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Some intersting voting facts from behind the scene's

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:01 AM
With voting in the primaries coming up in my state, I thought I would volunteer to be a polling worker, and my wife agreed she wanted to as well. We were chosen and went to fill out the paperwork, and my wife became a voting judge, and so got an extra $10 with some extra responsibility. Besides the fact that we were the only two people that were even half competent in our county, we were also two of the only english speaking. We live in an overwhelmingly white county, with a large pocket of blacks in one particular metro region, so they must have shipped in foreigners to do this, as i cant believe they were all randomly chosen, as was said.
However, there was a man "teaching" the voting class who said he was sick of lying, and let slip some statistics no one is suppose to know. In my county alone, MY COUNTY, 100,000 dead people voted, and it counted. They know they were dead, some dead for more then 100 years. It counted in the election of 2004, and 2002, and in 2000, and they always vote republican. In my county alone over 4000 votes were thrown out do to worker error. 4000! Again in my county alone 15,000 votes were deleted and not counted due to a computer virus installed on the voting machine. My county has according to 2000 statistics 1.3 Million people of all ages. If half our under 18, that leaves 650,000. If we take out felons, that leaves 600,000. If we assume half wont vote, which is way under the average of non voters nationally, that leaves 300,000. 100,000 votes that shouldn't count is a lot, it could completely sway an election, and is completely outrageous.
These facts are also completely unreported, and he said they are unreported EVERY ELECTION. He has been working as an election county official for over 20 years. Thats too many elections to be fraudulent. I have no links to the privately said numbers obviously, and no one would be allowed to report it anyway, so its irrelevant, just thought the community might like to know.
I had to edit my paragraphs.

[edit on 2-29-2008 by Ruggeder]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:18 AM
I suggest you try to dig up anything you can to corroborate that story, and/or contact Bev Harris at

[edit on 2/29/08 by kattraxx]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:09 PM
I really don't see how I could dig up anything on corporate non-published information. Not to mention that if there willing to do this, they'd be willing to kill someone to stop it, and it isnt worth it to me, since I assume it's been fixed for more then 80 years, possibly more. On the other-hand, i will look at the site.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Ruggeder

I can understand your desire to maintain anonymity if your allegations are true, I would definitely check out the black box site and see if there is a way for this to be investigated without exposing your identity.

Let me say that I wouldn't be surprised if this was something widespread, but I will not challenge you to prove any of your claims, I can only say if it is true I would hope that you can get this info to someone investigating election fraud and let them do the digging.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:35 PM
Re-reading my post i was vague in some details. The information came from the polling place itself, from one of there directors, who was the teacher of the class. He is in charge of voting in our county. The fact is, he clearly is completely powerless to do anything. I can sort of understand the throw outs because of user error, sort of. The virus, and the dead voting is too much, way too much, to justify to anyone, and the fact that he said that there is a news blackout on the issue is unacceptable. My wife and I are doctors, we aren't doing the polling because we need the 200 bucks, however i got the overall impression that much of the poor and foreign people at our county library were. Obviously i feel it important to mention how foreigners, many of whom barely spoke English, would never come forward with information because they don't want to be deported, and you also have to ask, how could you "randomly" select barely understandable foreigners for a task so important to this country? It isn't an accident. Considering what i know now, I cant wait to see what happens in the coming primaries, and will promptly report them here, as my wife is the judge, she will be responsible for dropping of votes, throwing votes out because there is a "problem", and any other issue, it should be very interesting.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 07:12 PM
Thought i would update for the people that are interested, we have been informed that in the event of a riot, which they are planning for because of the heated campaign, DO NOT CALL the police, they will not respond, we have to call the sheriff. We were told the police would take over 6 hours to respond to a riot call. There will also be police driving by and some will be stationed at the more "troublesome" polling stations to curb "unwanted" violence. I haven't heard anything from any media about how the elections will erupt into violence, but there taking a lot of precaution this year for it. I'll keep this updated.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 07:24 PM
Wasn't it reported by a reporter actually INSIDE the White House at the time of the last election that a Republican senator bragged that it would be impossible for Bush to lose, as the Republicans OWNED the voting machines??

Enjoy the next four years folks!


posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 06:48 AM
I've seen the reports that showed that bush would be selected no matter how many times you hit Kerry too, and I have family it happened to. IAMMONKEY sent me a link with another countries dead voting
So at least it's not just U.S. Zombies that are politically active.

[edit on 3-3-2008 by Ruggeder]

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 08:33 PM
An update. Just got back from setting up, and the head guy wasn't even there, so people who are uncertified and unqualified, as in us, had to set up the entire voting station, everything there, ourselves. The one "sub boss" who was there was a black woman whose name I will withhold. She told us that on voting day, she tells thousand's of people per year, that they are too stupid to vote, and she sends them away without helping them. That is thousands per year, for over 15 years. She said that she makes people cry, but she hopes it "teaches them a lesson" so they never vote again. Just thought I'd update for anyone interested. Tomorrows is the big day.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 06:58 AM
Why aren't there more flags to this thread? This should be a friggin matter of massive interest for all americans.
Ain't that a little bit more important than the color of Britney Spears' undies?

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Well this was the most pathetic, disastrous, criminal thing I have ever been a part of. They reported precincts in, specifically my precinct, BEFORE I DROPPED IT OFF AND BEFORE WE COUNTED THEM! They reported the early ballets BEFORE WE COUNTED THEM! We had 100's of absentee ballots in boxes uncounted, yet they posted the results! Hilary won in our precinct overwhelmingly, 100 to 1 easily. Yet they reported Obama as winning all precincts. Democrats voted 100 to 1 to republicans easily, and it wasn't a clear cut McCain victory either, yet they declared McCain won BEFORE WE EVEN COUNTED! The entire process is FAKE, everything, EVERYTHING IS FAKE. The entire process is false, and the actual votes are meaningless. I am DISGUSTED by my country for allowing this to happen, and frankly I'm disappointed that even on ATS this isn't garnering the attention it deserves. The implications of this is that THERE ARE NO VOTES! Nothing, not one vote, is counted, they are completely manufactured. Our head BoE guy didn't even show up. We also lost power, and had to close for over 3 hours while we waited for power, and people were turned away. Then again, since the votes are meaningless it doesn't matter. I honestly believe, unequivocally, that the reason votes go into card board boxes, is because instead of counting them, they simply recycle them. I am literally speechless and disgusted. When i got home i threw up, that's how dirty i felt doing this. Next year, they said that all the voting will be done in MALLS, 6 cities to a mall, so that it not only reaches "young" voters, but it boosts the local economy, with coupons handed out for voting good that day only in the mall. Doesn't that seem disgusting and wrong?

[edit on 3-4-2008 by Ruggeder]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:53 PM
If what you say is true, this is high treason and demands swift, if not violent justice. However it does stretch my credulity a bit. The voting results can be challenged and they have to produce a paper trail. How could you consistently hide such a fraud?

The implications are that hundreds if not thousands are in on a vast and heinous conspiracy and have never come forward with the truth. I would try to anonymously contact some news organizations or even some alt. news organizations with regards to your accusations.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:28 PM
You have to produce a paper trail, but lets be honest, they had to in Florida and it didn't matter, they showed people throwing them out, it doesn't matter. You can consistently hide it because people don't have any idea what is suppose to happen. An interesting story, Cops, when they vote, can put any fake address, and use any id they want. They could potentially vote a 100 times, because you arent allowed to question it. Anyway, you wouldn't need thousands, just the media saying, such and such won the republican and such and such won the democrat, and thats it, 99% will drop it, and 1% is statistically insignificant. People come forward all the time, no one believes them, and thats the end of it. It also helps that they hire people who are incompetent and foreign, groups people tend to not believe in the best circumstances. Another story, if there is a problem at the voting district THE VOLUNTEERS ARE FINED $100's of DOLLARS OR THEY GO TO JAIL WHETHER THEY DID ANYTHING OR SOMEONE ELSE THERE DID IT. Like I said i felt sick.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Ruggeder
Another story, if there is a problem at the voting district THE VOLUNTEERS ARE FINED $100's of DOLLARS OR THEY GO TO JAIL WHETHER THEY DID ANYTHING OR SOMEONE ELSE THERE DID IT. Like I said i felt sick.

Ouch that'll put a damper on any dissent from the minions. What we need are hidden video cameras and a few anonymous whistleblowers or something to that effect. I wonder how widespread this is. I certainly thought something fishy was going on in the New Hampshire primaries based on the statistical comparison between the machine counted ballots and the hand counted ballots.

So the powers that be favor Hillary and McCain in this race? I say this because they are reporting that Hillary won in Ohio. Frankly I don't see any difference in the Obama candidacy either. He'll promote globalization and the dismantling of America to pay for the war machine as much as the next guy.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by Ruggeder

I find all this to hard to believe. If this is all true or even half of it true then America is gone for good, its over, its finished!
If you are telling the truth YOU have to report this NOW!!!
Please for god sakes do something now!!!! GO to the Police right now! this is vote fraud.
If you dont you are part of this fraud.
To sit back and do nothing makes you just as GUILTY!

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 03:16 PM
I did report it to the BoE, they said, "we know". They also said the local media, and I assume the national, are not allowed to report on the findings. They told me this face to face. Therefore there is nothing left I can do. I put it on here so people would know, and that's the extent of what I can do. I also agree with cashlink that America is done, my wife and I are currently learning a different language so we can apply for citizenship and get out in the next few years, I've had my fill.

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Ruggeder
I did report it to the BoE, they said, "we know". They also said the local media, and I assume the national, are not allowed to report on the findings. They told me this face to face. Therefore there is nothing left I can do. I put it on here so people would know, and that's the extent of what I can do. I also agree with cashlink that America is done, my wife and I are currently learning a different language so we can apply for citizenship and get out in the next few years, I've had my fill.

It may be time to get out. I don't know what their plans are for the end game, but I have a feeling it's not going to be pretty. I wonder how they enforce their media blackout? I'd suggest that you contact the alternative media. I'd bet worldnetdaily or alex jones would report this if it can be verified.

[edit on 5-3-2008 by SevenThunders]

The other thing to consider is a class action lawsuit against the state of Ohio. This is a pretty serious criminal allegation. I wonder just how widespread this is?

[edit on 5-3-2008 by SevenThunders]

posted on Mar, 5 2008 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
reply to post by Ruggeder

Let me say that I wouldn't be surprised if this was something widespread, but I will not challenge you to prove any of your claims, I can only say if it is true I would hope that you can get this info to someone investigating election fraud and let them do the digging.

I second this suggestion. If even part of what you say is true it should be brought to light. My only question is, if Obama was falsely said to be ahead in all precincts, how come Hillary actually won in Ohio? And she won by a sizeable margin? Somewhere in your state they must have been counting.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 12:53 AM
In reply to Sestias, Obama sued at the last minute to keep the polls open, so I suppose he saw the results coming in and that votes weren't coming out, so I could assume that he thought something was up. As soon as he did that, the news came up that he was winning when it wasn't true, and yes they did eventually declare a meaningless Clinton victory. I say meaningless because even though she won they gave Obama half of the delegates, even though he lost, it was completely pointless, and once again the scam that is the American Voting system is complete. He sued and they gave him half the delegates, when he should have received 0, so what was actually accomplished? They clearly want a certain person in and to unfold a certain way, so they have super-delegate's and delegates that can vote anyway they choose regardless of public approval and anyone they choose is in. Its pathetic.

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 01:31 AM
In Exodus 3:3, Moses wonders "why the Bush won't burn"

Will it take intervention of biblical proportions to stop the despoliation?

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