chamber with four pillars. In the middle is a large granite sarcophagus which I expect to be the grave of Osiris, the god... I have been digging in Egypt's sand for more than 30 years, and up to date this is the most exciting discovery I have made...

1997, in dirt


1999 as seen on live tv, all this water magically appeared there, and they claim ithey found it like that. But the previous site I linked shows there was no pillars or water there in 1997

shiiiit, they'll fake anything

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 07:58 PM
Staged television program allegedly "opening" the gatenbrink door

Unknown symbols in the Pyramid shaft "door"? A triangle with a circle inside? on the left side of the door?

In March 1993, a small 'door' made of marble or limestone with two copper handles fixed on it was discovered by a mechanized robot (Upuaut II, "The opener of the way" in ancient Egyptian) at the end of a long narrow shaft (8 x 8 inches and 200 feet long). Since then the discoverer, robotics engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink from Munich, has been banned from resuming the exploration and opening the door.;f=2;t=000539;f=14;t=000031

Actually Pyramids were built by Thoth, not Khufu

[edit on 24-5-2008 by Hollywood11]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 07:59 PM
Giza Power

Here is an article talking about these kind of issues

While it may be argued that modern man cannot impose a modern perspective on artifact that are thousands of years old, an appreciation of the level of precision found in these artifacts is lacking in archaeological literature and is only revealed by an understanding what it takes to produce this kind of work. As an engineer and craftsman, who has worked in manufacturing for over 40 years and who has created precision artifacts in our modern world, in my opinion this accomplishment in prehistory deserves more recognition. Nobody does this kind of work unless there is a very high purpose for the artifact. Even the concept of this kind of precision does not occur to an artisan unless there is no other means of accomplishing what the artifact is intended to do. The only other reason that such precision would be created in an object would be that the tools that are used to create it are so precise that they are incapable of producing anything less than precision. With either scenario, we are looking at a higher civilization in prehistory than what is currently accepted. To me, the implications are staggering.

This is why I believe that these artifacts that I have measured in Egypt, are the smoking gun that proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that a higher civilization than what we have been taught existed in ancient Egypt. The evidence is cut into the stone.

The boxes that are off the beaten tourist's path in the rock tunnels of the Serapeum would be extremely difficult to produce today. Their smooth flat surfaces, orthogonal perfection and incredibly small inside corner radii that I have inspected with modern precision straight edges, squares and radius gages, leave me in awe. Even though after contacting four precision granite manufacturers I could not find one who could replicate their perfection, I would not say that it would be impossible to make one today—if we had a good reason to do so. But what would that reason be? For what purpose would we quarry an 80-ton block of granite, hollow its inside and proceed to craft it to such a high level of accuracy? Why would we find it necessary to craft the top surface of this box so that a lid with an equally flat underside surface would sit square with the inside walls?

There may be arguments against the claims of advanced societies in prehistory. Some may argue that the lack of machinery refutes such claims, but a lack of evidence is not evidence. It is fallacious to deny or ignore what exists by arguing for what does not exist. When we ponder the purpose for creating such precision, we inexorably move beyond the simple reasons espoused by historians and are forced to consider that there was a civilization in prehistory that was far more advanced and vastly different than previously thought. We do not need to look for secret chambers or halls of records to know that this civilization existed. It is crafted into some of the hardiest materials with which they worked—igneous rock.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 08:30 PM
Excellent info.I remember reading about all the math involved w/Ghiza....pi and vanishing points etc.Can't find that link,but this is

[edit on 24-5-2008 by shramana]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:01 PM
Wait a minute.
The Greeks can built the Acropolis and the Colossus of Rhodes but the Egyptians can't build pyramids? They needed help or didn't even do it themselves? But the Greeks did it ALL on their own? Wow. Pretty pathetic.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:17 PM
The precision and exactness on such a planetary scale of the Pyramids surpasses not only the ancient greeks, but anything built in modern times. For example, no modern structure is aligned to north as accurately as the Great Pyramid.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:22 PM
Take a look at the Mesoamerican pyramids and the way the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan was built.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 11:29 PM

The precision and exactness on such a planetary scale of the Pyramids surpasses not only the ancient greeks, but anything built in modern times. For example, no modern structure is aligned to north as accurately as the Great Pyramid.

Really? Why would modern man want to align to north? LOL

Your statement is an old myth. Check the tolerance for things like the Proton-Antiproton Collider at CERN and other large science projects. There accuracy/tolerances far surpass the 'crudity' of the pyramids.

The pyramids are a fine bit of building but there is nothing "super-human" about them.

If you ever go to Egypt, you can see up close the crude construction used in the core stones and the primitive method of obtaining the limestone blocks. You do realize that Menkaure's outer sheeting limestone was not completed? That the remaining outer layer of the other pyramid is not flush? That in cutting stones in place they "missed" and cut into other stones?

Why are the errors of alignment between the pyramids different? One has an error 100% larger than the another.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by QuetzalcoatlAlien
Wait a minute.
The Greeks can built the Acropolis and the Colossus of Rhodes but the Egyptians can't build pyramids? They needed help or didn't even do it themselves? But the Greeks did it ALL on their own? Wow. Pretty pathetic.

Not so fast. The Acropolis and the Colossus were not contemporaneous with the Gizamids. You have to fast forward some 1500-2000 years (from when Giza is said to have been developed) to the Greeks and their development of the Acropolis, and even more so for the Colossus of Rhodes.... different tools and different technologies for building--IOW upto 2000 ( and maybe more) years of advancement... can't really compare the two. I see this a lot around here and I still don't get it.

The Greeks most certainly had iron tools and such to work the stone...The AE's at the time of Giza had copper, which supposedly cut, shaped and carved granite into perfect blocks.... I don't buy it.

Plus the Greeks took influence from the AE's...

[edit on 25-5-2008 by PhotonEffect]

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 11:20 AM

The AE's at the time of Giza had copper, which supposedly cut, shaped and carved granite into perfect blocks.... I don't buy it.

They used cutting saws with sand and dolerite pounders

Egyptian stone working

More Egyptian stone working

Pounders are roughly or completely spherical balls, mainly of dolerite . They have a diameter of 15 to 30 centimeters and weigh about 4 to 7 kilograms and could only be lifted with two hands. The largest one known to me has a diameter of 40 centimeters.40 They were found at most of the construction sites of the Old and Middle Kingdoms. Their apнpearance at the quarrying sites of the obelisks of the New Kingdom41attests that they were still in use. Pounding was the main method for workнing granite and perhaps other hard stones as well

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
Really? Why would modern man want to align to north? LOL

It has to do with the flow of Qi of the Earth. This however, is far beyond what modern science understands.

Your statement is an old myth. Check the tolerance for things like the Proton-Antiproton Collider at CERN and other large science projects. There accuracy/tolerances far surpass the 'crudity' of the pyramids.

I have stated no myths.

The Great Pyramid's north-south axis is aligned to within three-sixtieths of a degree of true north-south. It would be worthwhile to note that this alignment is more accurate than that of the Meridian Building at the Greenwich Observatory in London, which deviates from true north by nine-sixtieths of a degree. Even though there is no evidence in ancient texts that the Egyptians used astronomical knowledge in the construction of the pyramids, it seemed possible that they did indeed possess such knowledge, and had used it in finding the true north.

The pyramids are a fine bit of building but there is nothing "super-human" about them.

They are beyond anything created by modern society or modern science. Modern science cannot duplicate them.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 04:19 PM
..found that link I mentioned above..math etc

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:38 AM

It has to do with the flow of Qi of the Earth. This however, is far beyond what modern science understands.

Hans: Sorry dude unscientific, if you want to bring “Qi” then I can bring in Vectron rays and chicken flavored dirt.

I have stated no myths.

Hans: I’m quite sure you were told to believe this and you have. It’s a myth.

The Great Pyramid's north-south axis is aligned to within three-sixtieths of a degree of true north-south. It would be worthwhile to note that this alignment is more accurate than that of the Meridian Building at the Greenwich Observatory in London, which deviates from true north by nine-sixtieths of a degree. Even though there is no evidence in ancient texts that the Egyptians used astronomical knowledge in the construction of the pyramids, it seemed possible that they did indeed possess such knowledge, and had used it in finding the true north.

Hans: But why use building made hundreds of years ago?

Greenwich is off because the crust of the earth continues to move – just like Egypt does, you do know that don’t you? You do know Hollywood that the crust of the earth is moving – which is why I always find the alignment statement so amusing.

Most modern observatories can obtain an accuracy of + or minus 2 arcseconds. How does that compare to the pyramids present 3 arc minutes?

So the question is what was the original alignment of the pyramids like? Was it better or worse? But that brings up another question – why are the alignments of three Giza pyramids different?

The pyramids are a fine bit of building but there is nothing "super-human" about them.

They are beyond anything created by modern society or modern science. Modern science cannot duplicate them.

Hans: Hilarious a great statement of propaganda and I'm very sure you actually believe that. They are a very nice pile of rocks – do you think the Egyptians could build anything like a 14th century cathedral? How about a dome like the Pantheon? What do you find so wonderful in limestone blocks hammered out with stone hammers? The mass is impressive but the technical skill in building is not comparative to modern abilities.

But I find your statement interesting so please prove what you just said. I await your evidence.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:48 AM
Oh another piece of data

The Africa plate is moving Northeast at an estimated rate of 2.15 centimeters a year. After approximately 4,500 years that is how much in meters? The pyramids have moved along with that plate and are now that far out of position. As the plate is moving NE this should be altering the north/south alignment.

Hmmm is that movement in favor or not in favor of the accuracy of the pyramid?

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 09:30 PM
Let me post an addendum to my previous two messages as I cannot edit them.

I believe my questions, line of thought are not as clear as they should be above.

On alignment. Why is that important?

If the pyramids were built with superior knowledge the builders would have known about tectonic plates and would have KNOWN that the alignment - no matter how accurate initially, would, ultimately, become inaccurate.

So why the attempt at accuracy? Puzzling isn' it! One would think it was done by people able to conduct astronomical observations BUT not knowing about tectonic plates. ie the AE Egyptians.

The accuracy of AE in simple alignment can be explained, what is more challenging is to figure out how they levelled the sites so well?

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

The Africa plate is moving Northeast at an estimated rate of 2.15 centimeters a year. After approximately 4,500 years that is how much in meters? The pyramids have moved along with that plate and are now that far out of position. As the plate is moving NE this should be altering the north/south alignment.

I figured it at approximately 317.25 feet. A little more than the length of a football field. Something I have always wondered, is there any known rotational aspect of the African Plate and if so by how much.


posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:35 PM
I havent read all the OP yet, I plan to.

but to those who claim the pyramids to be a crude construction... please.
all of those glitches that have been named could have easily occurred after their construction in the 3000+ years they have existed for.

I mean, think about it.
What would men that discover the pyramids in every era of human history since the pyramids have been built do?
Probably sabotage them or try to figure out all their secrets.
all of the defects listed could have occurred due to this reason, and thats not even considering the environmental factors the pyramids have faced over countless centuries.

The truth is, there IS something very unhuman about the alignment of the pyramids and their knowledge of other star and planetary systems.
Same goes for the pyramids of the Aztecs and other ancient cultures.

[edit on 27-5-2008 by Odessy]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by cormac mac airt

Something I have always wondered, is there any known rotational aspect of the African Plate and if so by how much.


This is a great question and I was also wondering the same thing. And could it be rotating such that the pyramids maintain their line up with the cardinal north?

If thats the case one would have to wonder how "they" figured out how to do that eh?

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 06:11 PM
I've asked the tectonic plate question on another site that has more knowledgeable people (in that area)

The general view is that the africa plate is moving NE (presently) at 2.15 centermeter per year-but that has only been measured for less than fifty years. It is also twisting.

It is the general view that these shifts would not have accounted for the present error.

Of course the question is, of what use is the alignment? In our world we make our observatories so they can adjust, often with a +- 2 arc sec variable versus the 3.6 arc minutes of the pyramids.

The alignment is impressive but of what value?

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