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BIOTECHNOLOGICAL UFOS? What do you guys think of this video?

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posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:38 PM
Are these things alive? like a combo of bio and tech?

i cant seem to make the link work!!!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by snowstorm

Here you go:

Did you make this video?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:45 PM
thanks for helping, and yeah, i made the video.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by snowstorm

Thank you for sharing the video.
But you made the video from some photos, right? Could you share the original photos with us?

[edit on 22/2/2008 by internos]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:11 PM
i have to watermark them b4 i post them online.. or at least put some kinda text on them.. i should have pics up by the weekend.. i can't put text or watermark them with this computer. sorry for the delay but i will share them... cuz they are so interesting!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by snowstorm

The problem is that once you watermark them, we'll be unable to extract exif data from the original pictures: a good alternative would be to send the original pictures to one of the site owners just in order to allow someone to extract exif data. What do you think about ?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by internos
reply to post by snowstorm

The problem is that once you watermark them, we'll be unable to extract exif data from the original pictures: a good alternative would be to send the original pictures to one of the site owners just in order to allow someone to extract exif data. What do you think about ?


What is exif data? I'm researching who the owners are.. that said, I am considering sharing my pics with them if I feel I can trust them.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:47 PM
Nice pictures

Dont think i've seen anything looking similar to those.

exif data if i have understood this correct is the properties of your camera, and what the camera brand is and what it is capable of, and it also tells us what kind of settings you used while taking these pictures.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by snowstorm

EXIF is the acronymus of Exchangeable image file format:

They would allow us to get many infos about the photos that you took:

HERE you can see an example of EXIF data extraction:

I guess that the first mod who reads this thread will say you how to do

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 08:51 AM
Nice Pictures. Will be nice to see the final analysis.
We witnessed a similar craft on the night of the eclipse. Two bright white lights (like super bright headlights) with a third white light strobing in near the center, slowly flew overhead at tree level, then stopped. The white lights appeared to implode into one pulsating, multi-colored light that slowly drifted up and to the right. There were white lights being shot out of this craft. But not like the ones we've all seen where it looks like smaller crafts are leaving the mothership. No, these shot out from the top side, then faded out. This went on for at least an hour or more! During this time, two other strobing objects slowly approached this one then vanished. The object gradually went from tree top altitude to ascending up until it blended in like any other star...although the strobing continued. (Sorry, no pictures. Just witnesses)

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:06 AM
Hi there snowstorm,

if you need help extracting your UFO-pictures, send them to JRitzmann (who has his own expert-Forum at ATS) by U2U. He will probably be able to help you, and also analyse the pictures.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:24 AM
interesting video, how long between shots? and did you really need to add fx and music to the video? it only makes it harder to help.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by maj-36
Nice Pictures. Will be nice to see the final analysis.
We witnessed a similar craft on the night of the eclipse. Two bright white lights (like super bright headlights) with a third white light strobing in near the center, slowly flew overhead at tree level, then stopped. The white lights appeared to implode into one pulsating, multi-colored light that slowly drifted up and to the right. There were white lights being shot out of this craft. But not like the ones we've all seen where it looks like smaller crafts are leaving the mothership. No, these shot out from the top side, then faded out. This went on for at least an hour or more! During this time, two other strobing objects slowly approached this one then vanished. The object gradually went from tree top altitude to ascending up until it blended in like any other star...although the strobing continued. (Sorry, no pictures. Just witnesses)

wow... i wish you had a camera so we could compare our photos..

hey so nobody has answered me yet,
do these things seem like a combo of technology and biology? when i look at them in pics and watch them in videos (i have some crazy video of these things near the sun and in the clouds) all i think is, man, they are alive.. they seem to have multiple legs and seem to transform, they kinda remind me of flies or bees.. insects... and if you've ever looked at Egyptian glyphs or art from waaaay back, they show us a sun then an insect then a sun again.. like 3 of them stacked on top of eachother.

anyhow, just wondering if anybody sees this besides me?

[edit on 23-2-2008 by snowstorm]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by miguelbmx
interesting video, how long between shots? and did you really need to add fx and music to the video? it only makes it harder to help.

only a few seconds between shots.

and yes, i really need to add fx and music cuz i like making my movies that way.
yeah , i know i know i know, you just want the hard evidence, but hey, this is
my project, not yours.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:23 PM
George Noory mentioned on Caoast to Coast AM the other day that there have been reports of UFO's in the Stevensville, Texas area that had the traditional UFO with lights on it than transformed into a Jelly Fish type object with lights within it!

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:18 PM
There are several good reports from south America regarding UFO's that seem to grow tentacles,

As for your question,

I never used to have any incling as to wether UFO's where a life form, that is until i saw the tether footage from the shuttle, the objects in that video display intelligent reaction to the tether and each other in parts, so now i do believe at least part of my version of the Ufological question has to yes they are Alive, IMO

That is some interesting footage you have there OP, i cant wait to see the originals up here, what camera where they filmed on?

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 12:41 AM
My only input on this so far is that perhaps you captured something that's actually attached to the ground (like a light on top of a light post), but that's really just a random comment to get people thinking (I suck at determining perspective in shots like this). As far as the color change, though -- notice that the wall of the National City bank also changes color (gets brighter) along with the UFO in the second pic. That makes me think the color change is just from the flash being at a diff. angle in the second shot.

[edit on 2/24/08 by AkumaStreak]

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by snowstorm
hey so nobody has answered me yet,
do these things seem like a combo of technology and biology?

snowstorm, if you wish to look at some serious analysis, then you should contact Jeff via U2U ( click here ) and ask him where can you send him the original images. Frankly, there's nothing to do but to guess what it could be, and after watching the video i'd say that it could be anything
What's the original resolution of the pictures? What was the aperture? What was the exposure time? What was the focal lenght? Can we look at some daylight shots from the same position and with the same perspective? There's a lot of questions that need to be answered and that cannot be answered by the lossy compressed video of Youtube, IMHO.

[edit on 24/2/2008 by internos]

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 07:58 AM
Nice pics snowstorm. I am not a big fan of orbs, however the object above the 'orb' is interesting. There is definitely something there, what it is I can only guess, so I won't. But I am looking forward to hearing what the experts have to say regarding the original photos. Good luck.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by snowstorm
Are these things alive? like a combo of bio and tech?

i cant seem to make the link work!!!

Hi snowstorm and welcome to ATS. You certainly have some interesting photos here.

I have some points of interest here that are bothering me about this whole incident and they are as follows:

* First, curious you find it necessary to include your political affiliation in your "movie" unless of course your just trying to establish a timeline of when these pictures were captured... if that is the case a time and date would be sufficient.

* Second, you claim you took the pictures because "you liked the way the clouds looked"... I find this also extremely curious as it was pitch dark or night time and NO clouds can be seen in your pics.

Now, that being said... as a new member of ATS I'm sure your aware that we pride ourselves in "Denying Ignorance"... my comments are in no way an "attack" against you or your submission, I am merely stating that the few things that jumped out at me right away.

I'm sure your aware of many people trying to perpetrate hoaxes. When I see things like this it raises warning flags for me.

We will wait and see what Jeff says about these particular photos before any determination of authenticity will be acknowledged or refuted, but in the mean time, when submitting "evidence" its best to keep it clean and un-altered, that is IF you want a serious, professional, evaluation of the "evidence" you provide.

To answer your question, IMO some and I mean a very small percentage, may in fact be BIOTECHNOLOGICAL. Many reports have stated that the "ships" are in fact "alive" and possess their own conscience or AI if you will.....

[edit on 24-2-2008 by 1nL1ghtened]

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