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Will the GOOD aliens please stand up?

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posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:11 PM
I know I am not the only one here that believes that when Bush declares Martial Law in the US, ITS ALL OVER!!!!

This is growing very near, and I believe people can sense the impending doom upon us!

My question is this....

There has to be good beings monitoring us. I just know there has to be!

Would they watch us die and be put into camps, like NAZI Germany?

Would they not spoil the plans of evil tyrants by showing themselves to the world?

All they would have to do is protect us!

Can't they see we are struggling?

Can't they see we are overwhelmingly overpowered?

Can't they see there is no hope for us without them?

I feel this coming...

We need their help!

What does the ATS community think?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:25 PM
I like the title, however the term 'monitoring us' makes me feel we are still children would not a better title be - Would the real humans please stand up?

We the sheeple......................................

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:26 PM

I know I am not the only one here that believes that when Bush declares Martial Law in the US, ITS ALL OVER!!!!

This is growing very near, and I believe people can sense the impending doom upon us!

People have had this feeling of 'doom' many times.
WWII was probably one of those times for many.

There has to be good beings monitoring us. I just know there has to be!
Would they watch us die and be put into camps, like NAZI Germany?
Would they not spoil the plans of evil tyrants by showing themselves to the world?

I dont see any difference, NAZI germany and now, if there are any concentration camps, why would they help now?
'They' could have helped during WWII they didn't.

All they would have to do is protect us!
Can't they see we are struggling?
Can't they see we are overwhelmingly overpowered?
Can't they see there is no hope for us without them?

Ofcourse we are struggling, i think it is the cycle of life.

I feel this coming...
We need their help!
What does the ATS community think?

Their help would be apreciated

But i doubt 'they' will give us any.

They perhaps only see us as animals that are still evolving and believe that we should figure things out on our own.
Not trying to be rude though but as you if they would show themselfs there would happen many things, the problem is, WHAT would happen?
Would there be chaos?
We dont know, but a disclosure could mean more trouble for us that what is their intention.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
I like the title, however the term 'monitoring us' makes me feel we are still children would not a better title be - Would the real humans please stand up?

We the sheeple......................................

Well, we are children!

The real humans are the whistle blowers risking their lives to give us information.

True or false, the information still makes one think, does it not?

And yes, sadly, we are the sheeple...

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Balez

Im not talking about the type of "doom" that is recoverable....

I'm talking about the type of doom that changes the way humans live, forever!

I'm talking the type of doom that will leave you with no freedom or any rights to speak of.

The NWO is here.......

Will evil prevail?

For everyone's sake, I hope not....

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:03 PM
There has to be good beings monitoring us. I just know there has to be!

Would they watch us die and be put into camps, like NAZI Germany?
***they apparently watched why is now any different?

Would they not spoil the plans of evil tyrants by showing themselves to the world?
***there have always been evil tyrants as long as there has been civilization, why step in now?

All they would have to do is protect us!
***what would be in it for them? if they are anything like us, they'll want something out of the deal. if not, then they haven't stepped in so far, so nothing much has changed.

Can't they see we are struggling?
***actually, we're more at peace today than the world has ever been, really. the threat of complete destruction can do that to you. even with war in the middle east, etc., it's less than previous periods in history.

Can't they see we are overwhelmingly overpowered?
***as have many been throughout history...why is now any different, you didn't see them swooping in to save Montezuma.....

Can't they see there is no hope for us without them?
***you're assuming of course, that they care...and there is ALWAYS hope...that's the one thing regimes have the hardest time getting rid of....

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
reply to post by Balez

Will evil prevail?

Evil always prevail
is the human nature.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:16 PM
If evil is evil why is it a 'learning tool' for mankind?

Are experiences evil or just different from the norm.

Pain is a learning mechanism in all animals get over it.

But once that organism soothes itself it preaches the light.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:20 PM
Ok, will he declare martial law or will he declare himself a permanent dictator? Which is it because I'm confused.

I know you are concerned but don't you think you are a little paranoid?
I mean, we have been hearing about Bush's martial law for about seven years and still nothing.

I don't know if its true but I heard recently he and Laura were looking at homes in Dallas.

What next, if martial law doesn't pan out?

[edit on 21-2-2008 by Alxandro]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by menguard

I agree 100%


In all the times in history, in all the wars, all the terrible happenings throughout humankind.......This time is different!

We are talking about advanced technologies being used against civilians!

We are talking about the world population being reduced to 500,000 million people!

This is way different than savages wielding spears, we are talking about mind control, RFID implants, DNA modifications, and massive death worldwide.

How are we supposed to learn anything if everyone with the knowledge kills everyone without?

How can we progress as a species, when we are obviously being lied to, and a hidden agenda is behind every aspect of human life?

How can civilians defend against such an imposing force?

We have nothing, they have everything conceivable.

Please tell me how this time, is the same as every other evil time in human history?

This is the END of society as we know it.....

Buckle up folks!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:38 PM
If there were "good" aliens... that'd be "ever so nice". But as Gazrock has said... they haven't overtly expressed themselves in a public and forthright manner in any positive manner that isn't wrapped in an exopolitical-sell-job by some predatory human. Maybe they're just lazy, maybe an agenda of "other" priorities... and maybe they don't even exist anywhere but in the human mind. Wink. Hey, "good" aliens - stand up... don't move a cellular fiber or I'll blow your ------- head off.


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

The human body is the most developed weapon their is, it contains healing light. Technology can be used against the physical body, but spirit overides that.

The human body is a powerful frequency Modulator in itself, change is coming for the better, but not before a cleansing of the emotional kind.

The body itself is just a three dimensional format, without energy it is just a shell, but with the embodied ball of light, it gives the body a direction to form outside of itself. The body is just a skin that can be discarded at anytime. But energy is forever along with thoughts creating existance.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Beware of the bearers of
FALSE gifts and their
Much PAIN but still Time.
There is GOOD out there.
conduit CLOSING

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN

Beware of the bearers of
FALSE gifts and their
Much PAIN but still Time.
There is GOOD out there.
conduit CLOSING

Technology serves physical problems,but not spiritual ones, those 'are the kind that be sought after within the *human spirit* to overide technologies hold of humanity, for the better. But it will widen perception for those That seek solace in hollow homes. 'The Truth is within'.

'The body is the temple of all knowledge but the spirit is the organizer of truth'

[edit on 21-2-2008 by menguard]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
My question is this....

Hi IMAdamnALIEN, below is my personal take in yellow on your questions.

There has to be good beings monitoring us. I just know there has to be!
You are right, there are definitely good beings out there, but also surely bad beings, and our only luck is, that the good beings are in control.

Would they watch us die and be put into camps, like NAZI Germany?
They would, and obviously they doing it for thousands of years.

Would they not spoil the plans of evil tyrants by showing themselves to the world?
The world as you know has had countless tyrants, and they didn’t show themselves then either.
As you probably know they are showing themselves already to the world, but so far not on a giant undeniable scale and with a good reason.

All they would have to do is protect us!
Indeed, was it not that our doing is our own responsibility, so it is a pure human matter, it is absolute not there’s.

Can't they see we are struggling?
They see every thing.

Can't they see we are overwhelmingly overpowered?
Of course, and that good be just the only reason why they will show up, because otherwise we blow ourselves inclusive this planet to Kingdom Com, and I think they don’t want that to happen.

Can't they see there is no hope for us without them?
It is not a matter if they can see that, again, in reality it is a pure human matter, we really must do it ourselves.

I feel this coming...
Your definitely not alone with that feeling.

We need their help!
To acknowledge that is that we as a human race has failed.

[edit on 21/2/08 by spacevisitor]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by spacevisitor
Indeed, was it not that our doing is our own responsibility, so it is a pure human matter, it is absolute not there’s.

I don't see this as a human matter at all.

There are evil beings in control of the human puppets.

I see this as a mix mess....

The good ones must see that there are evil entities controling or in control.

If the evil ones gave our government advanced technology, then how would that make it a human matter.

Its like advanced super beings fighting a redneck with a shotgun. How is that a human issue?

I say no fair

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:58 PM
I disagree with all the pessimist comments here about the future of humanity, i think its time to evolve as individuals and not as specie anymore.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

Wow, i didn't think that people realy worry about NWO NOW
. However i do not live in US ,so i do not feel what you feel. And your cry for help is real. But US has its military, in which there are US citizens, you feel that they will agreebly opress their own brothers?
Ask someone you know,who is in the army if he will act against you. Even the button-pushers are US-citizens.Why do you think that they will go against you?
NWO,as i understand it (warn you -zero knowledge factor
) will advance slowly, each tiny step will be viewed by media/people as great achievment on a way to greater future...All this propaganda will make it work,not military coup. After all "...imagine all the people, living life in peace..." - talks to lot of folks. Why then will those "shadow" guys use arms? Time works for them.
Just my zero cents.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by ZeroKnowledge]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN

Originally posted by spacevisitor
Indeed, was it not that our doing is our own responsibility, so it is a pure human matter, it is absolute not there’s.

I don't see this as a human matter at all.

There are evil beings in control of the human puppets.

Can you provide some more info on that?

[edit on 21/2/08 by spacevisitor]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by spacevisitor

First watch this

Then come back to me sane!

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