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I think I am done

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posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 12:45 AM
I am done. I think if by the end of this week, people don't see what is happening around them, I am going to shut up, stick my head in the sand, and become a total recluse.

Everywhere I go, it's all the same. People are so deluded with hope in the world that they think everything is fine and dandy, yet are totally blind to the problems they are creating all around them as if it will never come full circle and bite them.

Oh well, at least I tried.

I rest my case.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:33 AM
I was just sitting outside going over my list of survival equipment and other supplies. Trying to think of every possible thing I might need.

Then I had a revelation. I don't know one person that is planning for a disaster except my brother. I wonder what people are thinking or more correctly not thinking.

My daughter and I went to Home Depot today. She got a call while we were there and I overheard her say mama's doing her survival thing buying solar lanterns and other things. Later I heard her tell her brother how silly I was.

I feel like I am responsible for my family's survival. It infuriates me. Why aren't my friends and family planning for a possible disaster. What makes it even more upsetting is that we live in a hurricane prone area.

I felt like giving up. Then I got over it and realized there were a few more things I needed to buy.

Oh well. life goes on.


posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by dizziedame
That's the typical response I get from friends and family as well. Rest assured, if anything should happen, the very same dissenters will be camped on your doorstep expecting you to put them up.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 07:33 AM
It's ok Ben. I've been doing the recluse thing myself. Not by choice but by health issues. It's no great shakes. Even my two dogs are getting aggravated with me because I only let them out in the backyard instead of our bi daily constitutionals. I know. I know, I know. Times these days are complex indeed. Be strong.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Ben, i know exactly how you feel.
Maybe we are in a different dimension, seeing things up closer and worrying while the rest of the world look down to us as alarmists, nut jobs, and kooks.
I watch the world go on around me and not one person family or friend is ever willing to talk with me about the sad state of the world, Bush's war, the oil situation, (Oh well), never mind the possible planet X,
that always puts me in the nutjob category if i even dare insinuate anything about aliens, my own family changes the subject and do not want to hear my crazyness. Basically, my head is in the sand unless i come here and let my hair down and express my feelings just to vent.

Its not that i fall into the nut category at all, people like me, my family and friends come to me for advise, etc, but just one mention of anything on the fringe and that's it. I'm out.

You would think by NOW even the straightest of humans would be wondering certain things, right? :bnghd:

Not happenning and people are looking forward to a wonderful existence, which to me, just aint gonna happen.
I'm glad you started this thread. It restores my faith in some humans.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 08:20 PM
Well, I know when I wrote the original post where I was at, but thought that all I have done and conceived in mind and body was totally worthless, but I see that maybe it's not.

The jury may still be out and we will see what this weekend brings.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by ben91069
we will see what this weekend brings.
And just what is the weekend supposed to bring?

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

A planting of the smallest seeds.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:53 AM
Ben9 ... you do what you do. We all do. If you believe in what you're doing, that's all that should matter to you, right ?

You'll never have everyone agreeing with you or even liking or approving of you. That's life.

There are people with whom you don't agree, right ? Whom you regard as 'weird' .. right ? People you don't like .. right ? People of whom you don't approve .. right ?

If catastrophies occur .. you'll believe yourself vindicated. To your mind, you will have proven that you were right all along.

If on the other hand, no catastrophies occur .. then at least you'll know you did what you believed to be 'right' in preparing for them.

Common wisdom claims that 95% of the things we worry about .. never occur. So it may be that those you know have heard this and are living accordingly.

You could die tomorrow of some mundane but unforeseen event.

On the other hand, you could live to be 99 years old without ever experiencing anything worse than a broken toe.

Your preparations make you feel better, more secure.

Others may believe that if a large scale catastrophy occurs, no amount of preparation will save them.

You can't live other's lives or make decisions for them, despite the best of intentions. All you can do is what you believe to be right for you ... and allow others to do the same, whether or not you agree with them.

If you believe becoming a recluse is the right thing for you, then do it for that reason .. not because others won't behave in the manner you wish them to. Otherwise, you'll become a recluse for the wrong reasons.

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 02:08 PM
There is always a period where you no longer belong to the ignorance of the past yet have not placed your feet firmly on the soil of enlightenment. Just keep moving forward and know that you will be surrounded by people of like mind when the dust of the cosmos settles. It really is the darkest before the dawn, thing is you have a flashlight and backup batteries. Lol keep going forward you are very cool to even be aware when others are still asleep and dreaming!

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by ben91069

giving up and becoming a recluse is never the answer. sometimes you have to accept that some people just won't listen.

just stay strong, my friend, and try your best to open people's eyes.

that's all you can ever do. you can't force it upon others, but you can make things easier to see.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by ben91069

Find a good hobby man. Don't worry about what others do. You know whatever happens to our country, our planet, our species will happen. Even world leaders are limited in the amount of change they can force on people.

Go out there and find something that brings you joy.

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 07:46 PM

Everywhere I go, it's all the same. People are so deluded with hope in the world that they think everything is fine and dandy, yet are totally blind to the problems they are creating all around them as if it will never come full circle and bite them.

I see you are from Ohio so possibly this could mean something.

I go to Ohio State. What is surprising about the Universities atmosphere is that people are very receptive to what is really going on. When I am in class and we get into some kind of political or social discussion, people are listening. Even when I mention conspiracy theories. People come up to me after class and ask me to go into more detail about this stuff.

So many people of all walks of life have come up to me that I am trying to start a club. I already personally know a few Political Science professors who are willing to be the academic adviser.

As far as those I have spoken to, I have told them about ATS (and warned them).

This has happened within the past week!

I guess the way to help people understand is to not BLOW THEIR MIND with some videos of Bush turning into a reptile (lol), but to take what they already know and explain why. The easiest way this occurs for me is to explain why both Republicans and Democrats suck. This opens the door, and luckily, the average college student is a bit more willing to really research this.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by ben91069
I am done. I think if by the end of this week, people don't see what is happening around them, I am going to shut up, stick my head in the sand, and become a total recluse.

Everywhere I go, it's all the same. People are so deluded with hope in the world that they think everything is fine and dandy, yet are totally blind to the problems they are creating all around them as if it will never come full circle and bite them.

Oh well, at least I tried.

I rest my case.

Don't worry about it, just put the same time and effort into the world around you rather than here for a while. A bit of Direct imput rather than Speculative for a change. It's better to help one person see the truth when you can look them in the eye, than try to get through to a few thousand strangers who are just words on a screen.

Have fun ATS isn't obligatory once your a member, this is my second post for about 8+ months. lol

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by ben91069

First off, I feel your pain! :-)

And all any of us can do is to point things out the best we can here, but the better front is, in public, at the store, any store, to another customer or to the cashier, make your comments. Plant the seeds of doubt, just like the enemy has done to us. It's the only way we can fight back, friends, neighbors, garbage man, whenever you feel moved to point out something that has been bugging you, do it! Maybe, just maybe, some souls will be saved in the process.

But don't give up, just give it a rest, [ it sounds like you're a bit burned out,]
and after you rest up a bit, go back and keep squawking, just don't be obnoxious about it.

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 08:11 PM
You can thank the media. Droning messages going on and on. "everything is okay" what we should worry about is brittany spears""the only options for a candidate are the ones we constantly show and praise" "people who seek the real truth against the media's views are conspiracy theorists or just downright crazy"

The media is feeding ignorance


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