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Malfunctioning Spy Satellite A HOAX?

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posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:42 PM
I have a theory... It is that the recently shot down US spy satellite was not a malfunctioning spy satellite at all. In fact, I believe that it was a dummy satellite sent up there for the sole purpose of being shot down to see if we had the technology to do it. They hid this fact under a guise of toxic dangers and the red herring that it was a top-secret "spy" satellite in the first place. This way no one could complain to the UN that the US was conducting illicit space weapon testing.

Now the US military was able to test its ability to shoot out of orbit a satellite, not from a stationary missile launcher, but from a mobile platform. Now that the test has proven a success, the military can be confident in its ability to knock any such satellite out of orbit from anywhere in the world.

Anyone have any thought on this? Or perhaps even some evidence that might point to this? I don't much about the satellite itself that was shot down, but my gut is telling me that this is EXACTLY what this was all about.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:23 PM
Ok... well... over 40 reads and no one shares my suspicion?

Well the folks at the BBC do, anyway... Russia and China Fear New Arms Race In Space

I also have to wonder if the lunar eclipse occuring had anything to do with the timing of this "test"

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Ok... well... over 40 reads and no one shares my suspicion?

I'm guessing it has something to do with the three or four loooong and ongoing discussions on this topic where all kinds of speculation (including the eclipse point you raised) are already being discussed. People are probably not going to flock here to repost all that.


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Gools

Thanks Gools!
Guess you're probably right about that. Feel free to kill the thread (to save server space and all). It won't hurt my feelings.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Kozmo. I don't have much to say, besides what you said yourself.

I too thought about the 'red herring' sat. angle. Since it was a spy sat. we have no idea of its initial cost, right? I imagine it was millions though. And then 60 million to shoot it down. But it has been said that it never worked correctly to begin with, why didn't they shoot it down sooner? Or at the very least, why all the recent 'hoopla'? This plan had to have been in the works for a while I would think.

And in regard to the Lunar Eclipse, I wondered the same thing. Coincidence that the last lunar eclipse happened to be the approx. same time as the missile test fire? They had a 10 day window, and yet they took their first shot, which happened to be a day with lunar eclipse? I don't think so. Not with the US Government/Esoteric connections I personally have seen. Maybe it was a 'happy accident' that their 'STAR WARS' program was successful on the date, but maybe not...

I am guessing that you created this thread to discuss YOUR theory, not have it get swept away with all the other chatter regarding the topic.
Maybe people are not 'flocking' here, but an acknowledgment after 40 or so reads is not too much to ask....

I feel your pain. I have presented several threads since the post feature went down, and have had the same issue. 40 views, no responses. Or on one, 87 views, 1 response. Actually, come to think of it, even before the post feature went down, I had threads that I felt were top notch ideas, ton of views, and they sank like lead weight.
I don't know...


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:54 PM
I don't understand what the fuss was about, it must of been a slow news week, or something.

I agree something fishy, not sure if it was real satelitte or broken satelitte or whatever, but why all the fuss all over the news.

Strange is all we can say, for something i assume they have done before.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by DocMoreau


Thanks for the kind reply. I would absolutely welcome my theory to be swept under the rug - if it was supported by facts that led to that conclusion. I just have a very strong feeling that there is sooooo much more to this than what is being reported. I just can't wrap my head around it and would love to read other's thoughts.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:13 PM
well i for one thought it would of been the main topic in the news, sky a mere mention, bbc a mere mention, rte (irish news) no mention?

strange that!

i heard the chinese were not impressed(a mere mention)!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by kozmo

Why would we need to set up an elaborate hoax as you suggest?
The U.S. has already demonstrated a much more effective ASAT capability from a much more mobile launcher (the F-15). While that exact program was dropped in the early 90s, it proved that we could deploy a mobile ASAT system. In terms of a more general-purpose ASAT capability, the Lake Erie's shot doesn't prove much...this was a very low-altitude shot, and even then, it was on the edge of the SM-3's envelope. What this test *does* prove is that the Aegis / SM-3 combo has a definite anti-missile capability, since a missile RV would be slower, and could be intercepted closer to the ground.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:40 PM
I didn't see anyone mention the fact that the shuttle was in orbit immediately prior to the shoot down. Did any nation have "eyes-on" the satellite prior to the shuttle mission? What's the likelihood that the shuttle carried and released a target into orbit prior to it's rendezvous with the ISS?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:59 PM
Not very likely.
The ISS and the satellite in question were in widely different orbits, for one thing. For another the satellite has been naked-eye visible (weather allowing) there's no point in the Shuttle releasing a 'target', unless you're going to postulate a complex chain of events: NASA launches a Shuttle carrying a large target decoy that's stealthy, so as not to show up on tracking radar or optical observation, then uses the stealthy decoy to stand in for another decoy that's been orbiting for several months. The reflective decoy then goes into stealth, leaving the newly delivered target behind.

Seems much simpler to assume that we had a malfunctioning satellite in the first place.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Brother Stormhammer
Seems much simpler to assume that we had a malfunctioning satellite in the first place.

Occam's Razor takes the fun out of everything.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:06 PM
Why would they need to see if we can shoot down satellites, we did that in 1986.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
I have a theory... It is that the recently shot down US spy satellite was not a malfunctioning spy satellite at all. In fact, I believe that it was a dummy satellite sent up there for the sole purpose of being shot down to see if we had the technology to do it. They hid this fact under a guise of toxic dangers and the red herring that it was a top-secret "spy" satellite in the first place. This way no one could complain to the UN that the US was conducting illicit space weapon testing.

Now the US military was able to test its ability to shoot out of orbit a satellite, not from a stationary missile launcher, but from a mobile platform. Now that the test has proven a success, the military can be confident in its ability to knock any such satellite out of orbit from anywhere in the world.

Anyone have any thought on this? Or perhaps even some evidence that might point to this? I don't much about the satellite itself that was shot down, but my gut is telling me that this is EXACTLY what this was all about.

yeah, i've been thinking about this too.. you might be right.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 10:17 PM
You have a good opinion on this subject however we have had the technology to do this and we have had it for a long time. If anything here is the most likely reasons if it was a cover up.

We were simply testing our missile defense system and a falling satellite happen to have been there at the right time. So we (The U.S Government) used the entire fuel story as a cover up. Now i personally don't mind if it was used for this reason because its for the sake of the U.S.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by kozmo

So you present a theory and then ask us to provide you with the evidence?
Perhaps you should look to where the evidence points, and then formulate a theory, rather than trying to work backwards.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 03:24 PM
I thought it was a hoax too, us spies learnt that the chinese were going to shoot a missile so the us said there was an out of control/danger to mankind satellite they had to shoot down

They done it when the eclipse was on too, coincidence or what?

this is my first post btw, been reading ATS for awhile now, do I have to have a certain number of posts to have an avatar?

I like this place

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by fish69

I think it was a pure coincidence.

There is nothing to suggest that this was a cover up, the story seems pretty simple and legit. A satellite(most likely costing several hundreds of millions of dollars) malfunctions, for a long time engineers attempt to remote fix the problem and get it in proper functioning condition as not to waste to the resources, they fail.

They were going to let it simply fall, but then figured, wait, there's HAZMAT on board, we should minimize the chance for a contamination somewhere and limit a stranger's abilities to get their hands on any advanced technologies that don't necessarily belong to them. This was after all, reconnaissance satellite.

Shattered OUT...

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