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new Planet X Nibiru Video Footage! & Photo's

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posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:36 PM
I generally discount blanket debunkings, which I classify as denials.

It doesn't fix anything nor adapt to anything, simply to deny its existence.

Photos and videos of this phenomenon are surfacing again, as they did before.

We're going to have to just wait and see.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by sarcastic

I generally discount blanket debunkings, which I classify as denials.

It doesn't fix anything nor adapt to anything, simply to deny its existence.

Photos and videos of this phenomenon are surfacing again, as they did before.

We're going to have to just wait and see.

Seeing as your username is 'sarcastic' I don't know if to take your post seriously or not!

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:45 PM
I honestly cannot believe that this YouTube video has caused such a stir! The guy who posted it on YouTube just swiped it from some other guy, they're just trying to get people worked up over something that simply is not there.

I mean, look at the wording in the video slides. Things like - "I am a sceptic, I don't know what to believe" automatically suckers in people who might be on the fence on the issue. You don't need to believe in Nibiru to take notice of the video with such wording, and you end up sympathizing with the supposed author. Then something clicks in people's brains and they think "oh yeah hey, it MIGHT be something..."

It's bloomin' obvious that it's lens flare or other optical tomfoolery - people just want to get worked up about stuff I suppose.

But what's the worse that could happen IF there were a Planet X? You might die. So what? Just take each day as it comes. You have a trillion times more chances of being hit by a bus than some mystical garbage like Nibiru coming to get you.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:47 PM
It's a cool, believable video. Whether or not it's "planet x" nobody knows. Pretty disappointing that this never made the news if it is real. I don't buy the fact that this was 2 different days of shootings, otherwise it surely would've been on the news.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:56 PM
Sorry about the one liner, but Venus is called the morning star for a's a bright object in the sky in the morning.

[edit on 18-5-2008 by metatronscube]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:44 PM

i don't even know why i bother posting on these forums anymore

[edit on 18/5/08 by cheeser]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Those are some mighty nice collections of lens flare photographs.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 08:58 PM
Well that video is just gota be fake?.. or like the above vid a sundog.

If it was realy X we would all see it out there every day. It was massive.. first there was 1 then 2, and it was always behind a curtain, why couldnt he go outside?

No comment on the picture of the sun thing... I hate those pictures.. I barely accept mars rover photo anomalies so those things have no chance with me its all dots on a screen.

[edit to remove stuff]

[edit on 05/09/2008 by P-a-r-a-d-o-X-2]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:26 PM
Come on people!! Planet X?!? Please... No such thing! I see the cattle follow the teachings of David Icke and Zacharia Sitchin.. These two guys have made tons of cash from fiction purportedly toting it as a conspiracy.


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:38 PM
I saw the same thing in NYC from the Bronx with binoculars. But I forget when but it was on a sunny day between March and April

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by metatronscube

Venus is visible in the morning or evening depending on its location, either just before sunrise or just after sunset. The same is true of Mercury. Mercury and Venus are inside the earth's orbit so they appear in the sky before sunrise or after sunset, somewhat near the sun in the sky. Mercury is closer to the sun than Venus and therefore does not move as far from the sun in the sky as Venus does. Jupiter or Mars on the other hand are outside of earths orbit. Therefore they can appear on the night side of the earth opposite the sun. Venus can only be seen just so far from the sun and no more, morning or evening.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:08 PM
I now discredit all home photographs of Nibiru as lens flare, because that's what they are.

I've seen HUNDREDS of images on one website saying it's Nibiru, when all it really is, is lens flare.

All of those black spots, CMOS or CCD overload causing a dead spot in the image.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:57 PM
I would like to just add that if you go to and type in Nibiru in the search field, the result is a page describing "2003UB313" which is now what they are claiming to be Eris, the strange thing is why does that result come up when searching Nibiru if it does not exist to them? Or maybe I am dumb?

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:05 AM
ITs a sundog...

search google .. wiki .. or youtube for examples.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:14 AM
That is NOT a sundog. Sundogs are hexegonal in shape.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:21 AM
I have been into astronomy for the past 22 years. What i can tell you is, in tha video, it is NOT mercury or venus. It loks superimposed, or a lens flare. At msot realisticaly speaking, its an atmospheric reflection from the sun, thats all. Personally, i think its a reflection forminside the room.Looks to much like a light bulb.
Mercury, is not easily visiable fomrt he norhter hemipshere, because it never gets hihg enough in the sky. Someone with 20/20 vision, would have a tough time locating it. WHen you get to about mid to south Florida, the elliptic(the plane of view from earth, the planets follow through the sky) is higher up. Anywhere north of Florida, and MErcury gets closer and closer to the Horizon, making it dimly visible. In Flroida, and south fo their, Mercury would be much higher in the sky.
As for that object in in the SOHO image, DEF aint a comet, comets that sloe to the sun woudl DEF extend a tail hundreds of millions of miles into space, and it is not mercury either. Mercruy and venus from earth orbit, would be undetectable with eyes or telescope, becuase they thiers nothing to greatly reflect them... on earth we see them, becuase of water in our atmosphere... put a straw in a glass of water...the straw looks bigger than it really is..same principle applies to our atmosphere.
Whatever that big white light at right hand screen is, is closeer to us, than the sun... and BIG. UFO? Could be... refelction off another earh orbiting satellite? could be, bu unlikely/

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by RudeAwakening
That is NOT a sundog. Sundogs are hexegonal in shape.


Well you obviously know nothing about atmopsheric phenomenen. The only thing close to being hexagonal about them is the ice crystals

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:36 AM

Why is it so hard to just research stuff before claiming ANYTHING?

I'm American, but I think America has been conditioned through their televisions to over-dramatize EVERYTHING.

Everyone wants to get all emotional and get all butt-hurt when someone's view poo-poos on theirs.

Do we want an ego fest- or do we want to REALLY figure out what is going on here? Do we want to take the common view of most Americans and expect the information to be handed out to us on a silver platter?

Buy a darn good telescope. Get some filters. Start LOOKING. Get your buddy in college who has access to the kick arse observatory to lend some time. Research it. Look for it. THEN state.

Just let me know if you DO find it!

IMHO- there are many, MANY fine astronomers out there with some pretty awesome equipment at their disposal- some on par or close to hubble resolution. I'm not talking just optical telescopes either- but radar/radio and infrared and gamma ray telescope/detectors as well. As a collective global intelligence (NON-military), don't you think we've got quite the view available to pick up ANY large mass only four years away from 'swingin' by to say hello?

It takes us a whole 365 days to swing around the sun at a fairly close orbit compared to the larger planets in our system. If something 'Massive' or even Earth or Moon size was screaming at us from ANYWHERE in our system- in a heavy elliptical orbit, and still had four years to go to get here, if we were even able to see it in the night sky it'd have to be the size of a star or maybe even smaller. No way we could see it with the naked eye, nor single it out. I believe the only way it can truly be detected is with radar or something that can track a moving object- I doubt it could be located via optical telescope unless one was extremely lucky to aim in the right direction- if it exists at all.

I am completely open to the existence of Niburu- but I've yet to see any evidence other than the ancient Sumerian artifacts which are hard for us 21st century people to speculate on what was happening back then.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:45 AM
Exactly. Only the ice crystals that cause sundogs are hexagonal. In fact, I just witnessed this phenomena while observing the full moon (there is a discernable halo at my current location).

The SOHO picture is certainly Venus;

Also, I believe I read on this thread someone saying that planets were not visible during the day. This is not true. Venus, because of its extremely high albedo (extent to which an object diffusely reflects light from the sun) is often visible during broad daylight. It is often a challenge for amateur astronomers to try and find it without some landmark (e.g. a crescent moon).

This video does not show a new planet, comet or anything worth noting. Besides the fact that almost every industrialized country on Earth having professional astronomical associations that are constantly observing the skies, there is a world-wide network of amateur astronomers that are doing the same. IF there was anything of note news of it would break literally in minutes (as did when Comet 17/P Holmes exploded last fall). I suggest if anyone still has any curiosity as to what this is to ask the experts. has numerous members who have been both professional and amateur astronomers (PhDs and non PhDs alike) who would be able explain this in greater detail. I would also suggest however, that you do not mention the possibility of Planet X so they take you seriously.


posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:48 AM
I just realized it's probably impossible to do ground-based radar detection- the only way to do that would be with a satellite- something none of us would most likely have access to. I think a more effective method would be to have a computer analyze photos of the night sky on a daily basis to track any movement. With volunteers from all vantage points on the globe taking photos of their views and reporting any discrepancies. With proper equipment that's available off-the-shelf to the public all of this could be automated. Kinda like SETI- but a different cause!

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