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Obama's America looks a lot like Canada

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posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 06:40 PM

Pretty much sums socialism up for me... I dont want any part of it in this country.

[edit on 13-3-2008 by West Coast]

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 07:01 PM
Well, by your definition, you'd better move.
Because if capitalism with a welfare state is socialism, it's too late

Anyway two can play at that game...

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
Well, by your definition, you'd better move.
Because if capitalism with a welfare state is socialism, it's too late

Anyway two can play at that game...

Capitalism promotes success by individuals. The movie "Pursuit of Happiness" comes to mind... Only in America, could that happen, not Western Europe. So it is far more easier for an individual to experience greater success in the US then it is in all of Europe. Because of this, Europe suffers from a protracted slow growth rate because of its socialist outlook, which is also true historically speaking. This is Europe's doom.

The US is not a socialist country "yet." You are only being a redundant ass by continuing to insinuate such non-sense. Paying taxes for roads, bridges, etc, etc, is a tax for the public, as it is generally used by the public. If you want to argue and say that is a form of socialism, fair enough. However, it is not the liberal socialist breed that is sweeping western Europe. That is what is to be feared. If we give in with the universal health care, that will be the beginning of the end, and will change this country for the worse. We do not want, bigger government. We do not need nor do we want to, promote laziness. Socialism is "for that"

[edit on 13-3-2008 by West Coast]

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 10:46 PM
Whatever, whatever... I love Canada... Period - God save the queen and all that!
What a beautiful example of how a government should treat their people. LOVE, CARE everyone is equally valuable. Now, of course this is only symptomatic of health care but so what? That is the beginning and a very good one, imho.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by West Coast

So you dont think the growing gap between the poor and the rich (within the US) is something to worry about? America is not a middle class country, it is a working class country, and every year more of its working class slip through the cracks and become poor.

Is it because they decided to be lazy and loose their wages, pensions, and health plans? No, its because jobs are paying less or are being shipped off over seas to cheaper labour markets.

Capitalists argue that to compete with foreign competitors, the worker needs to work harder and longer for less. But often what happens is, when the worker takes this stab, the jobs are shipped over sea's anyways, forcing them into an even more desperate situation.

If you think for a second that US Corporations have any national pride, or any emotional attachment to the American worker, you've got another thing coming to you.

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by West Coast

Yeah I used to be an economic libertarian too, until I grew up and had to live in the real world.

I worked with big business enough to come to the realization that capitalist doesn't necessarily mean meritocratic. Inefficiency and incompetence are not the sole domain of governments, they are endemic to all large organizations, public or private.

Rightist pundits have been promoting the "Europe is doomed" BS for at least twenty years... and look, Canada and Europe have completely collapsed... uhhhh... I mean sure, their money is worth more than ours, their standard of living often higher, but...

... it's all BS.
Europe is still capitalist by any realistic definition.
The "socialism" you find in Europe or Canada is a totally different animal from the "socialism" one finds in say, Cuba.

America is already "socialist" in the sense that there are already income redistribution programs in place, which seems to be your standard of what constitutes "socialist". Has been for at least 70 years, because lassaize-faire capitalism almost lead to the country's disintegration.

It's a shame they don't seem to tech history anymore.

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