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Japanese Scientists eye mysterious 'Planet X'

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:05 PM

Scientists at a Japanese university said Thursday they believed another planet up to two-thirds the size of the Earth was orbiting in the far reaches of the solar system.

To me this is a convincing find for the existence of this controversial Planet, especially this statement, which bears resemblance to the suggested orbit of 3600 years.

Planet X -- so called by scientists as it is yet unfound -- would have an oblong elliptical solar orbit and circle the sun every thousand years, the team said, estimating its radius was 15 to 26 billion kilometres.

The team noted that more than 1,100 celestial bodies have been found in the outer reaches of the solar system since the mid-1990s.

"But it would be the first time to discover a celestial body of this size, which is much larger than Pluto," Mukai said.

So, let the discussions begin

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:14 PM
Actually its already begun:

Japanese Scientist Project a Planet X in Our Solar System

Just thought I'd point it out.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:22 PM
Reminds me of a 70' Godzilla movie.
Wasn't the 3 Headed Monster, aka Ghidra, from Planet X?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by ATruGod

Right, thanks. Didn't realize.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 08:35 PM
Obviouslly if you'd all stop conspiracizing and realize the truth that in the oldest writings of man kind it depicts this planet "2/3" the size of Earth which was once "bigger" then earth collided with this Planet X, created the asteroid belt, and gave way too earth as we know it tooday.

Just look up deep sea scrolls.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:06 AM
Wait, we can see other solar systems from out hubble telescopes but were not sure about a planet x within our solar system?

Yea ok whatever rocks your boat..

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:20 AM
A am not a astronomer, but I think I read that there may in fact be hundreds of planetoids orbiting our star. This is not very surprising, other then the size. It should be our duty to track these objects in the remote chance that one is headed our way.

I would not be surprised to find out that there are a few planets outside the orbit of Jupiter (or farther) that have yet to be tracked and tagged. We may find out that we were lucky to spot Pluto and Charon when we did (and then started tracking it).

to Dscomp:

It is in fact very hard to find these type of objects because they may not reflect light well, or are just too small and too far away. A object orbiting close to the sun (like Vulcan) is probably less likely because we would be able to see its shadow when it passes between the Earth and sun. The farther away you get, less light travel. At a point so little light reaches and then reflects off the planetoid that its becomes nearly impossible to "see" it.

Exceptions could be made if you can find another method of finding them. One way is to find gravity tugs on other known objects. After awhile you can narrow down a to a specific target.

danget, edit 2: When i reference Vulcan I ment it as a example of a object thought to exist, but probably does not. This is to contrast planet X or any other far away planetoid that is much more likely to exist. Sorry for the confusion and super duper edits.

[edit on 1-3-2008 by sampling]

[edit on 1-3-2008 by sampling]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:29 AM
If you don't know about the solar system and universe then you can just hold up.

This planet X that has a OBLONG trajectory is in fact the EXACT description of the planet that was depicted in the deep sea scrolls.

Get ready, to watch another planet go right past earth.

It wont collide.

Divine intervention is happening, thankfully.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:35 AM
If there is going to be divine intervention, then why does the object exist to begin with? If its suppose to be used as proof of the divine being, then would that not destroy the idea of faith? I mean, hand waving and "i told you so" wont mean much anyways because the scientists would just make up a reason why it didn't hit, no matter what.

So in effect we would be back to square one. The skeptics would not believe because they would listen to the scientists, and the believers would still have faith, and proof, but they didn't need proof because they already had faith. So in effect its a waste of time for everyone, including the divine!

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:49 AM
No in 2009 It will come within ...... EXPLICIT view of all humans on earth.

By 2015 It will have each the back side of earth, and the gravitational pulls that will happen inbetween earth and this "Planet X" will cause earth too shift from the 3rd dimensional state into the 4th dimensional state along with completely changing every type of pull on the planet I mean COMPLETE gravitational alteration you must realize it has a egg shaped orbit and by the time its gravity comes into contact with ours

it will throw the small planet out of orbit again for even a longer time.

I can simulate the mathmatics of this in my head people.
This is what will happen.
S= sun
O= earth
o = moon
X = planet x
. = space






Then planet x veers off into space again

[edit on 1-3-2008 by Prophet-Ezekiel]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:54 AM
Do you like stinky*?

Then don't listen too them or let you get put down.
Because when they realize the gravitational fields of earth and complete relativity of earth has been changed they wont be able to be skeptics anymore.

*Moderator edit

[edit on 1-3-2008 by dbates]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:05 AM
Ok I just freaked myself out. I threw together that little ascii simulation in 5 seconds but whats freakier is the fact that it's kind of correct as far as a summer solstice would be, and not only this on the one before the last simulation


It has Planet X, planet Earth, The moon, The sun aligned, and during 2012 all planets in the solar system will align.


posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Prophet-Ezekiel
Obviouslly if you'd all stop conspiracizing and realize the truth that in the oldest writings of man kind it depicts this planet "2/3" the size of Earth which was once "bigger" then earth collided with this Planet X, created the asteroid belt, and gave way too earth as we know it tooday.

Just look up deep sea scrolls.

Uhm.... "Deep" sea scrolls? Really?

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:11 AM
lol love how news sources always find ways of confusing people:

First off, the possibility of planet X has always been present. What the japanese are doing is pretty much trying to either debunk or prove the existance of planet X.

In other words, Kobe University heard a story, and decided to prove/disprove it's veracity so that the case can be closed for good.

What lead to the confusion is that to perform this experiment, the japanese are assuming Planet X exists, and if it does, it must be between 15-26 Billion Km, else it would be either too close to the kuiper belt, or to far away from the Solar System...

If the experiment fails, then it means planet x is not there.

[edit on 1-3-2008 by daniel_g]

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Quazga

Originally posted by Prophet-Ezekiel
Obviouslly if you'd all stop conspiracizing and realize the truth that in the oldest writings of man kind it depicts this planet "2/3" the size of Earth which was once "bigger" then earth collided with this Planet X, created the asteroid belt, and gave way too earth as we know it tooday.

Just look up deep sea scrolls.

Uhm.... "Deep" sea scrolls? Really?


posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:19 AM
There is a planet x.

Or a 12th planet that was once bigger than earth.

But, who knows......we are just being told what we can read.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by Prophet-Ezekiel

To be honest, just like theorists will always find a conspiracy, skeptic will always find some way to explain things away. It does not matter what side is correct.

Also, you state that we will see it in 2009. Does this mean by telescope or by the naked eye? Also, do we know how fast it is moving? If it passes around 2015 then it must be moving very very fast. You have to remember that as it gets closer to Earth and the sun it will speed up.

Earths gravity will stay the same of corse, but depending on X's mass, it could bounce it around to a slightly different orbit. It depends on the mass (as i just said) and the speed (that is very very fast to move from 08 outside of our asteroid belt/mars to 15 right next door). So the effects probably would be minor because the gravity well will pass by so fast.

In the picture you have cited where the planet, moon, sun, and planets are in a line for 2012, but in your other post you said it would be next door to earth on 2015 (the backside of Earth). If the planet is moving at the rates you have proposed, it would be long gone by 2015 if its here for the alignment in 2012 as your picture shows.

A explanation could be that it slows down, but that does not make sense because as the planet falls into the gravity well of the sun it should speed up. The minor pull of the earth would not be anywhere near enough to slow it down, although you are right that it would change direction.

You said that there would be divine intervention. I guess this is as good of a place as any to put it in. So the divine slows down the object enough to be both present in for the alignment in 2012, and in our back door in 2015. Thats 3 years of being very slow. I will assume that perhaps it only moves a little bit away, and its the earth that moves back into position 3 years later.

That would mean that earth would have 3 close calls with X, not 1, so I am not sure how that fits with your theory.

Anyways, just me thinking out loud.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 02:52 AM
100% correct everything you stated above, if there is a planet x.

However the statement of it not effecting our gravity -- I'm not sure if it's gravity, more like some type of "internal" spheres within this rock.

A planet with the mass depicted in the first post would have more than enough power too wack off some major stuff with earth, I mean if it doesn't just smack into earth which is just too hard for me too believe, IMHO.

I say if it is going to be in the planetary alignment It will be insanely visible too the naked eye and in fact it could come inbetween the moon and earth, there is no saying we have no clue what the actually trajectories are or what our cosmic directions are, we aren't that intellegent.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Prophet-Ezekiel
There is a planet x.

Or a 12th planet that was once bigger than earth.

But, who knows......we are just being told what we can read.

Oh man, you had to go ahead and say something about a 12th planet didn't you?

I hope you know you just opened up a can of worms.
There will be some that say "a planet for every zodiac symbol encircling a Sun"

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 01:33 PM
Let me be a little bit more specific.

A twelfth planet was depicted in the oldest known engravings of mankind, and it accurately shows Earth Pluto Uranus the Sun all that great stuff, and this extra "Planet X"

I'm not talking about zodiacs.

I'm talking about science and history and fact.

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