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Activity on the Job Boards...

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posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 04:56 PM
I'm unsure where to put this, but here's an interesting thing that has happened to me...

I have a number of job agents out, looking for my job, and something happened today with one of them.

I got a long list of positions, many with position "titles" such as:






All from the same company, Island Events, Inc. In each case, when I looked, it was a recruitment into D.A.R.E. Here is how they describe themselves:

D. A. R. E.: This year 36 million school children around the world--26 million in the U.S.--will benefit from D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the highly acclaimed program that gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence. D.A.R.E. was founded in 1983 in Los Angeles and has proven so successful that it is now being implemented in 75 percent of our nation's school districts and in more than 43 countries around the world. D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons that teaches children from kindergarten through 12th grade how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives.

Now if this isn't a bunch of bull. I wondered who those ads were targeted at with the wording of the "opportunities..."

Does this strike anyone else as odd?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 05:04 PM
I don't get it.... it all sounds good and well to me.... I actually kind of want to sign up for it..... what are the requirements?

ahhh, anyway.... what do you see that is wierd about it?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 05:09 PM
Oh, my! There's more! Though I had to look harder to find "D.A.R.E. America" posted in other job postings from another company called Empire Promotions, the postings looked like this:



Entry Level Marketing, Public Relations, & Communications


CUSTOMER SERVICE - Get started with a new career!

I think there are more...

Oh, yes. Event Promotions has "D.A.R.E. America" tucked into their postings (under "CUSTOMER SERVICE - Get started with a new career!") and says this in its posting:

In 2000 460,000 deaths were attributable to drug abuse. To help stop this problem We have joined forces with one of Americas leading drug awareness programs; D.A.R.E America.

Notice that they don't say that 453,762 - or thereabouts - were alcohol related. But of course, alcohol is not what they go after. Misleading?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by WishI
I don't get it.... it all sounds good and well to me.... I actually kind of want to sign up for it..... what are the requirements?

ahhh, anyway.... what do you see that is wierd about it?

Don't you think it's weird to saturate a large area (this was all New York area) with misleading "job opportunities" by at least three different "shell" companies, rather than recruit straightforwardly?

EDIT to add: I have been doing this online job thing for over 5 years, off but mostly on, and I have never seen this phenomenon.

[edit on 3/19/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 05:18 PM
ahhh, maybe..... ...I think I get your drift though, as I am completely against drugs being illegal. ( even the deadly ones, I am wierd like that )

but this dare thing.... and it being about awareness and all that jazz is TRUELY AWESOME depending on how they go about it.

these things are really addicting, and they do completely ruin lives. though, I am also all for one making their own decisions and having to live with them.... that's life and I like it.

I can't help but feel a little bad, so I am definately all for it. Spread the awareness and help young minds control their minds..... though again! there is alot more in our minds to control then just addictions..... like "ghost" manipulators.........and on and on and on and with facts like: our sexuality is chosen for us...our desires are forced upon us...what flavour ice cream we like is not our choice but what our genes "tell" us......

and no one ever notices or cares unless it gets them into trouble... no one seems to care unless religion tellls them it is wrong and they grow up thinking so only to find they "feel" differently

arg I am rambeling...

oh yeah, as for the job notice.... I think it is ok... they start off with something broad and encompassing... like want to be a writer? which is a good thing to attract many eligible in that broad field.... and then they narrow it down and also try to inspire I suppose..... hmmmmm

[edit on 19-3-2008 by WishI]

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 06:33 PM
These "ghost" companies are probably sourced by location, or are affiliates of the parent company responsible for the DARE program to do recruiting. It's a pretty common practice really.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by WishI
ahhh, maybe..... ...I think I get your drift though, as I am completely against drugs being illegal. ( even the deadly ones, I am wierd like that )

Not so weird. I am for full legalization myself. Prohibition merely spawns evil.

but this dare thing.... and it being about awareness and all that jazz is TRUELY AWESOME depending on how they go about it.

You do know that:

DARE has been around for a number of years and basically consists of police going into schools and doing "talks" about the evils of drugs, and then trying to get the kids to rat out their parents...?

That study after study has shown them to be ineffective? In fact, they may actually increase drug use?

That they use shady statistic (like that one about 400,000 + deaths being "drug" deaths, when in most of those, the drug is alcohol)?

They lie (calling themselves "the highly acclaimed program" which they are not - is but one).

That the tactics could be seen as analogous to the patriotic meeting the kids went to where they were instructed to report any "unpatriotic" behavior at home in George Orwell's 1984.

these things are really addicting, and they do completely ruin lives. though, I am also all for one making their own decisions and having to live with them.... that's life and I like it.

Which things are really addicting? Which things ruin lives? Marijuana? The only ruining of lives that that drug is doing is related to prohibition and the legal system, not the use of the drug. Oh, don't get me started.

I can't help but feel a little bad, so I am definately all for it. Spread the awareness and help young minds control their minds..... though again! there is alot more in our minds to control then just addictions..... like "ghost" manipulators.........and on and on and on and with facts like: our sexuality is chosen for us...our desires are forced upon us...what flavour ice cream we like is not our choice but what our genes "tell" us......

My guess is that you are unaware of the reasons we have a War on (some people who use some) Drugs. You believe that it is the evils of the drugs, when it all has to do with protecting market share, building a business out of the prison-industrial slave complexes, sidestepping the Bill of Rights by sanctioning property seizure without due process, and worse.

and no one ever notices or cares unless it gets them into trouble... no one seems to care unless religion tellls them it is wrong and they grow up thinking so only to find they "feel" differently

arg I am rambeling...

oh yeah, as for the job notice.... I think it is ok... they start off with something broad and encompassing... like want to be a writer? which is a good thing to attract many eligible in that broad field.... and then they narrow it down and also try to inspire I suppose..... hmmmmm

[edit on 19-3-2008 by WishI]

If itwas anyone other than DARE, I wouldn't have given it a second thought.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by BennyHill
These "ghost" companies are probably sourced by location, or are affiliates of the parent company responsible for the DARE program to do recruiting. It's a pretty common practice really.

I guess. But a) why so many companies? b) Why all posted on the same day on the same site? c) Why the grossly misleading "Job titles?" I mean, nowhere in the actual posting except in the header does the job description mention 750,000 children vanishing a year. It's all "Come work for us!" hype.

And d) Why have I never seen this phenomenon before?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 08:37 PM
well, you definitely got me. I am still all for awareness raising and "resistince training" .... but what they are doing is pretty useless I must agree... and you even covered the reason why. (they do it for the wrong reasons) and then they get support of people like me! well not me... but people who wanna save the youngins..... damned government is clever.... 2000 years atleast of knowledge being passed down.......sigh

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by WishI
well, you definitely got me. I am still all for awareness raising and "resistince training" .... but what they are doing is pretty useless I must agree... and you even covered the reason why. (they do it for the wrong reasons) and then they get support of people like me! well not me... but people who wanna save the youngins..... damned government is clever.... 2000 years atleast of knowledge being passed down.......sigh

Awareness should be raised about how we are hunting, arresting, processing, trying and imprisoning our citizens so that some of us can make money. The most vile, evil, heinous behavior I can imagine.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 01:36 AM
Well, for adults to even remotely be able to work with children and teenagers specifically it takes a special rapport that not every adult can do. As a veteran of Ohio's T.I. (Teen Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and other Drug Abuse) founded 1968 and a member of Ohio's most successful Medicine Show (teen actors performing comedy skits on drug/alcohol education and prevention), I often was asked about D.A.R.E. and its effectiveness and how I would improve it by officers, officials, politicians and others. As both a participant and youth staff member in T.I., my opinion counted. I have sat in on a few presentations by a few different "Officer Friendly's" for observation and evaluation and a couple of Just Say No presentations.

Since many have had the D.A.R.E. lecture, I'll skip quite a bit of the details and explain the other programs. Both T.I. and the Med. Show work on the idea of positive peer pressure. By establishing the idea that fun can be had without drugs and alcohol, a person can take a leadership role by declining a beer or a joint at a party to give less confident people a role model so they are not the only one declining. The concept is similar to basic idea behind Just Say No without all the preachy overtones. Not to say that T.I. did not provide the information. As both participant and youth staff I had a couple "bibles" which were about a ream and half of information, studies, how to guides for conducting events on regional, county, and local levels (planning, financing, known donors and sponsors), contact information to various mental health boards and drug and alcoholism councils, contact info for numerous recommended psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors and quite a few peer counselors, T.I staff and youth staff all over Ohio...yeah, I was even listed as a contact at one time.

Now the thing about T.I. was that the "bible" (named that for its size. Was a reference book and not a rulebook used as the sole guiding principal. Information from studies were dated in some cases, guides for presentations were written a bit on the dry side yet stressed that they were outlines and not step by step instructions. Another difference was how things were structured, youth staff were very powerful, even more so when elected by peers to regional offices than common Adult Staff and appointed Regional Directors. I had to have a Regional Director removed during a Regional T.I. due to his attitude and demeanor towards both youth staff and participants because he just didn’t relate well.

T.I. worked somewhat. Many participants and former youth staff did eventually experiment in their college years where binge drinking and drugs are more readily available and they have lost their comfort level of their old high school peer group. Just Say No, was a program geared towards elementary aged children and failed horribly at junior high and high school levels. D.A.R.E. has changed a bit over the years due to evaluations and local interpretation of the guidelines so my opinions are somewhat dated however it still remains a police officer giving a lecture. Originally it was a fully uniformed officer using the name of “Officer Friendly”. My top two suggestions were to give and use the actual officer’s name and change the dress to a more relaxed jeans and department sweatshirt or t-shirt. Enough reviews had those comments so it became “I am Officer_______, but you may call me Officer Friendly, if you like.” and wearing D.A.R.E. t-shirts and sweatshirts. I have watched big-time presentations that included using a white Lamborghini with conversion to a full police package with came in the possession of Franklin Co. Sherriff’s Department from a drug seizure via the good old boy network with slides and video played through a projector to the classroom sized presentations with flip charts and even just the present chalkboard.

Every presenter was crisp, usually somewhat dry, gave a polished speech with little deviation (except the big-time production) and very few made and kept the needed connection with the audience. Even the teachers were bored but paid attention enough to make talking points for discussion. The hardest observations were elementary classrooms because often the kids were more interested in why I was there watching than what was being said. Kids find accepted strangers fascinating and when it is a teenager instead of an adult they automatically receive full attention because they understand that we are not adults and that we are doing something that not every teenager is doing automatically means it is more important or special in some regard. Again attitude and rapport can make or break the situation and information presented/accepted.

Of all the things along these lines was a narcotics detective from Montgomery Co. that gave a presentation he self-developed. I was with him all afternoon through three presentations as an assistant and observer at his request because he knew of my involvement in T.I. and I held the office of Regional Youth Coordinator at the time so he knew that I was a contact. He had an outline that he followed and ad-libbed. But what made his presentation good was that he allowed questions and discussion at anytime including at the end and his presentation material was actual confiscated drugs, about $2.5 million street value in 1988. He would talk about different drugs, how it looked like and its classification and effects. Eventually someone would ask if he could show them he would toss bags of pot into the audience so people that never seen it could. And gave the hard line cop stance by designating me (acting like it was random) and a couple others as responsible for the bags and would be arrested if they were not returned. At that point I would stand up (encouraging the others to also do so) and watch the crowd and usually spout off something along the lines “Yeah, you heard what he said so don’t screw me over.” in a stern concerned tone to get a laugh. To my surprise after the presentation he always talked about his effectiveness and how different jokes went over. We were only the second school he had visited so he was still refining his shtick and liked the input. But he understood that without making a connection that it was pointless and realized as an adult and an officer that job was harder, which is why he didn’t like the D.A.R.E. program.

So to the OP, not sure why D.A.R.E. would be looking to hire people unless it is for a rewrite of the program or instructors for the officers for making presentations unless finally the program is going to become a bit more public in scope instead of the exclusive domain of police officers.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Ahabstar
So to the OP, not sure why D.A.R.E. would be looking to hire people unless it is for a rewrite of the program or instructors for the officers for making presentations unless finally the program is going to become a bit more public in scope instead of the exclusive domain of police officers.

Well, it's interesting. All the positions are "entry level..." "No experience." "We train..."

So I have no idea what they're up to but surely they aren't looking to actually fill what appeared to be 20 or 30 positions, ENTRY LEVEL positions, all in the same metro area...

This may be an attempt to start files on youth?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Well, you can always apply to find out what is going on. After having a good night's sleep and looking at it fresh, I would suspect by posting in general want ads they are looking for police officers that are somewhat bored and disenfranchised with their jobs and positions but didn't repond to internal recruiting drives for D.A.R.E.

But then again, they might be taking in regular joes because budgets that are not fully spent get cuts the following year. Always the chance of D.A.R.E. following EOE guidelines by posting open positions eventhough repondants from the general public are not "qualified" enough or over-qualified for the position. I have responded to similar ads and interviews in the past for other jobs where it was going to be an internal hire but yet they had to have it open to the public.

Case and point would be at the hospital where I used to work as security and would fill-in for my supervisor when he was out on sick leave. Yet twice now, I have not been qualified enough to interview for his old position since he retired two years ago. The original hire could not perform duties of his job and hired a helper to do it, who was a part-time cashier from the cafeteria. Supervision of workers isn't an exclusive talent tree but keeping chain of custody of records for the EPA and other federal regulations tends to weed out the skills list and qualified applicants when $10k fines can be thrown around for not keeping paperwork straight and guidelines followed to the letter.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Ahabstar
reply to post by Amaterasu

Well, you can always apply to find out what is going on. After having a good night's sleep and looking at it fresh, I would suspect by posting in general want ads they are looking for police officers that are somewhat bored and disenfranchised with their jobs and positions but didn't repond to internal recruiting drives for D.A.R.E.

Somehow, I don't think listings like the ones I saw are well chosen if the goal is to entice police officers... I mean, "FASHION/COSMETIC DIVISION: MARKETING POSITIONS: ENTRY LEVEL" is not something most policepersons would be likely to say to themselves, "THERE's my JOB!"

But then again, they might be taking in regular joes because budgets that are not fully spent get cuts the following year. Always the chance of D.A.R.E. following EOE guidelines by posting open positions eventhough repondants from the general public are not "qualified" enough or over-qualified for the position. I have responded to similar ads and interviews in the past for other jobs where it was going to be an internal hire but yet they had to have it open to the public.

I can't imagine D.A.R.E. was merely "following EOE guidelines" with misleading postings... If these were legitimate EOE things, the actual title would be posted, along with a clear-cut job description. They wouldn't post something basically irrelevant to the position as the job title, post 20-30 posts all at once, on the same day, in a localized area, each with a different "slant" on what appears to be a basically a call for kids (young adults) to send them information.

Case and point would be at the hospital where I used to work as security and would fill-in for my supervisor when he was out on sick leave. Yet twice now, I have not been qualified enough to interview for his old position since he retired two years ago. The original hire could not perform duties of his job and hired a helper to do it, who was a part-time cashier from the cafeteria. Supervision of workers isn't an exclusive talent tree but keeping chain of custody of records for the EPA and other federal regulations tends to weed out the skills list and qualified applicants when $10k fines can be thrown around for not keeping paperwork straight and guidelines followed to the letter.

I don't say that what you describe doesn't happen. I'm just betting that the job you are aiming for has never had three different "shell" companies out on the web, posting it with a job title like, "Five Million Affected by Disease," all on the same site, on the same day.

I'm just saying this is weird.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 03:41 AM
a little off topic maybe, but these govt agencies that deal with kids always use grossly manipulated wordings, an example is 750,000 kids go missing each year.....that is incorrect, there may be 750,000 kids reported but its mostly parents freaking out cause johnny or janie isnt home for dinner cause there at thier friends house.

Remember in the 80s there was a scare of cults and sex slavey groups kidnapping children and the media kept saying 1million kids go missing each year is the US? if that was true THERE WOULD BE NO KIDS!!!!!!!

what they dont say is that 99.98 percent are found within 24 hours look it up

it just bugs me, you can manipulate wording in the reporting numbers of numbers so easily, blatent lies for more money

good old fear mongering

[edit on 21-3-2008 by drock905]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by drock905
a little off topic maybe, but these govt agencies that deal with kids always use grossly manipulated wordings, an example is 750,000 kids go missing each year.....that is incorrect, there may be 750,000 kids reported but its mostly parents freaking out cause johnny or janie isnt home for dinner cause there at thier friends house.

Not off topic at all. It points out the deception that creeps me out. The many postings and the wide range of dishonest "positions" and the multiple companies and all. Why are they saturation marketing with such bs?

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:40 PM
More proof that the language of statistics should be outlawed. I can imagine how many times as kids we were taught things that were just not true - all made possible by 'statistics'. Look at the polling industry, it is amazing what they can get away with saying.

If these 'youth' oriented 'employment' opportunities are all targeted in one area it must be for some purpose. Don't you think?

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:40 PM
Maybe it has to do with the booths set up outside my local Walmart yesterday. There was a guy with a table pedalling DARE shirts and hats and asked me if I wanted to..... whatever, I didn't let him finish, it was raining out, but I thought it was odd that they came in and are perched where the Salvation Army stands at Holiday time.

Maybe it's to hire more people to pedal their gear at local stores to "create more awareness".

Just wanted to put my $.02 in.


posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by BennyHill
These "ghost" companies are probably sourced by location, or are affiliates of the parent company responsible for the DARE program to do recruiting. It's a pretty common practice really.

I guess. But a) why so many companies? b) Why all posted on the same day on the same site? c) Why the grossly misleading "Job titles?" I mean, nowhere in the actual posting except in the header does the job description mention 750,000 children vanishing a year. It's all "Come work for us!" hype.

And d) Why have I never seen this phenomenon before?

IMO- companies and organizations like D.A.R.E. are turning people into civilian police officers. I posted some comments in an "are you being followed"? thread which may help to explain some things. Hitler did the same thing as do most fascists/communists by enlisting the public in policing themselves. These organizations do very little to stop a problem and their focus is spying, reporting and terrorizing people who take drugs (some of these people should be locked up) which is the very nature of their vigilante work.

Indoctrination is tricky stuff and most people fall victim to this because of a serious need and desire to help victims. These organizations exploit people's heroic fantasies and thats about it.

Very sad and effective trap.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 02:08 PM
OH GOD I KNEW IT....its just like america hiding behind peace love and freedom....IT IS ahg....the villians are too smart.

and good people don't the villians survive and the villians kill and stay alive to keep their smarts and the good die and lose their smarts so the only good people around are "newbies" all dumb and fall prey and and and and AHHH GOD WHYYYY

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