posted on May, 7 2008 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Fibonacci11235
The earth rotates on an axle that also has a slight rotation itself, therefore the stars seem to shift through the ages.
Years ago I saw a documentary about two French(I think) archeologists that had some shocking views.
I recall that they said that the diagonal narrow tunnels, that originate from the tomb, stretching through the whole pyramid aimed at the sky, would
line op with Orion's belt, if you would calculate the shift caused by the deviaton in Earth's rotation.
They calculated that it would've lined up some 10,500 years ago.
They also showed signs of water erosion on the Sphinx. The last time that there was a wet period that could've caused such erosion, was known to be
also some 11,000 years ago.
There was a lot of interesting other stuff there, but back then I was just a kid, so I can't remember exactly, never heard about it again either
The Egyptologists, like Zahi Hawass, didn't accept this theory off
course, cause they still think the Pyramids were built a few 1000 years ago, with wooden rollers.
I hope you guys understand what I meant, it was kind of hard to explain because I saw it a long time ago and I'm not typing in my native language.
I'm trying to find this particular documentary.