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The divided state of the Democratic party.

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posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 08:25 PM
I think that John Mccain could potentially have an easy ride to victory if the Democrats are going to remain divided among each other between Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. One Democrat must push ahead of the other. It doesn't matter who Barak or Hillary at this point but all that really matters is that one of the candidates should be able to have the support of the entire Democratic party so that they can show the Republicans that the party stands behind them and that he/she has a stranglehold on the delegates so that the Democratic candidate can prove that the party stands behind him/her.

I just have this feeling that the elections are rigged and they are trying to make the Democrats divided so that John Mccain can have a potentially easy victory come the general elections.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:43 PM
If there is any conspiracy or attempt to somehow force a specific outcome in the elections, the person responsible is Hillary Clinton. Surveys have repeatedly shown that she stands a negligible chance of winning the election and yet she ran anyway. But best of luck to her, I suppose everyone deserves their chance.

But really this seems like a pretty clean race so far. Say what you want about McCain, but he doesn't seem to have squabbled about votes or been in any questionable 'chad' situations yet.

Whatever the cause, I agree that the divided democratic party has a slim chance of winning the election.

On the same lines, I heard recently that neither clinton or obama can mathematically win the required majority of delegates required by Dem. Party Rules. Does anyone know what happens then?

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 12:43 AM
At that point Super Delegates have the upper hand, which would be Hilary. However, in the event that neither can determine a clear winner then the DNC can have a small group vote or call for a general call at the party convention.

Now I could be crude and say have Bill Clinton stand at the ready to recieve what he is famous for...then lay odds on Obama since Hilary wouldn't...nevermind.

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