posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 03:04 AM
Hey...I was just wondering if anyone studied the pictures, compared them to eachother? Someone who maybe might know something about them?
I am in NO way any sort of Professional Analyzer of Pictures/Handwriting/etc... I just like picking out details...
Just a couple of My Opinons from the Observations of the Pictures:
1.) In both pictures The A and the x in Ax are attached....but no other letters are....All of the other letters on both drawings are spaced out.
Ax's shirt, also appears the be the same shade as the color used to draw his name (I dont know if that is significant or not...any ideas? Or is it
2.) To me the y in Lynn and the y in Rory appear to have the same basic shape..... i would assume that the artist is writing in their natural form. I
don't think its forced. The look of all of the letters (aside from Ax's name - which puzzles me), look as though they "belong" to that
style of writing...know what I mean? Except to me...The writing looks childish...that is what bothers me. The shape of the letters don't appear to
be matured...It looks a lot like what my writing looked like until I was about 10 or so... (Maybe I'm completely off...)
3.) There is something that puzzles me, about the Swirls in the sky. The swirles aren't one fluid motion, there (appear to be) Stroke Marks.
Indicating that time and effort went into the swirls. (Any thoughts?)
4.) The first drawing with Rory and Ax, looks like it was more "thought out." Or maybe not thought out, but more care was put into the creation of
this picture.. The colors are richer, deeper, and the lines are neater. In the picture with JUST Ax, the colors are lighter, and a little bit
sloppier. Maybe this picture was drawn second?
Questions for AlliterationAshley
1.) When was the last time you spoke to Rory? Did Rory know about Ax?
2.) When was the last nightmare you had about Ax? In your nightmare, is he human? Can you compare his looks/facial features with ANYONE you know?
Does he wear blue like that? Is his hair curly?
3.) Do you know ANYONE named Lynn? Did you have a childhood friend maybe? Anyone from work, or neighbour, that is named Lynn?
4.) Does the drawing or the writing have any similarities to yours?
5.) Where did the paper come from? Do you have a printer it was taken out of? Or a drawer of paper? Or is it possible it was "brought in"...that its
not your paper? (Sometimes different paper from different brands have a different shade...sometimes its yellower, or greyer, not 100%white..) You
could compare the two, if you have paper like that in your apartment.
6.) When you went to bed, there was nothing there. When you woke up. There were drawings..? Was ANYTHING else unusual? (Like a door being open to your
bedroom instead of closed, drapes, cups out of place? anything like that?) Or was it just the pictures?
7.) Maybe showing these to one of your parents, might be good. They might remember you drawing something *similar* to that as a child?
8.) Who did you tell about Ax? Did you ever tell your parents?
9.) Did you maybe have an unpleasant experience as a child, with someone who "looked" like Ax, and as a result, this nightmare was born?
I have some thoughts on this...but I don't want to throw any theories out there, until we have had some more input on this....