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Aliens love their Meat! ( Warning Graphic)

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posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:33 AM

Reports of mutilated cattle first surfaced in the United States in the early 1960s when it was allegedly largely confined to the states of Pennsylvania and Kansas.

THe national media claims that the first mutilation happened in 1967 in southern Colorado. Unfortunately, the first mutilation happened in Santa Fe county in 1947. Yes, strange things were seen in the skies, and that year you had the Roswell UFO crash.

The phenomena remained largely unknown outside cattle raising communities until 1967.
[One of the first photo`s of a mutilation]

Now i know that some people think that it has nothing to do with aliens/ufo`s so lets look at the Natural side of mutilations first.

Natural causes

While many unconventional explanations have been put forward to explain cattle mutilations, a variety of scientists, veterinary workers and knowledgeable observers (including farmer and other agricultural workers) have suggested more conventional ideas, most of which revolve around the hypothesis that 'mutilated' animals died of natural causes and were subjected to known terrestrial phenomena – including the action of predators, parasites and scavengers.

Missing or mutilated mouth, lips, anus and genitalia are explained as:

• Contraction of missing/damaged areas due to dehydration.
• The actions of small scavengers and burrowing parasites seeking to enter or consume the body in areas where skin is at its thinnest.

Missing/mutilated eyes and soft internal organs are explained as:

• The action of carrion feeding insects such as blowflies, and opportunistic or carrion birds such as vultures and buzzards which are known to direct themselves toward an animal's eyes, and to enter the body through the openings of the mouth and anus in order to feed on soft internal organs.

Absence of blood is explained as:

• Blood pooling in the lowest points in the body where it will break down into its basic organic components.
• Blood that is external to the body, or in the area of a wound being consumed by insects or reduced by solar desiccation.
Surgical incisions in the skin are explained as:
• Tears in the skin created when it is stretched by postmortem bloat and/or as dehydration causes the animal's hide to shrink and split, often in linear cuts.
• Incisions caused by scavengers or predators, possibly exacerbated by the above.

The hypothesis that natural phenomena accounts for most mutilation characteristics has been validated by a number of experiments, including one cited by long-time scientific skeptic Robert T. Carroll, conducted by Washington County (Arkansas) Sheriff's Department.

In the experiment, the body of a recently deceased cow was left in a field and observed for 48 hours. During the 48 hours, postmortem bloating was reported to have caused incision-like tears in the cow's skin that matched the "surgical" cuts reported on mutilated cows, while the action of blowflies and maggots reportedly matched the soft tissue damage observed on mutilated cows.
Experiments have also been conducted to compare the different reactions of surgically cut hide/flesh and predated hide/flesh to natural exposure. They demonstrated pronounced differences between surgical cut and non surgical cuts over time. This article does not address tearing due to bloating.Edited from

Now that we understand the Natural side..lets look at the other side!

Here is a real interesting case!

Once again, animal mutilators have struck in western Montana. On October 9, 2006, Valier (pronounced VA-LEER) cattle rancher John Peterson and his wife discovered that one of their Black Angus cows had been left mutilated in a pasture, alongside a road near their ranch. (The Peterson's later learned that a neighboring farmer had spotted the dead cow during the previous day.

He didn't bring it to their attention because a dead cow is not an unusual thing to see on cattle ranches once in a while).Peterson waited a couple of days thinking over what his next step should be. He had a neighbor who had once lost a cow to a mutilation.

In fact, the towns of Valier, Depuyer, and Conrad have a recorded history of the phenomenon. Twelve to thirteen hundred dollars is what the cow would have brought, but now it wasn't even a write-off covered by insurance; it was a total loss.

The rancher decided to contact boyhood friend and Pondera County Sheriff Tom Kuka to ask him to come out and inspect the strange scene that had been uncovered. Sheriff Tom Kuka responded to the site on October 11, 2006, to conduct an initial investigation into the matter.

The following day, Sheriff Kuka returned to where the cow lay dead. Armed with a Geiger counter, camera, and evidence kits, Kuka collected samples, took photographs, and recorded measurements.

The mutilated cow wasn't an unusual sight in Pondera County. Sheriffs before Kuka had encountered the same grizzly scene throughout the years. Their experience taught area law enforcement which tools to use when investigating cattle mutilations, so Kuka was well prepared for the task at hand.

The cow's left jaw was peeled right to the bone
The entire udder was cut from the body with surgical precision and a small
There appears to be a low force impact area,
There was a strange, three foot long "V-shaped" wedge cut into the ground

[Images and text from]

Deer on power grid pole, how did it get there?

It lets you think that these mutilations is all over the world!Could it be for harvesting or as the aliens ubduct humans for research!

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:40 AM
Um, my only comment is that the last picture looks like a bear, which can, and on many occasion finds itself trapped on an electric power line. Haven't you ever seen those "Most Shocking Videos?"

Doesn't look like a deer... at all.


posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

Nope it is not a Bear!

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:46 AM
This is a interesting post.

Also that bear sure does have a funny shaped leg, really skinny that goes in different angles like a deer and a white tail...hmmm? that is weird but i could see some locals playing jokes and doing this.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by GUNSINWAR

I stand corrected.
How'd that get there?


posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 02:25 AM
lucky shot with a car?

bet the dude that did it is the stuff of legends now.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
reply to post by GUNSINWAR

I stand corrected.
How'd that get there?


Did the animal fall from the sky, is it a hoax? Who would go to such lengths to place a deer atop a power pole. I have seen bits of a coyote that was thrown onto a powerline after the animal got hit by a semi. I would think that scenario would fit the deer if it was hit by a train, but would there not be just bits of the animal? As for the coyote that was hit by the semi, bits of the animal were thrown onto the highway powerline. All that was left was bits and pieces of the coyote. By bits, I mean a paw, some fur, animal fragments. T

his deer on the power pole shares none of those characteristics as in the coyote being torn into fragments. The coyote was hit by a semi going around 70 mph, trains on the flats, speed along around 90 mph. With the force and speed of a train, I think the dear would be fragmented like the coyote. Is this deer the victim of a botched alien cow atopsy, was it thrown from a hovering UFO, or is it all part of a prank, or the end result of some evil ritual?

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 07:54 AM
What about the cattle in the water tower story from Argentina?
Does anyone have a link to that story,I remember reading
something about this a couple of years ago?
Saying that though,I believe the cattle mutilations are govt black ops,experimenting with new technology etc?
Oh and I think Linda Moulton Howe is a disinfo agent,just a vibe
I get from her.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 09:38 AM
These animal mutilations interest me. I used to think that whoever was taking these animals was harvesting blood, glands, and studying animal proteins. Or more specifically, how we utilize those proteins.

Those cuts on those cattle pictures look precise rather than tears that a predator would leave. I've seen a few deer kills in the woods by predators, and the deer have been torn and dragged. If pieces can be separated, those get dragged off to wherever. Though it would be harder for predators to do the same thing with livestock due to their size, I think you would see similar markings and tearing.

The deer on the powerline is interesting, although I think in this case, it may have been hit by a vehicle or train. The rear legs appear to be severed below the tarsal glands. Looking at the nubs in front of the ears, I'd say it was a buck. The side facing upwards, although all you can see is the outer edge, looks fluffy white, like the inner fur has been exposed by an impact of some sort. Because the deer landed on the pole and line supports, it doesn't appear to have done any damage to the lines. I would think that if it were hit by a train traveling at any considerable speed, it would have come apart. Moose hit by trains in the north country seem to stay together though.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by DamnedDirtyApes

Those cuts on those cattle pictures look precise rather than tears that a predator would leave. I've seen a few deer kills in the woods by predators, and the deer have been torn and dragged. If pieces can be separated, those get dragged off to wherever.

I agree with you bite marks,blood on the floor none of that!

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 12:35 AM
well thats pretty odd like the one with the hole right through it, very interesting pictures......

i guess aliens like hambugers as well??

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 12:57 AM
Not long ago some power line workers were running some new lines up in Alaska.......the poles were on the ground at certain points and when they pulled one end of the lines all the poles stood up. Now I believe the poles were metal in this case however.......
BUT when the lines went up they entangles a moose and the poor moose went up up up in the air and died struggling on the electric pole. It was a hard photo to look at as I love wild animals, The moose was tangled in the wires, where this deer seems to be right ON the pole.
Very strange.

I would say somebody climbed the pole and put it there to take photos of it, so they could scare gullible people on the internet.....

[edit on 25-4-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 03:34 AM
Great Post GIW!

I've been waiting for your next thread since the Mars one. I happy to report that I am not disappointed. I find the cattle mutilations fascinating. You'd think that with how imperfect and clumsy humans are, we would have left behind some physical trace of our involvement, (if we were involved). A box of matches, a cigarette butt, cutting implements, footprints.. etc - but nope! The mutilation scene is always curiously absent of any human related evidence.

I think that either the ET's need bums or their using using cow wombs & blood to grown hybrids... Blurgh! LOL!

Star & Flag Old Boy!


posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:03 AM
Could maggots have eaten away the tender parts of the animal, like the lips, anustissue, udder? When maggots have eaten away parts of an animal, it looks like somebody made clean surgical cuts in the tissue. The mother fly lies her eggs in the nostrils, mouth opening, anus of the cow, and the maggots hatch and start eating. There is no blood loss.

I dont know if the eggs hatch overnight though. It sure does sound more likely than somebody cutting up the animals..Do people reports maggots in the carcasses?

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:08 AM
Could it do with maybe enhancing or changing protein in cattle in terms of the beef we eat?

I know I sound like an X Files episode I saw a long time ago but since cattle are a huge part of the world diet, they would make a logical choice for implementing diet changes. For what I don't even know where to start on where something like that could lead.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:30 AM
If you were a rancher and you found one of your cows butchered and a bunch of people sitting around eating steaks, what would your first reaction be? This is the first picture the op used so i used it too. I altered the lighting and the hue to show the killers of this cow and most of the other animal mutilations. Concentrate on the upper right corner if you have difficulty seeing them. Even the unseen people gotta eat, and we killed off the animal migrations they depended on.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Thanks bud!

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 25-4-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by LeopardSeal

I have witness some real hectic crime scenes where a person has been dead for 2 weeks and longer( I know it is not the same as a cow or animal) but within 2 days normaly the fly would come blah blah small worms develope in 24 hrs!

They always leave trace behind of n embrio! not in cow mutilations..


Look at this cow! it was killed by a animal within 16 hrs!

Poor cow I am a big animal lover!R.I.P

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by debris765nju
If you were a rancher and you found one of your cows butchered and a bunch of people sitting around eating steaks, what would your first reaction be? This is the first picture the op used so i used it too. I altered the lighting and the hue to show the killers of this cow and most of the other animal mutilations. Concentrate on the upper right corner if you have difficulty seeing them. Even the unseen people gotta eat, and we killed off the animal migrations they depended on.

Please explain - I don't see a thing - "them" can you point it out please!!


posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by debris765nju

English Please?

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 25-4-2008 by elevatedone]

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