reply to post by TheDuckster
Hey Duckster,
You ask a great question, because many people don't 'get it', and make the same common mistake. I'll try to throw some light on the points you
make as best I can.
You and other's reading this thread will most likely already know that I am a 'Pastlife Regression Therapist (have been for the last 15yrs). And if
you've read the thread I made about 'spontaneous pastlife memory' or any of the posts I've made elsewhere on this subject, you will also know that
I take a very different approach to helping people recall their own memories because I have a real 'downer' on the use of hypnosis in such practices
(I believe that it can do more harm than good by tainting and distorting the retreived memories).
I say this up front so that people understand my stance on the matter and realize that for me the client's acurate recall is priority ... I don't
want them leaving me with a load of made-up crap in their heads, that bears no relevance to true memories ... and it's never about how much money I
can make out of them (as someone presumed once). I've said it before and I'll say it again ... I have often worked for free when someone needed my
services but could not afford a fee.
Ok, I needed to get that off my chest at the beginning so everyone knows I'm sincere and passionate about this subject ... stepping away from my
soapbox now.
TextDuckster; You asked, 'How can one better ourselves, on a Spiritual timeline, if we don't recall these pastlife experiences'?
And the best way I can probably give an explanation for this is by relating to a post made by
> The brain and mind are two seperate things - The Brain = Physical - The Mind = Metaphysical<
All 'physical' elements in our new forms/bodies are new ... all 'metaphysical' elements are the same throughout all lifetimes.
The soul never dies ... it is the individual essence of our 'being'.
The mind (as a whole) never dies ... it is our mental filing cabinet where all the experiencial memories (from all our 'physical lifetimes' + the
'spiritual between-times' are stored).
Now, as several posters have already mentioned, imagine the hell we would experience if everyone of these memories was constantly buzzing around our
heads at all times ... the overload would literally kill us. So there has to be a precaution devise in place to prevent this from happening.
The compartmentional ability of the human mind is that 'precaution devise'.
Imagine the filing cabinet (mind) has 3 draws ... these 3 draws represent;
(i) Conscious Mind (ii) Sub-conscious Mind (ii) Unconscious Mind.
Our pastlife memories are stored in the bottom draw (deepest level), this is why they are rarely recalled without help eg; Regression Therapy.
However, there are occasions when (for whatever reason), one/several of these memories find there way up to the top draw (surface level). There can be
any number of reasons for this and quite often it results in a fleeting sence of 'deja vu' (although not all 'deja vu' is necessarily the result
of pastlife memory ... but I won't complicate this by going into that now).
Occasionally, someone will receive a flood of pastlife memories spontaneously, which can be very disconcerting initially and is a good reason why in
the regular way of things the memories remain stored in the bottom draw. This is what happened to me and is the reason that I became a PLRT.
(If you want to know more about this you can find the link to my old thread in my profile ... or click the link in my signature to read more info on
my website, rather than derailing Duckster's thgread).
TextTenebrous; hit the nail on the head by saying 'It comes out in our affinities/dislikes ...'
This is correct, when pastlife memories filter through from our unconscious mind (bottom draw), into our sub-conscious mind (middle draw), it results
in us either taking an instant like/dislike to someone/something, for no apparent reason ... having mannerisms/habits without consciously
understanding their source.
As for the suggestion that our not remembering pastlives resulting in us repeating over and over (like groundhog day), also true to a degree. My
experience being a perfect example and (I believe), the reason why my pastlife memories of one particular lifetime came flooding in like a great
deluge, without any warning.
Once I started to understand what was actually happening I realized I was following precisely the same path I'd followed previously ... making
exactly the same errors and would likely meet an untimely demise as before, if I didn't act on this information. I did and I believe that is the
reason I'm hear today !!! And I am not exagerating that point.
Whilst PLRT has gained in popularity because of the New-Age factor over the last few years ... it really does have many deeper benefits, not least
because it provides us with a deeper understanding of ourselves ... what makes us tick ... and why. But having said that it is absolutely essencial
that the good old safety devise remains in place for our sanity sake at the mundane level.
The other point that was brought-up was about not remembering etc, effecting our spiritual timeline.
Well IMO (and this is only my personal take on it), our souls/spirits choose the lifetime they will be born into ... to learn the lessons that
particular lifetime will provide. This is how the soul develops/evolves. Now that includes the necessity to experience the bad along with the good and
Once we are in human form our previous memories are wiped (as someone suggested, during birth) and in addition we are given 'freewill'. This means
that lessons we had chosen to come back and learn can be sidestepped/avoided when good old 'freewill' kicks in ... in these instances the soul will
have to return at a later date to undertake those lessons again (oops!).
Once a soul has experienced and taken on board all the human life lessons, then I believe that soul has the choice of either remaining in 'Spirit'
(as in an Ascended Master) ... or becoming a 'Spirit Guide' (to another soul in human form).
Well, there you have my take on it ... there is so much more I could add but I've probably bored you all to sleep by now. Hope this helped in some
small way though ... and Duckster I have to say again 'Great Question'.
Sorry for the long, long post. Woody