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Important UFO Disclosure Information

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posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 02:32 PM
I found out today from my state Senator Saxby Chambliss that if hearings under oath about UFOs were to be set up and held, it would be done by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Daniel Inouye is head of it.

I called and spoke with two people today. Both seemed interested and said they would pass along the information to Mr. Inouye. I told them I would be willing to set up the hearing if they would just agree to let there be one.

I need your help! I need you all to help spread this information around the internet and any where else you can. People need to know that this is the committee to call and ask for UFO hearings to be set up.

If enough people called in, they would get the hint. It's time to do this.

Here are contact numbers for the committee:


posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Remember....this is THE committee that would deal with UFO hearings. Please call them and ask them to please set up a hearing on the subject of UFOs and allow witnesses to testify.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:00 PM
Don't anyone call these numbers and harass these Congressmen, not until OP gives us some more hard evidence of his or her correspondence with them. So, bud, you have any emails, snail mails, recorded phone calls with these gentlemen, anything?

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by chromatico

Agreed. OP, please scan your letter/response to your congressman/woman and post a jpeg here. We will help if you can verify this info.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Also, to the OP, please present some verifiable credentials that would qualify you to help organize such hearings in the first place.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by ufo reality
If enough people called in, they would get the hint. It's time to do this.

Good idea, but your kidding right? They have concealed and lied for over 70 years about the existance of ET beings. Kennedy was killed because he was for a disclosure and disbanding of the CIA! He was not in on the money and power to be had in keeping it all a secret, along with the advanced efficient technologies) Are they getting a hint of the peoples views' on the Bush/Cheney administration, or the illegal oil war in Iraq? No, there do not care about the topic, it is a lost cause...besides you think a government disclosure is going to be forthcoming, look at the progandanized 9/11 Commission report.

You want disclosure? It is out there, but not in the form of a "government disclosure", I have researched and studied this for years. Make your own judgements because the government is not going to do this for you (and you shouldn't even want them to!) Look into all the species of aliens that are discussed going back thousands of years, look into the drone photos from California and Nevada from last year (real folks, and not stolen technologies, bonafide ET craft), look into Roswell incident (not really a incident as we caused the crash), look into the Nazis (working with an ancient ET species from the Gaza area as early as 1933), look into the history of mankinds cultures and religions. I ain't waiting or calling for disclosure, because I already know much of the truth. Do some research....find your own "disclosure" or even more correctly acknowledge it as enlightenment rather than disclosure.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by percievedreality]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:55 PM
In response to chromatico...

I spoke with a rep of my congressman on the phone. He told me that Saxby Chambliss said this would be the committee to contact and to set up such a hearing on UFOs.

All I'm doing is providing you with this information. Whether or not you choose to call is up to you. Be apathetic for all I care.

I've been researching the UFO subject for 10 years. I know a lot of people and organizations. I could very well help set up such a hearing.

I have also been on ATS for several years under a few different screen names. My computer broke down and other stuff happened and that's why.

The last hearing was '68...? I think it's time to hold more hearings and let witnesses testify under oath. At least it would bring a little more cred to the whole thing and garner attention.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by ufo reality]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by ufo reality
In response to chromatico...

All I'm doing is providing you with this information. Whether or not you choose to call is up to you. Be apathetic for all I care.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by ufo reality]

Asking you to deliver credentials on your part does not make us apathetic. I have written 6 congressmen on this topic , providing the contact info. of several credible govt/military insiders to verify my claims. Only ONE person responded, and that was Brian Bilbray. He didn't even bother to address the issue and follow up and contact these individuals.

Don't get me wrong. I think you're doing the right thing, but your approach needs a little work. Perhaps the people u need to convince are outside of UFOlogy?

I am fairly certain that if I have written congress, many others here have as well. We are not as apathetic as you may think.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by VisionQuest]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by VisionQuest

Agreed, this would be great if it was for real and I would do whatever I could to make it happen and have a big impact. We just need OP's cooperation to have this thing materialize.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

Even if we do get an official disclosure it will not be the real one I am afraid. Simply put there is way too much going on and next to impossible for them to admit everything without literaly getting lynched.

A lot of the aliens visiting us conceal hostile intentions and governments may have established "agreements". For example, let me abduct a few citizens and I will give you a laser system.

Off course I can't blame you for trying and anything is better than nothing. Just realize there are unwritten(but painfully obvious) limitations to what any government can admit.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 03:48 PM
Also, if I were you I would not give out addresses, telephone #s, or any other personal info to anyone on this site or even ufologists. There are a lot of pretenders out there who would really like to gather data on "activists" to be used in the future at there disposal. Remember the fema concentration camp theory?

Be careful and trust no one!

[edit on 21-3-2008 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

He can always black out stuff on letterhead or in emails. Nevertheless...we NEED this information or otherwise we have nothing with which to work!

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:16 PM
First off I want to say that I am just as in favor of full disclosure as the next guy, but the truth is that it will never happen.

This is just another feeble attempt by us bipedal homosapiens to try and get "the truth" through our miraculous elected government officials. What the masses tend to forget is that with such a massive coverup, no one person can be blamed, nor can one organization be pegged, as the true source of the coverup has indeed been covered up. You can blame the NSA, CIA, Vatican etc, but never in a million years will an elected commoner be able to get even remotely close to the truth.

With super secret organizations being the true keepers of the secret information, there is no single person that has all of the info. The tidbits of secrecy are shared among the orgs on a need to know basis. The one person that determines if someone else needs to know is probably not known by anyone else as the person with the key to the truth. It is a very muddled structure, but this is what comes from the compartmentalization of top secret info.

Disclosure is just some term that has been coined to give the masses some hope of one day finding out the whole truth. Sure with all kinds of high ranking officals coming forward and credible witnesses making their statements, we will surely have more evidence that aliens have been visiting out planet, but to ultimately get the whole unfettered, unadulterated truth is about as attainable as cleaning up the environment.

We will never be privvy to the whole truth unless the source is circumvented, but then we will have to interpret what we see as the truth. The whole problem is that we may have heard tidbits of the truth, but when it is intersperced with false truths, our whole picture becomes very muddy and even harder to interpret. This is what "they" want. Keeping us confused helps keep us more easily controlled. If we were told that everything we have believed in our whiole lives was false, then what would we have to fear? With that fear comes control and that is what they need to keep us at bay, believeing whatever lies they tell us.

You can keep your fingers crossed for disclosure, but they might be crossed for a REALLY long time. Just my 2 cents

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:26 PM
This drives me up the wall. So many people claim to "deny ignorance" and yet when someone is trying to find a way to get the truth out, weither it works or not, first thing most do it slap the op. Who cares if the op is qualified to request hearings. The fact that he/she wnats the truth qualifies him/her. The op is only asking to spread the word.. whats the harm? Worst case nothing happens.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:46 PM
I do not understand what some of you want me to fact it's quite aggravating.

It's rather simple. I "emailed" my state senator Saxby Chambliss here in Georgia asking about UFO hearings and his thoughts on UFOs in general. Then I got home from work and on my answering machine was a male rep for Saxby who said that Mr. Chambliss said that if UFO hearings were to be held this would be the committee that would do it. All he did was give me the name of the committee and who leads the committee.

So I called and spoke to two different people. I simply stated that the last time UFO hearings were held was in the late 1960's and that I thought it would be a good idea to hold them again in the near future to let witnesses testify under oath and to try to figure some of this out. I also offered to them that I would be willing to help gather witnesses for the hearing. It would not be something that I would do on my own, nor did they say anything about granting a hearing. It's just something I requested.

Since this is the committee to contact, I wanted to make this known to everyone else. Why not contact them? It's what you pay taxes for. You have every right to call and request hearings.

That said, nothing in this thread is worth getting your panties in a wad over.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by chromatico
Don't anyone call these numbers and harass these Congressmen, not until OP gives us some more hard evidence of his or her correspondence with them. So, bud, you have any emails, snail mails, recorded phone calls with these gentlemen, anything?

Reply to the OP, It seems the government's best defense against disclosure lies with the people. They are the barrier which must be broken first before any damage can be done to a 60+ year wall of secrecy. Until then, the gov has nothing to worry about. If for example, skeptics suddenly by the millions started calling the government on it, then something might get accomplished. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, but it can only be done through the non-believers. They are the ones that are holding disclosure back.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

Even if the govt revealed anything or everything, how much of it would you believe? People either believe it ET or they don't. I'm on the side that there is no way we are the only "intelligent" beings in this never ending universe. What a pompous ass society we are if we think we are alone in the universe. We are just so freaking special and stupid at the same time. I don't even care if the govt reveals anything, they don't have to.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 01:41 PM
I would like some confirmation of some kind. I have never seen a UFO or an ET, but I believe after 10 years of investigating that it's a real phenomena, and these amazing crafts are either A) ET in origin or B) we have some insane technology that needs to be put to better use for we the people. It's one of the other. I understand national security concerns, but like Ricky Sorrells said "if that was ours, that IS our national security."

I think our reps in government should look into this and stop pussy-footing around it. We pay them, and we have every right to request hearings and the truth.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by FlySolo
If for example, skeptics suddenly by the millions started calling the government on it, then something might get accomplished. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, but it can only be done through the non-believers. They are the ones that are holding disclosure back.

This makes no sense, sorry.

Millions of skeptics and non-believers would never start pressing the government for Disclosure - unless they started to believe that the government is covering things up!

It's the believers who will accomplish Disclosure, not the non-believers

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

Your missing my point. No one will listen to a " believer" but if a skeptic was doing the convincing, then maybe. Of course, then the skeptic would no longer be a skeptic. Let me use a different example. Say all the Michael Shermers out there suddenly said they were wrong.

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