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Why are we terrified of the Grays?

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posted on May, 17 2008 @ 07:49 AM
Why are we terrified of the Grays? Why am I terrified of them?

I have never knowingly seen a Gray or looked into its eyes yet they scare the hell out of me. I have an inbuilt fear of one abducting me or appearing before me in the middle of the night.

Why should this be? I cant remember ever seeing one, yet if I look at a classic Gray picture it sends shivers down my spine. Their eyes are freaky, controlling and totally uncaring. They do not look friendly in the slightest they just look frightening.

I can take many fears head on, but this is one fear I just cant get over. I dread the night I wake up looking into those horrible dark wrap around eyes. Is it their strange white skeleton appearance? Their overly large heads? I do not know for sure. Their eyes for me are my main fear.

I was abducted over 5 years ago but I have no memory of the beings. All I remember is being dragged up through the roof by some energy force. Then I have a vauge memory of an entity next to me doing some procedure then being thrown back onto my bed with much force in a very uncaring way.

At no point do I have any memory of a Gray in all this yet I am terrified of them. Why should we be so scared of something we dont even have proof exists? Ive no proof say werewolfs exist either, yet Ive seen pictures of them but do not fear one waking me up one night. Its as if I "know" a werewolf is probably not real but something deep down in me "knows" the Grays are very real indeed.

So why as a species are we so frightened of something we have no proof even exists?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 07:59 AM
Well I for one do not need proof. I know what happened to me at the hands of grey aliens and others. Some experiences are very similar to yours.

They perform operations and do things to people that aren't nice. Some abductees have wonderful relationships with them and talk to them telepathically all the time. For all they have put me through, the relationship is strained at best.

I am not impressed by them and feel they have their own agenda which involves harming and using mankind for their own ends. I have seen no evidence to date which shows me any altruistic motives by any alien group.

You will need to make up your own mind on who they are to you.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:03 AM

Pretty scary huh! But why is it?? Its definatly those eyes for me. Its like they can scan everything about you in a second and control everything you do while in their presence. You basically dont stand a chance with one of these, all you can do is hope it whont hurt you.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:08 AM
There are many who are in the "kindly space brothers" camp . They think that aliens are wonderful and sent to save us.

I don't think any creature who is of good purpose lies, scares, frightens, rapes, comes in the night, abducts, kidnaps, hurts, or leaves scars and bruises? Do you?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by spaceweaver

They perform operations and do things to people that aren't nice. For all they have put me through, the relationship is strained at best.

I am not impressed by them and feel they have their own agenda which involves harming and using mankind for their own ends. I have seen no evidence to date which shows me any altruistic motives by any alien group.

You will need to make up your own mind on who they are to you.

Well I dont think Ive had a nice relationship with them because Im so frightened by them. I certainly dont remember having any telepathic conversations with them, and like I say I dont even remember seeing one of them yet I have a massive fear of actually seeing one. Have you actually seen one?

I do often wonder if their agenda is mis understood and is clouded by the treatment of us, maybe they just dont know they are treating us badly ? You would imagine they would know though.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:09 AM
Perhaps because you can sense their intentions are not in in YOUR best interest but their own when you see them. Maybe its a result of subliminal conditioning by our government to keep us from being curious. There could be any number of reasons, but from the reports of abductees... they are not benevolent as a species there are here to research us like we do on say a lab rat.. and they dont see us as equals. How can they when they treat us as such?

If these experiences reported are genuine you should fear them. They take us to use like guinea pigs. We are no better than cattle to them.

Just my 2 cents. take it for whatever its worth.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:10 AM
Alot of documented encounters over the decades include the witnesses being overwhelmed with an overpowering sense of fear. An example is the Betty and Barney Hill case.
Greys seem to have the ability to induce powerful emotional states such as fear.

A guess would be that it is used to control the situation.

I am intimidated by the idea that these entities can control my emotional state at their own discretion...

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:11 AM
There is a lot you can do. Try arguing telepathically with them. Ask them what gives them the right to do what they do to mankind?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:12 AM
FYI, I am always arguing with them LOL

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by spaceweaver

I don't think any creature who is of good purpose lies, scares, frightens, rapes, comes in the night, abducts, kidnaps, hurts, or leaves scars and bruises? Do you?

No you are right here. Any entity that seeks us out with fear can not be good. Even if their agenda is "good" they need to learn this is not the way to treat us. They are scaring the hell out of us in the thousands. The fear of them is one I just can not shake off.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:14 AM
hey MG,

Nice to see you active and posting as always. I think the very nature of experiences induces fear, couple that with not truely knowing if what happens is in fact real, the absence of memory etc, the total loss of personal control and involvement in the experience add even more fear and anxiety. I also think that the popular mainstream influence portrayal manevolent aliens experimenting on us has also contributed fear to this phenomena and to expriences.

I think you raise an important issue and it is worthwhile exploring the element of fear, how we react to it, how it motivates us and how it affects our perception and interaction within our reality. Especially as you personally are being affected and are experiencing this fear frequently.

Take care MG

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari

If these experiences reported are genuine you should fear them. They take us to use like guinea pigs. We are no better than cattle to them.

Just my 2 cents. take it for whatever its worth.

Yes when I think why do they do this to us, how can they possibly do experiments on another species like this. I look at how we treat lab rats and think we are just as bad as them in some ways. I know rats are not as intelligent as us but the principle is the same here.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:17 AM
The reason they induce fear is that just being in their presence is such a huge shock...not so much visually but energetically. Most humans don't understand that we get 99% of our information in this world by vibrational frequency...when something is in your presence that has a whole other frequency that isn't what you have ever encountered, the body goes into lock down. The same thing happened when i met some hybrids. Absolute shock.

If aliens vibrated at the same rate as earth beings, we would only be curious. As in, what sort of creature is this?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by spaceweaver
There is a lot you can do. Try arguing telepathically with them. Ask them what gives them the right to do what they do to mankind?

I cant even see them as they've switched my memory off or something so to argue with them would be impossible lol To argue telepathically with something youd need to actually know it was there I think. I knew "something" was there but it was so vague, I think others will know what I mean here hopefully. They seem to remove your memory of what happened whilst under their control yet they can not remove the fear .

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by spaceweaver
The reason they induce fear is that just being in their presence is such a huge shock...not so much visually but energetically. Most humans don't understand that we get 99% of our information in this world by vibrational frequency...when something is in your presence that has a whole other frequency that isn't what you have ever encountered, the body goes into lock down. The same thing happened when i met some hybrids. Absolute shock.

If aliens vibrated at the same rate as earth beings, we would only be curious. As in, what sort of creature is this?

I have seen a hybrid but I did not go into complete shock. It woke me up in such a way I had no fear of it I just looked at it in amazement. I had no fear of it but I knew most of my senses had been switched off in this department. Its as if he was thinking about how Id react to him so he did it in a kind way. He was a nice alien

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by atlasastro

Hi! Nice to cross your path . Yes if only we could remove our fear of these beings we might actually be able to get to the bottom of what it is they want. Is it our fear which is stopping us actually finding this out?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:28 AM
As they start to vibrate you prior to an abduction, say to yourself "I will remember everything in the morning" and keep repeating it. They in turn will be hypnotising you not to remember. See who wins

They are actually afraid of our physical strength and have been punched out by one or two abductees before.

They like to breed from certain soul groups. Going for not only DNA but soul DNA as well. They are light years away from us as far as intelligence goes and know what you are going to say before you say it...even telepathically. Personally I think they are a bunch of A holes. But thats only due to what they have put me through.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:31 AM
Mr Green, when you feel they are about, even though you can't see them, send a telepathic thought or question out and see what comes back. You may be surprised, as i suspect you have been talking telepathically to them all your life and just don't remember.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by spaceweaver]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by spaceweaver

Individuals that are able to punch them can't be as sensitive to their mind control then. Most people feel they cant move.
Soul DNA ?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 08:36 AM
Great question. Even if the whole notion of 'ET', 'Grey Aliens' and ET-piloted UFOs is a myth, this classic figure does seem to have a visceral hold over the human psyche. Skeptics and believers alike seem to have this reaction

Before continuing, just keep in mind that despite your 'memory', or 'feelings' of being "dragged up to the roof", this most assuredly does not mean you were actually abducted by non-terrestrial beings.

Let's look at the most logical explanations. But before we do, we should assign a probability of 'unusual' or 'out-lying' explanations. In all fairness, I think there is no way to assign a probability of -zero-.

As part of the estimation, I think we have to consider:
1. Perception of a being that is non-standard does not automatically prove that it is from a distant planet. It could be
an inter-dimensional being,
o a being from the future;
o a virtual being with some tangible aspects;
o a non-tangible perception from the mind that is projected onto 3-D
o temporal lobe epilepsy; or
o other - something we have not yet discovered.

We know that several situations can produce feelings of not being alone, and beings of unusual characteristics.
o electrical stimulation of the brain;
o sleep paralysis can cause perceptions of beings;
o 'fantasy-prone' individuals can form such a belief that a completely internal or subjective experience appears to be external and objective.

So in descending order we'd have to say:
1. Terrestrial phenomenon, mis-identified as an other worldly event;
2. External brain stimulation;
3. Internal brain stimulation;
4. Fantasy Event;
5. Outlier event
a. Future humans;
b. Inter-dimensional beings;
c. Non-terrestrial beings.

The reason we would put 'future humans' above dimensional or non-terrestrial beings is that, even though it may be impossible or unlikely to travel in time, at least we -know- that technology exists and that humans exist (and they desire to find ways to time travel).

In the case of alien beings from another planet, we don't know they exist, we are unsure of their ability to
o get into space,
o travel in their neighborhood,
o travel outside their neighborhood,
o be able to come to our planet, and
o be able to find us in the vastness of the M-W galaxy.

What are the barriers to coming here?
o Vast distances;
o Technological challenges;
o Motivation and opportunity;
o Need for an organized civilization to produce technology;
o Longevity of civilizations;
o Fiscal challenge of funding such a trip;
o Extreme cold and isolation of space;
o Radiation;
o Hard vacuum;
o micro-gravity;
o need of the civilization to establish self-replicating worlds locally to prevent catastrophic extinction events;
o need of the civilization to establish remote self-replicating worlds to prevent extinction by GRB (Gamma Ray Bursts)

What are the indications that ET is here:
Stories, some trace evidence, some radar confirmed UFO sightings (which we have never see positively linked to an actual ET flying them.)
Though we've heard stories of crashed aliens or flying aliens, all stories with reported recovered aliens do not have proof that they were flying in any craft (the craft was on the ground), nor that such beings were definitely proved to come from another world (as opposed to the above, including human hoaxings, including military or other organizations hoaxing the phenomena for their own purposes).

So I think you can get an idea about the scope.

(next) why are we afraid.

Again, the probabilities are not zero, though we can't really pick a number.

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