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I have to get this off my mind.

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posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 12:29 AM
I am fairly new here and after reading a buttl oad of these post on 9/11 I have come to the conclusion that the people that can't see there is something wrong with what happen that day baffles me. It seems to me that they either like to argue just to argue, they are as blind as bat to the facts or they are not capable of understanding the facts. I see a lot of NIST,Offical reports comments and other 3 letter organizations they refer to that is the only leg they stand on when most is debunked,but the truth seeker constantly comes up more evidence to the contrary.

I am not trying to tick anybody off this is just my opinion but I just can't understand their way of thinking or common sense i am trying hard but I can't .I am proud to have an open mind and not just believe what is spoon feed to me by the media or our government. well i will stop my rant here sorry if I offend anybody with this it is not meant to I just had to get it off my chest because it scares how many people think blindly and that is why we are in the situation we are in today.

(sorry for any mispellings or bad gramer was never much of a writer or typer)

[edit on 12-4-2008 by Buddyweiser]

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 11:32 AM
That's because "truthers" just throw out either unscientific, or completely made up garbage and the others that actually know what they're talking about stick to their story (the real one.) "They" stick to 3 letter organizations and official reports because those are credible evidence. 99.9% of the "truthers" I speak with have no real background in science, but instead think they do because of articles they read on the internet. The reason they have so many questions is because they have either a severe lacking or a severely flawed understanding of the science in question. Most of the arguments I hear are pretty akin to this type of reasoning.


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