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New A.I. in New Mexico?

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posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 02:16 AM
The Wikipedia article on the Church of Scientology underground facility in New Mexico has some fascinating info. Apparently the tract of land that contains the facility is now back in the hands of the government.

Scientologys Secret Underground Fort

It's a strange story - nothing is ever straightforward with the CoS.

But the main point is that if the parcel with the vault is once again
federal property, *a lot* more info should be available than if it were
in private hands.

But its not...

So WTF..

It is my belief that a top secret A.I. unit, (Created by the CoS, and the german government) may be present at that location. If that is true than what is that artificial inteligence's abilitys? and why isnt the United States government making any statements?

Just recently Mr. Tom Cruise has created an underground bunker himself, reportedly to survive the upcomeing apocalypse... IS it posible that one and the other are connected?

Are the germans planing an invasion?
Are the aliens going to come and use this artificial inteligence to kill all mankind?
Anyone got a cigarette?

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 02:58 PM
I'm curious as to why you believe there is an artificial intelligence here. Do you have anything showing this or pointing towards this idea?? Why do you think they have built and housed some type of artificial intelligence there?

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 05:47 PM
is this just hey they are the CoS and are hiding behind something lets see....OMG its SKYNET!!

or do you have any proof of your claims.

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 10:38 PM
Marvin Minsky a very notable MIT programer who specializes in Artificial Inteligence.

He was also the head of research at 'The Church of Scientology,' Who did studys for the Church into Mind-Control, MK ultra.... and artificial intelligence.

Marvin Misky also did work recently, for the United States airforce involving artificial intelligence computers.

If Marvin Minsky is working for the Church of Scientology that would mean that The Church is attempting to create an artificial intelligence. And If they are.. that could be extremly bad.

This is a story about a very dangerous A.I. known as D.A.V.I.D.
Who with extra-ordinary abilitys was able to take over Computers, Killing those whom those who controled it Wished.

If the Church of Scientology got ahold of an Artificial Intelligence that would be bad... The Church of Scientology is a well known Group that wishes to take over the world.. as shown here..

This document shows what Scientologists call 'Operation Snow White' Which was Secretly the Church of Scientologys plan, to take over the world.

Sorry it took so long, I dont use Abovetopsecret for all my research...

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Yes... i am an idiot.

[edit on 3-4-2008 by 30 Seconds]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 08:19 AM

This is a story about a very dangerous A.I. known as D.A.V.I.D.


it's called a "movie"

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 10:44 PM
A.I. was about a robotic child, who was created to mimic basic human emotions, who's adopted family deserted him, and threw the ability of 'basic emotions' became insane(angry), and wished all humans to dissapear. Eventually they did, and he lived happily ever after.. Even got to hang with his mother again... Though she died only momments later.. Again... Bleh.

What a twisted and unmoral movie..
This movie was created by Steven Spielberg..

Mr Steven Spielberg's wife is a current Scientologist, and it is my belief that Mr.Spielberg is infact also a Scientologist, or just extreamly related to that organization.

Steven Spielberg was also famous for createing such movies as War of the Worlds which portrays "a pearl harbor style attack" where ALIENS come too earth and start killing people for no reason..
Also twisted and So very relating story too Scientology. (Aliens?)

And Lastly Minority Report.
A movie that is anti-U.S. and portrays a Badguy which very much reminds people of the ex-president George Herbert Bush. (because hes old, and loved by many.) Where apparently psyhic ability is considered a bad thing, atleast according to Scientologys Tom Cruise, within the story.
How would the ability of Psychic cops be a bad thing?? FU Scientology!

Both of which stared Mr. Tom Cruise as the main character, and as we know Mr Scientoloy, is in fact a figure within the CoS (Church of Scientology.)

It is my belief that The movie A.I., Minority Report, and War of the worlds, shows; just the malicious nature of Mr Steven Spielberg and of that (supposed) Church.

[Listen:] Please from now on when redirecting to a site offering information on a movie; Link to Wiki or something.. IMDB's Short summarys do not give enough information.. Thank you!

[Update:] The movie War of the Worlds(2005) movie poster, contains the Image of a Hand Grasping the Planet in a Controlling and Demening fashion was infact the same image that came from the Book "The Invaders Plan" writen by L. Ron Hubard himself.
Proving the fact that the Aliens from the film "War of the Worlds" was in fact the same aliens that mr. L Ron believed in So... I hope we won... Prolly not... DAMN YOU SCIENTOLOGY!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 09:01 AM
Hey, I'm a clambaker from way back, but...

War of the Worlds is an H.G. Wells book; way before Elron

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:17 PM
I said the 2005 version of the Film... Not the original..


The television series "War of the Worlds" also contained the Mysterious 'Hand of DOOM.'
Connecting "War of the worlds" too the Church of Scientology, within two major productions.

I used to watch that Television series as well... Dont knock it, or i give you punch too the face.

Heres the cover of "The Invaders Plan" by L. Ron Hubard.

Heres the Cover of the Movie "Rollerball (1975)" by Norman Jewison.

Cover of "War of the worlds" with a slightly 'different' type of hand.
But its still Mr. L. Ron Hubard's hand.


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