+2 more
posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 04:18 AM
Through out history man has asked who he was and why he was here,
he's also had an inner knowing he was on the path of a happening. In
modern times the fear expanded to a Dooms Day theory and is currently
affected by news media reports of global warming, climatic disasters,
disappearing species, sightings of unidentified space ships, dubious
ET's, and a 3000 year old calendar that stops calculating time as of
12/21/2012. At the same time we have religions and New Age
Metaphysical Spiritualest talking Ascension and the Golden Age.
The hype of dooms day is fear based and the ascension perdiction are
prophsied heresay, so it's time to stop the fear and speculation and
shed some real light of awareness on this situation with scientific proof.
On May 30, 2006 science discovered the proof so long awaited that
will complete the song held in the hearts of man. Our Solar System is from another galaxy!
It is in the process of joining the Milky Way, instead of having been
part of the Milky Way as was previously thought. Now this provides a quantum leap for changing perspectives. The Milky Way is not actually our parent
galaxy. This now explains the mystery of why we have viewed it as being sideways in the night sky. We've discovered we're still angled within our
smaller parent galaxy, which appears to have gravitationally broken free and be moving independently, back up, to the center of gravity of the Milky
Ways whirlpool arms and disc. It is now only a matter of time before we're fully pulled into the angle of our new home as we approach the center of
the Milky Way disc in the year = none other
than 2012.
We're going to make a right turn and join with the spinning Milky Way
whirlpool disc after billions years circling around it at a right angle in our
original parent galaxy called the Sagittarius Dwarf. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what this doesas far as providing proof
to certain religious convictions of a time of tribulation or to New Age and metaphysics philosophy of a coming planetary Shift and an uplifted
frequency of consciousness.
This "grand turning" is probably the cause for discontinuing
calculations by the Mayan of the Long Count Calendar, which is not the End of Time but the End of Time as we know it due to this increase volosity.
The calendar was a map of marker system of Consciousness Expansion, and they had no way of determine the future reactions of consciousness when this
conjuncture occurred, as Earth in our Solar System moves from one galaxy to another and enters a new level of
dimension or a faster spin frequency within the Milky Ways whirlpool.
This was foreseen by them as the Sagittarius Dwarf was becoming stretched out and loosing gravitational hold of our solar system and it would finally
join the Milky Way which has been viewed as sucking in other star systems. For the first time in our history, with this right angle turn we're about
to make, we'll become part of another galaxy. This is the event our higher spiritual guides have been referring to as the Shift of the Ages, it's
the time referred to in the Bible, it's what has been channeled by Spiritualists, and it's has the potential of becoming the Golden Age
if we create it as such. The conjuncture with the whirlpool will provide the faster frequency vibrational spin of the higher octave dimension
metaphysics speaks of, to raise our consciousness to higher leveles of love and peace. The age will create itself as human consciousness is beginning
to grasp it's connection of being One with all the other unified energy field of the universe, and react with Love toward this other part of self.
More verification came on July 20, 2006 with indications of the
biggest cause of earth changes in Global Warming and melting of the polar icecaps of both (Earth and Mars) which is caused by our arrival into this
brighter, far more energetic equator region of the Milky Way galactic disc as we come in from deeper space, and move closer to the higher velocity
spinning disc approach the 2012 shift. Life on Earth has survived no less than eight passages around and through the higher energy plane of the Milky
Way according to the carbon dated historical time line. This should show us there is nothing to fear in that part of the event. The big change is
making a turn as the Milky Way sucks us in and the vibrational resonance up grades. If we do the job of raising the total planetary energy to be more
in harmony with the higher octave of the
Milky Way. As it's been said many times by those that guide us, this
occurrence will be like the opera singer shattering the glass with the high pitch tone, unless we raise the tonal vibration of energy surrounding the
glass/earth, to prevent cracking.
Earth has now begun to respond to these powerful galactic energies
and the electro-gravitational pull as we have reached the higher energy
equatorial disc region of the massive spiral arm. For billion years we've circled around at an off-angle and will be centering in horizontally along
with the turning whirlpool shaped Milky Way spiral. Upon the passage of NASA's Voyager I & II out of our Solar System noted that outer planets Uranus
and Neptune have experienced recent pole shifts. Uranus with its rings is now physically lying on its side, seemingly in line with the angle of the
Milky Way where we are clearly now heading to merge. When and how fast we make this right angle turn, exactly how fast any larger changes will happen
or how drastic the changes will be, remains undetermined and not predictable. However, if pole shifts of either magnetic or physical nature are in the
offering we may be in for a good shaking up with fault line breaks and masses of water displaced or tidal waveflooding hundreds of miles inland...This
is what was prophesied. We enter exact centering with the Milky Way in 12/21/2012 with increased spin from the Milky Way disc, which validates the up
grade in frequency vibration of the planetary dimension.
Now we can foolishly go into fear and panic, settling for the domes
day theory with death and distraction, which will only serve to continue to
increase the lower resonance of the planets energy; or with this awareness we can ift our energy and the energies surrounding us so the planet can
slip more easily into the higher octave energy (continued below)
[edit on 16-4-2008 by kdial1]