posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 06:09 PM
Stikkinikki beat us all to the answer here
I know two people who work for AT&T who are also total slackers, and one's an alchie who finally got laid off but they paid him a year severance and
he drank that up in 2 months.
They both used to tell me outrageously hilarious yet sad stories about the incompetent management running their branch. Was strait out of the Dilbert
comic strip.
It all goes back to, if they'd hire quality people, they'd have to pay them more, so they hire idiots and then wonder why they can't get anything
done and nothing works.
I think the CEO's and board of directors of every single large corporation should have to live on $9 an hour, no benefits, after everything they own
has been stripped from them, for a year... working a crappy job at THEIR company to see how it feels AND they ought to televise it 24/7 for us to all
laugh at.
Come on now, admit it, it would be the hit of the season!