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Nikola Tesla : First Contact With Alien Intelligence

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posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 03:05 AM
My german commerce teacher said he knew him and his mother, maybe i can ask him if he knows about this.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 11:46 AM
Here is Jack and Meg talking about Tesla and a coil demonstration
until the power supply goes up in smoke.
I think there is a close up of the spark gap but may have looked away
the last time I viewed the clip.

Now where does the electricity go.... in the air and into the ether of the

Not to the Earth as dis infos say... deniers of the electric air, gases and
Tesla tiny 'gaseous ether'.

Where free energy lies, in front of us.
So keep away from the liars.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by LookingIn

Zarathustra - could easily be considered a precursor of religious tolerance (what we may now term ecumenism) which is something that most do not have the slightest idea about, in spite of the fact that some people tend to set themselves up as intellectuals and an authority who one should revere (and such people turn out to be mediocre eventually). Zarathustra set the stage for ethics to be applied in every respect. The French philosopher Voltaire was one the few who held Zarathustra in as an high esteem as he deserves, while Nietzsche sarcastically ridiculed Zarathustra. (One could justifiably argue that Nietzsche was one of the ideologues of Nazism, part of which was eugenics!)

Kopernik (Copernicus) - the Polish astronomer and philosopher who introduced the idea of heliocentric system.

Giordano Bruno - the Italian philosopher and astronomer followed up on the ecumenical ideas (which is why he was burnt alive as a heretic) and also elaborated the Copernicus doctrine. Bruno went on to state that there are thousands of (ET) civilizations in the Universe, some of which are superior to our Earthly civilization. Giordano Bruno believed that (some) ETs are superior to us not only in terms of high IQs and scientific achievements they harness, but in terms of high ethical and moral standards which they abide by. (On hindsight, one can not dispute the fact that technological advance should be coupled with precisely those high ethical standards). Threatened by the Inquisition to recant his beliefs and statements, and having spent 7 years in jail in miserable conditions (mind you, it was the 16th century!), Giordano Bruno stuck it out anyway, remained adament and faced the death sentence stoichally . Giordano Bruno`s views are now vindicated, are they not?

Karl Friedrich Gauss - the German prodigy mathematician seriously contemplated the possibility of establishing contact with extraterrestrials (that was in the early 19th century!).

Carl Sagan, Frank Drake, Cocconi, Struve, Melvin Calvin (Nobel Prize Laureate for Chemistry) and others - came up with the so-called Green Bank Formula at a congress held in 1961. The Green Bank Formula stipulates that there are at least 40 (ET) civilizations in our Milky Way galaxy alone, according to a conservative estimate. Imagine just how many (highly-advanced) ET civilizations and lifeforms could be out there potentially, given the fact that there are billions of stars in the Universe (and universes).

[email protected]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 04:58 PM
yeah Tesla was grate man,inventor,engineer,gentlmen,he started with two wires and he ruled the electrical energy after. He had good and bright vision for mankind,he knew the future,without tesla we still probably would be hanging around with overheated Edissons DC current,thanks to Tesla and his modern invention we have all most valuables today in medicine,space,homes,factorys,cars etc etc..,regards his invention were missused by others we still have benefit of it but we must pay thoe Tesla left to all of us to be used for free.

Tesla is the foundation of the moden world.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:08 PM
If i could only get my hands on some of the details of his inventions, I wouldn't mind having a go at building them

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Timez
If i could only get my hands on some of the details of his inventions, I wouldn't mind having a go at building them

See this thread:

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 04:41 PM
Nikola Tesla , is the true inventor of H.A.A.R.P. His divinely inspired intention was to provide mankind with an endless , clean and free source of energy. His very name techla or tekla means "DIVINE FAME" .

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 05:11 PM
tesla was the man ...

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by aethernaut
Nikola Tesla , is the true inventor of H.A.A.R.P. His divinely inspired intention was to provide mankind with an endless , clean and free source of energy. His very name techla or tekla means "DIVINE FAME" .

Sounds right about that.
You are right about clean power.
Perhaps cleaner than Niagara Falls.
We might never know.

When you track down his many recorded ideas the lack of follow up
is a tell take sign of elite suppression.
Our enemies in WWII have removed is work from our view.

Here is what he said about the tower:
The tower power of 10 million horse power would be double the power
of Niagara Falls.

Some how I don't think we would wear out the ionosphere.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Buck Division

(Among his more obvious contributions: Tesla invented AC power. Anyone who has studied electrical engineering will understand how profound, and unobvious, an idea like Alternating Current really is.)........

That is one of the most ridiculous, brain polluting statements I have ever heard!
Unobvious?! Check a dictionary, that's not even a word! lmao
An AC generator was eminent, if Tesla hadn't came up with it someone else soon would have and as a matter of fact if you check the history of other countries, basically every single one of them will have an inventor claiming he in fact was the inventor of the AC generator.

Generally what happens is guys with access to the current materials and technology start producing very similar and more or less the same devices.
The foundation of the AC generator is rather simplistic and was eminent.

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:17 PM
Genome scans have turned up single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with different responses to treatment, but efforts to uncover the mechanism have drawn a blank

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:18 PM
Genome scans have turned up single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with different responses to treatment, but efforts to uncover the mechanism have drawn a blank

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 10:50 PM
I wonder if Tesla had been able to create an atomic bomb before WW2? He had discussed the concept with several notable people of the day.

Dear Mr. Tesla – Have you Austrian & English patents on that destructive terror which you are inventing? - & if so, won’t you set a price upon them & commission me to sell them? I know cabinet ministers of both countries - & of Germany, too; likewise William II. I shall be in Europe a year, yet. Here in the hotel the other night when some interested men were discussing means to persuade the nations to join with the Czar & disarm, I advised them to seek something more sure than disarmament by perishable paper-contract – invite the great inventors to contrive something against which fleets & armies would be helpless, & thus make war thenceforth impossible. I did not suspect that you were already attending to that, & getting ready to introduce into the earth permanent peace & disarmament in a practical & mandatory way. I know you are a very busy man, but will you steal time to drop me a line? Sincerely Yours, Mark Twain1 1

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by aethernaut
Nikola Tesla , is the true inventor of H.A.A.R.P. His divinely inspired intention was to provide mankind with an endless , clean and free source of energy. His very name techla or tekla means "DIVINE FAME" .

Nice Info... Star!

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by croaker013

I thank you generously for the link!!!!! read read and read some more. opening up new topics to research. thank you kindly again. also i will give you a topic you might look up. the guys name is David Hamel, who claims to have had 2 aliens or being decend to him and give him the knowledge to build a ufo and another exact replica of it, hope you enjoy, i found it quite interesting. even thou it has nothing to do with your topic or maybe it does, i forget but anyhow
peace friend

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 12:47 PM
I think if the story is authentic, in 1901, Tesla would have had no way to verify or even understand what he was hearing. And... why would no other works contain his elaboration on this one instance if he knew how monumental of a discovery it was(?)

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