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UFO Orb Propulsion -Creating External Vacuum -No G-Force

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posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by GoldenGalaxy
Don't you think that a true vacuum would not even have any gravity at all.
Perhaps the aliens counter gravity with an anti-gravity modulator when
creating the vacuum to make the vacuum as pure as possible.
Of course there can never be a completely pure vacuum that a mind knows
about because the awareness of that mind would permeate the vacuum.
(a slight variation on Heisenberg's Principle).

So you're not just talking about a vacuum or the vacuum of space, you are really talking about nothingness- a total absence of matter, thought, perhaps even the universe as we know it. What we should then be looking for is not how to create a vacuum that can guide a craft, but how to negate existence itself in an effort to create a well of nothingness to which that craft is drawn.

As far as gravity in a vacuum goes, I can tell you that there is gravity in a vacuum tube. I used to work with them when I would help my father build guitar amplifiers. Occasionally, we would come across one with a manufacturing defect and an internal element would break loose and rattle around inside the tube. I can tell you that gravity did have an effect on it as the broken element would always find the bottom and short the whole thing out.
In case anyone is unfamiliar with them and is curious as to what they look like, here is a link to a picture of some vacuum tubes that I found on a google search. I think that they are 12AX7 tubes. Vacuum Tubes

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Goosenapper

Right, I am talking about a completely purified vacuum except that
thought could be allowed in since in many of these advanced alien craft
are hooked up directly into the minds of the aliens. Direct thought controlled
craft would be more spontaneous and lessen the split seconds it takes for
eye-hand coordinated craft.

I am not talking about vacuum tubes though I prefer the old speakers
and amps and the continuous waves of analog sound to the broken
sampling of digital sound. Keep any of those old vacuum amps they
may be worth something.

I wonder if any scientists out there know if anyone ever came up with
a completely pure vacuum and what the results would be.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 11:47 PM
Obviously when an advanced race of aliens creates a vacuum it is light years
beyond what today's scientists with today's technology can produce.
Therefore we don't really know what this vacuum created by these aliens
is capable of. I take it to mean that these aliens can create a

totally pure vacuum

outside their orb, a vacuum that doesn't contain gravity since these
advanced aliens would have a better handle on what gravity actually is.
Today's scientists are extremely primitive when it comes to understanding
these forces like gravity and neutrinos etc. Never mind being masters
of these forces like extremely advanced aliens.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Yup. Vacuum.

See Coanda Effect.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Chakotay

That seems more like a leaf blower than a vacuum. It's blowing air along a curved surface to generate lift. That's a cool design, but seems opposite of what GoldenGalaxy is talking about. Plus, all of those people who say that a UFO flew directly over them would have been blown away by the thrust of air. It seems like it works off of the same principle as a helicopter, just without the large rotating blades.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 05:55 PM
In response to the opening post:

Even if you were in a vacume, you would still have a problem with taking a 90 corner at 5K, it's called inertia. Even in a vacume you will continue to travel in the direction that you were traveling untill acted upon by an outside force, (Newton) like a bulkhead or restraint strap etc.. All you have to do is look at the space program to see that inertia still applies in a vacume. (space) Good try though. To take a 90 at 5K, you would have to erect a field that mittigates your mass. No Mass= no inertia. If you tried to do otherwise (i.e. turn a 90 at 5k) all you would accomplish is to strain yourself through your restraints and turn yourself into strawberry colored goo on the bulkhead. Interesting post though.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Warlon

There is one alien abduction case -the Andreasson Affair by Raymond Fowler
where the woman is put into a clear plastic shell and the shell is filled with
some cosmic goo and vibrated as the aliens travel. Plus she has tubes to
her mouth for food and nose for oxygen. Perhaps this was a way for the
aliens to take the abrupt 90 degree turns and not have her plastered
against the walls.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:42 AM
I tend to find the "Gravity Generator" to be the most talked about and accepted theory of a UFO's propulsion. The ship generates it's own gravity field which surrounds it. I've heard some theories that the ship navigates by focusing (or pointing) the gravity field towards a point in 3D space. It would then amplify it's gravity field (apparently it can be amplified just as an electrical current can) It can then pull itself towards that point.

If they truly can generate their own gravity field, then I think that would better support the fact that they seem to be unaffected by the force of inertia. Instant stops and accelerations....right angle turns at unbelievable speeds. Being surrounded by an independent gravity field would be like being in a bubble where anything inside wouldn't be affected by forces outside that bubble.

I would think......but I'm just an average joe who likes to problem solve.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by GoldenGalaxy

What your talking about sounds like a theory that NASA tried called a "gravity couch" the thought is the water/goo has a higher relitave density (meaning you float in it) than we do and when you turn a sharp corner then the goo goes to the outside of the turn and you "float" to the inside of the turn (in the container). Only problem that they had was that the test subjects all ended up with internal organ damage at forces of over 50-60 G's The body may be lighter than the fluid but it doesn't surround the internal organs, so they swing and interact within the body and damage each other. The gravity couch works but you still feel the forces of the lateral G's.

Still don't think that you could take a 90 at 5K+. If you can I would like to sign up to try!!!

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by MrChipps

The possability of a "Gravity Generator" opens up a whole new ballgame.
If you could effect/ generate gravitons to operate the "Gravity Drive" then it wouldn't be very difficult to "bleed" some of those off and feed them to a AG (Artificial Gravity) system and produce the field that I was talking about in my first post above. (the one that mittigates/masks your mass) and then you would be able to take turns/ make manuvers that generate G-Loads up to the production limit of your drive system.

Way to use the Grey Matter MrChipps. But this still doesn't address the system that the poster states (Vacume Drive).

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