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North American Union What are we gonna do about it?

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posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 09:01 PM
It has occured to me that with the impetus for unions, and the signing of cross border military assistance pacts,between my country and yours (Can.-US)
Whaat the hay are we supposed to do with this baby?
Is this a fait accomple`as your french speaking prospective americans would say?
Or do we actually have a slim hope in hell to stop this juggernaught from steamrolling three countries into one giant police state?
As my American brothers and fellow little people what is your take on resistance?
Is it gonna be like fighting the borg?"Resistance is will be assimilated".
Or do we have a guerillas chance to take to the bush and hold off the federal forces to preserve our national soveriegnties?
Probly not without a great deal of organisation and liason between the ones doing the sharp end of the resistance.....
Does anyone else see a chance for many bloody massacres to take place under the guise of thwarting the" terrorists" who dont want to go along with union?

Lets face it, a goverment who could massacre 3000 odd people to provide itself with excuse for war.etc,could easily order the gunning down of any number of its people.
I am wondering what your thoughts are on this resistance futile?
Do the federal armies hold all the cards in termss of defeating determined militias?
And most of all, im wondering what the ordinary people will think when the guerillas start toi blow up stuff.....(i am practically sure they will to some extent....)
The National Guard units who i count on to at least not fire on the people of their own towns and states are deployed out of CONUS aand the troops that will be used to quell these civil unrests will be from other places and will not identify wth the people.
Are there really 160,ooo railcars with staunchions for handcuffs etc built into them sitting on sidings throughout america right now?concentration camps springing up ?Wheres the pictures of all these concentration camps that are supposed
to be under construction?
I am willing to believe the goverments are totally capable of all and aNY kinds of abuses to preserve their own lives and power.
But wheres the evidence?
And what do you think we have to do about it?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by bergle[/

I stand amazed that there are no other people wondering what our reply to joining a political union with two other countries,without so much as a decent public discussion!
Are there really no Canadian, American, nor Mexican patriots who would fight such an attempt to the death?
Is it such a great idea to join together as one nation that virtually no one but me has any misgivings at all?
Will there be none to feel so strongly as to be willing to take up arms to oppose this?
How about a general strike then?
I have a nasty feelingh that living in denial now plays into the hands of the union planners somehow.....
No petitions?no marches?
no complaints?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:34 PM
It is better to have a one world goverment? Where no nation are fighting each other.Which there peace between the nation. That is really what their goals are.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:35 PM
I think we have a rifleman's chance to win. I'm damn sure not going to roll over.

We will be labeled terrorists if we fight. Call me what ever you want, it doesn't change what I am.

Good luck my friend to the North!!

We have to become modern day pirates to win this. Take their stuff and use it against them, or just destroy their stuff.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by bergle

You can always send them an email and let them know what you think at

They're even nice enough to get back to you if your question/comment isn't blatantly rude. I do believe they are having a meeting either this month or next month in New Orleans.

Other than that, you can sign off on pointless petitions, have some pointless protests and eventually accept and love what big brother is doing for us. Violent reactions to the new union will be dealt with in a violent manner by our blackwater friends. I think they have a plan written out somewhere. We don't have a choice in it, start bending over now and just accept it. We make such good sheep, I am so happy and everything will work out fine.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by bergle

The NAU is a win-lose-lose situation. The Mexican citizens win, and the US and Canadian citizens lose. It's that simple. The NWO wants it because they won't have to worry about "illegal aliens" any more. They just redraw the border to include Mexico, and now they're NAU "citizens, entitled to all the rights of the NAU. They can work for slave wages legally now, draw welfare, collect unemployment, social security, and the former US and Canadian citizens can pay for all these goodies that the 110,000,000 Mexican NAU citizens will receive.
What a deal!
Deal or no deal?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by bergle
The NAU is a win-lose-lose situation. The Mexican citizens win, and the US and Canadian citizens lose. It's that simple.

I wouldn't say it's that simple. There are a lot of potential draftees down there in Mexico, maybe Canada too, if the new Empire should need them. They'll be lining up fast for 3 squares a day, a rifle in their hands, and some of those Ameros, which they can exchange for goods at the Amero Corporation company store.

Welcome them with open arms, you'll need them, to mop up the middle east, and Vensualia, and the rest of South America. Don't worry about Russia. They will belong to China-Mart on that side of the world. The rest of Asia too.

Or maybe not too. A big natural disaster could come along and put a stop to any kind of a united one world order upon Earth. God forbid there should be any kind of global union and order upon this stinking human infested feuding world, ha.

Stay divided, humans, see if you'll win win win that way then.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 11:44 PM

Don't worry about Russia. They will belong to China-Mart on that side of the world.

I don't think that you've been following the Russian economy lately. It is the fastest growing economy in the world, due in part to its natural resources, but also in no small measure to opening the floodgates of capitalism.

Check out the above, (as well as hundreds of sites that reveal similar statistics) before you dismiss Russia.

They'll be lining up fast for 3 squares a day,

I wouldn't call MRE's three square meals. they don't serve steak and lobster on the front lines.

[edit on 19-3-2008 by ProfEmeritus]

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 11:57 PM
I'm interested to see how the protest in Washington DC will turn out this summer, who knows what could happen.

There is no way there wouldn't be a war. Many understand that a blatant North American Union or One World Government would quite simply turn out to be a tyrannical mess; fighting against the NWO will never stop. We have to remain relatively sovereign.

However, many may succumb to the NAU or NWO through fear, such as a major war that forces us to combine (which is how the EU was formed after WWII).

We must affirm power unto the people. There are three major powers that I see: Government, Corporate, People. And too much power usually leads to corruption; perhaps that is why we often separate ourselves from the government and corporations, because so many of them have turned into something inhumane. Of course there are other powers... It gets so confusing at times.

The big picture.

[edit on 20/3/2008 by Nyorai]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
I don't think that you've been following the Russian economy lately. It is the fastest growing economy in the world, due in part to its natural resources, but also in no small measure to opening the floodgates of capitalism.

Yes, I can see how China-Mart would find that appealing.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 10:25 AM
Im not so sure that rolling over is a viable proposition really.......
Nor do i think that the interests of each nations citizens are served with these grandiose schemes that the neocons seem to be counting on to pull them through the inevitavle back lash that is comming because of their policies.
Which seem to me to be predicated on all costs because(like the Nazis)defeat becomes unthinkable as the whole house of cards falls down with the next one.
That is the thing i see happening with the neocon leadership,they are too focussed on their plans to see that their plans are going in the crapper far more often these days, such inflexibility costs.....
I would like to know more about the resignation of Fallon and wonder if hes the last voice of reason left in the control room.

Regarding the union, its been on the ways for over three years actively planning by combined military and goverment as well as business and law....theres a highway from texas to alaska starting up the middle of the comntinent,(this will extend to the tip of central america later.....)
Laws are now being passed and the impetus seems inexorably getting into motion that soon will be impossible to stop.
With the new military assistance agreement its possible that Canadian troops will be patrolling American Cities, as US Boys get sent here.....
That coupled with the Whackenhuts and Blackwaters would be sufficient to put the lid on civil disorders and revolutionary activity.
(not to mention the other police and civil service slaves,as well as the new corporate deputies etc.)the mounties are already an occupying federal army in most provinces.......therir police stations are like little self-contained forts with total outside access denied except by being buzzed in.
They might as well be KGB stations....certainly not police(remeber?protect and serve?)

Slowly a picture is eemerging as to what we can expect in terms of actuallly how this will be brought for the 9/11-2 scenario........(where did that cruise missle get to?)

When one looks at the natural resources that would then become available to the mil/indust/complx,as well as the potential for expanding the fortunes of those who already own everything it seems a no brainer that
the neocons are counting upon this very thing to pull them out of hot financial waters.....
Recent estimates of mexicos oil reserves as well as new technology to remove oil sands reserves would make the north american union self sufficient in oils for some time.
Water well....Theres lots of everything right next door both ways why not take it by absorption?
I see it comming as an inevitability because if it doesnt happen then the neocons are gonna be screwed.
Theyll not even allow a vote on this of that im fairly siure, and if they do, the situation will be manipulated by problem reaction
What Can be done ?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 10:29 AM
What do we do about it? Make a list so we can start moving product!

Canadian whiskey-South
Canadian Lager- South
Cervesa- Stays put
Mezcal- North

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:45 PM
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." -President John F. Kennedy

I'm not condoning violence, but I think if the American people do not have their vote on this one the more "militant" of patriots will take a stand, possibly offensive. I prefer the defensive, and will only resort to violence if they come onto my personal property and try and violate my Constitutional rights. In the words of Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death." There are worse things than death.

Speaking of Constitutional, will the Constitution still have any relevance in an NAU? I mean, it doesn't hold much water even today, but will it just completely disappear with our borders if such a thing happens?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:47 PM
Why should we do anything about NAU? I fail to understand why it's so bad, even assuming it does the stuff people say it's going to.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by chromatico

"By the people, for the people." Were you asked by anyone if they could erase the borders of your country?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by an3rkist

How do you know there won't be a referendum?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by chromatico

Well in my opinion the NAU is speculation anyway, though the NAFTA thing itself bugs me quite a bit. And that whole highway they're building in Texas that another country is going to own? WTF? Anyway, in answer to your question: I don't know. But rumor has it the plans are already in place. And I doubt the majority of American people would think an NAU was kosher. So assuming the NAU becomes a reality, I doubt we will be asked if it's okay with us. (Unless they deceive us into doing so...)

EDIT: "They're" is a conjunction, but I mistakenly used "their". I'm a grammatical nightmare!

[edit on 20/3/08 by an3rkist]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:55 PM
What I'm going to do about it is march right down to my local NAU office and see if they're hiring anybody with my qualifications. I imagine there will be a lot of new government jobs open up when it happens, they'll probably good paying, and with good benefits, too.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by an3rkist

Another country is going to own the superhighway? You know this how? Even if this is true, why would that be bad?

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
What I'm going to do about it is march right down to my local NAU office and see if they're hiring anybody with my qualifications. I imagine there will be a lot of new government jobs open up when it happens, they'll probably good paying, and with good benefits, too.

Why would they pay you well when they can pay someone from south-of-the-now-defunct-border half and not have to pay them benefits? I'm not mocking Mexicans, but they are generally willing to work for less pay. And if they become citizens of the same union, there won't be any paperwork/citizenship problems to deal with...

Originally posted by chromatico
reply to post by an3rkist

Another country is going to own the superhighway? You know this how? Even if this is true, why would that be bad?

This site might shed some light on the issue.

Cintra landed first concession Trans-Texas Corridor

Cintra lands the first concession for a toll road in the Trans-Texas Corridor project in the US.

Madrid, Spain - The project represents an investment of approximately 1.3 billion dollars in the construction phase and the concession will run for 50 years. Segments 5 and 6 of State Highway 130 (SH130), which have a total length of 40 miles (64 kilometres), represent an alternative to the highly-congested IH35 between San Antonio and north Austin.

The operation is coherent with Cintra's strategy: profitability, long-term concession, majority stake, and sizeable investment in the world's most developed economy.

Cintra continues to work under its 50-year strategic partnership for the design and planning of the 1,300 km Trans-Texas Corridor. With this project, Cintra will have a stake in companies managing 23 toll roads (3 pending final award) in Europe, North America and Chile; it is also Spain's leading car park operator, managing over 240,000 parking spaces.

This would be bad because the tolls being paid on it are funding a foreign company. They are not funding your highways or anything else local. (I'm speaking to you as if you're a Texan, because even Texans are Americans and your state could be next!)

[edit on 20/3/08 by an3rkist]

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