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After Short Recession America will Grow Stronger

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posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:09 PM
The average American recession is around 10 months historically.

This recession will also be short lived.

We soon will have a new President (not Mcain) and the war will be ending.

The Gas prices will soon balance as soon as the war driven oil man is out of the white house.
And there is plenty of oil, prove me wrong.

The economy will soon absorb the failing housing market and all the foreclosed homes will be bought.
Its a shame so many people will lose money on undervalued homes but they will survive just fine.
I lost a house and im ok. You just go find a place to rent and keep on going.
I know people right now that are driving around scraping anything with copper or aluminum in it from peoples trash on trash day. Vacuum cleaners, microwaves ect.
$120 bucks a day they make. Thats a living.
If there is a will there is a way and I think Americans have a lot of will.

Things are going to be fine, Americans will be stronger after this short recession.
We will come together again maybe like during ww2.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 11:53 PM

If the crash hadn't actually been planned 100 years ago, I might agree with you. As it stands enjoy WWIII.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:10 AM
That's a nice thought. Unfortunately I think there are those in power who are desperately trying to instigate a NAU, and that won't turn out well in my eyes.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones - Albert Einstein.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:13 AM
"If the crash hadn't actually been planned 100 years ago, I might agree with you. As it stands enjoy WWIII.
Go on...........
I hope we bounce beack even better. But when will this happen? Right after bush is done or a year or so after the next pres is in? What if McCain wins?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Zealott

"If the crash hadn't actually been planned 100 years ago, I might agree with you. As it stands enjoy WWIII.

Go on...........
I hope we bounce beack even better. But when will this happen? Right after bush is done or a year or so after the next pres is in? What if McCain wins?

If Mccain wins WWIII starts, if Obama wins WWIII starts, if Hilary wins WWIII starts. THe Rothschilds and Rockefellers have it covered.

[edit on 20-3-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

Bush still has a good spree of time ahead of him. Who knows what he could do.

I'm not really into the economy, but how would this simple "correction" make everything ok? Haven't we been building debt for the past 100 years now? Isn't the dollar still worth debt?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Nyorai
Haven't we been building debt for the past 100 years now? Isn't the dollar still worth debt?

Once the dollar falls, thier debt will be forgiven and it will be considered to be paid in full.

Those who are burdoned by debt will rally around the flag of revolution.

Since so many are in debt, hope now begins with the fall of the dollar, not in some sort of chicanry and slight of hand ment to prolong it's existance .

[edit on 20-3-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

And then we go back to the gold standard and stop printing bills we don't have? Heh, that or we repeat the same or habit. Who can resist? This is capitalism, this is credit!

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Nyorai
And then we go back to the gold standard and stop printing bills we don't have? Heh, that or we repeat the same or habit. Who can resist? This is capitalism, this is credit!

Once again if biblical prophecy wasn't getting in the way I would say that the creation of a fourth national fiat bank would not be out of order. However, there is a bigger play at foot.


posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 01:26 AM
It cant be saved.

I swear, some people have a memory that goes no further than 24hrs.
I read in today West Australian
'' Dow leaps 3.8%, it looks like the subprime crisis is over ''
1 week ago, I read on this board, that the $500,000,000,000.00 emergency releif fund would save the economy.
The DOW Jumped massively that day, people hailed it as a success.
But, the NEXT day, it dropped.

The dow rose the night before MASSIVELY again after a fed 3/4pt interest rate cut, saying it would bring about a bottom out of the dislocation. but alas, again last night it dropped by almost 300 points?
Australia today, again followed suit, we lost 4%.

People have to start realising by now, that cutting interest rates, and throwing money at the problem is like shooting a be be gun at a tank.

This is not a recession, its a long painful depression!

Never before has the economy been in this situation, people saying its going to bottom out like before, or past trends suggest this arent focusing on ALL the data.

Oil, War costs, Credit Crisis, Declining US $, Declining US confidence, The Dollar PEG, Corporate greed, Tax Cuts..

there's nothing pumping 'positive' funds back into your economy.

Drastic measures need to be taken NOW, not minor interest rate cuts...

Ameriacn confidence soon will not even last 24hrs.
The next time they cut interest rates, what happens when they dont make a 200pt gain?... instead maybe a 30pt gain, or break even?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

The Dow has been crazy. Up 300 points, then down 300 points in a couple of days! There is no Unch to be found.

I am concerned over what they aren't telling us, what they are hiding.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 01:38 AM
Just remember from chaos comes clarity, right? It is good that you maintain a positive outlook on the future, but also keep it in prospective because we are fighting on many different fronts and levels here.

Glass half full

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
I swear, some people have a memory that goes no further than 24hrs.

People are morons. THey have the attention span of a flea. They've lost all touch with reality. Wall street is like a bad drug addiction, everyone is just running around looking for thier next quick high.

Shut 'em down for good.

[edit on 20-3-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 01:46 AM
[edit on 20-3-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 07:25 PM
Only way this will happen is if you get rid if the Fed and vote in someone like Ron Paul. Otherwise your screwed..

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by earth2

This recession will also be short lived.

simple as 1, 2, 3 right?


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government-sponsored enterprises that are central players in U.S. secondary mortgage markets. Over the past decade, these institutions have amassed enormous mortgage- and non-mortgage-oriented investment portfolios that pose significant interest-rate risks to the companies and a systemic risk to the financial system.


The regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on Wednesday eased capital requirements for the two biggest housing finance agencies, allowing them to pump up to $200 billion into the distressed U.S. mortgage market. (The regulator, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, said it was lowering to 20 percent from 30 percent the amount of extra capital the companies are required to hold. It will also consider further reductions. The 30 percent requirement had been imposed after the discovery of lax accounting and risk controls...)


Under Frank and Dodd's plan, announced last week, the Federal Housing Administration would insure refinanced mortgages after lenders reduce the loan principal to make payments more affordable to homeowners.

Once again the oldest trick in the book - where your government ends up holding the crap from 'private' wealth schemes. Future taxes and high interst rates will be your burden for their profit - and this pain does not include the interest that will be required for the billions already spent as off-budget war funding.

Now add this,

Visa shares soar after biggest U.S. IPO ever

JPMorgan Chase stands to collect about $1.25 billion, Bank of America will receive about $625 million and Wells Fargo about $273 million from selling shares, according to regulatory filings. outstanding credit card debt at the end of 2002 -- $750.9 billion

The banks ultimately take the lickin' if people (who just lost their homes) default on their credit card bills. This IMHO is the final despicable act in the Central Bankers play.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:00 PM
I hope your right Op but I seriously doubt it. The fact is everyone is gleeful with joy because the federal reserve is going to save all the banks so the market rallies. What they dont tell you is that this is a tab that all taxpayers will eat. Im not going to explain how but trust me we will.

The dollar is in the crapper and this "rally" we see will be temporary as the fed keeps printing more money that we do not have. It will even get worse when we start bombing Iran which will trigger WWIII.

This isnt a republican democrat issue you guys need to get over this it makes no difference if its McCain or Obama who gets in they are the same clan in different disgueises. The ones who really run this country have an agenda and that is world domination and the ones who run this country you have to look no further than the owners of the federal reserve. All the presidents and people who you think have power are tools weather you believe me or not.

Things wont be good till we get our money back in the peoples control again, we quit shipping all of our jobs over seas, we quit this imperialistic agenda and finish our war in Iraq and Afganistan and bring everyone in all 160 countries home, and get the government out of peoples lives but fixing a few laws like eminent domain. Only then will things be good.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:43 PM

Wow.. you certainly have it backwards.

#1 Please provide the proof or a historical record of your psychic ability in predicting presidential elections. Or could it be that your too naive to think we will be duped by the Socialist elitist Hillary or the racist Obama (don't make me embarrass you by having to prove he is racist)

#2 There is plenty of oil. Its Liberals and environmentalists that are preventing us from obtaining it domestically. The single largest deposit of oil in the WORLD is in the Rocky Mountains in the form of oil shale.

3# You lost your house. I have no sympathy for you as IT IS EQUALLY YOUR FAULT. Prove to me someone held a gun to your head forcing you to sign the mortgage documentation that clearly indicated what your payments would be during rate increase periods etc. You failed to plan and now you have lost your house. It is your fault and you should be ashamed of yourself. Further you will now forever have to indicate on mortgage loans that you have defaulted on a home loan. You will now have higher interest rates and less of a chance of home ownership.

4# You know people driving around and "scraping' for copper? 90% of them are STEALING the copper. I know as I have had numerous thefts of the copper piping and ground wires at my rental properties. These are scumbags whom are nothing but lazy petty criminals.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by DisabledVet

No im not psychic, I do have a hunch though (Hillary or Obama).
And yes please embarrass me, I certainly dont want to vote for a racist.

Yea I lost a house, I didnt say I defaulted on it though. You just assume I suppose.

And for the scrapers, I guess I am talking about some people in the ten percent range because they clearly arent theives.

What I am trying to say is we are still the most powerful country and we will get through this just like anything else we have gone through, until the END.
Regardless of the fed, bank, oil, ect.

And when the end gets here what difference will it make anyway.

So you go ahead and be angry and negative and keep trying to find the bad.
You are what you think.

[edit on 20-3-2008 by earth2]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by DisabledVet

#2 There is plenty of oil. Its Liberals and environmentalists that are preventing us from obtaining it domestically. The single largest deposit of oil in the WORLD is in the Rocky Mountains in the form of oil shale.

With all do respect I think it might be you who has it backwards. The fact is if we wanted to drill domestically we would do it and there is nothing tree huggers could do about it. We don't and why do you suppose that it? Because its to damn profitable not to drill here. Face it how much would exxon be making with $60 oil. We people can cry and cry just like the border will never get fixed either even though there is over whelming support to fix it so why doesnt it? Once again and agenda and profits.

3# You lost your house. I have no sympathy for you as IT IS EQUALLY YOUR FAULT. Prove to me someone held a gun to your head forcing you to sign the mortgage documentation that clearly indicated what your payments would be during rate increase periods etc. You failed to plan and now you have lost your house. It is your fault and you should be ashamed of yourself. Further you will now forever have to indicate on mortgage loans that you have defaulted on a home loan. You will now have higher interest rates and less of a chance of home ownership.

Your right it probably was half of this guys fault but heres my problem with the interest rates....the fed has been cutting the fed funds and discount window and printing all sorts of money we dont have but yet the actual mortgage rates are going up why do you suppose that is? Dont tell me because it takes time to work through the market because I promise you that is not why. The havent because banks now have a license to print money and make a hell of a lot of money in the spread. If they borrow for 2.25% from the fed then lend it for 6% heh they are making some change.

My overall point is dont trust anyone and being a vet you of all people should know that and trust me no matter how much propaganda that is out there big business looks out for big business and not you and me and if you think otherwise I have a bridge in brooklyn for you too.

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