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The Mind Portal!!!...A Map of Attraction!!!

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posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 05:41 PM

It is good to be here! I will briefly introduce myself, I am known as Jozen-Bo. I have been presenting a discover of mine that unfolded recently that I call the Mind Portal. What is the Mind Portal?

To give a brief answer it is a Mind Map, a Time Map, a Calender, a Door, an Attractor, a Grid, a Canvas, a Ruler for measuring Patterns, a device for gathering information, a reflection of experience, and still much more. I will provide a picture to help give a mental image of what we are discussing:

When this map is filled in with a code of symbols that are developed on an individual basis to keep a record of how one is spending their time and what events are occurring in their life, the calender presents a powerful tool for gathering information about one's life and a means to further integrate this information's value. I will provide a picture of the first code I developed and tracked into the first year I began this experiment:

By jozenbo at 2008-02-26

As one can see, this calendar and its code (which is one year of my life recorded in this example) has been placed on a wheel and can be spun around. To further investigate the means by which we can gather information I have been exploring this possibility. I have been having some interesting results!

I will provide a FEW of the results in a list:
1-My perception of time is slowing down. The days seem much longer.
2-I have been have more dreams, longer and much more vivid.
3-My mind is thinking much faster.
4-I am seeing patterns in ways I can't describe.
5-I am seeing through time potentials.
6-I am becoming very sensitive to the Energy all around me.
7-I have been having many new ideas pass through me more then before.
8-I am organize time differently.
9-I see/perceive reality much differently then before.
10-I have been seeing energy, over 50 different types, as it moves about from place to place. Amongst these types, I have observed thought energy as it vibrates and spins out from the thinker's mind.

I have been investigating this Mind Portal in search of its full potential for a long time now. I have noted that it can be used also as an: auto-suggestion device, a spinning poem page, a spinning art canvas, a birthday map, a business map, a dream map, a read-out map, a mathematics map grid, a yantra for meditation on the energy within forms and colors, a speed learning tool (place in an alphabet and spin the information into your mind), a modulation map, a planning tool, and still more.

I thought I would provide a picture of a Yantra I developed a few years ago to train the eyes and activate what is known as the Crown Chakra in tantra yoga:

By jozenbo at 2008-02-12

This is based of some fascinating material I learned about while studying tantra, the difference between this yantra and the one I saw is that this one is configured into a spiral and it unveils a different dynamic pattern then the ringed version. I found that using this mantra alone trained the eyes enough to see Energy that I never saw before.

Before I run out of space for this introduction, I thought I would provide a link where I began the first thread about the Mind Portal. It reads 160 pages on Microsoft Word, so it provides a good deal of information. I look forward to any questions, comments, or other forms of participation this community has to offer. I will now provide that link:

Questions will uncover answers, I encourage anyone to ask anything that will help them understand and gain knowledge about this Event as it unfolds during these Times.

Thank You!!!

All the Best,

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 05:50 PM
very interesting... and WELCOME to ATS

hows your ability to feel things before they happen? ive meditated an done quite a few exercises to open my mind, an still have the ability to feel/know when things are gona happen, now not everything mind you but quite a few, an also finding things is easier if i close my eyes..... like actual object my wife or kids lose i can find em by closing my eyes an walking to where i think they are can even use my hand an feel heat in the direction of the object, but none the less i find em.

Ive been able to do a number of things that i cannot explain,

you may very well be onto something if i could understand it more an will once i have the spare time. great post and keep us further informed.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Trance Optic
very interesting... and WELCOME to ATS

hows your ability to feel things before they happen? ive meditated an done quite a few exercises to open my mind, an still have the ability to feel/know when things are gona happen, now not everything mind you but quite a few, an also finding things is easier if i close my eyes..... like actual object my wife or kids lose i can find em by closing my eyes an walking to where i think they are can even use my hand an feel heat in the direction of the object, but none the less i find em.

Ive been able to do a number of things that i cannot explain,

you may very well be onto something if i could understand it more an will once i have the spare time. great post and keep us further informed.

Thanks Trance Optic!!!

I will get back to your first question in more detail soon, I can say for now that it won't be a short answer.

There is already what appears to be a lot of information about this, but it is actually hardly any. This is a mystery, because we have no Official Records anywhere about it! I have searched everywhere and discovered bigger questions then I did answers! I have much information to present, it will take time, and I will certainly keep you as informed as I possibly can. Though at the moment its a wee past my bed time and I have go to get ready for work tomorrow!

Thanks again Trance Optic!!!

All the Best,

[edit on 16-3-2008 by Jozen-Bo]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Jozen-Bo

Well, certainly nobody can accuse you of lack of originality...

And for all I know, your gadget just might work.

Why not create a very simple website where people can download your PDF - and they could also donate to you, for your time and energy if they felt like it?

Thanks, anyway.

[edit on 16-3-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by Vanitas
reply to post by Jozen-Bo

Well, certainly nobody can accuse you of lack of originality...

And for all I know, your gadget just might work.

Why not create a very simple website where people can download your PDF - and they could also donate to you, for your time and energy if they felt like it?

Thanks, anyway.

[edit on 16-3-2008 by Vanitas]

If you try out my gadget you will discover for yourself that it does work. It works 100% of the time, given that one knows how to work it.

I would love to make a website, thats a very good idea. It takes time and I am limited on this at the moment. I am giving the PDF files out for free along with a 40 page introduction manual under this link:


Donations would be nice, I could use the additional resources to further my research. I am in a jam at the moment and have roughly two weeks to secure my income or I may end up flying back to the USA where I can find work much quicker. If I ever get the time, I will develop a Website.

I thought I might leave another link where there is a 160 page (after copying it into microsoft word) long thread where I first presented this work. It provides a great deal more information and could be very useful in helping to understand more about the Mind Portal.
(I realized I just provided this link already, but here it is again.)

The Work is certainly Original!!!

Thanks Vanitas, for the Encouraging words and good suggestions!

All the Best,

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Jozen-Bo]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 03:37 PM
What's the end goal for this project that you expect.

What's the code on the wheel?

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Shawn B.]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Jozen-Bo

Thanks, Jozen-bo.

I hope you keep posting here.

P.S. You might consider uploading it to SCRIBD, too - it gets a lot of traffic!

And by the way: I read some of your discussion about your "code" composition on the other website (forum). I must say I found your approach - listing your fields of interests etc. - rather brilliant.

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 05:02 PM

I would love to make a website, thats a very good idea. It takes time and I am limited on this at the moment.

It doesn't necessarily take a lot of time. You can, for example, just open a blog - it doesn't have to be a "daily" or anything - where you can explain everything you want, and then you can put a button for donations somewhere. Also, a blog would enable you to reply to comments and such with little or no fuss.

But it's your decision, obviously.

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Shawn B.
What's the end goal for this project that you expect.

What's the code on the wheel?

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Shawn B.]

I have no Expectations of the End Goal of this project, I doubt that it even has an end to begin with.

The code on the wheel is a system of symbols I use to keep track of my life. I can read it like you read these words. The symbols communicate what I have done for the day, how I felt, who I met, did I dream, and other things. This is a Time Map for reviewing time. Those symbols provide knowledge that helps to strengthen Memory and expand awareness.

Thanks for the questions, Shawn B!!!
Feel free to ask anymore if you want.

All the Best,

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by Vanitas
reply to post by Jozen-Bo

Thanks, Jozen-bo.

I hope you keep posting here.

P.S. You might consider uploading it to SCRIBD, too - it gets a lot of traffic!

And by the way: I read some of your discussion about your "code" composition on the other website (forum). I must say I found your approach - listing your fields of interests etc. - rather brilliant.
[edit on 18-3-2008 by Vanitas]

Thanks, Vanitas!!!
I will keep posting here, but there may be gaps in between the replies, as I am so busy and have to juggle time all the time. I am going to upload to SCRIBD as you advise...I appreciate your advice tremendously!!!

Thanks Again, Vanitas!
If you have and questions or comments, I would be happy to see you post them!

All the Best,

[edit on 22-3-2008 by Jozen-Bo]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Vanitas

I would love to make a website, thats a very good idea. It takes time and I am limited on this at the moment.

It doesn't necessarily take a lot of time. You can, for example, just open a blog - it doesn't have to be a "daily" or anything - where you can explain everything you want, and then you can put a button for donations somewhere. Also, a blog would enable you to reply to comments and such with little or no fuss.

But it's your decision, obviously.

[edit on 18-3-2008 by Vanitas]

I appreciate you further advice! I will begin to put together a website in the next few weeks if my situation stabilizes (work...). I find your advice about the blog excellent and want to begin immediately (you have influenced my decision)! I have already begun blog under MSN (my space). Could I build on it there? Or is there a better place that is easier to start. I would also like to get that donations bottom going, is this difficult? Thanks so much, Vanitas!!!

All the Best,

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Jozen-Bo

I am not familiar with the MySpace proceedings (I use BLOGGER) - though I am sure it would give you enormous exposure. But then, you can "syndicate" your own blog, you know
- I mean, you can have a duplicate blog on more than just one blogging space.

I hope somebody here can help you with advice regarding MySpace.

BlOGGER is good because it gives you quick and uncomplicated access to "widgets" (my, what a horrible word...), including JAVA script. You just paste the code where you want to have it. In this case, that would be a DONATE button. I suppose you can get those from any number of sources. A friend of mine who co-runs one of our blogs uses the Paypal option (because it seems to be the most convenient one for many people). She just went to the Paypal website (you have to have an account there, of course), selected the button she wanted to have and pasted it in the sidebar of the blog.

It may sound complicated (or not), but it's really not. It does take some time - but not too muc, and once it's done, you can forget about it.

I hope you get the exposure - and the support - you deserve.

[edit on 22-3-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Vanitas
reply to post by Jozen-Bo

I am not familiar with the MySpace proceedings (I use BLOGGER) - though I am sure it would give you enormous exposure. But then, you can "syndicate" your own blog, you know
- I mean, you can have a duplicate blog on more than just one blogging space.

I hope somebody here can help you with advice regarding MySpace.

BlOGGER is good because it gives you quick and uncomplicated access to "widgets" (my, what a horrible word...), including JAVA script. You just paste the code where you want to have it. In this case, that would be a DONATE button. I suppose you can get those from any number of sources. A friend of mine who co-runs one of our blogs uses the Paypal option (because it seems to be the most convenient one for many people). She just went to the Paypal website (you have to have an account there, of course), selected the button she wanted to have and pasted it in the sidebar of the blog.

It may sound complicated (or not), but it's really not. It does take some time - but not too muc, and once it's done, you can forget about it.

I hope you get the exposure - and the support - you deserve.

[edit on 22-3-2008 by Vanitas]

THank You Vanitas!!!
I got the Blog started and I got that Donate Button on it as well. I provided 22 links where Information can be gathered regarding my efforts to get the Mind Portal attention and to share it will other people! I can't thank you enough!!! You have been a tremendous help!!! THANKS!!!

I thought I might provide the Link to the Blog I started under your advice:

The Donate button is at the bottom of the Blog. I still haven't gotten those files uploaded to the site you provided, I got caught up so I am going to do it tomorrow (I have planned to set aside the time to do this).

Again, Thank You for the Help, it is much appreciated!!!

Best Regards,

PS. If this ever takes off then I would be happy to have someone such as yourself as a partner in its development- your advice and guidance has been very helpful!!!

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Jozen-Bo

You are much too kind, Jozen-bo.

Good luck with it - you deserve it!

P.S. You mentioned MySpace: if you already have an account (or were planning to open one), be sure to post some of the information and the LINK to your blog there, too. I don't visit or use it myself, but I do know that it can give you huge exposure.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Vanitas
reply to post by Jozen-Bo

You are much too kind, Jozen-bo.

Good luck with it - you deserve it!

P.S. You mentioned MySpace: if you already have an account (or were planning to open one), be sure to post some of the information and the LINK to your blog there, too. I don't visit or use it myself, but I do know that it can give you huge exposure.
[edit on 24-3-2008 by Vanitas]

Thank You Vanitas for your help. Maybe it will turn into something???

Exposure is the one of the main ideas at this point. It is work. Still, it is also lots of fun, like a game of chess. I will be very happy to see this more and more out of my hands as time rolls on, as it takes time for people to fully realize what new potentials we are considering.

I would go on to discussing the more subtle structures and processes within this system, but I am so busy these days and have to prioritize my time. I will try to get around to it sooner or later, though in the meantime if anyone has any questions; I do enjoy hearing them.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 07:21 AM
I have built a database to collect information that may help to lead to a better explanation of what the mind portal is, by now I have heard numerous reports from those who've observed the wheel noting a change in their perception. I'll go ahead and leave that link:

If anyone has any questions, thoughts, or comments please go ahead and post them.


posted on Aug, 1 2009 @ 05:14 AM

I haven't had internet for a while and recently got my connection I am back catching up on some of my threads. If anyone has any thoughts, comments, or questions feel free to post them here.



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