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5 reasons I will never vote for Obama.....

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posted on May, 21 2008 @ 06:26 PM
I have been asked by friends why I dislike Barrack Obama so much. My reasons are plentiful, but I'm willing to say the 5 that are the most prominent in my mind. They are not in any specific order.

1) His Political and Life experiences -- He's 47 years old, and the average age of Presidents happens to be 55. He's only been in the political arena for the past 11 years, and only on the national stage since 2004. If you ask me, he doesn't have the experience he needs yet. If he were to come back in 8 years, I might actually give him some more consideration, but right now.... No.

2) His Racial Tenancies -- My goodness he's been fast on that race button. He represents himself as a "black man" or an "African American" and he's not. He's of mixed race, like Mariah Carey. Her father was Afro-Venezuelan and by looking at her you'd never classify her as black. Sure you can say "Well, his skin is dark so he can do that." but it's a misrepresentation of the truth, he should admit to his mixed blood more than he does.

It's not just that, though, it's the fact that he has a "get out of trouble free" card with it. Anyone who says anything at all negative about him in any way is Racist. I've seen it here on the board so much, it's making me sick. Why can't you dislike someone cause of the issues? Why does every fricken thing have to do with race, cause it's Obama? You may think your stunting arguements out of unsupporters, but in reality your just pushing those who don't care for his politics or are undecided away. It's a dis-service.

3) His Promises -- He's promised everything to everyone, from financial relief and gas cost relief, to health care, to peace. How the heck can he deliver to everyone? Where is the money going to come from? Taxing the rich? How do you think that will go over?

It's the rich who run this country... they donate money to political campaigns. Even if Obama didn't take any support from any interest groups, or any of the rich, they have ways to keep their money in their hands. It's how they stay rich and how they got rich. So that cuts off that funding source.

What are the other choices in getting the money.... besides us everyday joes, there isn't one. So one of two things will happen, he won't do jack, or.... he will and tax those of us who are barely making it as it is, and then... bam, we will be on the programs required to survive.

4) His attitude about life -- Their was an act a while back called the Babies Born Alive Act. It suggested that those babies who suffered through a botched "Partial birth abortion" (which is where the head is partially delivered, then a pair of scissors are jabbed in the crown of the head so a vacuum can suck out the child's brains) should be treated like any other American and have the right to live like any other Americans. Obama was against this act, saying that he didn't want to put any responsibility on the mother or the abortionist on keeping this child. I'm sorry, but what the hell??????

Law states that if the lungs of a child have inflated once (as in it took a breath of oxygen) and then is later killed (even if it was seconds later) it's murder. So, if this botched procedure (which most people don't even realize how gruesome it is) produces a child that can breath, shouldn't it be allowed to live? This is completely appauling to me. Who in their right mind could support anyone that wants to let babies die slowly after a botched abortion?

5) Voting record -- The man has spent more time voting present than picking a stance and standing with it. It shows that he lacks gumption to picking a side. How can we have a president who will jump from one thing to another so quickly your head spins? He swears now he's not Muslim which is a big deal for some Americans... how do we know he won't just change his mind once he gets into office? How do we know he will mean anything he promised us once he gets in? I've already said he over promised, but my feelings are as soon as he gets in, he will swear he never promised anything at all.

So... those are my big reasons for not wanting this man to be our next President. You can dispute any of this if you like, or you can list your reasons for not liking Obama.... but.... this is why I will never vote for Obama.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 06:34 PM
Cheers mam
.......i hear that.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 06:42 PM
Cheers! Ditto You had me at #1. Your online.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 07:08 PM
1.Good. The less brainwashed by the political machine the better.

2.Good. Whitey's the devil. Not you whitey's, just some whitey's. You whitey's aren't significant enough to be considered devils.

3.Every politician lies his way in, or makes promises he doesnt have any intention on fulfilling. McCain, Clinton, or Obama, you're going to be disappointed if you believe in any of their promises.

4. I'm more concerned that he's okay with partial birth abortions than his stance on what to do with botched abortions. Personally, I feel if you've botched the abortion you should get another try at it,

5. Present is probably the best vote to cast in a number of situations. You don't want a senator who's voting on things he doesn't know about.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 07:17 PM
Good post

About number 4, I never knew even Obama would go that far, good but disturbing info.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by ThePiemaker

1) You know, your not the only one who has stated how good it is that he's new to the system. I look at it a different way, however. If i was going in for brain surgery would i want the intern or the well seasoned doctor? I feel this applies to everything. Obama just lacks a massive amount of experience, and that bothers me.

2) lol, this is a joke right? It has to be, cause Obama is 1/2 whitey....

3) Sure all politicians lie, but what gets me, is he's the only promising the end of all the countries problems. Seriously..... wth.

4) A botched partial birth abortion doesn't mean she's still pregnant, it means the birth of a living child who was horrifically mutilated. Having another "go at it" means killing the infant. So where does this end, when the parent can kill any child under 18? Seriously, how is this at all ok?

5) It's his job to know what he's voting on. it's more likely he votes present so that if popular opinion goes against him, he can say "hey, I didn't vote for iit." It's a great political strategy, but in the end, We need someone who can do things, not just be "present" for them.

To be honest, I was a Joe Biden supporter but he pulled out. I then became a Hilary supporter because out of the remaining choices, she seemed to have the experience and if anything had her husband to help her through it. Now, it looks like she won't be on this ticket unless some miracle happens. So.... if it comes down to John McCain or Barrack Obama, I will vote, no, campaign then vote for McCain. I know it's 4 more years of the same in theory, but it's the only serious option I think I have. (and to be honest, i know quite a few people who feel the same... )

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by JessicaS

Excellent post!!!

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by ThePiemaker
5. Present is probably the best vote to cast in a number of situations. You don't want a senator who's voting on things he doesn't know about.

Being a senator is his job. If I went to my job and didn't put any input into anything because it was something I didn't know about, I would get fired. It's my job to know what we're talking about so I properly prepare for meetings and make sure I put in some input. Shouldn't he be properly preparing for his job too? Shouldn't we fire him if he's not putting the time in that it takes to do his job?

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by BlueTriangle

Being a senator is his job. If I went to my job and didn't put any input into anything because it was something I didn't know about, I would get fired.

I think sometimes senators vote present when they don't want to take a stance. I thought I heard he's voted "present" on the partial birth abortion issue (#4 in this thread). I might be seeing this wrong, but perhaps he doesn't feel good about voting on such a sensitive subject. He's said publicly he believes in a woman's right to choose, however I'm sure the partial birth thing is really tip-toeing the line for him. Maybe he feels it's really up to the woman or the doctor?? The are already laws in place to protect the lives of the people in medical environments.

So I guess my point is it really depends on the issue he votes "present" for.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 07:11 PM

I will vote, no, campaign then vote for McCain. I know it's 4 more years of the same in theory, but it's the only serious option I think I have. (and to be honest, i know quite a few people who feel the same... )

Excellent thread, JessicaS. I totally agree with you. When Hillary is forced out of this race I will turn to John McCain.

The DNC, media, and overzealous Obama supporters have botched the crowning of their chosen one by mistreating Hillary and her millions of supporters. I won't forgive any of them for taking the Democratic women of this country for granted by assuming that we would fall in line and vote Obama. The damage has been done and he will lose millions of votes in November because of this.

I encourage any woman (or man) who has been offended by the blatant sexism in this country to reject Barack Hussein Obama on election day.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 07:40 PM
We really need to see who Obama will pick as his VP because I can tell you right now if he gets elected he will be the first US President to have suffered a nervous breakdown while in office.
He won't be able to endure the harsh criticism any person should expect to get as President of the USA.
He's already feels his wife should be off limits.

How can he expect us to believe he will make a fine leader when he plans on asking other countries what we can do to accomodate the rest of the world?

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 07:52 PM
I did a little research to see if I could find out a list of votes that Obama voted "present" on. I didn't find an entire list yet. BUT, I was kind of surprised to read that he actually voted "present" on one of his own bills...

This guy has been planning on the Presidency for quite awhile and it's obvious from his voting record. He refused to take a stand on anything that could be used against him in an election.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 08:57 PM
Electing McCain to the Presidency means, essentially, four more years of Bush.
McCain has been bending over backwards over the last two years to show his support for the extremist hawk neocons and the Religious Right, two constituencies who he previously maintained his distance from. While I think McCain is a decent enough Senator and doesn't suffer from Bush's character failings, the fact remains that he wants to continue the same failed policies.

Obama may not be perfect, and I may not agree with all his policies, but compared to McCain, he's an easy pick.

As far as Hillary goes, voters across the US have made their choice.

I don't understand why some Clinton voters (and Clinton herself) cannot seem to accept that she's lost the vote, fair and square. Despite a few internet holdouts, I don't think many Hillary supporters will be voting R in the fall. Honestly only those uncomfortable with Obama's race are likely to switch over - it's not a matter of policy, where Obama and Hillary are quite close, with Obama's Senate record slightly less partisan and slightly more moderate (despite the current well-funded propaganda campaign aimed at painting him as a "stealth radical".)

The latest Reuters poll has Obama leading McCain by about eight points, and I expect to see his lead increase, frankly. Americans have had two terms of failed extreme rightwing ideology and warmongering from the current Republican administration, I doubt they're going to elect another Republican President for some time.

[edit on 5/22/08 by xmotex]

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by xmotex

Obama may not be perfect, and I may not agree with all his policies, but compared to McCain, he's an easy pick.

Yea Obama isn't perfect all right, but the fact that he supports the killing of a born human being just because the abortion failed is supporting what is legally defined as murder.

There are many reason why not to vote for Obama but I can see this becoming a single issue among millions of Americans.

That is, unless the media keeps getting the tingling down their legs for Obama.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 11:38 PM
Not too mention, Obama want to pass the Global Poverty Act. America can't afford it, not even close.

Your taxes get hiked and you pay for the bill while the military gets reduced simultaneously with big cuts, helping to pay for it.

Obama wants to help everyone but Americans. He thinks America owes the world and share her wealth. Well, that's all fine and dandy, but not possible. Smoke some more Crack.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 07:21 AM
Obama did vote present, however he voiced enough dislike of this bill to get it blocked.

You can read about it here....

Hilary Clinton voted for this bill, at least she had some decency when it comes to born life.

The way I feel about it, I'd rather have four more years of the same, than a inexperienced radical indecisive baby killer as president. What he's proposing goes beyond abortion and straight to murder.

Thank you to all who have voiced the same disguest at this. It just shows I'm not alone.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:14 AM
I keep seeing this argument that McCain is four more years of the same and that Obama is the only logical choice. I think those who are using this line should stop and consider which is worse. Four more years of the same or four years of Obama.

It seems like the two viewpoints are :

McCain - Keep the war going. Keep doing what we're doing internationally.
Obama - End the war. Spend that money and extra obtained from higher taxes helping out the rest of the world.

I don't like either of these. I'd like to see us get out of Iraq and turn inward for awhile to make the USA a better place. A good side effect of this is that countries we've been bailing out for decades will see why it's a bad idea to bite the hand that feeds.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by JessicaS
Obama did vote present, however he voiced enough dislike of this bill to get it blocked.

I'll ask the obvious question then. If he felt so strongly against it why not stand behind his convictions and vote. The only reason I can think of is fear that there would be political ramifactions. That makes him a sellout.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 05:09 PM
1. I rather like the idea of having someone who isn't helplessly entrenched in political corruption (as so many politicians are) for our next president. So his "inexperience" is actually a plus for me.


Originally posted by JessicaS
he should admit to his mixed blood more than he does.
Really? How much should he "admit" to his mixed blood? How would he go about doing this? He has been quite open and honest about the fact that his father was black and his mother was white, therefore freely "admitting" his mixed-race background. Why does it bother you that he calls himself black? Do you know that most black people in the United States have white people in their bloodlines? How would YOU suggest he further "admit" his racial heritage?

Originally posted by JessicaS
Anyone who says anything at all negative about him in any way is Racist.
They are? According to whom? Why would you not vote for him because of what people on this board (or anywhere) say?


Originally posted by JessicaS
Where is the money going to come from? Taxing the rich? How do you think that will go over?
I don't much care how it goes over. It's about time the rich pay their part. And perhaps if we weren't spending $5000 PER SECOND on a useless war, we'd have some money for our own people and their health, education and welfare.


The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act is a step toward the day when every child is welcomed in life and protected in law. It is a step toward the day when the promises of the Declaration of Independence will apply to everyone, not just those with the voice and power to defend their rights." - George Bush
I would vote against it, too. It's a step toward outlawing abortion.


Originally posted by JessicaSThe man has spent more time voting present than picking a stance and standing with it.
Firstly, do you have a source that supports this statement? And secondly, how could you possibly know WHY he didn't vote for some bill or another? Perhaps he didn't have an opinion on it.

Originally posted by JessicaSHow can we have a president who will jump from one thing to another so quickly your head spins?
Like what?

Originally posted by JessicaS
He swears now he's not Muslim which is a big deal for some Americans... how do we know he won't just change his mind once he gets into office?
Are you serious? How do we know ANY person won't change their mind about their religion once they are in office? Why does their religion matter? Obama has NEVER been Muslim. Why would he go there now?

Originally posted by JessicaS
How do we know he will mean anything he promised us once he gets in?
How do we know that about anyone?

Originally posted by JessicaS
this is why I will never vote for Obama.
It's just as well.
Seems you share some opinions with the good people from West Virginia...

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by ThePiemaker

4. I Personally, I feel if you've botched the abortion you should get another try at it,

You Sir are evil!


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