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Evidence of the Human Soul

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posted on May, 22 2008 @ 04:12 PM
A hologram is created when a beam of laser light is used to illuminate a three-dimensional object. The image of the object is captured on a photographic plate. Another laser is used to illuminate the plate, and the object can be viewed from any angle, by rotating the plate in front of the eyes.

One interesting aspect of a hologram is that the photographic plate on which the image is stored is that parts of the plate can be removed, and the whole image of the object remains, only with slightly less detail.

The human brain seems to operate on this principle. Children diagnosed with epilepsy occurring within one hemisphere of the brain have undergone a radical procedure called hemispherectomy, in which half of the brain is removed surgically. These children then live remarkably normal lives, and when assessments of cognitive ability have been obtained, some of these children have scored tested IQs of over 100, which is above the normal result in random populations, and most only suffer a minor detriment when measured with these tests.

What does this tell us about the nature of intelligence, cognitive ability, or for those of you with spiritual inclinations... the nature of the human soul? It seems the brain may not play such a dominant role in the understanding of what it is that makes us unique in our personalities, intellect, and identity. Some are saying that this is evidence of a soul that exists beyond the physical manifestations of the human body.

While it may be easy for some to dismiss this insight, it is not so easy to toss away considering another phenomena related to holographic theory which relates to that of the human mind. Considering that a hologram may be divided... literally cut up into many pieces, and yet each piece retains an image of the whole... it is worthwhile to consider the answer to the question: how much destruction of a hologram would be necessary to destroy the information contained within it, entirely? Well, there is a theoretical mathematician who has contemplated this question, and come up with a curious result.

Dr. Jean Scherer, Ph.D of theoretical physics at Virginia Tech University has focused his attention on just such a question. Here are the the simplified results of his inquiry:

- A hologram contains information about the source subject;
- The hologram itself may be separated into segments;
- Each segment contains information about the whole;
- The number of segments that the hologram may be divided into is infinite.

Based on these factual assumptions, the results he comes to are somewhat startling, in the context of a universe based on the premise that something that is destroyed is lost forever:

A holographic information storage medium can be destroyed, but no matter what the degree of the destruction, the information - the very pattern of the source of information - still remains!

While that statement may be short and simple, its implications are profound.

What does it mean? It seems the brain, with all of its complexity, is only the temporary storage medium for something much more complex and eternal. In other words, there may actually be scientific evidence for the human soul.

Given this, it may be inevitable that the question will be asked: Is there any difference between what we call supernatural and what exists in the physical world which we simply do not understand?

[edit on 22-5-2008 by ianr5741]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 03:27 AM
Very interesting, Ianr. Thanks.

Scientists have been studying the brain for over a hundred years and they've made great progress in understanding how it works. We know now the functions of the various organs and modules in it, like the hypothalamus and the corpus calosum. Using a PET scanner it's possible to see the electrical circuits that light up when a person thinks of one thought as opposed to another when different circuits light up. But these studies still have not found any part of the brain from where our consciousness or sense of being comes from. They can watch our thoughts, but not see the place from where these thoughts originated. It's possible to cause all kinds of strange thoughts and feelings to occur by running artifical electrical currents through the brain, but none of these experiments have revealled a part or function of the brain that makes the subject think "I did that." The "I" fuction does not seem to be present in the physical workings of the brain. The "I" function is what many philosophers and theologians define as the soul.

Have you read "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. Based on whaty you've discovered here, you'd find it interesting! It shows that it's not just the brain, but the whole body that is holographic! What's more many other things in the universe apart from living bodies are hoilographic.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 04:12 AM
And don't forget I have a bet with William Hill which will win £1 million if I can prove the existence of an after-life before the end of 2008 - so any help with this proof will entitle the contributor to a share!


[edit on 23-5-2008 by nomadrush]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 04:18 AM
Ha ha!
Good luck!

But by what criteria do William Hill define proof though? Many people claim the afterlife already has been proved! Mediums say they prove it every day! Most scientists say there's no scientific evidence, but others say that there is.

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Hagbard Celine]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 08:19 AM
Nomad, if William Hill and other bookies are going to pay out when the existance of the afterlife becomes the conventional, mainstrem view of the academic, scientific astablishment then I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a long time to collect. The acceptance of the afterlife will mean a lot more than just scientists getting together and saying: "this is what we think is true". It will mean a total paradigm shift of the enitre Zeitgeist of humanity, that will make the discoveries of Darwin look like the correction of a filing error!

How could the current world continue to function ecomically, socially and politically if we all knew that our physical life was not all that we experience? How would the religious superpowers survive, like the Vatican? The Pope would be made redundant! As attractive as that prospect might seen to you and me, to him it would be a catastrophe. And seeing as he's the one who holds the purse-strings and has his finger in the government, would he ever let the afterlife be proved, the way you and William Hill want?

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Hagbard Celine]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:35 AM
They have made the winning relatively easy in some respects, as they have said proof to be "beyond reasonable doubt", and Victor Zammit a lawyer who fights the case for the existence of an afterlife. may well be able to put forward such a case!


posted on May, 23 2008 @ 11:12 AM
I'm glad you've got a lawyer on your side, Nomad. Knowing the fuss the Skeptic Movement would kick up about it, you'd probably need one. So long as "beyond reasonable doubt" doesn't include changing the mind of the entire Skeptic Movement you'll be OK.

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Hagbard Celine]

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Hagbard Celine

The "skeptic movement" you speak of is actually called "science". Though, of course if you said "science" instead, your post would make you look like a loony :-P

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by Hagbard Celine

The "skeptic movement" you speak of is actually called "science". Though, of course if you said "science" instead, your post would make you look like a loony :-P

Yes, that's why I avoid such Orwellian terms!

There are plenty of "scientists" who are not part of the "Skeptics Movement". The word "Skeptic" is different to the word "sceptic".

[edit on 23-5-2008 by Hagbard Celine]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:13 AM
very interesting, especially hagbergs post. i have thought for quite a while where my concieness came from. for a being to exist who thinks I is quite unexpliciable, maybe there is such a thing as a soul.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:52 AM
To me i believe that the Human soul uses hte brain and the body as a vehicle to move around in this dimension. the soul interacts with the soul and the brain filters in what it see's through the eyes to the soul. so to me there is a connection to the brain and the soul. it's so hard for humans to grasp the concept of a soul and its existence because its not physical in nature and we cannot see it. Most humans are empirical and must see it before they will believe it. We can see the brain and we can see the body. so to us that must be real, but for us to add an energy or part of the human that we cannot see but must believe in? that's were it gets hard for most people.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by nomadrush

Have a read about that recent event with a french fellow who died, pronounced gone by the doctors, was dead for roughly an hour and a half, was prepped for organ removal and just before being cut up, came to, moved his eyes, began to breath and the heart beat was detected.

This guy was gone for an hour and a half before coming back into the mortal realm.

The story

I read this on either CNN, Man or yahoo a couple of weeks back.

I have had nde, oobe and found all knowledge is infinitely indexed in a collective luminance from the ethereal realm that empowers the mortal beings intelligence

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:45 PM
There was an incident at a casino here where an older fellow and his wife were playing the slots when he stated to his wife he was not feeling right.

Suddenly he hits the floor not a vocal sound made as he went down. The casino has employees trained with cpr and cardiac care. they are summond and after a quick assessment dialed in 911 and alerted first responders as well as the para-medics.

The para-medics arrive, administer care and drugs, after which the guy becomes coherent, opens his eyes, looks around and with shock on his face began screaming and fighting the para-medics and first responders.

He is in absolute horror and screaming to let him out of there. He was fighting with the team and as they tried to keep him quiet he got even more agitated as he flailed and screamed to let him out of there.

He was trying to get up and run after no heart beat or pulse or respiration.

They said he had to have seen something in the minutes he was gone to drive him to a frenzy wanting to get out of there. It was a while that they restrained him and suddenly he fell back and was gone this time for good.

He saw something over there that horrified him into coming back and telling those who live, to let him out of there while fighting with the emergency care group. He tried to escape death and almost made it till death claimed his soul.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Peepers

Wow! pretty cool, would be good to see a scource though and not just an urban myth style story

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:05 PM
This is no urban myth. It was told to me by a police officer who knew the casino employees and got the information first hand. I provided the details you won't hear at news time.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Peepers
reply to post by nomadrush

Have a read about that recent event with a french fellow who died, pronounced gone by the doctors, was dead for roughly an hour and a half, was prepped for organ removal and just before being cut up, came to, moved his eyes, began to breath and the heart beat was detected.

This guy was gone for an hour and a half before coming back into the mortal realm.

Many years ago when I was a young porter at my hospital (I still am in a way!) I was in delivery suite in Maternity. A women in labour with twins with foetal distress was given an ultrasound scan and told that one of the twins had died. But later on when delivered, both babies were alive and well! It was wonderful!
The doctors and midwives were dumfounded at how this could happen. The Ultrasound they used was "dopler-scan", you can't make mistkes with it because it detects the movement of blood in the arteries.

Was this one of these back-to-life events?

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Interestingly, the OP's writing suggests to me that the brain is infact structured in accordance with the body, and that if parts of the body suddenly stopped working (like going blind) then the brain would have more room with which to play with.

Even if this is something i have learned before or has been spoken of on ATS beforehand, i still find this understanding of nuero-chemistry fascinating.

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 02:40 PM
Have you seen this?:

This is amazing and wonderful! Of course the baby is not out of the woods yet, but the fact that she’s still fighting is glorious. She is very close to my heart because she was brought to my hospital and I attended the crash call personally. Due to my code of confidentiality I can’t tell you any details of what happened, but I’ll keep you all posted to any news stories on the subject.

What makes it special is what I was talking about only yesterday!

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by ianr5741
well not to "ruin " this site with religion but paul says that we can understand the spiritual world by the physical world so from a religious aspect i would say there is a connection

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by ianr5741

You know that i just recently heard the fact that people loose 1.5-1.7 L the MOMENT they die. This seems to be evidence of a soul and spirit.

[Xilvus told me that !]

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