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Google Earth Keeping Planet X a Secret!

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posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Motherwolf999

What are you talking about? You must be confusing me with someone else.

Where did I say I was so "vehemently against it." You should go back and read my post, I think you're completely misunderstanding what I wrote.

Thank you though, but I think ATS is the right place for me.

I'm rather confused what you are referring to. I've been here for 2 years, yet you just joined. I think I have a little better idea what goes on here.


Back to the topic:

I just clicked on Bean's article from harvard, and its pretty interesting.

Here it is folks:

[edit on 3/26/2008 by biggie smalls]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 01:24 PM
hey i got an off topic google earth question..whilst looking at area 51 i used the ruler to try and measure the length of one of the runways, and for some reason, when you altered the plane as if you were looking more horizontally, it showed the ruler line rising up from the runway into the air, continuing at this height for a while and then returning to ground level as if there was some terrain it was going over.

What could be causing this? just a ruler glitch or some hidden terrain?

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 01:32 PM
I have been observing orions belt off and on from the local observatory and nothing seems out of the ordinary.

I have however been seeing a signifigant number of "satellite" looking objects traveling in a SW direction as of late. Sometimes even 3 or 4 in formation.

Because I follow the types of things on this website I typically investigate as much as an untrained professional can do when I am at the observatory. I havent seen any rogue planets or aliens waving out the window of a craft at me but that still doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

I prefer to keep an open mind.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

I am completely open to the idea of a Planet X, but it being visible around Orions Belt is another story... imo

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Combatmed1

Originally posted by Odessy
but planet X is in our solar system...
and orion is an entirely different Galaxy!

Im not saying thats not where planet X is, but it just seems odd that it would be in that location.

If we can see another galaxy from the northern hemisphere, then we should be able to see a planet in our own solar system in that direction...

LOL, shoulda seen the meteors coming at us also but we didn't

Dwarf Star > meteors

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by xnibirux
~ The only thing I have to say about those who do not believe Nibiru exists is, no, I can't prove it to you, but I can recommend you scope out the Orion area using the South Pole Telescope for a better view because you can't just look up at the night sky and expect to see it.

~ If you don't believe Nibiru exists then why tell me you don't? What is your motive for that? Do not visit this thread to bash it out of disbelief. Visit this thread out of interest on the subject, that is all I ask, Thanks

[edit on 26-3-2008 by xnibirux]

The Mission Statement for ATS is to Deny Ignorance -- and that goes both ways. The specific point of this thread is not to discuss whether or not Nibiru Exists, but is to specifically postulate that Google Sky is intentionally hiding a picture of "Planet X". It is well within ATS's mission for people to point out possible fallacies with this statement. For instance, if Planet X was really right in that blacked-out area, then amateur astronomers all over the world who have a good view of Orion should be able to see Planet X in this location through their own telescopes.

That's not the same as saying Nibiru does not exist -- however I personally don't know of any scientific proof "Nibiru" exists, but I'm sure there could be another body somewhere out there that may be the size of a planet. If someone wants to call any newly-discovered large body "Planet X", than that's fine with me...but that does not mean it is the Nibiru of legend.


The South Pole itself is not a great place from which to view Orion -- Orion will skirt the horizon at the South Pole all year long. It is much more visible from the middle latitudes. Astronomers at these middle latitudes will have a much better view of this Planet X if it is in fact near Orion, and should be able to see it.

Also...the link you provided in your OP stated that the Planet X they mentioned was coming from a "blind spot" south of the Earth. This is nowhere near Orion, so I don't understand how the Planet X mentioned in the link you provided has anything to do with this "blackened" portion of Google Sky.

Since there is no relation between the purported location of the Planet X identified in that link and the blackened area in Google Sky, how does the link support your claim that Google Sky is hiding Planet X?

[edit on 3/26/2008 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
I am saddened by the amount of people that will take ridiculous things like this seriously, based on ridiculous threads like this. The term I am looking for here is ignorance. I swear, sometimes its the uniformed leading the ignorant in this place...other times there are pure genius threads. Guess we have to suffer through stuff like this to get the occasional diamond in the rough around here.

I agree. The OP's reply to your post I have quoted pretty much sums up what I've found to be disagreeable with ATS the past year or so.

Originally posted by xnibirux
Wow, why do you take things so seriously? What do you want me to say? Alright I'm sorry I believe what I said. That is supposedly its exact location in our galaxy. There!

You said it was the exact location of Planet X. If it's exact, back it up with evidence, if it's supposedly said to be there by some individuals who have no proof, have not witnessed it and have pretty much made it up off the top of their heads - then say so, and you won't get people calling you out on it.

Of course, the forum does state at the top:

Readers and users should be aware that extreme theories without corroboration are embraced in this forum

Which pretty much means it's open season for anyone to spew any old garbage they like.

WTF happened to denying ignorance. ATS, what happened to you man, yo' ass used to be beautiful.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:10 PM
Someone posted Orion is in another galaxy. Orion's stars are within our galaxy. just wanted to add that quick...

It's weird how people use the defense FOR Nibiru existence as "it exists because you cannot prove it does not exist" Under that logic, no one can prove that I do not have the ability to create unicorns out of midair and use them to teleport to the Moon. When trying to prove something exists, you try to prove it exists, not the other way around.

First this whole Nibiru thing, and it's location in the sky. How can anyone give it's location, when they cannot prove it exists? Before anyone mentions Stichin, please research his translations against others. Don't fall into the trap of using him as a source of information when it is not reliable.

Planet X. When talking about planet X in "NASA" terms, it is a planetary body predicted to be found outside the orbit of Neptune, large/massive enough to disrupt the orbit of Neptune.

Walk through the logic on Nibiru. If it can only be seen from the south pole (or southern hemisphere) then clearly it is location "below" Earth. (Using Earth's orbital plane as a fake horizon, north being "up"). Now Nibiru is supposed to be close to intercepting Earth's orbit. How does an object that is near 93 million miles interrupt Neptune? How can it NOT interrupt our Moon and all the other inner planets? How does it actually stay in an orbit shaped like an oval so extreme and not decay like anything else would? If our Sun captured an object (would have to of been a capture, not formed due to orbit) it cannot have such an extreme orbit. Our Sun would have just altered its path and it would keep going, or be pulled into the Sun. Having an orbit that is that far out, means it does not travel as fast as Earth does in order to keep a sustained orbit if using logic that it is a native part of the solar system. It really comes down to Suns' gravity vs another objects mass/velocity. What is being used as a definition in this case simply cannot work.

Every so many years it makes a comeback that THIS time, it will appear. 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2012. Those are the years it was guaranteed (by various people) to appear. I understand that people might have just heard about it, and don't know about the "last time", or the time before that. (Any one remember Nancy and the Zeta's?) Baffling how it got tied into when the Mayans calender ends and restarts. (If that was the sign of the end..we should see it every December 31 when our calendar ends)

The logic of Nibiru does not make sense. Things that some people use to legitimately prove its existence (Neptune's orbit for example) are flawed because of the defined path Nibiru supposedly follows. The only thing that can be done is seperate Nibiru from that information, which now leaves trying to prove it's existence with no evidence at all. Or keep changing the information to match what is needed at the time.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

It does not matter if someone states that it is the exact location of planet X. The fact that space editing is occurring means that Google is in cahoots with the elite to edit space. This is because there is something out there they don't want people to see. It could be a 7-ll store that was built in space- it could be a lot of things including but not limited to Planet X. It could even be Xenu!

Fact is, it has nothing to do with homeland security- so it is definitely a deception.

"That's no moon- its a space station" Obiwan Kenobie- Star Wars

Google sky is editing space and this is not a good thing at all. Be very careful in relying on Google- Google is not a friend. The OP is and thank you for bringing this to our attention.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:15 PM
xnibirux has tried this before...the planet X thing.

NOW! GoogleEarth blocking out the sky?!? AND, of all places, the constellation Orion???!!!???!

Come on, read what has come before. First, it was approaching from the South Pole....folks, the constellation Orion is NEVER visible from the South Pole!!! Just as the 'Southern Cross' is never visible from the North Pole....or from anywhere in the Norhtern hemisphere, for that matter.

Knowledge is power. False knowledge, when fed to those who blindly accept it, can be turned into absolute power. Be sceptical, stay informed, please!!

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Shadow_Lord

Shadow Lord, you and I were writing at about the same time. Great logic, thanks for that!!!

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by dk3000
The fact that space editing is occurring means that Google is in cahoots with the elite to edit space.

It doesn't mean that at all. It means they don't have a picture of that part of space. Any other interpretation is assumptive fantasy.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by dk3000

dk3000....Google is 'editing' space?!?!?!?

Really? Yet, thousands of amateur astronomers have an unimpeded view, but they will stay silent? Truly, keep your thinking hats on folks!!!

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Originally posted by dk3000
The fact that space editing is occurring means that Google is in cahoots with the elite to edit space.

It doesn't mean that at all. It means they don't have a picture of that part of space. Any other interpretation is assumptive fantasy.


If anyone is concerned why Google don't have an image for that section of the sky, maybe they could ask them.

Of course, any reply other than "because the New World Order are hiding Planet X there" would be met with the rebuttle that Google is lying and covering the whole thing up! And around and around we go!

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by dk3000

sorry dk3000, I dont think thats proof of anything.
there are many explanations as to why that particular image is missing.
sure space editing is one, but more logical thought would be that they did not have the image at this time...
apparently the image is not blocked anymore?
which would hint that they now have the picture... or have finished editing it! dun dun DUN!

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:38 PM
typical of people and operatives who post on this about planet x I bet most of you know nothing about the trail -- history - of pain there has been about planet x discovery, but don’t worry you all WILL KNOW REAL SOON about planet x and the collapse of EVERYTHING; Wake up if you cant deal with the situation of the world at the moment JUST WAIT! for what’s coming
I almost have to laugh that this is how bad we are now. I bet most of you don’t know even how to REASON correctly pinch me please from this nightmare I am in with this STUPID world
I will never post what I know because I trust NO ONE now being betrayed by my family to people in the freedom movement I will just post the correct line of info.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by lasthope

and would you care to inform us then?
i mean, instead of simply mocking us...

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:45 PM
Originally posted by xnibirux

~ If you don't believe Nibiru exists then why tell me you don't? What is your motive for that? Do not visit this thread to bash it out of disbelief. Visit this thread out of interest on the subject, that is all I ask, Thanks

Honestly, I used to believe what I heard about Nibiru, going back at least a decade. Now that I have been visiting ATS I would have to say I am on the fence about it.

I asked why you thought it was in Orion just because a picture has a blank space in it, and you didn't give me a reply.

What makes you think it's there, and don't the pictures get updated all the time? What if you check tomorrow and see nothing in the vicinity?

Does that mean it moved, or wasn't there to begin with? If it moved, where did it go?

Give me a reason to believe, please.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
xnibirux has tried this before...the planet X thing.

NOW! GoogleEarth blocking out the sky?!? AND, of all places, the constellation Orion???!!!???!

Come on, read what has come before. First, it was approaching from the South Pole....folks, the constellation Orion is NEVER visible from the South Pole!!! Just as the 'Southern Cross' is never visible from the North Pole....or from anywhere in the Norhtern hemisphere, for that matter.

Knowledge is power. False knowledge, when fed to those who blindly accept it, can be turned into absolute power. Be sceptical, stay informed, please!!

~ I'm wrong guys, it's all over, everyone can go home now. I've realized that just because Nibiru's orbit includes part of Orion, that it does not mean it is the current location of Nibiru.

~ Weedwacker is right, you can't see Orion's Belt from the south pole, as that isn't the position of Nibiru. Once again I am wrong on that. This thread should therefore be closed because Google Earth probably isn't trying to black out an image of Nibiru.

I'm sorry, I realized that he's right and I'm wrong

[edit on 26-3-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 02:52 PM
I HAVE given PEOPLE INFO ALL MY LIFE BUT THEY HAVE BEEN TO dumb TO research what I have said so no but do the following
1/GOOGLE how to reason - then learn there are many steps reason is just the first
2/ Search the internet on the history of discovery of planet x
3/ Go from there and get motivated for the weakest member of your family you care about and want to protect for me now it is just my pets if I ever find anyone who wont screw me over it will be a miracle

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