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Global warming hypocrites

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posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Why is it that so many "greens," global warming alarmists, spend their whole lives lecturing me about reducing my carbon footprint . . .

. . . and then when he dies, he has himself cremated!

He is literally contributing to greenhouse gases with this last breath. How is that better for the environment!?!?!?!


posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 01:48 PM
The vast majority of global warming alarmists and "greens" are hypocrites. Take Al Gore, for example. I mean really... flying in jets across the country while preaching to people that jets are bad. Similarly, have you seen his house?

Oh, and to anyone who might be reading this... installing compact fluorescent light bulbs, driving a hybrid car and having a low-flush toilet does not make you "Earth friendly".

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 02:09 PM
you guys get a grip, please. people care but we are also prisoners of the society we live in. do you expect people who care about the earth to build a #ing smurf house and eat grass?

you both are the type of person, i say this based on your comments here on ats, who are simply HUNG UP.

slycm, you complain about how the elite are making money off of global warming but you will provide no proof.

dr-strangecraft you obviously are talking about a personal experiance with ONE person but you related it to an entire group.

get a life, seriously. dont believe in global warming, i really dont care, but at the very least act with some respect. no need to degrade others for seeing things differently than yourself.

slycm you should really be ashamed of yourself, bashing peoples efforts to make a difference when you claim to care so much for "conservation" and "real" issues facing the earth. you my friend are the hypocrite here. way to take the wind out of peoples sails

you and so many like you have taken your opposition to the belief in climate change so far that you have become nothing more than a salty old dog who only wants to attack. recently i told you i think that we agree more than we disagree, something i now doubt seeing how fast you can change positions when it suits you.

edit to add: i really need to work on being less of a dick when i am posting online. in real life i speak very directly but i AM a friendly and caring person and that comes across when I speak to people. But sadly online I just look like a dick. I would never be downright disrespectful to either of you no matter how much I was disagreeing with you but I feel like it would be easy to feel like I was based on what I have written. For that I apologize, I really need to learn how to tone down my rhetoric online.

I still COMPLETELY disagree with both of you

[edit on 22-4-2008 by Animal]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 10:45 AM

slycm you should really be ashamed of yourself, bashing peoples efforts to make a difference when you claim to care so much for "conservation" and "real" issues facing the earth. you my friend are the hypocrite here. way to take the wind out of peoples sails

The problem is that a decent number of "green" technologies do more harm than good. Take compact fluorescent bulbs, for example. They are more difficult to recycle, and piles of old ones will leach mercury into the ground. A better example? Biodiesel. Causes food shortages and takes more energy to process than it actually puts out. Or hybrid cars, to make which requires huge mines that destroy all life within a few miles.

Also, it's not that I don't like those non-hurtful efforts, it's that I am "a dick" and like to bash people who think they're "gods of the earth" and are actually doing next to nothing. I am cynical.

If people want to help, they should actually get out and do something, like "save the whales". Which is why, for now at least, your accusation is right on target....

seeing how fast you can change positions when it suits you.


No positions have been changed.

Would like to add, I in fact am fairly "green". I live in a rural area, have water/energy saving devices, use nothing but compact fluorescent light bulbs (for the room lights... the aquaria use higher wattages), walk to town on warm days, and maintain a natural, completely untouched and un-manicured yard, with natural grass and trees, and surrounded by mature forest. I do have cats, but they are well-fed and generally kept indoors.

And yet, I do not walk around bragging "I am officially Earth Friendly! Yippee!" because I am educated enough to know that as good as I can possibly make it, it would still be better off without my presence.

[edit on 23-4-2008 by SlyCM]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 01:27 PM
you do a little bragging on both sides of the line is what you do.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Animal

You are the type of person who preaches global warming then gives money to Al Gore so he can get his private jet and go preach. Al Gore is like a priest who preaches and then molests kids. I passionately hate him and when I see him I am going to punch him in the face for stealing people's money.

Al Gore preaches but runs about 3-4 companies that will pollute more in one year then I do with the next 15-20 years. You do not believe me?

Chairman of Generation Investment Management
director on the board of Apple Inc.
chairman of the Alliance for Climate Protection
partner in the venture capital firm
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

OMG get a new hero. This guy should not be leading the green activism but should be leading a war on it.

I am not disregarding global activists but honestly every person fighting that war is a hypocrite. If you live in a house, own a car, smoke, use your heat, air conditioning, and are a green activist then my friend you are a hypocrite.

go sell all your stuff and go live in the woods then you will not be a hypocrite.

Edit: that was not all intended towards you

[edit on 23-4-2008 by Equinox99]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 01:47 PM
Ding ding, we have a winner.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 02:39 PM
You want to see Al Gore's video? You should realize it is just a science fiction and not based on real.

Play the movie on this web-site and see how real it is.


It goes without saying that climate realists around the world believe Nobel Laureate Al Gore used false information throughout his schlockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth" in order to generate global warming hysteria.

On Friday, it was revealed by ABC News that one of the famous shots of supposed Antarctic ice shelves in the film was actually a computer-generated image from the 2004 science fiction blockbuster "The Day After Tomorrow."

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 06:52 PM
its funny, how off the mark you are. i do not like gore, i have never seen his movie, i do not plan to. talk to me when your ready to have a conversation that includes you listening.

edit to add: as for as the hypocracy you see in greens today, wake up man. we live in a society that is really old. the system we are born into is what it is. trying to change it makes waves, you are a good example of that, but working towards change or progress is better than hanging around in your own #.

[edit on 23-4-2008 by Animal]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 09:21 PM
Yep, AIT is pretty much one big lie. Regardless, I have nothing against AGW proponents; just against the catastrophists. Which, unfortunately, includes a fairly high proportion of the proponents.

Still, as a scientifically-minded individual I do not see the problem in attacking a belief I feel as incorrect... grossly so.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Animal

get a life, seriously. dont believe in global warming, i really dont care, but at the very least act with some respect. no need to degrade others for seeing things differently than yourself.

And yet al bore recently labelled as "nutters" anyone who disagrees with his propaganda.

But we have to show HIM respect for lying?

Doesn't make much sense to me

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 07:48 AM
I see what you mean about hypocrites.

This is what the parking lot looks like at a typical G/W Gore convention.

Gas guzzlers everywhere.

Link Here

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 08:07 AM
I can't believe people still get so worked up over Al Gore. Especially considering how thoroughly debunked him and his pseudo-science has been.

Seriously, Al Gore is about a step away from being legally insane in my opinion, and the fact that people are still taking him and this global warming hoax seriously boggles the mind.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Equinox99
reply to post by Animal

Al Gore preaches but runs about 3-4 companies that will pollute more in one year then I do with the next 15-20 years. You do not believe me?

Chairman of Generation Investment Management
director on the board of Apple Inc.
chairman of the Alliance for Climate Protection
partner in the venture capital firm
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

I am so sick of this lame arguement.
So its ok for Big buisness and industry to absolutely trash the planet and make money, but when someone comes along and wants to encourage positive change for the enviroment......and make money....well hey, what a hypocrite. Lets see...Trash the planet and make money......or umm help make some positive changes and make some contest. What world are you living in.

OMG get a new hero. This guy should not be leading the green activism but should be leading a war on it.
So your problem is with Al Gore. Get over it. OMG....can we get a new planet.

I am not disregarding global activists but honestly every person fighting that war is a hypocrite. If you live in a house, own a car, smoke, use your heat, air conditioning, and are a green activist then my friend you are a hypocrite.

Now we get to the core of the problem with your perception on climate change,enviromentalism and conservation and quite frankly, this is the worst cop out of all......"man its all or nothing, give up everything or your a hypocrite". That way YOU don't have to change, YOU don't have to make a difference. YOU can just write it all of because "they don't have the commitment so why should I". How many green advocates are telling people to live in the woods, give up their lives. Its about small changes, smarter choices, reducing, re-educating, recycling. How hard is it to understand, and why is it a problem if it is profitable. IT IS THE PLANET. CAN YOU SERIOUSLY TELL ME THAT THINGS ARE GOOD YOUR WAY. I would rather try and make some change and risk looking like a hypocrite to a fool, than go along living like one.

go sell all your stuff and go live in the woods then you will not be a hypocrite.

You are already there dude, and you can't see the trees for it.

....on you dude.....its worth the emissions.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 08:38 AM
I think a lot of the problem with global warming, (or is it climate change now since global warming has been debunked) is that it is beginning to cross that line into politics. I have no problem with people wanting to take care of our planet, after all, it is the only one we have. However, I think conservation should be a personal choice, not a government mandate.

If I want to take the time to change my light bulbs, recycle my bottles, and drive a hybrid care, that’s my choice. I don’t need the government telling me I HAVE to because I am destroying the planet. If I want to try to conserve gas and look for alternate transportation, fine. I don’t need the government adding a 40 cent tax onto my gas to help cover my “carbon footprint” though. It’s turned from a nice way to help take care of our planet, to borderline lunacy.

Another thing a lot of these environmentalists don’t realize is they are actually hindering progress with their ridiculous mandates and regulations. They scream for new technology so that we can eliminate our need for oil, yet they won’t allow us to use our own countries resources. When doing so would break our dependence on foreign oil, and provide us exponentially more resources and funds to develop these new technologies. They also scream at the car manufacturers to hurry up and develop these new technologies, yet their burdensome taxes and conservation fees eat up so much of their profit they don’t have the resources they need to do so.

This whole thing has become nothing more than a get rich quick scheme for the government who is finding new ways to tax us and blame us for destroying the planet everyday.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 09:36 AM

That's something I've been saying for a long time - it's a fad, and the governments saw a way to make money off it.

I've been a member of greenpeace for a number of years, and support conservation and sustainability - but this GW rubbish I have never supported.

I think as well, one of the reasons that al bore is still talked about on here can be seen easily in this thread - people out there and on here still believe him, despite the FACT that his film AIT has been shown to be complete and utter rubbish.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 10:10 AM
Global warming is the greenhouse effect.

Anyone heard of the greenhouse effect?

Al Gore brings up many good points in his power point presentation. I have not seen him debunked to my satisfaction.

about the THREAD TOPIC

re: hypocrite. When we were shopping for a new car we were amazed at the MPGs. Unless you have the money to splurge on a Prius you are stuck at around 33MPG and below. I ended up getting a 28 MPG hyundai Tucson because it was the car that best fit our needs. We were suprised to find that those 4x4 subarus are around 24 MPG.

If one is concerned about the "footprint" one makes upon the planet from their day to day existence one tries to reduce their impact in all areas of their life. We don't all renounce material things and shave our heads, is that what is expected?

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by nyk537

If I want to take the time to change my light bulbs, recycle my bottles, and drive a hybrid care, that’s my choice. I don’t need the government telling me I HAVE to because I am destroying the planet.

I'd like to respectfully disagree with you on this particular point. I think governments do need to regulate practices that clearly have an adverse effect on the environment and by extrapolation, human health.

I don't think you'd say the Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act were bad legislation or that you think the government shouldn't have dictated new air and water discharge standards. Would you?

Where I agree w/ you 100% is in regard to "man-made" global warming and all the non-sensical off-shoot practices the rhetoric and alarmism generated by the "man-made" global warming movement have produced....i.e. the flourescent bulbs, canvass shoping bags, hybrid vehicles, etc.

Are these things good to do? Sure, they reduce resource consumption and pollution, but they have no effect on the average global temperature, and for self righteous gas bags like Algore to shame us all into doing these things to prevent the the bogus end of the world scenarios that the GW alarmists threaten is inexcusable. They know there is no way to reduce our energy consumption by any significant amount. Their answer is a cap and trade carbon taxation system...A tax on carbon dioxide...Let me say it on more time... A Carbon Taxation System .

They will continue to scare the hell out of our children, who will grow up believing they will destroy the planet unless something is done about CO2 emissions. Then, when they fail to reduce their energy consumption and their CO2 emissions, the next generation will happily agree to this Carbon taxation system. A system, that taken to it's full extent, could be a tax on every breath exhaled by every man woman and child, every animal owned by anyone, every tree anyone cuts down, every lb. of cement used in every building, bridge, and road, and on and on. Carbon is the 4th most abundant element on the planet. Every living thing is made from it, and every living thing will release it's carbon back into the environment eventually.

This whole thing has become nothing more than a get rich quick scheme for the government who is finding new ways to tax us and blame us for destroying the planet everyday.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by stikkinikki

Ah yes, the much vaunted, semi-mythical (for earth) greenhouse effect.

Care to show us some real, substantiated evidence that gore is right?

You show me yours and I'll show you mine :p

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by darkbluesky
Originally posted by nyk537

They will continue to scare the hell out of our children, who will grow up believing they will destroy the planet unless something is done about CO2 emissions.
you mean its ok to scare the crap out of 'em with Terrorists, war, childhood obesity, sex, crime and drugs, but saying too them.....the planet is sick....we are killing it.....we have got to change.....this is a possible solution. ....Carbon this is how it works.......what you spend your money on, what you use, what you it cost in terms of energy consumption and subsequent enviromental cost blah blah.....all of a sudden, people start looking at where there money goes, what they are consuming, why does that cost them more... oh carbon tax!, and why is that cheaper......spending habits change.....consumption habits change.....and guess what..... buissness redirects it approach to production, manufacturing, resource consumption....because they are not selling products anymore.....their cost are high....guess what, a whole new industry is born......but wait there is more..... farmers start regenerating land to ofset carbon cost of Govt's and Buisness.....they start buisnesses, we are repairing the our scared little kids might have some of it left to see before they get killed by terrorist selling drugs to other kids that bully them on the internet about being scared about a carbon tax. Please. Get a grip.....scaring kids......come on.

This whole thing has become nothing more than a get rich quick scheme for the government who is finding new ways to tax us and blame us for destroying the planet everyday. you guys are just so rich at the moment....and yes WE have destroyed the planet.....own up to it. look at it this way.....its a global goods and services tax.......the planet needs a good service.......and we have to pay for it......not the third world, not india, china, US.....the west.

[edit on 24-4-2008 by atlasastro]

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