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Chem-trail Plane Photographed on the ground?

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posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:50 PM
Boeing Mk 32B wing-mounted refueling pod the cutaway diagrams

See this doughnut shape that this refueling hose ends up here?

Deployed refuel hose

Now imagine this part folded and tucked away in a small place.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:51 PM
Contrails or vapour trails are condensation trails and artificial cirrus clouds made by the exhaust of aircraft engines or wingtip vortices which precipitate a stream of tiny ice crystals in moist, frigid upper air. Being composed of water, the visible white streams are not air pollution. However, vapour trails or contrails generated by engine exhaust are inevitably linked with typical fuel combustion pollutants.

The main products of hydrocarbon fuel combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapor. At high altitudes this water vapor emerges into a cold environment, and the local increase in water vapor can push the water content of the air past saturation point. The vapor then condenses into tiny water droplets and/or deposits into ice. These millions of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals form the vapour trail or contrails. The energy drop (and therefore, time and distance) the vapor needs to condense accounts for the contrail forming some way behind the aircraft's engines. The majority of the cloud content comes from water trapped in the surrounding air.[citation needed] At high altitudes, supercooled water vapor requires a trigger to encourage deposition or condensation. The exhaust particles in the aircraft's exhaust act as this trigger, causing the trapped vapor to rapidly turn to ice crystals. Exhaust vapour trails or contrails usually occur at above 8000 metres (26,000 feet). where the temperature is below -40°C (-40°F).
wiki with pictures

this is what it really is

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by BlasteR

Originally posted by firepilot

Originally posted by Witness2008
reply to post by Zaphod58

Thanks for the heads up Zaphod58. So how do these little slivers of metal get all the way up into our skies...could it be big tankers dumping it there? And where do most of these exercises take place? Are they allowed over populated areas?

Tankers dont carry slivers of metal. do you chemmies just think it gets dumped out en masse?

Slivers of metal? I know that some aircraft carry chaff which is basically tiny aluminum slivers although not tankers. I fail to really see what you mean from the photos?

These are photos from the rense site the OP gave.

These are images I just downloaded over the net which are actually refueling pods.

Please prove to me that these photos are evidence of a chemtrail plane and not simply an aircraft with refueling pods?


as per the RAAF photo if it was full of NASTY chemicals wouln't the
guys in the said photos would be wearing PPEs or at least

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 05:58 PM
The trouble with the chemtrail proponents is that they seem to think that contrail formation is a constant and therefore anything that varies from their pre concieved notion of what a contrail 'should' look like therefore MUST be a chemtrail.

There is no arguing with such a blinkered standpoint. The tragedy is that even if the chemtrail fraternity were right, their ignorant posturings (of which the Dense, sorry Rense, KC-135 is a prime example, make them look ridiculous because people with even a fairly basic knowledge of aviation can SEE when the chemmies are trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

I wonder what Rense would have made of THIS beautiful picture, don't have nightmares.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Shugo
reply to post by firepilot

Ain't it funny?
I was talking to an ATS member last night in chat, claiming to have never seen chemtrails pre-2000 or something alike. That's odd, I've seen them all my life, that's back to 1995 that I can remember, my mom can remember them since the 60's and 70's. We know prop planes are illsuited for chemical spray the distances that these craft fly...funny there's no account during World War Two if they've been doing it since the 40's like the chemmies claim.

You are exactly right. Its basically an internet phenomina, where people read something, and it makes sense to them, so they believe it without thinking. They dont remember contrails from their youth, because they never thought about it enough to remember.

There are photos from the 40s and 50s of contrails covering the sky, photos from WW2 of skies full of contrails, stories from pilots flying in cirrus caused by previous airplanes exhausts freezing into cirrus ice crystals.

but for some people, they need something to believe in, and its chemtrails. You can find the more bizarre stories and messages on chemtrails sites. I have read some of the chemtrail sites for years and it seems some of those people are down on their luck in life, but believing in chemtrails gives them a reason to get up in the morning, and makes them feel important again, because they are among a few people that know this important information, at least thats what they believe.

I saw a chemtrail webpage other day, that claimed they analyzed samples under a contrail (never mind that anything released from 6 miles overhead is not coming down anywhere near you), and say AIDs was found it with other virus, several other diseases, poisons, metals, etc. Now of course there was no such examinination, no lab report, but that person thinks there is those things in an aircraft contrail, so to them its essentially true, even if it is made up.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by waynos

Thats a nice photo waynos

wiki--- Aviation and the enviroment

[edit on 12-5-2008 by Jezza]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by waynos

That is one of my all time favorite pictures. It's truly an amazing shot. Nothing will ever top the best aviation pic I've ever seen though. Self portrait of an SR-71 pilot at altitude, with the visor down.

Some of the contrail pics are gorgeous though, especially this one.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Shakesbeer
Just a theory here really: But if there really where chemical spraying jets, wouldn't modifying fueling planes like that be a cost-effective way of doing it without having to engineer a new line of craft? I'm not saying the pics are for sure one thing or another, just speculating that it would make sense to use something like a refueling tanker to do something like spray crap to try to reflect "harmful" rays...Like a modern day Rain Dancer.

You're probably right. It could save money. But the photos prove nothing about Ted's T's theory on rense. It is basically just useless photos accompanied by a bunch of so-called research. Did Ted do this on purpose to try and make people believe or was it an accident? Where is the real undeniable proof if chem-spraying is real?

China's weather manipulation program involves cloud-seeding using artillery and rockets. (very smart because the rockets could be as large as you need and could be designed to be reusable). Cannons are used to fire pellets of silver iodide into the atmosphere and the rockets
Information sourced here:

From the same site:

China has invested heavily in it, using more than 12,000 anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers in addition to about 30 planes


The Beijing Weather Modification Office is researching how to prevent rain in the city on Aug. 8, 2008, during the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics. The government has even guaranteed clear skies for the event. They plan to do it by tracking cloud formations and causing rain in the days leading up to the ceremonies.

More on this story here:

I think what most people think is spraying of chemicals is actually connected to our weather modification program here in the U.S. Scientists have been experimenting with ways of doing so for decades and we still have an active weather modification program.

In 2005, the "hutchison bill" was proposed to the house of representatives by Kay Bailey Hutchison.
This is the official bill from the house of representatives:

The bill was re-introduced to the senate in spring 2005:

The "Weather Modification Association" or WMA responded to the bill:

And then WMA announced a capabilities statement that has been updated over the years.

This story in the media (it's pretty interesting btw)

This is a response to the senate from a NOAA scientist about the hutchison bill (In PDF Format). His name is Dr. Joseph Golden and this was his testimony during a joint subcommittee hearing on the bill.

The bill was approved by the commerce committee in november 2005 in a press release..
To my knowledge, however, the bill was not passed? I searched on the U.S. senate's website but nothing sais what the final outcome was. There is a list of the congressional actions related to the bill but nothing seems to show whether it was passed or shot down.

Even if the bill did not pass, wouldn't the military want still want to experiment using black-budget funding? That's the whole reason for this type of funding. It bypasses all of the bureaucratic red tape. See links below:


If planes like this are taking off to spray "chemtrails" do you honestly think people would get close enough to take photos like these that Ted T posted?


[edit on 12-5-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by Jezza

Yeah, you won a big blue ribbon

An entrance to the Ring of Fire.

Thanks for you "expert opinion"

You will be held responsible.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:11 PM
Putting silver iodide flares in clouds, is not "chemtrails" no matter how much the chemtrail believers try to use that as support to say chemtrails are real.

Cloud seeding at the base and mid levels of thunderstorms, does not leave these vast huge trails, and hello..its not done in clear blue sky, it is cloud seeding, not blue sky seeding.

You could never get that much material in a large transport aircraft, let alone a Lear Jet, King Air, Cessna 340, or Piper Cheyenne to leave some huge trail across the sky

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by cutbothways

what a bit like your thread

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by firepilot
Putting silver iodide flares in clouds, is not "chemtrails" no matter how much the chemtrail believers try to use that as support to say chemtrails are real.

Cloud seeding at the base and mid levels of thunderstorms, does not leave these vast huge trails, and hello..its not done in clear blue sky, it is cloud seeding, not blue sky seeding.

You could never get that much material in a large transport aircraft, let alone a Lear Jet, King Air, Cessna 340, or Piper Cheyenne to leave some huge trail across the sky

And your research shows you this because......

Please, inform the public how you came about this knowledge.

Until then, I will warn them, of people who take it lightly.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:16 PM
Glad you lioke the photo, there are loads more like it on ''. Just for the hell of it I also did a search for 'Chemtrail' and got '0' matches, oh well.

Next time someone is justifying Chemtrails on the basis of an aeroplane criss crossing the sky in a grid pattern and arguing that airliners don't criss cross, show them this one;

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Jezza

Your avatar is fitting of your response.

Is this a reflection of your personality?

Sorry, not intimidated.

(edited cause i felt like it)

[edit on 12-5-2008 by cutbothways]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways

Originally posted by firepilot
Putting silver iodide flares in clouds, is not "chemtrails" no matter how much the chemtrail believers try to use that as support to say chemtrails are real.

Cloud seeding at the base and mid levels of thunderstorms, does not leave these vast huge trails, and hello..its not done in clear blue sky, it is cloud seeding, not blue sky seeding.

You could never get that much material in a large transport aircraft, let alone a Lear Jet, King Air, Cessna 340, or Piper Cheyenne to leave some huge trail across the sky

And your research shows you this because......

Please, inform the public how you came about this knowledge.

Until then, I will warn them, of people who take it lightly.

Umm, that is what cloud seeding is. Did you not know what it was before it was linked to chemtrails? You can look up any of my statements and see that they are real, I mean you did read about cloud seeding didnt you?

Do I also have to tell you that winter is cold, and summer is warm?

I will let you make some more statements and let yourself look silly before I tell you my proof

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by cutbothways

no probs mate im not the expert you think.
there are guys here that a very knowledgeable.

and the avatar is funny. With the mood
99% its usually a f-22 or f-18s

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Jezza

Sorry, nothing funny about your avatar.

What you portray, is what you will become.

What to become the image of death, so be it.

I live under cloud seeding.

It is in my best interest to study it.

Sorry you don't understand the info
I refer to.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:10 PM
China's basis for trying to keep the coming olympics stormless is silver iodide. The use of silver Iodide was the result of research and experimentation of weather manipulation in the U.S.
Our government used to pay millions a year on weather manipulation research. That number has slowly lowered over the years, but what I'm saying is that the entire use of silver iodide in weather manipulation is based on research we conducted right here in the U.S.. (and continue to conduct).

Technically, weather manipulation has it's good applications and it's bad applications. Originally, weather manipulation was experimented with for use as a weapon of sorts. But it also has the potential to decreaes hurricane strength by 15%, create rain in areas hard-hit by drought, etc.. The only problem is that if this research is going on under the military they could be using god knows what to try and manipulate the weather. Black programs have no oversite and no ethical guidelines. They can do what they want with that money and not answer to anyone. The military's misuse of black-budget funding, if you remember, did result in people dying at area51 back when they were burning off untold amounts of stealth byproducts during the
F-117/Hav-Blue stealth fighter production and research. The wives of the dead soldiers sued the government only to be stonewalled.

President Clinton released presidential determination 95-45 announcing that Area51 didn't have to release any of it's medical records or personnel records for reasons of national security which were not specified. The widows of the soldiers couldn't get the time of day from the same military that got their husbands killed because they didn't want to truck the hazardous waste off the base and draw attention to their activities.

How can the military honestly be trusted not to repeat the same mistakes of it's past only in the form of weather manipulation experiments? This is why I still don't exactly believe that chemtrails are all stupid hoaxes. I do, however, think that people have gone overboard with claims and confusing the public with conflicting information and cluttered research that is loosely grounded in truth and science.


[edit on 12-5-2008 by BlasteR]

[edit on 12-5-2008 by BlasteR]

[edit on 12-5-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:15 PM
All the weather projects I know of are either state, local, or private company paying for them, with general aviation aircraft used.

A contrail in a clear blue sky, stretching for miles, is obviously not how you would use silver iodide. Its not exactly going to find clouds of supercooled water that way, so its rather comical when they link some vast contrail across a clear sky at 30,000 ft, with cloud seeding of precipitation.

EVERY time chemtrail believers show a plane with their exclamation of how they finally got proof of their chemplanes as they call it, its always been something other than they they said it was. You wonder if they were intentionally trying to mislead.

Off the top of my head, this thing with the French KC-135 has been repeated with a Piper Cherokee as a chemplane, a Gulfstream 1 used for air sampling (apparently the nozzles facing forward were not enough of a clue), a Navy E-6 TACAMO dumping fuel (its been debunked dozens of times but they still keep trotting it out), airliners with wingtip contrails during landing, etc etc.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by firepilot]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Can you explain the skinny nozzle on the exhaust end of the turbine?

Some kind if injection device, since the opening appears to only be 3 or 4" in dia.

Some kind of afterburner maybe?

Please, bring some illumination to the subject.


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