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Tupac Shakur

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posted on May, 23 2008 @ 11:15 AM
The uncontested facts: After leaving the Mike Tyson fight in Las Vegas on Saturday, September 7, 1996, Tupac Shakur was shot five times from a car that pulled up close to his. He initially survived the shooting and was taken to a nearby hospital. He was pronounced dead on September 13, 1996. That was Friday the thirteenth.

There have been plenty of conspiracy theories around the murder, but none has caught on like the notion that Shakur's death is all one big hoax. The theory holds that Shakur wanted to be free of the stifling publicity and noteriety that went along with his high-profile outlaw lifestyle and that he's now living it up on a tropical island somewhere.

Some of the clues include:

- He is seen crucified on the cover of one of his CD's, which would suggest that he will rise again.

- A music video released conveniently just days after his death shows Tupac being murdered, presumably to convince the public that this was what really did happen.

- Tupac always wore a bulletproof vest, no matter where he went. Why didn't he wear it to a very public event like a Tyson fight? Some believe he wanted to make it plausible that a shot would kill him.

- In most of his songs, he talks about being buried, so why was he allegedly cremated the day after he died? Furthermore, it is highly unconventional to cremate someone the day after death without a full investigation. In fact, it is illegal to bury someone who has been murdered without a postmortem.

- Why couldn't the police locate the white car from which the bullets were fired? After all, Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert (with only so many ways in or out), and it would seem really quite improbable that it escaped without being witnessed.

- Tupac's entourage was notorious for having a gangsterlike image. So why did none of them shoot back?

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Grock]

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Grock]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Gangsta rap is all about people getting killed, I don't see how Tupac singing about his own murder is evidence of any type of conspiracy. He had been shot before hadn't he?

I think people give Tupac more credit than he deserves because he did sing about some different topics than the average person in his genre. His songs did have more depth, but again that isn't evidence of any conspiracy in my mind.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Grock

"He is seen crucified on the cover of one of his CD's, which would suggest that he will rise again."

Similar to a couple of Beatles album covers as per the "Paul is dead" theory.

"Why couldn't the police locate the white car from which the bullets were fired? After all, Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert (with only so many ways in or out), and it would seem really quite improbable that it escaped without being witnessed."

Whole lot of white cars in Las Vegas.
I would imagine that people were running for cover and ID'ing the car was the least of their worries.

Quite a few ways out of Las Vegas and the town is big enough that you wouldn't have to leave.

"Tupac's entourage was notorious for having a gangsterlike image. So why did none of them shoot back?"

Like a lot of tough guys with a gun it's easier to shoot at unarmed people.
When you're the intended recipient of a bullet, the view is completely different.

Tupac was a hero to many people and like most heroes we are hesitant to let them go.
Witness the Jimmy Dean, JFK stories and the like.

Interesting post.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 11:51 AM
Here is an interesting Tupac fact

Tupac began calling himself Machiavelli. Machiavelli was an Italian war strategist who advocated faking one's death to fool their enemies. 2Pac was a fan of Machiavelli and had read his books. Perhaps 2Pac is taking his advice?
(But that is not all Machiavelli did... Nicolo Machiavelli was a political, military theorist, historian, playwright, diplomat, and military planner.

[edit on 23-5-2008 by netobrev]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Grock
The uncontested facts: After leaving the Mike Tyson fight in Las Vegas on Saturday, September 7, 1996, Tupac Shakur was shot five times from a car that pulled up close to his. He initially survived the shooting and was taken to a nearby hospital. He was pronounced dead on September 13, 1996. That was Friday the thirteenth.

There have been plenty of conspiracy theories around the murder, but none has caught on like the notion that Shakur's death is all one big hoax. The theory holds that Shakur wanted to be free of the stifling publicity and noteriety that went along with his high-profile outlaw lifestyle and that he's now living it up on a tropical island somewhere.

Some of the clues include:

- He is seen crucified on the cover of one of his CD's, which would suggest that he will rise again.

- A music video released conveniently just days after his death shows Tupac being murdered, presumably to convince the public that this was what really did happen.

- Tupac always wore a bulletproof vest, no matter where he went. Why didn't he wear it to a very public event like a Tyson fight? Some believe he wanted to make it plausible that a shot would kill him.

- In most of his songs, he talks about being buried, so why was he allegedly cremated the day after he died? Furthermore, it is highly unconventional to cremate someone the day after death without a full investigation. In fact, it is illegal to bury someone who has been murdered without a postmortem.

- Why couldn't the police locate the white car from which the bullets were fired? After all, Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert (with only so many ways in or out), and it would seem really quite improbable that it escaped without being witnessed.

- Tupac's entourage was notorious for having a gangsterlike image. So why did none of them shoot back?

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Grock]

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Grock]

im a huuuuge fan of 2pac shakur, and i've heard all of these theories and one of them went that he would come back in the year 2007..... and guess what??? no tupac......i never took any of the theories seriously anyway....i think he is dead...theres even an autopsy picture but ppl still feel the need to put a conspiracy around that and call the autopsy picture a fake....i have the autopsy picture in color and it looks just like tupac, same bullet wounds from the new york shooting, same tattoes....its tupac....people need to get over it and move on

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Karlhungis

I am sorry to inform all of you toady that tupac shakur is dead. Stop thinking he is alive. He is very much dead. Now the question you have to ask yourself is why is he dead! Now to get that answer,, all you have to do is do a little research on the man who is known as tupac shakur. While doing this you will learn that his roots were very deep. he comes from the black panther era! Remember that. The Black Panthers were built on education. Listen to the way tupac talks. He is very educated. Do not be misguided by the media. The news and magazines want you to believe he was a gang member. That he raped woman!! That he owned illegal guns. Open your eyes. Listen to his messages. Their was nothing gangster about his music. He was simply telling you about the reality that the media was not giving us. Now Have you noticed that evey time a person speaks against the government,, they either get killed or locked up for various reasons. Now what better than to acuse a man of rape, gang relation, or any other accusations when that man who is being accused is gathering attention to give out a message!?? By doing this He will loose credibility of being a good person. And this Has been done to many of our past voices such as Malcom X,, M.L.K,, Malaky york and many others. You as an american have to question these kind of things. It is your right to know what is going on. The Death of Tupac Shakur is way deeper than just a gang related issue or the issue with the east coast west coast war!!! Tupac Shakur was born in New York for whoever did not know that. He had love for all coasts. Better yet he was not about choosing sides!! This man was about educating the youth and reuniting everyone. When he spoke against biggie and badboy, what he was trying to do was tell eveyone that why would you want this man called biggie to be your leader in hiphop!! Biggie never spoke reality. Biggie rapped about stuff that we can never do or live as us growing up in the ghetto. So in all,, Biggie was a great hiphop icon lyrically!! but at the end of the day that was all he was good for. He left millions of hip-hop fans uneducated!!
Do you understand now. Tupac tried to educate and thats what scared the government. Notice how Tupac Shakur had a voice that will shut you up and make you listen. He had the potential of being a leader. And anyone who has the potential of being a leader gets assassinated! So its not about who killed tupac because you will never find out due to the media covering it up. The question is why was he killed,, what orginization orchestrated this assassination on Tupac Shakur and what were they trying to hide!??

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 07:35 PM
Have you heard his "new" stuff? You can tell it's butchered up clips and B-sides. I'm expecting to here a collage of his old answering machine messages remixed to a beat by Timberland soon...but yeah he's probably dead.

All I know is my friends & I where the only ones to pour beer out for him on the place he was shot that New Year 97 in Las Vegas!

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Grock

- He is seen crucified on the cover of one of his CD's, which would suggest that he will rise again.

You are reaching here, many would contest that Jesus never actually rose again but that his body was stolen. If you belive Jesus actually existed

- A music video released conveniently just days after his death shows Tupac being murdered, presumably to convince the public that this was what really did happen.

Or he could be trying to capitalize on the fact that he was shot before and survived. I would imagine I would be slightly paranoid about being murdered if I had actually almost been murdered.

- Tupac always wore a bulletproof vest, no matter where he went. Why didn't he wear it to a very public event like a Tyson fight? Some believe he wanted to make it plausible that a shot would kill him.

He did wear one, he took it off once he got into the car with Suge complaining of the Las Vegas heat.

- In most of his songs, he talks about being buried, so why was he allegedly cremated the day after he died? Furthermore, it is highly unconventional to cremate someone the day after death without a full investigation. In fact, it is illegal to bury someone who has been murdered without a postmortem.

I doubt he had any voice on what was to be done with his body after his untimely murder. Also, if the autospy photo's were not real then why would his Mother, Afeni, object to the posting of the photos on various websites.

- Why couldn't the police locate the white car from which the bullets were fired? After all, Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert (with only so many ways in or out), and it would seem really quite improbable that it escaped without being witnessed.

I can only guess that you have not been to Vegas. Lots of white cars.

- Tupac's entourage was notorious for having a gangsterlike image. So why did none of them shoot back?

Because the only one in the car with him was Suge, who supposedly owed Tupac millions in unpaid royalites. Now there is a motive for murder. Funny how Suge survived that attack with barely a scratch.

I appreciat the way the think and will applaud you based on such. I just happen to disagree with you and I think that Tupac was murderes and that Suge had lots do with it. He was worth much more to him dead than alive.

posted on Jul, 11 2008 @ 08:22 PM
He did mention his ashes in a song. So he maybe changed his mind from earlier songs. PPl change.

The message you should get is that even though you die you will live just not here. But it's a matter of the will. If you will not ride you will not make the cut to get the next life. All you ppl letting the corrupt do what they do and irreverance against those who are affected badly by the corrupt and speak up and try to do something about it, are doomed for a deletion after humanly passing away or when we exit this image you only think is life.

Makaveli was a warning sign about not riding. If you aint riding, then I bet you acting a punk indirectly or directly with who you should ride against.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by kleverone

I agree on the Suge Knight issue.... could there possibly bea conspiracy with that that may need to be addressed? While I personally am not into rap music, I respect Tupac and mean no disrespect to him or his family with this thread (as hinted by others).

I think that whatever the REAL cause/motive, his death should be looked into a little further than it has so far been.

Here are some websites I found concerning Tupac and conspiracies -

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 02:17 PM
There are autopsy photos of him on the internet. Several people witnessed him get shot. There is no conspiracy, he is dead. Please let the man rest in peace.


posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by netobrev

The problem is the whole point of 'The Prince' was to rule directly or indirectly.

But what empire or kingdom does Tupac Shakur rule? Dre and P. Diddy have massacred his legacy for their own gain. Also remember how paranoid Shakur was sounding in his last months as well laying verbal stompings on Nas, Dre, B.I.G, Mobb Depp etc. etc.

The man is a legend and was very intelligent but he got played for a fool by Suge Knight imo.

It's kind of ironic that Tupac named himself after Machiavelli but then fell victim to the same machiavellian stratgems he'd read about.

It's ironic that his rumoured killer or mastermind of his killing 'Suge Knight' was the real Machiavellian character, the man ruling behind the scenes.

[edit on 12-7-2008 by SR]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 02:54 PM
Who cares if tupac is alive or dead? He is not a saint, prophet, or even good person. He sang about the same crap that the majority of rappers do, he's only remembered because his was good and 5% was on original topics besides sex, money, or shooting someone.

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 03:06 PM
To all the naysayers and ignorant folks on this thread...
Embracing ignorance...
Ignoring truth...

Look into this and you will find a glimpse of one of the great conspiracy / mysteries of my time (generation X)...

What 2Pac did - manifesting the mystery - et al...

I consider myself a self taught expert on this subject and I challenge anyone who wants to discredit this topic - mano y mano...

Anyone claiming he is 2Pac is simply dead really needs to keep that speculation off this truth board and maybe save it for a music board...

Here is a clue as to a piece of the mystery...

[edit on 7/12/2008 by theBLESSINGofVISION]

[edit on 7/12/2008 by theBLESSINGofVISION]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by netobrev

That is much more interesting than what Grock has posted.

No offense Grock but just like so many others have insinuated... That stuff is not suprising and no real big coincident.

reply to post by theBLESSINGofVISION

Great video about his beginning acting career, but what does it have to do with him faking his death?


[edit on 12-7-2008 by MrMysticism]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 04:15 PM

[edit on 7/12/2008 by theBLESSINGofVISION]

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 04:22 PM

Who cares?

Tupac was (or is if alive) a GENIUS.



This from a white person who likes rap, but does not love it...
as an artist, this man was anabsolute GENIUS.

Listen to his lyrics,- have you ever?

Sure, he was a "thug" which was a mistake in so many ways-
but he was a victim of his upbringing (no Dad and Mom was a crackhead despite her own incredible brilliancne and political savvy)

Third time- the world lost a GENIUS... a true POET.

Anyone else agree?


"Even a genius asks questions..."

Tupac Shakur


posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 04:29 PM

This should give you a ton of clues!

posted on Jul, 12 2008 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by HighDefinitionFilms


Who cares?

Tupac was (or is if alive) a GENIUS.



This from a white person who likes rap, but does not love it...
as an artist, this man was anabsolute GENIUS.

Listen to his lyrics,- have you ever?

Sure, he was a "thug" which was a mistake in so many ways-
but he was a victim of his upbringing (no Dad and Mom was a crackhead despite her own incredible brilliancne and political savvy)

Third time- the world lost a GENIUS... a true POET.

Anyone else agree?


"Even a genius asks questions..."

Tupac Shakur



posted on Jul, 13 2008 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by HighDefinitionFilms

Ditto duo!

Oh God that was such a white thing for me to say!

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